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The effects of 28 days of hindlimb suspension (HS) and HS plus 10 daily forceful lengthening contractions on rat soleus muscle fibers were studied. Compared with age-matched controls (CON), soleus wet weights of suspended rats were significantly decreased (approximately 49%). In HS rats, the light adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) fibers (staining lightly for myosin ATPase, pH = 8.8) atrophied more than the dark ATPase fibers (staining darkly for myosin ATPase, pH = 8.8). Single-fiber alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities and the proportion of dark ATPase fibers were higher in HS than CON rats. Daily forceful lengthening contractions did not prevent the suspension-induced changes. These results considered in conjunction with a collaborative study on the mechanical properties of HS rats (Roy et al., accompanying paper) suggest a shift in the contractile potential of the muscle following HS without a deficit in SDH, a metabolic property commonly associated with resistance to fatigue. The results support the view that soleus muscle fibers can change from a slow-twitch oxidative to a fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic profile, but rarely to a fast-twitch glycolytic one, and that SDH and GPD activity per volume of tissue can be maintained or increased even when there are severe losses of contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Effects of 16 days of hindlimb suspension and 16 days of ambulation recovery at 1-G or 2-G environment on the characteristics of soleus muscle fibers were studied in male Wistar Hannover rats. The mean cross-sectional area and myonuclear number in isolated single fibers at the termination of suspension were approximately 30% and 25% of the controls, respectively. Satellite cells were distributed evenly throughout the fiber length in the control. However, the number of satellite cells distributed at the middle of the fiber was less in the unloaded rats immediately after the termination of suspension. Both the numbers of quiescent and mitotic active satellite cell per fiber were approximately 57% less immediately after the termination of suspension than controls. The number of satellite cells at the end of fibers was increased first during the early phase of reloading. Subsequently, the number at the middle was gradually increased. The myonuclear number per fiber was also less (approximately 25%) in the unloaded than the age-matched control at the termination of suspension, but was increased following the recovery. Although the mean in vivo sarcomere length of the soleus muscle was shortened in response to plantarflexion of ankle joint, the length at the certain ankle joint angle was increased after 16 days of suspension due to sarcomere remodeling. The length at the proximal and distal, rather than the middle, portion of the fiber was stretched in both reloaded and control rats in response to dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. But it was noted that the magnitude of stretch was greater in the unloaded rats. It is suggested that the fiber end is more stimulated rapidly than the middle portion by the load applied to the muscle during the ambulation recovery.  相似文献   

The morphological and histochemical properties of the rat soleus were studied after 1 wk of hindlimb suspension, one model that removes the weight-bearing function of the hindlimbs. To examine the effectiveness of weight support activity in maintaining soleus mass, fiber size, and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, the hindlimbs of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were suspended (HS) and half of these rats were walked on a treadmill for 40 min/day (10 min every 6 h) at 5 m/min and a 19 degree grade (HS-WS). Significant reductions in soleus mass and fiber size were found after 1 wk of HS. Weight support activity decreased the atrophic response by approximately 50%. In the alkaline myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) dark-staining fibers, SDH activity was higher in the HS than control rats, whereas it was similar to control in the HS-WS rats. Total SDH activity (SDH activity X cross-sectional area) in fibers staining lightly for ATPase in HS and HS-WS rats was lower than in control rats, whereas in the darkly stained ATPase fibers it was similar among the three groups. No changes were observed in fiber type percentages after 1 wk of HS or HS-WS. The results suggest that short-duration, daily weight support activity can ameliorate, but not prevent, soleus atrophy induced by HS. Furthermore, fiber cross-sectional area is more responsive to periodic weight support in dark than light ATPase fibers. These results also demonstrate that muscle fiber atrophy need not be associated with a loss in SDH activity.  相似文献   

The functional capacity of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was examined in the slow soleus of rats submitted to 15 days of disuse produced by hindlimb suspension (HS). By using caffeine-induced contractions of single skinned fibers, Ca2+ uptake, Ca2+ release, and passive Ca2+ leakage through the SR membrane were investigated. In the SR of atrophied muscles, the amounts of Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+ release were significantly higher than in the control muscles and were close to those found for a fast muscle, the plantaris. Moreover, the study of the Ca2+ leakage showed that the time required to empty the SR previously loaded with Ca2+ was reduced by a factor of two after HS. Such disturbances of the Ca2+ movements in the SR suggested that alterations of the SR membrane occurred after HS. The results supported the idea that after hindlimb unweighting the slow soleus muscle acquired SR properties that were very much like those of a faster muscle.  相似文献   

