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Our genotype is so similar to those of the African apes, andour last common ancestor with them so recent, that it seemsimpossible that human and non-human cognition should differqualitatively. But the outputs of human cognition are uniquein their limitless creativity and adaptability. Exaption resolvesthe apparent paradox. Assume that the power to create symbolsemerges from stimulus-stimulus linkages and is latent in manyanimals, and that the structural side of language emerges fromthe argument structures inherent in the social calculus associatedwith reciprocal altruism. These adaptations confer the potentialfor language. However, creating complex messages requires uniquelylong-lasting coherence of neural signals, which depends in turnon the large quantities of neurons unique to Homo. The onlydifference between human and non-human minds is that we cansustain longer and more complex trains of thought. All else(emotions, rational processes, even consciousness) could beexactly the same.  相似文献   

Throughout the world at the present time more and more scientists are working on the problem of social perception. Though they are interested in different aspects of this problem, all are helping to elucidate the more or less complex features that characterize the process of how a human being forms images of other people and how he develops conceptions of their personalities. It was no slip of the pen when we included as a part of "social perception" the evolution of one's conception of another human being as a personality, for today the term "social perception" has been extended by most psychologists working on this problem to include the whole range of phenomena involved in one person's knowledge of another on the level of feeling as well as on the rational plane.  相似文献   

While the static magnitude of thermal pain perception has been shown to follow a power-law function of the temperature, its dynamical features have been largely overlooked. Due to the slow temporal experience of pain, multiple studies now show that the time evolution of its magnitude can be captured with continuous online ratings. Here we use such ratings to model quantitatively the temporal dynamics of thermal pain perception. We show that a differential equation captures the details of the temporal evolution in pain ratings in individual subjects for different stimulus pattern complexities, and also demonstrates strong predictive power to infer pain ratings, including readouts based only on brain functional images.  相似文献   

Heading estimation involves both inertial and visual cues. Inertial motion is sensed by the labyrinth, somatic sensation by the body, and optic flow by the retina. Because the eye and head are mobile these stimuli are sensed relative to different reference frames and it remains unclear if a perception occurs in a common reference frame. Recent neurophysiologic evidence has suggested the reference frames remain separate even at higher levels of processing but has not addressed the resulting perception. Seven human subjects experienced a 2s, 16 cm/s translation and/or a visual stimulus corresponding with this translation. For each condition 72 stimuli (360° in 5° increments) were delivered in random order. After each stimulus the subject identified the perceived heading using a mechanical dial. Some trial blocks included interleaved conditions in which the influence of ±28° of gaze and/or head position were examined. The observations were fit using a two degree-of-freedom population vector decoder (PVD) model which considered the relative sensitivity to lateral motion and coordinate system offset. For visual stimuli gaze shifts caused shifts in perceived head estimates in the direction opposite the gaze shift in all subjects. These perceptual shifts averaged 13 ± 2° for eye only gaze shifts and 17 ± 2° for eye-head gaze shifts. This finding indicates visual headings are biased towards retina coordinates. Similar gaze and head direction shifts prior to inertial headings had no significant influence on heading direction. Thus inertial headings are perceived in body-centered coordinates. Combined visual and inertial stimuli yielded intermediate results.  相似文献   

Vocal development in young male cowbirds (Molothrus ater) is sensitive to acoustical stimulation from males, but also to social feedback from female cowbirds, even though females do not sing. Juvenile males show different vocal trajectories if housed with local or distant population females. The major goal of the present study was to identify differences in the form and timing of non‐vocal cues from females during the period in early spring when juvenile males begin to sing stereotyped song and to finalize their repertoires. We housed juvenile males with either local or distant population females and no adult males. We found significant differences between the two groups of females in the use of wing stroking and in male reactions to wing strokes and gapes. There were also differences between the groups in male song performance. To understand further the potential consequences of these differences, we correlated measures of male and female responsiveness to results reported in Smith et al. (2000) on vocal ontogeny and song potency. We found that wing stroking by females was associated with a faster rate of song development and tended to relate to differences in song potency. The non‐vocal shaping seen here may represent a general mechanism for the development of vocal communication, as similar processes influence phonological development in human infants.  相似文献   

