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The p53 tumor suppressor protein is a critical regulator of cell cycle progression and apoptosis following exposure of cells to DNA damaging agents such as ionizing radiation or anticancer drugs. An important group of anticancer drugs, including compounds such as etoposide and doxorubicin (Adriamycin), interacts with DNA topoisomerase II (topo II), causing the accumulation of enzyme-DNA adducts that ultimately lead to double-strand breaks and cell death via apoptosis. Human topo IIbeta has previously been shown to interact with p53, and we have extended this analysis to show that both topo IIalpha and IIbeta interact with p53 in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, we show that the regulatory C-terminal basic region of p53 (residues 364-393) is necessary and sufficient for interaction with DNA topo II.  相似文献   

Human DNA topoisomerase II is essential for chromosome segregation and is the target for several clinically important anticancer agents. It is expressed as genetically distinct alpha and beta isoforms encoded by the TOP2alpha and TOP2beta genes that map to chromosomes 17q21-22 and 3p24, respectively. The genes display different patterns of cell cycle- and tissue-specific expression, with the alpha isoform markedly upregulated in proliferating cells. In addition to the fundamental role of TOP2alpha and TOP2beta genes in cell growth and development, altered expression and rearrangement of both genes are implicated in anticancer drug resistance. Here, we report the complete structure of the human topoisomerase IIalpha gene, which consists of 35 exons spanning 27.5 kb. Sequence data for the exon-intron boundaries were determined and examined in the context of topoisomerase IIalpha protein structure comprising three functional domains associated with energy transduction, DNA breakage-reunion activity and nuclear localization. The organization of the 3' half of human TOP2beta, including sequence specifying the C-terminal nuclear localization domain, was also elucidated. Of the 15 introns identified in this 20 kb region of TOP2beta, the first nine and the last intron align in identical positions and display the same phases as introns in TOP2alpha. Though their extreme 3' ends differ, the striking conservation suggests the two genes diverged recently in evolutionary terms consistent with a gene duplication event. Access to TOP2alpha and TOP2beta gene structures should aid studies of mutations and gene rearrangements associated with anticancer drug resistance.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase (topo) II catalyses topological genomic changes essential for many DNA metabolic processes. It is also regarded as a structural component of the nuclear matrix in interphase and the mitotic chromosome scaffold. Mammals have two isoforms (alpha and beta) with similar properties in vitro. Here, we investigated their properties in living and proliferating cells, stably expressing biofluorescent chimera of the human isozymes. Topo IIalpha and IIbeta behaved similarly in interphase but differently in mitosis, where only topo IIalpha was chromosome associated to a major part. During interphase, both isozymes joined in nucleolar reassembly and accumulated in nucleoli, which seemed not to involve catalytic DNA turnover because treatment with teniposide (stabilizing covalent catalytic DNA intermediates of topo II) relocated the bulk of the enzymes from the nucleoli to nucleoplasmic granules. Photobleaching revealed that the entire complement of both isozymes was completely mobile and free to exchange between nuclear subcompartments in interphase. In chromosomes, topo IIalpha was also completely mobile and had a uniform distribution. However, hypotonic cell lysis triggered an axial pattern. These observations suggest that topo II is not an immobile, structural component of the chromosomal scaffold or the interphase karyoskeleton, but rather a dynamic interaction partner of such structures.  相似文献   

