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An approximately 4 kb long sequence (designated dh) is located in the centromere regions of all three chromosomes of S. pombe. There is one copy each of dh per centromere in chromosomes I and II and multiples in the centromere of chromosome III. Nucleotide sequence determination shows that dhI and dhII are highly homologous. A part of the sequence (ca. 300-400 bp) contains short direct repeats, otherwise dh is in general internally non-repetitious. Although there are three segmental deletions (total 821 bp) and two insertions (27 bp) in dhII (an 80% overall homology to dhI), there are only nine substitutions between dhI and dhII in the remaining 3980 bp, giving a 99.77% homology. The substitutions are restricted to the non-repetitious domains and are only of the pyrimidine-pyrimidine or purine-purine types. A possible conformational role of dh is discussed.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a region of DNA derived from the end of one chromosome of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Inspection of the sequence reveals the presence of 12 tandem direct repeats, each 36 nucleotides long and having nearly identical sequence. Each 36 base-pair repeat can be further subdivided into three tandem sub-repeats of a similar 12 base-pair sequence. Analysis of total genomic yeast DNA from several strains by Southern hybridization suggests that the number of tandem 36 base-pair repeat units may vary from approximately 8 to 25 among different telomeric regions. Differences in the number of repeats may have arisen by unequal crossing over between them. Furthermore, the finding that the pattern of bases at multiple variable positions within the repeat unit is not random suggests that these regions may undergo gene conversion events that render them homogeneous.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment located on the 3' side of the Coxiella burnetii htpAB operon was determined by Southern blotting to exist in approximately 19 copies in the Nine Mile I genome. The DNA sequences of this htpAB-associated repetitive element and two other independent copies were analyzed to determine the size and nature of the element. The three copies of the element were 1,450, 1,452, and 1,458 bp long, with less than 2% divergence among the three sequences. Several features characteristic of bacterial insertion sequences were discovered. These included a single significant open reading frame that would encode a 367-amino-acid polypeptide which was predicted to be highly basic, to have a DNA-binding helix-turn-helix motif, to have a leucine zipper motif, and to have homology to polypeptides found in several other bacterial insertion sequences. Identical 7-bp inverted repeats were found at the ends of all three copies of the element. However, duplications generated by many bacterial mobile elements in the recipient DNA during insertion events did not flank the inverted repeats of any of the three C. burnetii elements examined. A second pair of inverted repeats that flanked the open reading frame was also found in all three copies of the element. Most of the divergence among the three copies of the element occurred in the region between the two inverted repeat sequences in the 3' end of the element. Despite the sequence changes, all three copies of the element have retained significant dyad symmetry in this region.  相似文献   

We reported previously that the haploid genome of standard strains of laboratory mice contains approximately 70 copies of an amplified long genomic sequence, designated ALGS, that includes a retroposon of the gene for elongation factor 2 (MER). The length of each repeating unit is more than 60 kb, and the sequence of the unit is highly conserved among the repeats. In the present study, Southern blot analysis of the genomes of wild rodents demonstrated that the ALGS is present in all subspecies of Mus musculus and is abundant in M. spicilegus, whereas it is absent in M. spretus as well as in Rattus and other closely related genera. This result indicates that the amplification occurred after the species differentiation with the genus Mus and at least prior to the differentiation of subspecies of M. musculus. To locate chromosomal positions of the ALGS, in situ hybridization was carried out with laboratory strains and wild mice. It appears that the ALGS is located in the centromeric regions of most chromosomes in laboratory mice, M. musculus and M. spicilegus, whereas no positive signals were observed with M. spretus, in accordance with the results from the Southern blotting analysis.  相似文献   

The middle repetitive fraction of the Arabidopsis genome has been relatively poorly characterized. We describe here a novel repetitive sequence cloned in the plasmid mi167, and present in ~90 copies in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia. Hybridization analysis to physically mapped YAC clones representing Arabidopsis chromosome 4 revealed four mi167-hybridizing loci, all clustered near the centromere. No other loci were detected on YAC clones covering chromosome 4. In situ hybridisation experiments to Arabidopsis chromosome spreads showed that mi167-hybridizing sequences are clustered at the centromeric heterochromatin of all five chromosomes; on two chromosomes the hybridization appeared to be localised on one arm. Additional mi167-hybridizing loci were detected, one of which was adjacent to a non-centromeric, heterochromatic region. This work supports the idea that the majority of middle repetitive DNA in the Arabidopsis genome is clustered. It also adds to our understanding of the organization of the centromere of Arabidopsis chromosome 4.  相似文献   

