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Reentrainment following phase shifts of the light-dark (LD) cycle is accelerated in Octodon degus in the presence of olfactory social cues (i.e., odors) produced by conspecifics. However, not all odors from conspecifics were effective in facilitating reentrainment after a phase advance. In the current experiments, we examined whether nonanimal odors, odors from another species, or conspecific odors, including those manipulated by steroid hormones, can cause the same increased reentrainment of wheel-running activity as odors from an intact, adult female degu. A variety of odors, each selected to probe a particular aspect of the reentrainment acceleration phenomenon, were presented to a group of phase-shifting female degus. The shifting females (test animals) responded to odors of intact, female degu donors with decreased reentrainment time, but odors of ovariectomized (OVX), OVX with a single hormone replacement capsule (estradiol or progesterone) or phase-shifting females had no effect. Multiple males were effective odor donors, whereas a single male was ineffective in earlier studies. Rats and cloves were not effective in accelerating reentrainment. Furthermore, odors from rats delayed reentrainment. We conclude that the odors that effectively accelerate degu reentrainment after a phase advance of the LD cycle are species specific. We also report that repeated phase shifts, followed by complete recovery of phase relationships, do not alter the rate of recovery from a phase shift over time. These data suggest that in O. degus, a social species, odors may reinforce and strengthen the salience of the photic zeitgeber and/or facilitate synchronization of rhythms between animals.  相似文献   

Entrainment of the circadian pacemaker to nonphotic stimuli, such as scheduled wheel-running activity, is well characterized in nocturnal rodents, but little is known about activity-dependent entrainment in diurnal or crepuscular species. In the present study, effects of scheduled voluntary wheel-running activity on circadian timekeeping were investigated in Octodon degus, a hystricomorph rodent that exhibits robust crepuscular patterns of wakefulness. When housed in constant darkness, O. degus exhibited circadian rhythms in wheel-running activity and body temperature (Tb) with an average period length (tau) of 23.39 +/- 0.11 h. When wheel running was restricted to a fixed 2-h schedule every 24 h, tau increased on average 0.39 +/- 0.09 h but did not result in steady-state entrainment. Instead, relative coordination between the fixed running schedule and circadian timing was observed. Tau was greatest when scheduled wheel running occurred at CT 20.5 (0.4 h greater than DD baseline tau). Scheduled running activity also influenced Tb waveform symmetry, reflecting concomitant changes in the circadian activity-rest ratio (alpha:rho). Aftereffects of the scheduled wheel-running paradigm were also observed. In 2 animals, tau lengthened from 23.20 and 23.80 h to 24.14 and 24.15 h, respectively, and remained relatively stable for approximately 1 month during the wheel schedule. Although behavioral activity appears to be a weak zeitgeber in this species, these data suggest that nonphotic stimuli can phase delay the circadian pacemaker in O. degus at similar times of the day as in nocturnal hamsters and mice, and in humans.  相似文献   

The slowly maturing, long-lived rodent Octodon degus (degu) provides a unique opportunity to examine the development of the circadian system during adolescence. These studies characterize entrained and free-running activity rhythms in gonadally intact and prepubertally gonadectomized male and female degus across the first year of life to clarify the impact of sex and gonadal hormones on the circadian system during adolescence. Gonadally intact degus exhibited a delay in the phase angle of activity onset (Psi(on)) during puberty, which reversed as animals became reproductively competent. Gonadectomy before puberty prevented this phase delay. However, the effect of gonadal hormones during puberty on Psi(on) does not result from changes in the period of the underlying circadian pacemaker. A sex difference in Psi(on) and free-running period (tau) emerged several months after puberty; these developmental changes are not likely to be related, since the sex difference in Psi(on) emerged before the sex difference in tau. Changes in the levels of circulating hormones cannot explain the emergence of these sex differences, since there is a rather lengthy delay between the age at which degus reach sexual maturity and the age at which Psi(on) and tau become sexually dimorphic. However, postnatal exposure to gonadal hormones is required for sexual differentiation of Psi(on) and tau, since these sex differences were absent in prepubertally gonadectomized degus. These data suggest that gonadal hormones modulate the circadian system during adolescent development and provide a new model for postpubertal sexual differentiation of a central nervous system structure.  相似文献   