Dickey JS  Osheroff N 《Biochemistry》2005,44(34):11546-11554
The enzymatic function of the C-terminal domain of eukaryotic topoisomerase II is not well defined. This region of the enzyme is highly variable and hydrophilic and contains nuclear localization signals and phosphorylation sites. In contrast to eukaryotic topoisomerase II, type II enzymes from chlorella virus completely lack the C-terminal domain. These viral enzymes are characterized by a robust DNA cleavage activity, high coordination between their two active site tyrosyl residues, and reduced sensitivity to anticancer drugs. As a first step toward characterizing the contribution of the C-terminal domain of human topoisomerase IIalpha to enzyme function, the protein was truncated at amino acid 1175, which corresponds to the C-terminal residue of Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1 topoisomerase II as determined by BLAST sequence alignment. Although the overall catalytic activity of the resulting enzyme, hTop2alphaDelta1175, was lower than that of full-length topoisomerase IIalpha, the mutant protein displayed a double-stranded DNA cleavage activity that was approximately 2-3-fold higher. While the DNA breaks created by hTop2alphaDelta1175 were primarily double stranded, cuts generated by topoisomerase IIalpha were primarily single stranded. Thus, the enhanced cleavage observed for hTop2alphaDelta1175 appears to be due, at least in part, to an increase in active site coordination. Finally, hTop2alphaDelta1175 displayed a distinctly lower susceptibility to anticancer agents than did topoisomerase IIalpha, despite the fact that it showed a similar binding affinity for etoposide. Therefore, the C-terminal domain of human topoisomerase IIalpha appears to play significant roles in modulating the DNA cleavage/ligation reaction of the enzyme and its response to anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic topoisomerase II is a dimeric nuclear enzyme essential for DNA metabolism and chromosome dynamics. Central to the activities of the enzyme is its ability to introduce transient double-stranded breaks in the DNA helix, where the two subunits of the enzyme become covalently attached to the generated 5'-ends through phosphotyrosine linkages. Here, we demonstrate that human topoisomerases IIalpha and IIbeta are able to cleave ribonucleotide-containing substrates. With suicide substrates, which are partially double-stranded molecules containing a 5'-recessed strand, cleavage of both strands was stimulated approximately 8-fold when a ribonucleotide rather than a deoxyribonucleotide was present at the scissile phosphodiester of the recessed strand. The existence of a ribonucleotide at the same position in a normal duplex substrate also enhanced topoisomerase II-mediated cleavage, although to a lesser extent. The enzyme covalently linked to the 5'-ribonucleotide in the cleavage complex efficiently performed ligation, and ligation occurred equally well to acceptor molecules terminated by either a 3'-ribo- or deoxyribonucleotide. Besides the enhanced topoisomerase II-mediated cleavage of ribonucleotide-containing substrates, cleavage of such substrates could be further stimulated by ATP or antitumor drugs. In conclusion, the observed in vitro activities of the human topoisomerase II isoforms indicate that the enzymes can operate on RNA or RNA-containing substrates and thus might possess an intrinsic RNA topoisomerase activity, as has previously been demonstrated for Escherichia coli topoisomerase III.  相似文献   

The regulatory (R) subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A or PKA) are multi-domain proteins responsible for conferring cAMP-dependence and localizing PKA to specific subcellular locations. There are four isoforms of the R subunit in mammals that are similar in molecular mass and domain organization, but clearly serve different biological functions. Although high-resolution structures are available for the cAMP-binding domains and dimerization/docking domains of two isoforms, there are no high-resolution structures of any of the intact R subunit homodimer isoforms. The results of small-angle X-ray scattering studies presented here indicate that the RIalpha, RIIalpha, and RIIbeta homodimers differ markedly in overall shape, despite extensive sequence homology and similar molecular masses. The RIIalpha and RIIbeta homodimers have very extended, rod-like shapes, whereas the RIalpha homodimer likely has a compact Y-shape. Based on a comparison of the R subunit sequences, we predict that the linker regions are the likely cause of these large differences in shape among the isoforms. In addition, we show that cAMP binding does not cause large conformational changes in type Ialpha or IIalpha R subunit homodimers, suggesting that the activation of PKA by cAMP involves only local conformational changes in the R subunits.  相似文献   

The decatenation activity of DNA topoisomerase II is essential for viability as eukaryotic cells traverse mitosis. Phosphorylation has been shown to stimulate topoisomerase II activity in vitro. Here we show that topoisomerase II is a phosphoprotein in yeast and that the level of incorporated phosphate is significantly higher at mitosis than in G1. Comparison of tryptic phosphopeptide maps reveals that the major phosphorylation sites in vivo are targets for casein kinase II. Incorporation of phosphate into topoisomerase II is nearly undetectable at the non-permissive temperature in a conditional casein kinase II mutant. The sites modified by casein kinase II are located in the extreme C-terminal domain of topoisomerase II. This domain is absent in prokaryotic and highly divergent among eukaryotic type II topoisomerases, and may serve to regulate functions of topoisomerase II that are unique to eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian topoisomerase II isoforms alpha and beta are diverged in their C-terminal domain (CTD), but both isoforms complement the yeast top2 mutation. In this study, mammalian topoisomerase IIalpha-CTD and IIbeta-CTD were tagged with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), expressed in yeast cells, and their localization was examined. YFP tagged-topoisomerase IIalpha-CTD was distributed evenly throughout the nucleus, while YFP tagged-topoisomerase IIbeta-CTD was sequestered into a subnuclear compartment. Deletion analysis revealed that two regions (amino acids 1207-1234 and 1513-1573) of the topoisomerase IIbeta-CTD are essential for specific localization of the beta isoform: if either of the two regions is removed, the mutant topoisomerase IIbeta-CTD distributes evenly throughout the nucleus. The data suggest that yeast cells distinguish the nuclear and subnuclear localization signals associated with these two mammalian topoisomerase II isoforms.  相似文献   