The DNA at human centromeric regions was characterized by using a repetitive sequence, 308, which localizes in situ exclusively to centromeres of all chromosomes. We previously noted that this sequence is enriched on chromosome 6 and has chromosome-specific organization on 6, 3, 7, 14, X, and Y. In addition to this basic organization, sequences homologous to 308 are polymorphic among normal individuals. The variants are transmitted in a Mendelian manner within a family. To determine the chromosome origin of the variants, we studied their linkage to markers of various chromosomes. Linkage analysis of one pedigree segregating two polymorphisms shows that the 2.6-kilobase (kb) BamHI and 2.6-kb TaqI fragments are linked to each other and to the HLA loci on chromosome 6. Data from another family shows that 2.8-kb TaqI, 4.0-kb TaqI, and 1.3-kb BamHI polymorphic fragments are linked and are probably near the Fy locus on chromosome 1. By dot blot analysis, we determined that the relative amount of these sequences in the genome is not measurably different between unrelated individuals. Thus, the polymorphisms represent changes in homologous 308 sequences on specific chromosomes and can be used as chromosome-specific markers. Linkage studies using polymorphisms of repeated sequences will be most useful within a kindred, especially from an inbred population, because polymorphic repeats of the same restriction size may be heterogeneous in origin.  相似文献   

A male-specific repeated DNA sequence in the domestic pig.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

 The middle repetitive fraction of the Arabidopsis genome has been relatively poorly characterized. We describe here a novel repetitive sequence cloned in the plasmid mi167, and present in ∼90 copies in the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia. Hybridization analysis to physically mapped YAC clones representing Arabidopsis chromosome 4 revealed four mi167-hybridizing loci, all clustered near the centromere. No other loci were detected on YAC clones covering chromosome 4. In situ hybridisation experiments to Arabidopsis chromosome spreads showed that mi167-hybridizing sequences are clustered at the centromeric heterochromatin of all five chromosomes; on two chromosomes the hybridization appeared to be localised on one arm. Additional mi167-hybridizing loci were detected, one of which was adjacent to a non-centromeric, heterochromatic region. This work supports the idea that the majority of middle repetitive DNA in the Arabidopsis genome is clustered. It also adds to our understanding of the organization of the centromere of Arabidopsis chromosome 4. Received: 19 February 1996 / Accepted: 30 June 1996  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a group of highly conserved DNA sequences located, in those cases studied, within intergenic regions of the chromosome of the Gram positive Streptococcus pneumoniae. The S. pneumoniae genome contains about 25 of these elements called BOX. From 5' to 3', BOX elements are composed of three subunits (boxA, boxB, and boxC) which are 59, 45 and 50 nucleotides long, respectively. BOX elements containing one, two and four copies of boxB have been observed; boxB alone was also detected in one instance. These elements are unrelated to the two most thoroughly documented families of repetitive DNA sequences present in the genomes of enterobacteria. BOX sequences have the potential to form stable stem-loop structures and one of these, at least, is transcribed. Most of these elements are located in the immediate vicinity of genes whose product has been implicated at some stage in the process of genetic transformation or in virulence of S. pneumoniae. This location raises the intriguing possibility that BOX sequences are regulatory elements shared by several coordinately controlled genes, including competence-specific and virulence-related genes.  相似文献   

A search for genes located on human chromosome 21 resulted in the isolation of a HeLa cDNA clone, pUNC724, which hybridized to 3.7 and 2.5 kilobase (kb) EcoRI fragments on each of the human acrocentric chromosomes. In situ hybridization further localized pUNC724 to the pericentromeric region of the human acrocentrics. Two other EcoRI fragments that hybridized to pUNC724 were assigned to the long arms of chromosomes 1 and 18. The pUNC724 sequence does not appear to be related to ribosomal or satellite DNA sequences. The juxtaposition of DNA sequences homologous to pUNC724 and ribosomal DNA sequences presumably occurred within the past thirty-five million years, following the divergence of the lines leading to man and the New World owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus--pUNC724 is not syntenic with the single chromosome containing ribosomal DNA sequences in the owl monkey.  相似文献   