6 litters of Octodon degus were studied from birth to 10 days of age. Newly-born degus (mean weight 14.6 g) had open eyes, upper and lower pigment, fur, and teeth. Within 3-4 hours of birth they were able to walk supporting their full weight, right themselves rapidly, sit upright on their haunches, or rear upright with support, and vocalize. By the 1st or 2nd day, the young animals displayed functional grooming (face washing, hind-paw scratching, rapid head-shake). Solid food was ingested from day 6, although newborns chewed wood chips and 3-day olds gnawed dried faeces. Young degus were tested daily in an open field apparatus and showed increased activity and exploration, with repeated testing while decreasing distress vocalization after the 4th or 5th day. Degus are proposed for the study of developmental topics since their degree of development at birth allows for immediate testing. The degus studied here seem to be more fully developed at birth than those studied in Britain.  相似文献   

Social interactions are important factors determining and regulating individual behaviors. Testosterone has been related to agonistic interactions, while glucocorticoids have been related to social stress, especially during interactions of dominance. We compared testosterone and cortisol concentrations in male degus (Octodon degus, Rodentia) under laboratory conditions without male social interactions, with data from wild males in nature. Under natural conditions, males should present higher levels of testosterone during the breeding season due to social interactions (Challenge Hypothesis). Alternatively, intense social instability could act as a stressing environment, raising glucocorticoids, which inhibit testosterone concentrations. Our results show a significant increase in agonistic interactions between males during the breeding season, and disappearance of non-agonistic male interactions during this period. Hormone levels in breeding season show nonsignificant differences between laboratory groups, but testosterone concentrations in field males were significantly higher than in laboratory males. Testosterone levels were similar among pre-breeding and breeding periods, but in field animals the concentration was approximately 30% higher than in laboratory degus. In field animals, we found two different mating strategies: resident males, with territorial behavior, and transient males, displayed an opportunistic approach to females. Finally, cortisol presents a similar pattern in both laboratory and field animals; pre-breeding values of cortisol are higher than during the breeding season. This suggests that social interactions in O. degus activate a rise in testosterone, supporting the Challenge Hypothesis, and could be considered as partial support of the Social Stress Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary The food preferences of Octodon degus are examined in laboratory test. Results indicate that degus prefer new rather than mature leaves of Chilean matorral shrubs, and that degus do not discriminate between new leaves (equivalents of shrub seedlings) of different shrub species. The significance of degus preferences in relation to matorral composition is discussed.  相似文献   

Rhinovirus antisera have been prepared for rhinoviruses (RV) 7,9,26,32,67 and 87 in guinea pigs and in degus. Titers achieved were either similar in the 2 animals (RV7) somewhat higher in the degu (RV9 and RV32) or clearly higher in the degu (RV26, RV67 and RV87). Specificity of the antisera was similar in both animals. In special instances where it is difficult to prepare high-titered rhinovirus antisera in the guinea pig, the degu offers an attractive alternative source.  相似文献   

Wheel-running and other non-photic stimuli influence the rest-activity pattern of diurnal and nocturnal mammals. A day to night inversion of phase preference of activity was described among Octodon degus, when exposed to ad-libitum wheel running. We have studied the rest-activity pattern response in presence of ad libitum wheel-running in wild-captured male individuals from two species of genus Octodon: O. degus (n = 9, crepuscular-diurnal) and O. bridgesi (n = 3, nocturnal). After two months of habituation to laboratory conditions, recordings were performed in isolation chambers under a 12:12 light-dark schedule with or without access to a running wheel. Actograms were constructed from data obtained by an automated acquisition system. O. bridgesi were also recorded under constant darkness, with or without access to wheel-running. Entrained to the light-dark schedule, a crepuscular pattern of activity was evident for O. degus, whereas O. bridgesi displayed a robust nocturnal chronotype. The activity of O. degus observed during the dark phase was enhanced when wheel-running was allowed. No significant change in phase preference was observed for O. bridgesi when wheel-running was allowed. A lengthening of endogenous period was observed in O. bridgesi after wheel-running exposure under constant darkness. Nocturnal and diurnal octodontids exhibit different masking responses to wheel-running.  相似文献   