Living in isolation from time cues under relatively high and low light intensities for a total (on average) of 24 days, 18 subjects estimated the passage of time by “producing” short (10 to 120 seconds) and long (lh) intervals throughout the experiments. The lh productions were independent of light intensity and highly positively correlated with the duration of wake times. The short-interval productions were markedly increased under high light intensity. In a subsample of 6 subjects, the interaction between effects of body temperature and light condition on 10-second production was analyzed. Productions were negatively correlated with body temperature. In both dim and bright light, productions decreased by a factor of 0.7 per °C. In bright light, production was increased by a factor of 1.2 relative to dim light. This effect was not mediated by body temperature, which itself was on average slightly increased in bright light. Since subjective time is slowed by bright light, objective time seems to pass faster in bright light. (Chronobiology International, 14(6), 585–596, 1997)  相似文献   

The human ovary contains a fixed number of non-growing follicles (NGFs) established before birth that decline with increasing age culminating in the menopause at 50–51 years. The objective of this study is to model the age-related population of NGFs in the human ovary from conception to menopause. Data were taken from eight separate quantitative histological studies (n = 325) in which NGF populations at known ages from seven weeks post conception to 51 years (median 32 years) were calculated. The data set was fitted to 20 peak function models, with the results ranked by obtained correlation coefficient. The highest ranked model was chosen. Our model matches the log-adjusted NGF population from conception to menopause to a five-parameter asymmetric double Gaussian cumulative (ADC) curve ( = 0.81). When restricted to ages up to 25 years, the ADC curve has  = 0.95. We estimate that for 95% of women by the age of 30 years only 12% of their maximum pre-birth NGF population is present and by the age of 40 years only 3% remains. Furthermore, we found that the rate of NGF recruitment towards maturation for most women increases from birth until approximately age 14 years then decreases towards the menopause. To our knowledge, this is the first model of ovarian reserve from conception to menopause. This model allows us to estimate the number of NGFs present in the ovary at any given age, suggests that 81% of the variance in NGF populations is due to age alone, and shows for the first time, to our knowledge, that the rate of NGF recruitment increases from birth to age 14 years then declines with age until menopause. An increased understanding of the dynamics of human ovarian reserve will provide a more scientific basis for fertility counselling for both healthy women and those who have survived gonadotoxic cancer treatments.  相似文献   

Heading direction is determined from visual and vestibular cues. Both sensory modalities have been shown to have better direction discrimination for headings near straight ahead. Previous studies of visual heading estimation have not used the full range of stimuli, and vestibular heading estimation has not previously been reported. The current experiments measure human heading estimation in the horizontal plane to vestibular, visual, and spoken stimuli. The vestibular and visual tasks involved 16 cm of platform or visual motion. The spoken stimulus was a voice command speaking a heading angle. All conditions demonstrated direction dependent biases in perceived headings such that biases increased with headings further from the fore-aft axis. The bias was larger with the visual stimulus when compared with the vestibular stimulus in all 10 subjects. For the visual and vestibular tasks precision was best for headings near fore-aft. The spoken headings had the least bias, and the variation in precision was less dependent on direction. In a separate experiment when headings were limited to ±45°, the biases were much less, demonstrating the range of headings influences perception. There was a strong and highly significant correlation between the bias curves for visual and spoken stimuli in every subject. The correlation between visual-vestibular and vestibular-spoken biases were weaker but remained significant. The observed biases in both visual and vestibular heading perception qualitatively resembled predictions of a recent population vector decoder model (Gu et al., 2010) based on the known distribution of neuronal sensitivities.  相似文献   