Rye DNA sequences renaturing with a C0t <0.02 mol·sec/l, are largely undigested by the restriction enzyme HindIII. These HindIII-spared sequences are mostly located in telomeric heterochromatin. When digested with EcoRI* and cloned into the EcoRI site of pBR 325, these sequences yielded clones of two classes when hybridized to a probe of rapidly renaturing DNA. One class contains a DNA sequence which is a major constituent of the telomeric heterochromatic blocks, while the other is a minor component of the highly repeated DNA of the genome. The major component was sequenced, its chromosomal distribution mapped using wheat-rye addition lines and its distribution in meiotic prophase nuclei determined. The minor component is present in significant amounts in wheat as well as in rye and is localized at the terminal heterochromatic regions of three rye chromosomes but not in the major blocks of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) segment containing the two intergenic regions were determined for six species belonging to theDrosophila immigrans species group and compared to the corresponding segments ofDrosophila species which had been studied previously. We found remarkable differences in the evolutionary rates of the two intergenic regions. The Intergenic I region, which lies between thetRNA gln and thetRNA ile genes, was found to be highly conserved in terms of both size (30 ntp) and nucleotide sequence among the species studied. In contrast, the sequences of the Intergenic II region, which lies between thetRNA f-met and thetRNA ile genes, showed considerable variation. The size of the Intergenic II region ranged from 0 to 88 ntp, and accurate alignment was possible only among sequences from geographical strains or very closely related species in thenasuta species subgroup. The observed differences in conservation of the two mtDNA intergenic regions are discussed in light of functional constraints on mtDNA sequences.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial DNA deletion mutants have been used to examine whether base-biased intergenic regions of the genome influence mitochondrial biogenesis. One strain (delta 5.0) lacks a 5-kilobase (kb) segment extending from the proline tRNA gene to the small rRNA gene that includes ori1, while a second strain (delta 3.7) is missing a 3.7-kb region between the genes for ATPase subunit 6 and glutamic acid tRNA that encompasses ori7 plus ori2. Growth of these strains on both fermentable and nonfermentable substrates does not differ from growth of the wild-type strain, indicating that the deletable regions of the genome do not play a direct role in the expression of mitochondrial genes. Examination of whether the 5- or 3.7-kb regions influence mitochondrial DNA transmission was undertaken by crossing strains and examining mitochondrial genotypes in zygotic colonies. In a cross between strain delta 5.0, harboring three active ori elements (ori2, ori3, and ori5), and strain delta 3.7, containing only two active ori elements (ori3 and ori5), there is a preferential recovery of the genome containing two active ori elements (37% of progeny) over that containing three active elements (20%). This unexpected result, suggesting that active ori elements do not influence transmission of respiratory-competent genomes, is interpreted to reflect a preferential conversion of the delta 5.0 genome to the wild type (41% of progeny). Supporting evidence for conversion over biased transmission is shown by preferential recovery of a nonparental genome in the progeny of a heterozygous cross in which both parental molecules can be identified by size polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Several HindIII monomer units of a tandemly repeated nuclear DNA sequence ofBrassica campestris andBrassica juncea (Cruciferae) have been cloned and sequenced. The monomer units, of 177 bp length, are AT-rich and share 88% homology between themselves and more than 65% homology with similar repeats of otherCruciferae likeBrassica oleracea, Sinapis alba andRaphanus sativus. Thus unlike the rapid divergence of tandemly repeated satellite DNA in other organisms, this DNA element is highly conserved thus indicating its importance.  相似文献   

We describe the distribution along the chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans of two repetitive DNA families, RcS5 and Cerep3 and interstitial telomeric sequences. Both families show, among other interesting features, a preferential location in the terminal 30% of the chromosomes. It is known that in these regions of the genome the frequency of recombination is much higher than in the central portion, genes are rarer and sequences important for chromosome disjunction may lie.  相似文献   

A 320 nucleotide repeated DNA sequence within the copia coding element of Drosophila melanogaster has been identified and characterized. This sequence has been localized by DNA-DNA hybridization and electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes to the approximate middle of the 5 kb copia coding region. The primary sequence of this repeated DNA has been determined. The sequence is composed of three related subunits, 35-37 nucleotides in length (A, B and C). This 105 nucleotide higher order repeat has apparently been duplicated twice to yield a complex repeated sequence, ABCA'B'C'A"B"C", which exhibits divergence among the individual subunits. This sequence is AT rich, as are the direct terminal repeats which flank the copia coding region, but does not contain any apparent homology with the terminal repeats. This repeated sequence contains three presumptive polyadenylation signals and two 25 nucleotide, imperfectly matched, inverted repeat sequences adjacent to two of the polyadenylation sequences.  相似文献   

Summary Satellite DNA isolated from female Elapid snakes contains nucleotide sequences which are quantitatively derived from the W sex-determining chromosome. Certain of these sequences are highly conserved in vertebrates, including mammals, where they are arranged in a sex-specific pattern in Southern blots. Sex reversed mice (Sxr) show a DNA arrangement of these sequences in conformity with their phenotypic sex, suggesting that this DNA is closely connected with the determination of sex. In situ hybridization of the snake sequences with mouse chromosomes reveals a concentration of related DNA at the proximal tip of the mouse Y chromosome. The possible nature and significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

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