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Soil microbes are known to be key drivers of several essential ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, plant productivity and the maintenance of plant species diversity. However, how plant species diversity and identity affect soil microbial diversity and community composition in the rhizosphere is largely unknown. We tested whether, over the course of 11 years, distinct soil bacterial communities developed under plant monocultures and mixtures, and if over this time frame plants with a monoculture or mixture history changed in the bacterial communities they associated with. For eight species, we grew offspring of plants that had been grown for 11 years in the same field monocultures or mixtures (plant history in monoculture vs. mixture) in pots inoculated with microbes extracted from the field monoculture and mixture soils attached to the roots of the host plants (soil legacy). After 5 months of growth in the glasshouse, we collected rhizosphere soil from each plant and used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to determine the community composition and diversity of the bacterial communities. Bacterial community structure in the plant rhizosphere was primarily determined by soil legacy and by plant species identity, but not by plant history. In seven of the eight plant species the number of individual operational taxonomic units with increased abundance was larger when inoculated with microbes from mixture soil. We conclude that plant species richness can affect below‐ground community composition and diversity, feeding back to the assemblage of rhizosphere bacterial communities in newly establishing plants via the legacy in soil.  相似文献   

A coupling of above-ground plant diversity and below-ground microbial diversity has been implied in studies dedicated to assessing the role of macrophyte diversity on the stability, resilience, and functioning of ecosystems. Indeed, above-ground plant communities have long been assumed to drive below-ground microbial diversity, but to date very little is known as to how plant species composition and diversity influence the community composition of micro-organisms in the soil. We examined this relationship in fields subjected to different above-ground biodiversity treatments and in field experiments designed to examine the influence of plant species on soil-borne microbial communities. Culture-independent strategies were applied to examine the role of wild or native plant species composition on bacterial diversity and community structure in bulk soil and in the rhizosphere. In comparing the influence of Cynoglossum officinale (hound's tongue) and Cirsium vulgare (spear thistle) on soil-borne bacterial communities, detectable differences in microbial community structure were confined to the rhizosphere. The colonisation of the rhizosphere of both plants was highly reproducible, and maintained throughout the growing season. In a separate experiment, effects of plant diversity on bacterial community profiles were also only observed for the rhizosphere. Rhizosphere soil from experimental plots with lower macrophyte diversity showed lower diversity, and bacterial diversity was generally lower in the rhizosphere than in bulk soil. These results demonstrate that the level of coupling between above-ground macrophyte communities and below-ground microbial communities is related to the tightness of the interactions involved. Although plant species composition and community structure appear to have little discernible effect on microbial communities inhabiting bulk soil, clear and reproducible changes in microbial community structure and diversity are observed in the rhizosphere. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