To understand better how selection processes balance the benefits of Ig repertoire diversity with the risks of autoreactivity and nonfunctionality of highly variable IgH CDR3s, we collected millions of rearranged germline IgH CDR3 sequences by deep sequencing of DNA from mature human naive B cells purified from four individuals and analyzed the data with computational methods. Long HCDR3 regions, often components of HIV-neutralizing Abs, appear to derive not only from incorporation of long D genes and insertion of large N regions but also by usage of multiple D gene segments in tandem. However, comparison of productive and out-of-frame IgH rearrangements revealed a selection bias against long HCDR3 loops, suggesting these may be disproportionately either poorly functional or autoreactive. Our data suggest that developmental selection removes HCDR3 loops containing patches of hydrophobicity, which are commonly found in some auto-antibodies, and at least 69% of the initial productive IgH rearrangements are removed from the repertoire during B cell development. Additionally, we have demonstrated the potential utility of this new technology for vaccine development with the identification in all four individuals of related candidate germline IgH precursors of the HIV-neutralizing Ab 4E10.  相似文献   

The possibility of conscious experiences of emotions in non-humananimals has been much less explored than that of conscious experiencesassociated with carrying out complex cognitive tasks. However,no great cognitive powers are needed to feel hunger or painand it may be that the capacity to feel emotions is widespreadin the animal kingdom. Since plants can show surprisingly sophisticated"choice" and "decision-making" mechanisms and yet we would notwish to imply that they are conscious, attribution of emotionsto animals has to be done with care. Whether or not an animalpossesses anticipatory mechanisms associated with positive andnegative reinforcement learning may be a guide as to whetherit has evolved emotions.  相似文献   

Vection is an illusory perception of self-motion that can occur when visual motion fills the majority of the visual field. This study examines the effect of the duration of visual field movement (VFM) on the perceived strength of self-motion using an inertial nulling (IN) and a magnitude estimation technique based on the certainty that motion occurred (certainty estimation, CE). These techniques were then used to investigate the association between migraine diagnosis and the strength of perceived vection. Visual star-field stimuli consistent with either looming or receding motion were presented for 1, 4, 8 or 16s. Subjects reported the perceived direction of self-motion during the final 1s of the stimulus. For the IN method, an inertial nulling motion was delivered during this final 1s of the visual stimulus, and subjects reported the direction of perceived self-motion during this final second. The magnitude of inertial motion was varied adaptively to determine the point of subjective equality (PSE) at which forward or backward responses were equally likely. For the CE trials the same range of VFM was used but without inertial motion and subjects rated their certainty of motion on a scale of 0–100. PSE determined with the IN technique depended on direction and duration of visual motion and the CE technique showed greater certainty of perceived vection with longer VFM duration. A strong correlation between CE and IN techniques was present for the 8s stimulus. There was appreciable between-subject variation in both CE and IN techniques and migraine was associated with significantly increased perception of self-motion by CE and IN at 8 and 16s. Together, these results suggest that vection may be measured by both CE and IN techniques with good correlation. The results also suggest that susceptibility to vection may be higher in subjects with a history of migraine.  相似文献   

The extent to which people regard others as full-blown individuals with mental states (“humanization”) seems crucial for their prosocial motivation towards them. Previous research has shown that decisions about moral dilemmas in which one person can be sacrificed to save multiple others do not consistently follow utilitarian principles. We hypothesized that this behavior can be explained by the potential victim’s perceived humanness and an ensuing increase in vicarious emotions and emotional conflict during decision making. Using fMRI, we assessed neural activity underlying moral decisions that affected fictitious persons that had or had not been experimentally humanized. In implicit priming trials, participants either engaged in mentalizing about these persons (Humanized condition) or not (Neutral condition). In subsequent moral dilemmas, participants had to decide about sacrificing these persons’ lives in order to save the lives of numerous others. Humanized persons were sacrificed less often, and the activation pattern during decisions about them indicated increased negative affect, emotional conflict, vicarious emotions, and behavioral control (pgACC/mOFC, anterior insula/IFG, aMCC and precuneus/PCC). Besides, we found enhanced effective connectivity between aMCC and anterior insula, which suggests increased emotion regulation during decisions affecting humanized victims. These findings highlight the importance of others’ perceived humanness for prosocial behavior - with aversive affect and other-related concern when imagining harming more “human-like” persons acting against purely utilitarian decisions.  相似文献   

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