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AIMS: To evaluate the genetic diversity and the technological properties of 44 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from dairy products. Methods METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains were analysed for some relevant technological properties, i.e. exopolysaccharide (EPS) production, growth kinetic in skim milk medium, urease activity and galactose fermentation. The EPS production, determined by evaluating the colour of the colonies grown in ruthenium red milk agar, was observed in 50% of the analysed strains. Urease activity, determined by colorimetric and conductimetric methods, showed that 91% of the isolates, all except four, could hydrolyse urea. A conductimetric approach was also used for the evaluation of the overall metabolic behaviour in milk of Strep. thermophilus strains and the differences observed allowed grouping of the strains in seven different clusters. A total of 11 strains were able to produce acid in presence of galactose. Genetic diversity of Streptococcus thermophilus strains, evaluated by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fingerprinting (RAPD) and amplified epsC-D restriction analysis, allowed the identification of 21 different genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison between the genotypic and phenotypic data highlights an interesting correlation between some important technological properties and well-defined genotypes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The genetic and technological characterization carried out on several Strep. thermophilus strains of dairy origin should expand the knowledge on this important lactic acid bacteria species and lead to a simple, rapid, and reliable identification of strains on the basis of well-defined biotechnological properties.  相似文献   

A standard electroporation procedure was utilized to introduce a range of Gram-positive plasmid vectors into nine industrial strains of Streptococcus thermophilus. All the strains were transformable with at least two of the plasmids assessed, but electrotransformation frequencies depended on both the strain and the nature of transforming DNA. In general, small rolling circle (RC) plasmids could be electroporated at high frequency into a wide range of strains with efficiencies of 10(2)-10(5) transformants microgram-1 of transforming DNA. The presence of these plasmids did not influence doubling times during growth in broth, and they were generally extremely stable in slow milk acidifying strains, with 85-100% of transformants retaining the selective markers over 105 generations. Vectors were less stable in fast-growing cultures. Of the three theta-type plasmids assessed, only one, pIL253, could be electroporated at low frequency into some slow growing strains. The presence of this plasmid caused a 40% increase in doubling time and it was lost from cells at a rate of 3% per generation. Attempts to alter the proteolytic status of slow acidifying strains of Strep. thermophilus by the introduction of heterologous proteinase genes are also described.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of Streptococcus thermophilus by electroporation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A rapid and convenient electroporation procedure was developed for the genetic transformation of intact cells of Streptococcus thermophilus with various species of plasmid DNA. Transformation frequency was influenced by the capacitance and voltage selected for electric pulsing, the pH and composition of the electroporation medium and the molecular mass of the transforming DNA. Electroporation is a simple and effective technique to introduce plasmid DNA into S. thermophilus and useful in the development of recombinant DNA technology for this important industrial microorganism.  相似文献   

Three-component starters for yogurt were obtained on the base of starter LBB.BY 5-12 for traditional Bulgarian yogurt, containing strains Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus B5 and Streptococcus thermophilus A with the addition of either an exopolysaccharide-producing S. thermophilus strain 6V or the fast acidifying S. thermophilus strain N1. To differentiate between the three strains in the starter cultures, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was applied to develop strain-specific probes. Southern hybridization against dot-blots of chromosomal DNA from the three S. thermophilus strains confirmed that two probes, derived from a 770 bp RAPD product obtained with primer RAPD-4 and a 290 bp sequence obtained with primer OPP-7 were specific for S. thermophilus 6V and S. thermophilus A, respectively, while no hybridization to S. thermophilus N1 DNA was observed. The selected probes were used to differentiate between S. thermophilus colonies on a solid agar medium by colony hybridization. The evaluation of the viable cell counts revealed that the populations of S. thermophilus A and the added S. thermophilus strains 6V or N1 in the three-component starters and in yogurt had nearly equal proportion allowing each strain to contribute to the enriched properties of starter and product.  相似文献   