【背景】现代规模化生产模式下,牛舍环境管理是影响奶牛高效健康生产的重要因素。【目的】探讨牛场不同牛舍土壤细菌群落特征,为奶牛健康生产提供理论依据。【方法】采集宁夏某规模化奶牛场的哺乳犊牛岛、断奶犊牛舍、育成牛舍、低产泌乳牛舍、高产头胎泌乳牛舍、高产经产泌乳牛舍、干奶牛舍和病牛舍这8个不同牛舍的土样,每个牛舍6个重复,共48份土样。利用16S rRNA基因扩增子测序分析细菌群落结构与多样性,并对细菌群落的功能进行预测。【结果】不同牛舍土样细菌群落组成存在差异,并且8个牛舍中高产头胎泌乳牛舍土样的细菌群落多样性最高。哺乳犊牛岛土壤与其他牛舍土壤细菌群落在门水平上差异较大;泌乳期牛舍土样之间的细菌群落结构相似度较高。在门的水平上,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)是这8个牛舍土样共有的优势菌门。在属的水平上,嗜盐碱的盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)、具有潜在降解特性的Fermentimonas和栖海面菌属(Aequorivita)及致病菌的鸟杆菌属(Ornithobacterium)是犊牛期牛舍土样的优势菌属;嗜盐碱的Truepera是育成牛舍土样的优势菌属;致病菌的不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)和Parapedobacter、耐药菌的Pedobacter是泌乳期牛舍土样的优势菌属。【结论】致病菌和参与硝酸盐呼吸的细菌主要分布在哺乳犊牛岛,嗜盐碱菌主要分布在断奶犊牛舍和育成牛舍,产甲烷的细菌主要分布在高产头胎泌乳牛舍。本研究分析了不同牛舍土壤细菌群落多样性,为奶牛健康生产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Karstic cave systems in Slovenia receive substantial amounts of organic input from adjacent forest and freshwater systems. These caves host microbial communities that consist of distinct small colonies differing in colour and shape. Visible to the naked eye, the colonies cover cave walls and are strewn with light-reflecting water droplets. In this study, the diversity of prokaryotes constituting these unusual microbial communities in Pajsarjeva jama cave was examined. A molecular survey based on small subunit rRNA diversity showed a high diversity within the Bacteria , while members of Archaea were not recovered. A total of eight bacterial phyla were detected. The application of various species richness estimators confirmed the diverse nature of the microbial community sample. Members of Gammaproteobacteria were most abundant in the clone libraries constructed and were followed in abundance by members of Actinobacteria and Nitrospira . In addition, members of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria as well as Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes, Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes were identified in clone libraries. The high number of clones most closely related to environmental 16S rRNA gene clones showed the broad spectrum of unknown and yet to be cultivated microorganisms inhabiting these cave systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of permafrost microbial communities to climate warming is crucial for evaluating ecosystem feedbacks to global change. This study investigated soil bacterial and archaeal communities by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons across a permafrost thaw gradient at different depths in Alaska with thaw progression for over three decades. Over 4.6 million passing 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from a total of 97 samples, corresponding to 61 known classes and 470 genera. Soil depth and the associated soil physical–chemical properties had predominant impacts on the diversity and composition of the microbial communities. Both richness and evenness of the microbial communities decreased with soil depth. Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Alpha‐ and Gamma‐Proteobacteria dominated the microbial communities in the upper horizon, whereas abundances of Bacteroidetes, Delta‐Proteobacteria and Firmicutes increased towards deeper soils. Effects of thaw progression were absent in microbial communities in the near‐surface organic soil, probably due to greater temperature variation. Thaw progression decreased the abundances of the majority of the associated taxa in the lower organic soil, but increased the abundances of those in the mineral soil, including groups potentially involved in recalcitrant C degradation (Actinomycetales, Chitinophaga, etc.). The changes in microbial communities may be related to altered soil C sources by thaw progression. Collectively, this study revealed different impacts of thaw in the organic and mineral horizons and suggests the importance of studying both the upper and deeper soils while evaluating microbial responses to permafrost thaw.  相似文献   

王倩  胡欢  范芹  马锐  彭泽惠  刘建国 《微生物学通报》2019,46(11):3084-3090
种植体周围炎是发生在骨性结合种植体周围组织的炎症,是由微生物引发的感染性疾病,可引起种植体周围支持组织丧失而导致种植失败。阐明种植体周围炎生物膜的微生物学基础,可为制定相应防治策略提供理论依据。随着测序技术的发展,基于16S rRNA基因的测序分析技术逐渐应用于与口腔种植体相关的微生物学研究,使人们对种植体周围炎生物膜的微生物群落多样性有了更全面的了解,也进一步认识到种植体周围炎和牙周炎菌斑生物膜的微生物结构存在显著差别。本文根据基于16S rRN基因A序列分析技术的最新研究成果,对种植体周围炎菌斑生物膜的微生物学研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

The bacterial community composition in soil and rhizosphere taken from arable field sites, differing in soil parent material and soil texture, was analyzed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) of 16S rRNA genes. Nine sandy to silty soils from North-East Germany could clearly be distinguished from each other, with a relatively low heterogeneity in the community structure within the field replicates. There was a relationship between the soil parent material, i.e. different glacial and aeolian sediments, and the clustering of the profiles from different sites. A site-specific grouping of T-RFLP profiles was also found for the rhizosphere samples of the same field sites that were planted with potatoes. The branching of the rhizosphere profiles corresponded partly with the soil parent material, whereas the effect of the plant genotype was negligible. Selected terminal restriction fragments differing in their relative abundance within the nine soils were analyzed based on the cloning of the 16S rRNA genes of one soil sample. A high phylogenetic diversity observed to include Acidobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Gemmatimonadetes. The assignment of three out of the seven selected terminal restriction fragments to members of Acidobacteria suggested that this group seems to participate frequently in the shifting of community structures that result from soil property changes.  相似文献   

