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<正>猞猁(Lynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758)为食肉目(CARNIVORA)猫科(Felidae)猞猁属(Lynx)的中等体型哺乳动物,主要分布于欧洲、北亚、西亚及中亚地区(蒋志刚等,2015)。猞猁分布较广,数量多,为IUCN红色名录的无危物种(Least Concern, LC)(Breitenmoser et al., 2015)。亚洲地区的猞猁主要栖息在山地森林、无林裸岩地带、密集灌木丛和草原,分布海拔可达4 500 m (汪松,1998)。在中国,猞猁分布于东北、华北、西北和西南地区(高耀亭等,1987;王应祥,2003),野外种群数量较少,属于国家二级重点保护野生动物,  相似文献   

Factors affecting territory size in wolves Canis lupus were studied at 2 scales, the local population (Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest (BPF), eastern Poland) and the geographic range of species (literature review from 14 localities in the Holarctic). Four packs of wolves were studied by radio‐tracking in BPF from 1994 to 1999. The annual territories of packs (Minimum convex polygons with 95% of locations) averaged 201 km2 (SD 63, range 116–310). Core areas of territories (50% MCP) covered from 14 to 78 km2 (mean 35). Territory sizes and core areas both were negatively correlated to the encounter rates of ungulates (mean number of ungulates seen per unit time spent in the forest by human observers). Pack size (3–8 wolves) did not influence territory size. Home ranges of individual wolves from the same pack varied with season as well as the age, sex, and reproductive status of the wolf. Review of literature from North America and Europe (42–66oN), showed that latitude and prey biomass were essential factors shaping the biogeographic variation in wolf territory size. Territories increased with latitude and declined with growing biomass of prey. The analysis showed that latitude acted partly independently of the south–north gradient in prey abundance. At similar standing crop of ungulate biomass (100 kg km?2), wolf territories would average 140 km2 at 40oN, 370 km2 at 50oN, and 950 km2 at 60oN. Pack size was larger at northern latitudes, but the increase did not keep pace with enlargement of territories. Within‐territory density of wolves declined from 2.5–3 wolves 100 km?2 at 40–45oN to 0.7 wolves 100 km?2 at 60oN. Our analyses documented similarities regarding the role of prey resources in shaping wolf territoriality at the different scales. Furthermore, a macroecological approach revealed additional factors affecting wolf territory size that were not emergent from knowledge of local population.  相似文献   

Aim The annual and circadian rhythms and duration of activity of Eurasian badger Meles meles (Linnaeus 1758) were studied in a low‐density population inhabiting the primeval woodland in the European temperate zone. Results were compared with available data from the literature on seasonal changes in body mass and winter inactivity of badgers from across the Palaearctic region. Location Field work was carried out in Bia?owie?a Primeval Forest, eastern Poland. Biogeographical variation was reviewed based on twenty‐three localities in the Palaearctic region (from Western Europe to Central Siberia). Methods Thirteen badgers were radio‐collared in 1997–2001. Their circadian activity was sampled by 24‐h sessions of continuous radio‐tracking with location taken at 15‐min intervals. Annual activity was studied by radio‐tracking and inspections of setts. Earthworm (badgers’ main food) biomass was estimated in four types of habitats throughout the year. Results Badgers were nocturnal with one long bout of activity. Their rhythms of diel activity differed between spring and autumn, and between adult and subadult individuals. On average, badgers emerged from setts at 19:00 hours and returned to them at 03:42 hours. The highest level of activity was recorded between 20:00 and 03:00 hours. Duration of daily activity was, on average, 8.2 h day?1, but varied significantly between seasons. The seasonal changes were inversely related to the abundance of earthworms. Duration of activity also depended on daily temperature, especially in the cold season. In winter, badgers stayed inactive for an average of 96 days per year. In autumn, they built fat reserves and their body mass nearly doubled compared with the spring values. The literature review on annual cycle of activity and body mass changes in Eurasian badgers showed that fat storage and duration of winter sleep strongly depended on climate (best approximated by January mean temperature). In regions with warm climates, badgers were active year round and their body mass changed only slightly, while in regions with severe winters badgers increased their body mass twofold from spring to autumn, and stayed inactive for as long as 6 months per year. Main conclusion We propose that, in the temperate and boreal zones of the Palaearctic region, the ultimate determinant of biogeographical variation in badgers’ annual activity is the winter shortage of earthworms, which are the main component of badger diet.  相似文献   

