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慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD,简称慢阻肺)是我国常见的高发病率和死亡率的慢性气道炎症性疾病,造成沉重社会经济负担。其发病与遗传及环境因素息息相关。动物模型是研究其发病机制、预防、治疗方案并鉴定潜在治疗靶点及生物标志物的重要工具。随着基因工程技术的发展和慢阻肺相关靶点及基因的不断发现,基因修饰动物模型越来越多地用于慢阻肺的研究。通过检索PubMed中已发表论文,分析了慢阻肺相关动物模型的动物种类及造模方法。然后通过文献检索及数据库挖掘等方法,分析了主要的慢阻肺易感基因及在不同物种中的区别。最后总结了慢阻肺基因工程小鼠和大鼠模型的信息和研究进展,供科研和临床人员参考使用,以便更好地开展慢阻肺的发病机制和防治方法的研究。  相似文献   

目的:为研究复合生物杀菌剂F6.11毒性,采用动物实验法进行毒理学评价。方法:对复合生物杀菌剂F6-11进行小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、亚急性毒性试验、家兔多次完整皮肤刺激试验、急性眼刺激试验、豚鼠皮肤变态反应试验、鱼类延长毒性14天试验。结果:复合生物杀菌剂F6—11对小鼠急性毒性LD50〉5000mg/kg.bw,属于实际无毒级物质;小鼠微核试验该杀菌剂各剂量组与阴性对照组比较,微核率无显著性差异(P〉0.05);亚急性毒性试验动物血常规、生化指标及各脏器均未发现异常;对家兔多次完整皮肤及眼刺激反应积分均为0,均属无刺激性;对豚鼠皮肤变态反应试验组动物与阴性对照组无可见不同.试验组动物皮肤致敏反应积分为0,无致敏作用;鱼类延长毒性14天试验无异常。结论:毒理学研究表明,复合生物杀菌剂F6.11具有良好的使用安全性。  相似文献   

鼠疫鼠疫是鼠疫杆菌引起的一种烈性传染病,最先流行于鼠类及其他野生啮齿动物之间,借助鼠蚤叮咬而传染给人,也可以通过直接接触受感染的动物或被病兽咬伤而感染。病人死后皮肤会出现大片黑色瘀斑,因此又被人们称为"黑死病"。鼠疫通常有腺型、肺型和败血症型三种,病人发生肺部感染后,病原体可以借助飞沫传播。人类普遍易感,但病后可获得持久免疫。鼠疫传染性强、  相似文献   

<正>绪言 通过皮肤(锡克氏)试验或抗毒素的各种血清学试验可以测定白喉的免疫。关于锡克氏试验的人群观察既费时间又费用大。它需要经过医务工作者来往三次:首先是做试验,其二是观察反应3—5天。反应阳性的对象(白喉易感的那些人)常有一种痛的赤热反应,在毒素注射部位可持续几天或几周。本研究,作者用白喉抗毒素放射免疫测定首先在12岁的儿童组估价白喉的免疫,这些儿童也做过锡克氏试验,后两组儿童未做过锡克氏试验。该试验适合以刺指收集血样,取出血清放到标准层析纸园盘上。这种筒易的操作,对于白喉免疫的人群观察是理想的。  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感蛋白2是由乳腺癌易感基因2编码的一种在维持哺乳动物细胞染色体的稳定及DNA损伤生物应答中发挥重要作用的蛋白质。文章通过介绍近几年来对乳腺癌易感蛋白2的结构研究,阐述其在双链DNA损伤修复中的作用模型及其在肿瘤抑制中的功能。  相似文献   

【目的】分离鉴定引起牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)皮肤溃疡病症的致病菌,筛选抗菌药物。【方法】采用无菌解剖组织划线分离法分离致病菌,通过人工感染试验、菌体和菌落形态观察、API20E系统鉴定、16S r RNA基因序列分析,确定分离菌的致病性及分类地位,并对该菌进行药物敏感性试验。【结果】从患病濒死牛蛙体内分离细菌NWG20141026,通过形态特征观察、生理生化试验、API 20E系统鉴定和16S r RNA基因序列相似性分析,认为NWG20141026菌株为普通变形菌(Proteus vulgaris)。人工感染试验显示,NWG20141026菌株不仅可以通过皮肤伤口感染引起蛙体表溃疡溃烂病症,也可通过消化道感染引起蛙肠炎病。药敏实验结果表明,氟苯尼考、四环素、多西环素、萘啶酸、磺胺异噁唑、恩诺沙星、红霉素等7种药物对普通变形菌具有较好的抑杀菌作用。【结论】引起牛蛙(R.catesbeiana)皮肤溃疡病症的致病菌NWG20141026为普通变形菌(P.vulgaris),所患疾病命名为牛蛙变形菌病。普通变形菌对健康牛蛙具有较强致病性,氟苯尼考、四环素、多西环素、萘啶酸、磺胺异噁唑等5种药可作为防治牛蛙变形菌病的候选药物。  相似文献   

目的对一株人工哺育期引发恒河猴婴猴腹泻的奇异变形杆菌进行了鉴定,为实验猕猴疾病检测、鉴别诊断提供参考依据。方法通过培养特性、菌落形态、染色、生化试验和血清学诊断鉴别等检查,对分离菌株进行初步鉴定,同时,对分离菌株进行致病性试验及药敏试验。结果通过表型生物学特性鉴定,并结合血清学诊断鉴别方法,确证该分离菌株为奇异变形杆菌,应用药敏试验筛选出了高度敏感的抗菌药,控制了该病的继续发生,致病性试验证明,该分离菌株对小白鼠有高致病性。结论分离到的奇异变形杆菌是导致本次婴猴腹泻死亡的病原菌,该菌为条件致病菌,对实验猕猴和研究人员均有潜在的危害,尽管该菌不是国家标准要求排除的病原菌,但该菌引发的传染病将对动物实验造成严重影响,故应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