Structural and functional changes in Mongolian gerbil soleus fibers were analyzed after a 31-day hindlimb suspension. Contractile properties of muscle fibers were studied by means of tensometry; the transversal stiffness of different parts of the contractile apparatus was measured by atomic force microscopy, resting calcium level was estimated by fluorescence microscopy by using Fluo-4-AM; cytoskeletal protein content was determined by western blotting. It was shown that after gravitational unloading the maximal force of contraction and specific tension of fiber were significantly reduced, as well as calcium sensitivity actually lowered. At the same time, the transversal stiffness of Z-disk in the relaxed and activated state was decreased significantly compared to the control group. Desmin content was at the control level, but alpha-actinin-2, main structural protein of Z-disk, became considerably less after a 31-day hindlimb suspension. Besides, resting calcium level remained at control values during the simulated gravitational unloading. The data suggest that Z-disk destruction, as a result of alpha-actinin-2 content reduction, leads to changes in the lattice spacing and decreases contractile properties.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional areas and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of soleus muscle fibers and their spinal motoneurons in male Wistar Hannover rats were determined after 16 days of hindlimb suspension. A decreased percentage of type I fibers and an increased percentage of type I+II fibers were observed after hindlimb suspension. Cross-sectional areas of all types of fibers were smaller in the hindlimb suspended than control rats. SDH activities of all types of fibers did not change after hindlimb suspension. Numbers, cross-sectional areas, or SDH activities of spinal motoneurons did not change after hindlimb suspension. It is suggested that spinal motoneurons innervating the rat soleus muscle are not affected by decreased neuromuscular activity on Earth and that gravity itself is important for maintaining of spinal motoneuron metabolic properties.  相似文献   

The properties of the contractile elements interacting to develop force in atrophied rat soleus muscle were studied by using single skinned fibers, which permitted direct access to the contractile apparatus. Muscle atrophy was induced by 15 days of hindlimb suspension. Suspension resulted in a decrease of maximal tension relative to an important decline in fiber diameter. Ca affinity of the contractile proteins was not changed insofar as the tension-pCa relationship was not shifted along the pCa axis. However, after hindlimb suspension 1) the value of the Hill coefficient from the tension-pCa curve was found to be higher, 2) a higher Ca threshold for activation was reported, and 3) a significant increase in contraction kinetics was described. All these results suggested that after suspension the mechanical properties of the slow-twitch soleus appeared to resemble more closely those of a fast-twitch muscle. Our results were in complete agreement with published histochemical data.  相似文献   

Troponin C (TnC) plays a key role in the regulation of muscle contraction, thereby modulating the Ca(2+)-activation characteristics of skinned muscle fibers. This study was performed to assess the effects of a 15-day hindlimb unloading (HU) period on TnC expression and its functional behavior in the slow postural muscles of the rat. We investigated the TnC isoform expression in whole soleus muscles and in single fibers. The latter were also checked for their Ca(2+) activation characteristics and sensitivity to bepridil, a Ca(2+) sensitizer molecule. This drug has been described as exerting a differential effect on slow and fast fibers, depending on the TnC isoform. With regard to TnC expression, three populations were found in control muscle fibers: slow, hybrid slow, and hybrid fast fibers, with the TnC fast being always coexpressed with TnC slow. In the whole muscle, TnC fast expression increased after HU because of the increase in the proportion of hybrid fast fibers. The HU hybrid fast fibers had properties similar to those of control hybrid fast fibers. The fibers that remained slow after HU exhibited similar bepridil and Sr(2+) properties as control slow fibers. Therefore, in these fibers, the changes could not be related to the TnC molecule.  相似文献   

Transversal cytoskeletal organization of muscle fibers is well described, although very few data are available concerning protein content. Measurements of desmin, alpha-actinin, and actin contents in soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) rat skeletal muscles, taken with the results previously reported for several dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) components, indicate that the contents of most cytoskeletal proteins are higher in slow-type fibers than in fast ones. The effects of hypokinesia and unloading on the cytoskeleton were also investigated, using hindlimb suspension. First, this resulted in a decrease in contractile protein contents, only after 6 wk, in the soleus. Dystrophin and associated proteins were shown to be reduced for soleus at 3 wk, whereas only the dystrophin-associated proteins were found to increase after 6 wk. On the other hand, the contents of DGC components were increased for EDL for the two durations. Desmin and alpha-actinin levels were unchanged in the same conditions. Consequently, it can be concluded that the cytoskeletal protein expression levels could largely contribute to muscle fiber adaptation induced by modified functional demands.  相似文献   