The presence of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha was investigated in interphase and metaphase mouse erythroleukemia (MEL) Friend-S cells, and in extracted with 25 mM lithium diiodosalicylate buffer (Lis) nuclei using indirect immunofluorescence. The results showed that DNA topoisomerase IIalpha is localised in the nuclei. In the metaphase cells, we found high concentrations of this enzyme in the mitotic chromosomes. Our results support the idea of the accumulation of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha at the end of the cell cycle. The extractions of nuclei with 25 mM Lis led to the complete depletion of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha from the residual nuclear matrix. Using a high dilution of the first antibody, we established that the high level of heterochromatin compactisation in the interphase nuclei is caused by the high concentration of DNA topoisomerase IIalpha.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase IIbeta knockout mouse cells (beta-/-) were found to have only slight resistance to m-AMSA, a dual topoisomerase IIalpha-IIbeta poison, as compared to wild-type cells (beta+/+) during 1 h or 3 day exposures to the drug. In contrast, the beta-/- cells were greater than threefold resistant to XK469, a selective topoisomerase IIbeta poison during three day drug exposures (beta+/+ IC(50) = 175 microM, beta-/- IC(50) = 581 microM). Short term (1 h) exposure to XK469 was not cytotoxic to either beta-/- or beta+/+ cells, suggesting that anticancer therapy with XK469 may be more efficacious if systemic levels can be prolonged. During studies on topoisomerase activity in nuclear extracts of the beta+/+ and beta-/- cells, we found evidence that XK469 is a weak topoisomerase I catalytic inhibitor. The high IC(50) for topoisomerase I inhibition (2 mM) suggests that topoisomerase I is not a significant target for XK469 cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The Rho family GTPase Rac acts as a molecular switch for signal transduction to regulate various cellular functions. Mice deficient in the hematopoietic-specific Rac2 isoform exhibit agonist-specific defects in neutrophil chemotaxis and superoxide production, despite expression of the highly homologous Rac1 isoform. To examine whether functional defects in rac2(-/-) neutrophils reflect effects of an overall decrease in total cellular Rac or an isoform-specific role for Rac2, retroviral vectors were used to express exogenous Rac1 or Rac2 at levels similar to endogenous. In rac2(-/-) neutrophils differentiated from transduced myeloid progenitors in vitro, increasing cellular Rac levels by expression of either exogenous Rac1 or Rac2 increased formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine- or phorbol ester-stimulated NADPH oxidase activity. Of note, placement of an epitope tag on the N terminus of Rac1 or Rac2 blunted reconstitution of responses in rac2(-/-) neutrophils. In rac2(-/-) neutrophils isolated from mice transplanted with Rac-transduced bone marrow cells, superoxide production and chemotaxis were fully reconstituted by expression of exogenous Rac2, but not Rac1. A chimeric Rac1 protein in which the Rac1 C-terminal polybasic domain, which contains six lysines or arginines, was replaced with that of the human Rac2 polybasic domain containing only three basic residues, also reconstituted superoxide production and chemotaxis, whereas expression of a Rac2 derivative in which the polybasic domain was replaced with that of Rac1 did not and resulted in disoriented cell motility. Thus, the composition of the polybasic domain is sufficient for determining Rac isoform specificity in the production of superoxide and chemotaxis in murine neutrophils in vivo.  相似文献   