Individuals of social and partially social species typically reduce their vigilance activity when foraging in groups. As a result, per capita risk of predation decreases and individuals allocate more time to foraging and other fitness rewarding activities. Reduction of per capita risk is hypothesized to occur because there are more individuals to detect potential predators. If so, collective (i.e. total) vigilance is expected to increase with foraging group size. Increased surveillance during group foraging may occur if group members scan independently of one another, or sequentially to avoid the overlapping of their vigilance bouts. Intriguingly, such coordinated vigilance assumes that individuals monitor not only the presence, but the vigilance behaviour of group mates. We used seasonal records on time budget and grouping patterns of individually marked degus (Octodon degus), a social rodent, to examine if (a) individual vigilance decreases and/or foraging increases with group size, (b) collective vigilance increases with group size and (c) foraging degus coordinate their vigilance. When foraging, degus decreased their individual vigilance and increased their foraging time when in larger groups. Despite this, degus in larger groups increased their collective vigilance, supporting the hypothesis that socially foraging degus decrease predation risk through an improved ability to detect and escape potential predators. Additionally, patterns of collective vigilance suggested that degus scan independently of each other and so, they do not coordinate their vigilance to prevent its temporal overlapping. This finding does not support that foraging degus monitor the vigilance activity of group mates.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that degus (Octodon degus), which are a species of small caviomorph rodents, could be trained to use a T-shaped rake as a hand tool to expand accessible spaces. To elucidate the neurobiological underpinnings of this higher brain function, we compared this tool use learning task with a simple spatial (radial maze) memory task and investigated the changes that were induced in the hippocampal neural circuits known to subserve spatial perception and learning. With the exposure to an enriched environment in home cage, adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus was augmented by tool use learning, but not radial maze learning, when compared to control conditions. Furthermore, the proportion of new synapses formed in the CA3 region of the hippocampus, the target area for projections of mossy fiber axons emanating from newborn neurons, was specifically increased by tool use learning. Thus, active tool use behavior by rodents, learned through multiple training sessions, requires the hippocampus to generate more novel neurons and synapses than spatial information processing in radial maze learning.  相似文献   

A primary bronchioloalveolar carcinoma with renal and hepatic metastases was diagnosed in a mature male degu (Octodon degus) that was found dead in a zoological exhibit (Buffalo Zoological Gardens, Buffalo, New York, USA). Grossly, a discrete 0.5 cm diameter nodule was seen in the lung. Smaller, but similar nodules were present scattered in the liver and kidneys. Histologically, nests and sheets of an infiltrating population of cuboidal to low columnar neoplastic epithelial cells partially effaced pulmonary architecture. Vascular invasion was evident. Similar nests and sheets of neoplastic cells were present within the renal cortex and medulla, and a small nest was present within the hepatic parenchyma. This is the first record of this neoplasm in a degu.  相似文献   

This study examined the placentation in the degu, the origin of the extrasubplacental trophoblast (EST) (extravillous trophoblast in human), and the activity of Na+/K+ ATPase in the placental barrier during different gestational ages, as part of a wider effort to understand the reproductive biology of this species. Fifteen degus at the first stage of gestation, midgestation and at term of pregnancy were studied. At day 27 of gestation, the subplacenta is formed under the wall of the central excavation. Simultaneously, the outermost trophoblast of the ectoplacental cone differentiated into secondary trophoblast giant cells that lie on the outside of the placenta, forming an interface with the maternal cells in the decidua. These giant cells immunostained positive for cytokeratin (CK) and placental lactogen (hPL) until term. During this period, the EST merged from the subplacenta to the decidua and immunostained negative for CK, but at term, immunostained for CK and hPL in the maternal vessels. The vascular mesenchyme of the central excavation invaded the chorioallantoic placenta during this period, forming two fetal lobules of labyrinthine-fine syncytium, the zone of the placental barrier. The activity of Na+/K+ ATPase in the placental barrier was constant during the gestational period. The residual syncytium at the periphery of the placental disc and between the lobules was not invaded by fetal mesenchyme and formed the marginal and interlobular labyrinthine syncytium that immunostained first for CK, and later for hPL, as in the labyrinthine fine syncytium. The presence of intracytoplasmic electron-dense material in the interlobular labyrinthine syncytium suggested a secretory process in these cells that are bathed in maternal blood. Placentas obtained from vaginal births presented a large, single lobe, absence of the subplacenta, and a reduced interlobular labyrinthine syncytium. At day 27, the inverted visceral yolk sac is observed and its columnar epithelium immunostained for CK and hPL. This suggests that the yolk sac is an early secretory organ. The epithelium of the parietal yolk sac covers the placenta. The origin of the EST in the degu placenta and its migration to maternal vessels allows us to present this animal model for the study of pregnancy pathologies related to alterations in the migration of the extravillous trophoblast.  相似文献   

Individually identified, 2-year-old female rainbow trout were maintained for up to 51 months on a constant schedule of 6 hr light and 18 hr darkness (LD 6:18), constant temperature (8.5-9.0 degrees C), and constant feeding rate. The fish exhibited free-running circannual rhythms of gonadal maturation and ovulation, which were self-sustaining for up to three cycles. The periodicity of the rhythm showed variation between fish and in successive cycles for the same fish, ranging from approximately 11 to 15 months.  相似文献   

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