Hindlimb suspension (HS) results in whole muscle atrophic and metabolic changes that vary in magnitude in different hindlimb muscles. The present study was designed to investigate these effects in single fibers. Fiber type and size and the activities of two metabolic marker enzymes were determined in a deep (close to the bone) and a superficial (away from the bone) region of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and the tibialis anterior (TA) of control (CON) and 28-day HS adult female rats. Fibers were classified as dark or light adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) based on their qualitative staining reaction for myosin ATPase following alkaline preincubation. Fiber area and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) activities were determined in tissue sections by use of an image analysis system. After 28 days of HS, the mean body weights of the CON and HS were similar. MG atrophied 28%, whereas TA weight was maintained in the HS. Both dark and light ATPase fibers in the deep region of the MG had smaller cross-sectional areas following HS, with the atrophic response being approximately twice as great in the light ATPase fibers. No significant changes in fiber type composition in either muscle or in fiber sizes in the superficial region of the MG or in either region of the TA were observed. Mean SDH activities of both fiber types were significantly lower in the MG and TA following HS. In contrast, mean GPD activities were either increased or maintained in light and dark ATPase fibers of both muscles in HS. Changes in SDH and GPD activity could not be directly linked to changes in fiber cross-sectional area. In summary, these data suggest an independence of the mechanisms determining muscle fiber size and metabolic adaptations associated with HS.  相似文献   

Limb muscles from rats flown in space and after hindlimb unloading (HU) show an increased fatigability, and spaceflight has been shown to result in a reduced ability to oxidize fatty acids. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of HU on the substrate content in fast- and slow-twitch fibers and to assess the substrate utilization patterns in single slow type I fibers isolated from control and HU animals. A second objective was to assess whether HU altered the ability of the heart or limb muscle to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. After 2 wk of HU, single fibers were isolated from the freeze-dried soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. HU increased the glycogen content in all fiber types, and it increased lactate, ATP, and phosphocreatine in the slow type I fiber. After HU, the type I fiber substrate profile was shifted toward that observed in fast fibers. For example, fiber glycogen increased from 179 +/- 16 to 285 +/- 25 mmol/kg dry wt, which approached the 308 +/- 23 mmol/kg dry wt content observed in the post-HU type IIa fiber. With contractile activity, the type I fiber from the HU animal showed a greater utilization of glycogen and accumulation of lactate compared with the control type I fiber. HU had no effect on the ability of crude homogenate or mitochondria fractions from the soleus or gastrocnemius to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. The increased fatigability after HU may have resulted from an elevated glycolysis producing an increased cell lactate and a decreased pH.  相似文献   