We have used gel retardation analysis to show that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta can bind a 40 bp linear duplex containing a single DNA topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage site. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta binds to four-way junction DNA. This supports previous suggestions that topoisomerase II may be targeted to supercoiled DNA through the recognition of DNA cruciforms, helix-helix crossovers and hairpins. DNA topoisomerase IIbeta had a 4-fold higher affinity for the four-way junction than for the linear duplex, as demonstrated by protein titration and competition analysis. Furthermore, the DNA topoisomerase IIbeta:four-way junction complex was significantly more salt stable than the complex with linear DNA. The four-way junction contained potential topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage sites straddling the points of strand exchange, and indeed, topoisomerase IIbeta was able to cleave three of these four predicted sites. This indicates that topoiso-merase IIbeta can bind to the centre of the junction. Topoisomerase II has to bind both the transported and the gated DNA helices prior to strand passage, and it is possible that both helices are provided by the four-way junction in this case. The stable complex of DNA topoisomerase IIbeta with four-way junction DNA may provide an ideal substrate for further studies into the mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by DNA topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of topoisomerase IIalpha and beta is important for normal cell function as well as being a determinant of tumour cell sensitivity to topoisomerase II-targeting chemotherapeutic agents. However, topoisomerase II is cytoplasmic under certain circumstances, indicating that it may undergo active nuclear export. We have examined the ability of Leu-rich potential nuclear export signal (NES) sequences present in human topoisomerase IIalpha and beta to direct the export of a green fluorescent protein-glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein following microinjection into HeLa cell nuclei. Of 12 sequences tested, only one potential NES sequence from the comparable location in each isoform (alphaNES(1018-1028) and betaNES(1034-1044)) was active. Mutation of hydrophobic residues in alphaNES(1018-1028) and betaNES(1034-1044) substantially reduced their nuclear export activity as did leptomycin B treatment of microinjected cells. Our results provide the first evidence of active nuclear export of topoisomerase II and suggest it is mediated by a CRM1-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The DNA strand passage activity of eukaryotic topoisomerase II relies on a cascade of conformational changes triggered by ATP binding to the N-terminal domain of the enzyme. To investigate the interdomain communication between the ATPase and cleavage/religation domains of human topoisomerase IIalpha, we characterized a mutant enzyme that contains a deletion at the interface between the two domains, covering amino acids 350-407. The ATPase domain retained full activity with a rate of ATP hydrolysis that was severalfold higher than normal, but the ATPase activity was unaffected by DNA. The cleavage and religation activities of the enzyme were comparable with those of the wild-type enzyme both in the absence and presence of cancer chemotherapeutic agents. However, neither ATP nor a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog stimulated cleavage complex formation. Although both conserved domains retained full activity, the mutant enzyme was unable to coordinate these activities into strand passage. Our findings suggest that the normal conformational transitions occurring in the enzyme upon ATP binding are hampered or lacking in the mutant enzyme. Consistent with this hypothesis, the enzyme displayed an abnormal clamp closing activity. In summary, the region covering amino acids 350-407 in human topoisomerase IIalpha seems to be essential for correct interdomain communication and probably is involved in signaling ATP binding to the rest of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that the monoclonal antibody specific for human DNA topoisomerase IIalpha, Ki-S1, stains not only the nuclei of human A431 cells but also extranuclear structures suggestive of centrosomes (Meyer, K. N., Kjeldsen, E., Straub, T., Knudsen, B. K., Kikuchi, A., Hickson, I. D., Kreipe, H., and Boege, F. (1997) J. Cell Biol. 136, 775-788). Here, we confirm colocalization of Ki-S1 with the centrosomal marker gamma-tubulin. In addition, we show labeling of centrosomes by peptide antibodies against the N and C termini of human topoisomerase IIalpha. Probing Western blots of isolated centrosomes with topoisomerase IIalpha antibodies, we demonstrate a protein band of 170 kDa. Moreover, isolated centrosomes exhibited DNA decatenation and relaxation activity correlated to the amount of topoisomerase IIalpha protein in the same way as seen in the pure recombinant enzyme. Topoisomerase IIalpha epitopes could not be removed from centrosomes by salt extraction, DNase treatment, or RNase treatment, procedures that completely removed the enzyme from nuclei. Taken together, these observations suggest that active topoisomerase IIalpha is bound tightly to the centrosome in a DNA-independent manner. Because such centrosomal topoisomerase IIalpha was also present in quiescent lymphocytes devoid of topoisomerase IIalpha in the nuclei, we assume that it might be a long-lived storage form.  相似文献   

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