Bacterial endophytes may be important for plant health and other ecologically relevant functions of poplar trees. The composition of endophytic bacteria colonizing the aerial parts of poplar was studied using a multiphasic approach. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rRNA genes demonstrated the impact of different hybrid poplar clones on the endophytic community structure. Detailed analysis of endophytic bacteria using cultivation methods in combination with cloning of 16S rRNA genes amplified from plant tissue revealed a high phylogenetic diversity of endophytic bacteria with a total of 53 taxa at the genus level that included Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. The community structure displayed clear differences in terms of the presence and relative proportions of bacterial taxa between the four poplar clones studied. The results showed that the genetic background of the hybrid poplar clones corresponded well with the endophytic community structure. Out of the 513 isolates and 209 clones identified, Actinobacteria, in particular the family Microbacteriaceae, made up the largest fraction of the isolates, whereas the clone library was dominated by Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria. The most abundant genera among the isolates were Pseudomonas and Curtobacterium, while Sphingomonas prevailed among the clones.  相似文献   

The microbial community of a groundwater system contaminated by 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), a toxic and persistent chlorinated hydrocarbon, has been investigated for its response to biostimulation finalized to 1,2-DCA removal by reductive dehalogenation. The microbial population profile of samples from different wells in the aquifer and from microcosms enriched in the laboratory with different organic electron donors was analyzed by ARISA (Amplified Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis) and DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) of 16S rRNA genes. 1,2-DCA was completely removed with release of ethene from most of the microcosms supplemented with lactate, acetate plus formate, while cheese whey supported 1,2-DCA dehalogenation only after a lag period. Microbial species richness deduced from ARISA profiles of the microbial community before and after electron donor amendments indicated that the response of the community to biostimulation was heterogeneous and depended on the well from which groundwater was sampled. Sequencing of 16S rRNA genes separated by DGGE indicated the presence of bacteria previously associated with soils and groundwater polluted by halogenated hydrocarbons or present in consortia active in the removal of these compounds. A PCR assay specific for Desulfitobacterium sp. showed the enrichment of this genus in some of the microcosms. The dehalogenation potential of the microbial community was confirmed by the amplification of dehalogenase-related sequences from the most active microcosms. Cloning and sequencing of PCR products indicated the presence in the metagenome of the bacterial community of a new dehalogenase potentially involved in 1,2-DCA reductive dechlorination.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the bacterial diversity in a number of rivers, reservoirs and lakes in northern and central Portugal during the winter of 2004/5 (atypically dry), we applied molecular methodologies, namely denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis with primers targeting fractions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Environmental parameters such as pH, conductivity, inorganic nutrients, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a were determined in order to characterize the trophic status of the studied water bodies. We found water bodies with oligotrophic to hypereutrophic characteristics. Organisms belonging to the Bacteroidetes and Alphaproteobacteria were found at the highest pH environment. Bacteroidetes were also related to high nutrient concentrations. Verrucomicrobia were associated with the most oligotrophic reservoir and low pH values. Actinobacteria were present in all samples from lakes and reservoirs, indicating its preference for lentic water bodies. Cyanobacteria dominance was related to high pH and conductivity levels. In general the conductivity values recorded in winter 2005 were the highest over recent years and chlorophyll a also reached very high levels. The data emphasize an enhanced risk of eutrophication for the studied water bodies, especially in the subsequent months when the temperature rises.  相似文献   