This study examined the time course of adult rodent soleus muscle myofibril and myosin isoform protein expression after 4, 8, 16, 28, and 56 days of hindlimb unweighting by tail suspension (S). The time course of soleus muscle recovery (R) was also examined after 28 days of hindlimb unweighting with an additional 4, 8, 16, and 28 days of unrestricted cage activity. During suspension, soleus muscle myofibril protein rapidly decreased from 34.3 +/- 3.1 (1.96SE) mg/pair in the control (C) group to 6.9 +/- 1.4 (1.96SE) mg/pair in S (t = 56 days). The calculated first-order degradation rate constant for this loss was kd = 0.17 days-1 [half time (t1/2) = 4.1 days]. The estimated slow myosin (SM) isoform content decreased from 13.4 +/- 2.0 (1.96SE) mg/pair in C to 2.1 +/- 0.2 (1.96SE) mg/pair in S (kd = 0.19 days-1, t1/2 = 3.6 days). The relative proportion of other myosin isoforms was increased at 28 and 56 days of suspension, reflecting an apparent de novo synthesis and the loss of SM. Recovery of contractile protein after 28 days of suspension was slower for both the myofibril protein and the SM isoform (kd = 0.07 days-1, t1/2 = 10 days). These data suggest that loss of weight bearing specifically affected the mechanisms of contractile protein expression reflected in soleus muscle protein degradation processes. In addition, the expression of the myosin isoforms were apparently differentially affected by the loss of weight-bearing activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to study the effects of a 17-day spaceflight on the contractile properties of individual fast- and slow-twitch fibers isolated from biopsies of the fast-twitch gastrocnemius muscle of four male astronauts. Single chemically skinned fibers were studied during maximal Ca2+-activated contractions with fiber myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression subsequently determined by SDS gel electrophoresis. Spaceflight had no significant effect on the mean diameter or specific force of single fibers expressing type I, IIa, or IIa/IIx MHC, although a small reduction in average absolute force (P(o)) was observed for the type I fibers (0.68 +/- 0.02 vs. 0.64 +/- 0.02 mN, P < 0.05). Subject-by-flight interactions indicated significant intersubject variation in response to the flight, as postflight fiber diameter and P(o) where significantly reduced for the type I and IIa fibers obtained from one astronaut and for the type IIa fibers from another astronaut. Average unloaded shortening velocity [V(o), in fiber lengths (FL)/s] was greater after the flight for both type I (0.60 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.76 +/- 0.02 FL/s) and IIa fibers (2.33 +/- 0.25 vs. 3.10 +/- 0.16 FL/s). Postflight peak power of the type I and IIa fibers was significantly reduced only for the astronaut experiencing the greatest fiber atrophy and loss of P(o). These results demonstrate that 1) slow and fast gastrocnemius fibers show little atrophy and loss of P(o) but increased V(o) after a typical 17-day spaceflight, 2) there is, however, considerable intersubject variation in these responses, possibly due to intersubject differences in in-flight physical activity, and 3) in these four astronauts, fiber atrophy and reductions in P(o) were less for slow and fast fibers obtained from the phasic fast-twitch gastrocnemius muscle compared with slow and fast fibers obtained from the slow antigravity soleus [J. J. Widrick, S. K. Knuth, K. M. Norenberg, J. G. Romatowski, J. L. W. Bain, D. A. Riley, M. Karhanek, S. W. Trappe, T. A. Trappe, D. L. Costill, and R. H. Fitts. J Physiol (Lond) 516: 915-930, 1999].  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the degenerative and regenerative changes in rat soleus muscle resulting from 3-week hindlimb suspension at 45° tilt (HS group, n = 8) and 4-week normal cage recovery (HS-R group, n = 7). Degenerative changes were quantified by microscope examination of muscle cross sections, and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of soleus muscles was studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. At the end of 3-week hindlimb suspension, histological signs of muscle degenerative changes were detected in soleus muscles. There was a significant variability in the percentage of fibres referred to as degenerating (%dg) in individual animals in the HS group [%dg = 8.41 (SEM 0.5)%, range 4.66%–14.08%]. Moreover, %dg varied significantly along the length of the soleus muscle. The percentage of fibres with internal nuclei was less than %dg in HS-soleus muscles [4.12 (SEM 0.3)%, range 1.24%–8.86%]. In 4-week recovery rats, the greater part of the fibres that were not referred to as normal, retained central nuclei [15.8 (SEM 2.2)%, range 6.2%–21.1%]. A significant increase in the slow isoform of MHC was recorded in the HS-R rats, compared to muscles from age-matched rats (P < 0.01). These results would suggest that a cycle of myofibre degeneration-regeneration occurred during HS and passive recovery, and that the increased accumulation of slow MHC observed in soleus muscles after recovery from HS could be related to the prevalence of newly formed fibres. Accepted: 14 October 1996  相似文献   

Abstract. Myosin isozymes from the slow soleus and fast EDL muscles of the rat hindlimb were analyzed by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis, by peptide mapping of heavy chains, and by antibody staining. At the earliest stage examined, 20 days gestation, distinctions between the developing fast and slow muscles were seen by all these criteria; all fibers in the distal hindlimb reacted strongly with antibody to adult fast myosin. Some fibers also reacted with antibody to adult slow myosin; these fibers had a precise, axial distribution in the hindlimb. This pattern of staining which includes the entire soleus, foreshadows the adult distribution of slow fibers and may indicate that the specific pattern of innervation of the limb is already determined. In the early developing soleus there are four fetal and neonatal isozymes plus two isozymes present in equal proportions in the 'slow' area of the pyrophosphate gel. The mobility of these two slow isozymes decreases with maturity and the slowest moving isozyme gradually becomes the dominant species. Thus early diversity between the soleus and EDL is expressed by myosins which are distinct from the mature isozymes. The relative proportion of slow isozymes significantly increases with development and as this occurs the fetal and neonatal isozymes are progressively eliminated. Transiently at least one mature fast isozyme appears in the soleus. This is present at 15 days postpartum and probably correlates with the population of fast, type II fibers, which comprise 50% of this muscle cell population at 15 days. The EDL contained three fetal and neonatal isozymes and only one slow isozyme which does not change in mobility with age. Slow isozymes in the soleus and EDL are thus not identical. Each muscle underwent a unique series of changes until the adult pattern of isozymes and heavy chains was reached about one month postpartum.  相似文献   

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