Twenty-five Streptococcus thermophilus isolates were analyzed using pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and gene restriction profile analysis techniques. 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolates were almost 100% homologous. However, genomic fingerprinting analysis has shown variability in both genome size and restriction fragments length. The genomes varied from 1417 to 2075 kb resulting in the difference between marginal genome sizes in about 600 kb. The results are indicative of Streptococcus thermophilus intraspecies genetic polymorphism, the origin of which requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine whether the presence and type of exopolysaccharides (EPS), slime‐EPS or capsular, and the structural characteristics of the polymers produced by Streptococcus thermophilus strains could interfere with or be involved in phage adsorption. Methods and Results: Phage–host interactions between eight EPS‐producing Strep. thermophilus strains (CRL419, 638, 804, 810, 815, 817, 821, 1190) and five streptococcus specific phages (φYsca, φ3, φ5, φ6, φ8) isolated from Argentinean faulty fermentation failed yoghurts were evaluated. No relationship was found between the EPS chemical composition and the phage sensitivity/resistance phenotype. In general, the capsular‐producing strains were more sensitive to phage attacks than the noncapsular‐producing strains. Streptococcus thermophilus CRL1190 (capsular‐producing) was the only strain sensitive to all bacteriophages and showed the highest efficiency of plating. Phage adsorption to a capsular‐negative, EPS low‐producing mutant of strain CRL1190 was reduced, especially for φYcsa and φ8. Conclusions: The presence of capsular polysaccharide surrounding the cells of Strep. thermophilus strains could play a role in the adsorption of specific phages to the cells. Significance and Impact of the Study: Capsular‐producing Strep. thermophilus strains should be evaluated for their bacteriophage sensitivity if they are included in starter cultures for the fermented food industry.  相似文献   

The method of RAPD-PCR and comparative analysis of the PCR fingerprinting profiles similarity was used to characterize interspecific diversity of natural isolates of the lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus. The strain genetic diversity was demonstrated using three primer variants, designed for different bacterial genome regions. The resolution of RAPD-PCR technique with different primers for identification at the species level and for certification at the strain level, was examined relative to the commercially important cultures of S. thermophilus. The results provided conclusion on preferable usage of RAPD-PCR with the primer ERIC-1 for specific identification of S. thermophilus, and with the primer M13 for certification of natural isolates of this species at the strain level.  相似文献   

According to DNA hybridization data, thermophilic streptococci used in Russia as starters in the dairy industry are divided into 6 different genomovars, with a degree of DNA homology not exceeding 20-50%. The analysis of genomes from these genomovars using SmaI restriction endonuclease and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed a wide variability of the genome size. In some strains, the genome size considerably exceeded 2000 kbp. Most of the strains studied contained plasmids about 120 kbp in size.  相似文献   

Rhodopirellula baltica SH1T is a marine planctomycete with 7,325 genes in its genome. Ten strains of the genus Rhodopirellula were studied in whole genome microarray experiments to assess the extent of their genetic relatedness to R. baltica SH1T. DNA of strains which were previously affiliated with the species R. baltica (OTU A) hybridized with 3,645–5,728 genes of the type strain on the microarray. Strains SH398 and 6C (OTU B), representing a closely related species with an average nucleotide identity of 88 %, showed less hybridization signals: 1,816 and 3,302 genes gave a hybridization signal, respectively. Comparative genomics of eight permanent draft genomes revealed the presence of over 4,000 proteins common in R. baltica SH1T and strains of OTU A or B. The genus Rhodopirellula is characterized by large genomes, with over 7,000 genes per genome and a core genome of around 3000 genes. Individual Rhodopirellula strains have a large portion of strain-specific genes.  相似文献   

The chromosomal DNA of a number of strains of the lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus was analysed with the aim of rapidly differentiating and assessing the characteristics of each strain. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to separate large DNA fragments formed by the restriction enzymes Sma I, Sfi I or Apa I. Hybridization with a non-radioactive DNA probe confirmed the identification of strains as Strep. thermophilus and analysis of the electrophoretic patterns differentiated some strains from others. A more extensive study of the pulsed-field electrophoresis restriction patterns of new isolates of Strep. thermophilus may facilitate assessment of their technological properties by comparison of their restriction patterns with those of reference strains.  相似文献   

Streptococcus thermophilus S4 expressing a small heat-shock protein from the plasmid pSt04-encoded copy of shsp, is able to carry out fermentation at elevated temperature, i.e., at 50 degrees C. In yoghurt culture together with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, fermentation at elevated temperature results in a mild yoghurt with low post-acidification and improved stability of the starter bacteria during storage at 4 degrees C. To transfer pSt04 into commercial S. thermophilus yoghurt starter strains, a two-plasmid system was constructed. A helper plasmid providing a selectable antibiotic marker, but relying on the repA gene of pSt04, was transformed together with pSt04. After isolation of transformants, the helper plasmid was readily lost upon incubation of transformants in antibiotic-free medium, thus yielding food-grade strains carrying pSt04 only. Successful application of the system was demonstrated.  相似文献   