Soil biota play key roles in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, however, compared to our knowledge of above-ground plant and animal diversity, the biodiversity found in soils remains largely uncharacterized. Here, we present an assessment of soil biodiversity and biogeographic patterns across Central Park in New York City that spanned all three domains of life, demonstrating that even an urban, managed system harbours large amounts of undescribed soil biodiversity. Despite high variability across the Park, below-ground diversity patterns were predictable based on soil characteristics, with prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities exhibiting overlapping biogeographic patterns. Further, Central Park soils harboured nearly as many distinct soil microbial phylotypes and types of soil communities as we found in biomes across the globe (including arctic, tropical and desert soils). This integrated cross-domain investigation highlights that the amount and patterning of novel and uncharacterized diversity at a single urban location matches that observed across natural ecosystems spanning multiple biomes and continents.  相似文献   

Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a popular high-throughput fingerprinting technique used to monitor changes in the structure and composition of microbial communities. This approach is widely used because it offers a compromise between the information gained and labor intensity. In this review, we discuss the progress made in T-RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA genes and functional genes over the last 10 years and evaluate the performance of this technique when used in conjunction with different statistical methods. Web-based tools designed to perform virtual polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme digests greatly facilitate the choice of primers and restriction enzymes for T-RFLP analysis. Significant improvements have also been made in the statistical analysis of T-RFLP profiles such as the introduction of objective procedures to distinguish between signal and noise, the alignment of T-RFLP peaks between profiles, and the use of multivariate statistical methods to detect changes in the structure and composition of microbial communities due to spatial and temporal variation or treatment effects. The progress made in T-RFLP analysis of 16S rRNA and genes allows researchers to make methodological and statistical choices appropriate for the hypotheses of their studies.  相似文献   

Aeolian soil erosion and deposition have worldwide impacts on agriculture, air quality and public health. However, ecosystem responses to soil erosion and deposition remain largely unclear in regard to microorganisms, which are the crucial drivers of biogeochemical cycles. Using integrated metagenomics technologies, we analysed microbial communities subjected to simulated soil erosion and deposition in a semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. As expected, soil total organic carbon and plant coverage were decreased by soil erosion, and soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was increased by soil deposition, demonstrating that field simulation was reliable. Soil microbial communities were altered (< .039) by both soil erosion and deposition, with dramatic increase in Cyanobacteria related to increased stability in soil aggregates. amyA genes encoding α‐amylases were specifically increased (= .01) by soil deposition and positively correlated (= .02) to DOC, which likely explained changes in DOC. Surprisingly, most of microbial functional genes associated with carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cycling were decreased or unaltered by both erosion and deposition, probably arising from acceleration of organic matter mineralization. These divergent responses support the necessity to include microbial components in evaluating ecological consequences. Furthermore, Mantel tests showed strong, significant correlations between soil nutrients and functional structure but not taxonomic structure, demonstrating close relevance of microbial function traits to nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

The undisturbed sediment of Lake Hovsgol (Mongolia) is scientifically important because it represents a record of the environmental changes that took place between the Holocene (the present age) and Pleistocene (the last ice age; 12,000 14C years before present day). Here, we investigated how the current microbial communities change as the depth increases by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of the 16S rRNA genes of the microbial communities. The microbial diversity, as estimated by the Shannon index, decreased as the depth increased. In particular, significant changes in archaeal diversity were observed in the middle depth (at 39-42 cm depth of total 60 cm depth) that marks the border between the Holocene and Pleistocene. Phylotype belonging to Beta-and Gamma-Proteobacteria were the predominant bacteria and most of these persisted throughout the depth examined. However, as the depth increased, some bacteria (some genera belonging to Beta-Proteobacteria, Nitrospira, and OP8-9) were not detectable while others (some genera belonging to Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-Proteobacteria) newly detected by DGGE. Crenarchaea were the predominant archaea and only one phylotype belonging to Euryarchaea was found. Both the archaeal and bacterial profiles revealed by the DGGE band patterns could be grouped into four and three subsets, respectively, subsets that were largely divided by the border between the Holocene and Pleistocene. Thus, the diversity of the current microbial communities in Lake Hovsgol sediments decreases with increasing depth. These changes probably relate to the environmental conditions in the sediments, which were shaped by the paleoclimatic events taking place between the Holocene and Pleistocene.  相似文献   