The European bison Bison bonasus is an example of nearly extinct 'charismatic megafauna'. The Białowieża Primeval Forest in Poland is among the few places where they still live in the wild. The management of this free-living herd has to reconcile to the conservation needs of a species and the economic and environmental objectives of their habitat: protected as well as commercial woodlands of Białowieża. Here we present a detailed account of the population development and analyse variation in vital rates based on monitoring that started in 1952 and continued until 2002. The population was allowed to grow freely until 1970, when removal started with the aim to stabilize population size. We found that recruitment rate, but not mortality, was density dependent, suggesting that the population density was not very high relative to resource levels. Winters with much snow and cold temperature had a strong negative effect on survival. May temperature of the previous year positively affected recruitment rates. Masting (oak seed) also positively affected recruitment rates, which provides a rare account of masting affecting the performance of a large ruminant. Sex ratio of offspring was even and was not strongly affected by density or climate. We use an age-structured matrix model to show how this knowledge of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting vital rates may help managerial decisions by providing explicit links between given environmental conditions and the population growth rates.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the reproductive activity of male European lynx kept in Central Russia. Four captive adult males were subjected to an electroejaculation prior to (November), during (March) and after (June) the breeding season. Concentration, motility and morphological integrity of spermatozoa as well as testis diameter and testosterone levels in serum were evaluated. Additionally, fecal samples were collected for 2 years to determine the fecal testosterone secretion. Testis sizes and serum testosterone concentrations were characterized by little changes with highest levels in March (2.98 mm3; 1.96 ng/ml testosterone) and lowest in June (2.34 mm3; 0.75 ng/ml testosterone). In faeces, the highest testosterone concentrations were measured in February followed by a second increase in May. The volume of ejaculates and percentages of motile and intact spermatozoa reached the maxima in March. By performing two-male mating experiments, we could prove multiple paternity within three litters. Paternity analysis of litter also revealed that 26 of 31 cubs (84%) were sired from the same male, independently from being the first or second mating partner of the respective female. This particular male showed the most developed and activated reproductive tract and also had the best semen quality, which seems to be important for sperm competition.  相似文献   

We studied the frequency and pattern of lynx Lynx lynx predation on red foxes Vulpes vulpes in boreal Sweden by the radio tracking of foxes and the snow tracking of lynx. We also assessed the population trend of red foxes after the re-establishment of lynx in the region, based on various population indices. Fifty per cent of recorded fox mortalities in the radio-tracking study (four of eight) were lynx kills. Adult-sized foxes killed by lynx during radio tracking were in normal condition and of prime age, and were killed after the assumed annual population bottleneck. Albeit based on a small number of kills, this pattern may suggest that lynx predation, at least to some extent, is additive to other mortality in foxes. The annual lynx predation rate was 14% on radio-tracked foxes and 4% on snow-tracked foxes. The population indices of foxes in the main study area decreased by about 10% annually during the study period. The population decrease could potentially be explained by lynx predation alone, but we acknowledge some alternative explanations. Our results point out the possibility that red fox populations can be significantly limited by allowing lynx populations to recover.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test how the sex and reproductive status of Eurasian lynx influenced their use of 'attractive sinks'– habitats with high prey density and high mortality risks. Locations of 24 Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx were obtained by radio-telemetry in a mixed forest and agricultural habitat in south-eastern Norway. Roe deer, the major food source of lynx in the study area, occurred at higher densities closer to areas of human activity and infrastructure. Proximity of lynx locations to human activity and infrastructure was used as a risk index because the most common causes of death among Scandinavian lynx were of anthropogenic origin. This study shows that distances from lynx locations to human activity were significantly greater for females with newborn kittens than for males, but this decreased with kitten age. The data suggest that this response to human activity is influenced by the reproductive strategies of males and females, and might explain male-biased human-induced mortality in this study and in carnivores more generally.  相似文献   