AIMS: Forty strains of Streptococcus thermophilus isolated from dairy products were identified and typed by a polyphasic approach which included phenotypic and genotypic criteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains were identified by sugar fermentation pattern and species-specific PCR. Phenotypic diversity was evaluated by a chemometric model taking into account some biochemical characteristics (e.g. acidifying and peptidase activities) of technological interest. Genotypic diversity was evidenced by PCR fingerprinting. The overall phenotypic and genotypic information was elaborated on a multivariate statistical basis by principal components analysis and cluster analysis, respectively. When acidifying and peptidase activities were considered, PCA indicated that most of the strains isolated from Pecorino Toscano cheese were separable from the others. Similarly, most of the starter culture strains tended to separate from the cheese isolates. CONCLUSIONS: A wide strain heterogeneity among Strep. thermophilus strains isolated from dairy products was observed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A computerized analysis of genotypic and phenotypic information could be applied successfully to differentiate and characterize reliably and rapidly isolates occurring in different dairy products and to comprehend the technological role of specific Strep. thermophilus strains in dairy technology.  相似文献   

Thirty wild isolates belonging to five different locations in Mexico plus two laboratory strains of Ustilago maydis were characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using 23 different clones as probes derived from a PstI library and two restriction enzymes. All loci analysed presented a high level of polymorphism, including one locus with thirty one different alleles. Geographical grouping of the populations was based on Nei's genetic distance and there was no correlation between genetic and geographic distances among these isolates. Our results suggest that DNA fingerprinting is a useful method for detecting genetic variation in populations of U. maydis. This work demonstrated that considerable genetic variation may be present within field populations of U. maydis.  相似文献   

Autolysis of Streptococcus thermophilus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was utilised to compare the genomes of 16 Streptococcus thermophilus cultures from yoghurt, cheese, laban and dahi after digestion with the restriction endonucleases, SfiI, SmaI and BssHII. PFGE profiles could be used for strain identification and were also useful in predicting relatedness of certain strains. Genetic variations between specific morphotypes of a highly proteolytic culture were not detectable by PFGE in this study. Statistical analysis of SmaI restriction patterns enabled the clustering of strains into two groups which corresponded with biochemical properties of the strains examined and suggested that PFGE profiles could be useful in predicting biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The arenavirus Lassa virus causes Lassa fever, a viral hemorrhagic fever that is endemic in the countries of Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea and perhaps elsewhere in West Africa. To determine the degree of genetic diversity among Lassa virus strains, partial nucleoprotein (NP) gene sequences were obtained from 54 strains and analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Lassa viruses comprise four lineages, three of which are found in Nigeria and the fourth in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Overall strain variation in the partial NP gene sequence was found to be as high as 27% at the nucleotide level and 15% at the amino acid level. Genetic distance among Lassa strains was found to correlate with geographic distance rather than time, and no evidence of a "molecular clock" was found. A method for amplifying and cloning full-length arenavirus S RNAs was developed and used to obtain the complete NP and glycoprotein gene (GP1 and GP2) sequences for two representative Nigerian strains of Lassa virus. Comparison of full-length gene sequences for four Lassa virus strains representing the four lineages showed that the NP gene (up to 23.8% nucleotide difference and 12.0% amino acid difference) is more variable than the glycoprotein genes. Although the evolutionary order of descent within Lassa virus strains was not completely resolved, the phylogenetic analyses of full-length NP, GP1, and GP2 gene sequences suggested that Nigerian strains of Lassa virus were ancestral to strains from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Compared to the New World arenaviruses, Lassa and the other Old World arenaviruses have either undergone a shorter period of diverisification or are evolving at a slower rate. This study represents the first large-scale examination of Lassa virus genetic variation.  相似文献   

The monomer composition of the exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by Streptococcus thermophilus LY03 and S. thermophilus Sfi20 were evaluated by high-pressure liquid chromatography with amperometric detection and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both strains produced the same EPS composed of galactose, glucose, and N-acetylgalactosamine. Further, it was demonstrated that the activity of the precursor-producing enzyme UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase, converting UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine, is responsible for the presence of N-acetylgalactosamine in the EPS repeating units of both strains. The activity of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase was higher in both S. thermophilus strains than in a non-EPS-producing control strain. However, the level of this activity was not correlated with EPS yields, a result independent of the carbohydrate source applied in the fermentation process. On the other hand, both the amounts of EPS and the carbohydrate consumption rates were influenced by the type of carbohydrate source used during S. thermophilus Sfi20 fermentations. A correlation between activities of the enzymes alpha-phosphoglucomutase, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, and UDP-galactose 4-epimerase and EPS yields was seen. These experiments confirm earlier observed results for S. thermophilus LY03, although S. thermophilus Sfi20 preferentially consumed glucose for EPS production instead of lactose in contrast to the former strain.  相似文献   

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