土壤古菌和真菌在温室生态系统是仅次于细菌的微生物,具有类似于细菌的重要生态功能。通过构建古菌16S rRNA和真菌18S rRNA基因克隆文库,分析温室黄瓜近根土壤古菌和真菌群落结构组成,为开发利用温室这一特殊的生态环境中丰富的微生物资源以及理解微生物与植物间的互作提供参考依据。采用研磨-冻融-溶菌酶-蛋白酶K-SDS热处理以及CTAB处理等理化方法,提取和纯化微生物总DNA,构建古菌16S rRNA和真菌18S rRNA基因克隆文库。利用DOTUR软件将古菌和真菌序列按照相似性97%的标准分成若干个可操作分类单元 (OTUs)。土壤古菌克隆文库主要包括泉古菌门和未分类的古菌两大类,并有少部分广域古菌类群,所有泉古菌均属于热变形菌纲,共45个OTUs;真菌克隆文库包括真菌门的大多数亚门真菌,共24个OTUs,未发现担子菌亚门真菌。古菌多样性比较丰富,且发现少量的广域古菌 (甲烷菌),这一情况可能与温室长期高温高湿,高有机质含量,土壤处于缺氧环境有关;土壤真菌的优势种群为子囊菌,占到土壤真菌的80%以上,这可能与绝大多数植物真菌性病害属于土传病害,通过菌丝体、菌核或子囊壳在土壤病残体中越冬有一定的关系。  相似文献   

A silica sands-based method has been developed to isolate high quality genomic DNAs from cells of animals, plants and microorganisms, such as Hemisalanx prognathus, Spinacia oleracea, Pichia pastoris, Bacillus licheniformis and Escherichia coli. To the best of our knowledge, no DNA isolation method has so wide application until now. In addition, this method and a commercially available kit were compared in analysis of microbial communities using high-throughput 16s rDNA sequencing. As a result, the silica sands-based method was found to be even more efficient in isolating genomic DNA from gram-positive bacteria than the kit, indicating that it would become a very valuable choice to faithfully reflect the composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in sub-Antarctic seawater, collected off Ushuaia, Argentina, was examined using a culture independent approach. The composition of the 16S rRNA gene libraries from seawater and seawater contaminated with the water soluble fraction of crude oil was statistically different (P value 0.001). In both libraries, clones representing the Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidetes group and unculturable bacteria were dominant. Clones associated with the genera Roseobacter, Sulfitobacter, Staleya, Glaciecola, Colwellia, Marinomonas, Cytophaga and Cellulophaga were common to both the libraries. However, clones associated with Psychrobacter, Arcobacter, Formosa algae, Polaribacter, Ulvibacter and Tenacibaculum were found only in seawater contaminated with hydrocarbons (Table 1). Further, the percentage of clones of Roseobacter, Sulfitobacter and Glaceicola was high in seawater (43%, 90% and 12% respectively) compared to seawater contaminated with hydrocarbons (35%, 4% and 9% respectively). One of the clones F2C63 showed 100% similarity with Marinomonas ushuaiensis a bacterium identified by us from the same site.  相似文献   

An archaeon was detected in the leaching solution from a commercial copper production plant and in copper sulfide ores leached with the solution. The leaching solution in this plant contains a high concentration of sulfate salts. Analysis of the microbial population by polymerase chain reaction-amplification of archaeal 16S rDNAs indicated the presence of a single sequence type. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of the polymerase chain reaction product with available reference sequences suggested that this archaeon corresponds to a new species of a novel genus and family within the order Thermoplasmales. This archaeon grows in synthetic media but it has not been possible to obtain isolates free of chemolithotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are one of the main components of the microbiota in rice paddy fields and significantly contribute to its fertilization. The diversity and changes of the cyanobacterial assemblage were investigated during a rice growth season and after harvest in a paddy field located in Fujian Province, China. The cyanobacterial populations were analyzed by a semi-nested PCR, followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis. Twenty-four phylotypes were identified from the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles. The number of cyanobacterial phylotypes showed a seasonal variation and reached a peak in September, both in the upper (0-5 cm) and the deeper (10-15 cm) soil fractions. Some cyanobacterial sequences were only present during the rice growth season, while others were only found after harvest.  相似文献   

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