When wild‐caught Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from the Slovak Carpathian Mountains were reintroduced to Central Switzerland in the early 1970s and spread through the north‐western Swiss Alps (NWA), they faced a largely unfamiliar landscape with strongly fragmented forests, high elevations, and intense human land use. For more than 30 years, radio‐collared lynx have been monitored during three different project periods (in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2010s). Our study explored, how lynx over generations have learned to adjust to the alpine environment. We predicted that (1) lynx nowadays select more strongly for open habitats, higher elevations, and steep slopes compared to the early stages of recolonization and that (2) consequently, there were significant changes in the Eurasian lynx’ prey spectrum. To test our predictions, we analyzed telemetry data (VHF, GPS) of 13 adult resident lynx in the NWA over 35 years, using Resource Selection Functions. Furthermore, we compared kills recorded from different individuals inhabiting the same region during three project periods. In general, lynx preferred forested areas, but over the years, they avoided open habitat less. Compared to the early stage of the recolonization, lynx in the most recent project period selected for higher elevations and the proportion of chamois in their prey spectrum surmounted that of roe deer. Potential driving factors for the observed changes could be increasing tolerance to human presence, intraspecific competition, or fitness benefits through exploitation of new resources. Long‐term studies like ours provide important insight into how animals can respond to sudden environmental changes, e.g., in the course of translocations into new areas or anthropogenic alterations of their habitats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess potential post-bottleneck temporal genetic differentiation following the reintroduction of the species into the Białowieża Forest. Variability of 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers was analysed for 178 individuals born between 1955 and 2005, divided by birth year into five temporal groups. Low overall allelic richness (AR) per locus (AR = 2.0) and a low overall expected heterozygosity (HE = 0.28) were observed. The overall F IS was not significantly different from zero. The mean F IS values were, however, significantly different from zero for individuals born between 1955 and 1965 ( F IS = 0.19). A Bayesian computation was used to estimate effective population size (Ne) for each temporal group. We observed relatively small values of Ne ranging from 7.9 to 28.4. The low Ne values confirm that, despite a rapid growth of the bison population following the founder event, Ne increased only slowly.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 801–809.  相似文献   

1 The relationship between size and floristic composition of the seed bank and vegetation dynamics was studied between 1976 and 1996 in 0.75 ha of an abandoned Cirsietum rivularis meadow. The plot was divided into 100-m2 (10 × 10 m) quadrats and sampled 5-yearly to map the vegetation and determine the soil seed bank.
2 Densities of seeds in the soil fluctuated as succession proceeded. The initially small seed bank trebled by 15 years after abandonment, before falling, after 20 years, to approximately the same as in the initial stage.
3 The floristic richness of the seed bank decreased during succession, with the number of species falling from 38 to 25. The diversity of life forms, however, increased in later periods, with tall herbs, shrubs and trees appearing after 10 years.
4 Seed bank floristic composition is apparently both a product of the species composition of the current vegetation and a record of the long-term substitution of species. Other factors, including the structure of the vegetation, also influence the accumulation of seeds in the soil.
5 Although changes in number of species show a directional pattern, the seed bank size fluctuated in the course of succession on these fertile wet meadows.  相似文献   

The greatest threat to the protected Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Central Europe is human‐induced mortality. As the availability of lynx prey often peaks in human‐modified areas, lynx have to balance successful prey hunting with the risk of encounters with humans. We hypothesized that lynx minimize this risk by adjusting habitat choices to the phases of the day and over seasons. We predicted that (1) due to avoidance of human‐dominated areas during daytime, lynx range use is higher at nighttime, that (2) prey availability drives lynx habitat selection at night, whereas high cover, terrain inaccessibility, and distance to human infrastructure drive habitat selection during the day, and that (3) habitat selection also differs between seasons, with altitude being a dominant factor in winter. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed telemetry data (GPS, VHF) of 10 lynx in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem (Germany, Czech Republic) between 2005 and 2013 using generalized additive mixed models and considering various predictor variables. Night ranges exceeded day ranges by more than 10%. At night, lynx selected open habitats, such as meadows, which are associated with high ungulate abundance. By contrast, during the day, lynx selected habitats offering dense understorey cover and rugged terrain away from human infrastructure. In summer, land‐cover type greatly shaped lynx habitats, whereas in winter, lynx selected lower altitudes. We concluded that open habitats need to be considered for more realistic habitat models and contribute to future management and conservation (habitat suitability, carrying capacity) of Eurasian lynx in Central Europe.  相似文献   

We conducted virologic investigations on postmortem specimens from 261 free-living European bison (Bison bonasus) from the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland collected between 1990 and 2000. Fifty-four of 94 males had balanoposthitis; none of the 167 female bison examined had reproductive tract lesions. Peripheral blood, swabs, and various tissues were analyzed for bovine viruses as well as for viral DNA by bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and bovine herpesvirus 4 (BoHV-4) specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. An infectious bovine rhinotracheitis like BoHV-1 strain was isolated from the spleen of a female bison calf and additionally was detected by nested PCR from splenic tissue. None of the bison had significant antibody titers against BoHV-1, bovine herpesvirus 2, BoHV-4, caprine herpesvirus 1, cervid herpesvirus 1, or bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus-1. However, low antibody titers in two animals indicate that this European bison population has been exposed to BVD virus or BVD-like viruses and BoHV-2.  相似文献   

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