黏膜念珠菌病主要包括口咽念珠菌病、外阴阴道念珠菌病和念珠菌性包皮龟头炎。上述3种病症各自有不同的易感因素、临床表现及治疗预防特点。1口咽念珠菌病1.1易感因素与临床表现口咽念珠菌病是主要由白念珠菌感染引起的  相似文献   

先天性皮肤念珠菌病是新生儿于子宫内获得的较为少见的感染性疾病.临床表现主要为皮肤受累,可以伴发或仅有甲改变,其病程良性,部分患者可以自愈.伴有系统感染时需系统给予抗真菌药物治疗,病情严重也可引起患儿死亡.现对该病的易感因素、发病机制、临床表现、诊断及治疗等做一简要综述.  相似文献   

高血压基因治疗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang ZG  Wen SJ  Wu ZS 《生理科学进展》2001,32(4):312-317
高血压是一种多基因病症,传统的化学药物治疗有很多的缺点,拟议中的基因治疗方案是针对高血压易感基因设计出反义寡核苷酸(AS ODN),将其导入体内后可以阻断特定基因表达,从而发挥治疗作用,这种治疗方法的特点是持续时间长,效果好,无副作用,但是由于有一些技术上的难题,此法目前正处于实验阶段。  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is a form of occupational sensitivity affecting up to one third or more of exposed workers. Symptoms involve the eyes, nose, skin, and lower respiratory tract. Asthma may develop in 20 to 30% of sensitized individuals. An occupational medical history is the primary tool if a diagnosis of LAA is suspected. The diagnosis is confirmed by demonstrating the presence of immunoglobulin E antibodies to laboratory animal allergens by skin testing or in vitro assays. If laboratory animal allergen-induced asthma is suspected, measurements of lung function are necessary for confirmation and assessing the degree of impairment. One approach to the problem is presented in this article. For individuals with LAA, avoidance of exposure is the primary treatment. For individuals who continue to work in the environment, pharmacological treatment of their symptoms may be necessary. Methods to prevent the development of LAA are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, laboratory animal allergy (LAA) has been recognized as an important occupational disease for nearly 25 years. However, introduction of health and safety legislation (e.g., the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations of 1988) and an increasing knowledge of the factors that contribute to the etiology of this disease have had surprisingly little impact on the prevalence and incidence of LAA over the last 10 to 20 yr. Studies of the relation between exposure to animal allergens and the development of LAA reveal that the risk of disease increases with increasing intensity of exposure. Current evidence suggests that animal allergens are very potent, and substantial decreases in allergen exposure are therefore necessary before a reduction in symptoms will be observed. In the United Kingdom, it is unlikely that an Occupational Exposure Limit will be set for animal allergens in the near future, partly because an adequately standardized assay for quantifying exposure is not yet available. Prevention of LAA in the future will probably be driven by the needs of the industry and will most likely rely on the adoption of guidelines describing " best practise" which incorporate sophisticated engineering methods of controlling exposure to animal allergens.  相似文献   

Allergic reactions are among the most common conditions affecting the health of workers involved in the care and use of research animals. Between 11 and 44% of the individuals working with laboratory animals report work-related allergic symptoms. Of those who become symptomatic, 4 to 22% may eventually develop occupational asthma that can persist even after exposure ceases. Allergic symptoms consist of rashes where animals are in contact with the skin, nasal congestion and sneezing, itchy eyes, and asthma (cough, wheezing, and chest tightness). The generation of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies is a prerequisite for the production of allergic symptoms. The mechanism by which IgE antibodies develop is becoming clearer. The propensity to produce IgE is genetically determined, and pre-existing allergy may be a risk factor for the development of laboratory animal allergy (LAA). However, exposure to animal allergens is the major risk factor for the development of LAA. Techniques to measure the airborne concentration of laboratory animal allergens have been developed. Research on animal allergens themselves indicates that many of the mouse and rat urinary proteins belong to a family of proteins called lipocalins, which share sequence homology with antigens of the parasitic agent that causes schistosomiasis. The fact that parasite infections also trigger IgE antibody responses may account for the development of LAA in persons who have never had any previous allergy. The prevention of LAA should be a major goal of an effective health and safety program in the animal research facility, and it can be accomplished by education and training of employees, reduction of exposure (including the use of personal protective gear), and changes in facility design. Medical surveillance programs can also play a role in improving health of individuals working with laboratory research animals. Early recognition of symptoms and evidence of sensitization can lead to interventions to reduce exposure and thereby avoid the long-term health consequences of LAA.  相似文献   

Laboratory animal allergy (LAA) is a significant occupational disease that may affect up to one third of personnel exposed to laboratory animals. Research has characterized the relative risks of exposure, in terms of intensity, frequency, and duration, associated with given tasks and work areas in the animal facility. Studies have shown that reduced exposure to animal allergens can reduce the incidence of LAA and relieve symptoms among affected workers. A combination of measures to eliminate or control allergen exposure, including engineering and administrative controls and personal protective equipment, have been integral components of effective LAA management programs. The author provides a comprehensive review of exposure control options, considerations, and " best practices" relative to laboratory animal allergen in the context of traditional industrial hygiene methods.  相似文献   

Figler N 《Lab animal》2004,33(10):25-27
In sensitized individuals, exposure to laboratory animal allergens can cause symptoms ranging in severity from annoying to life-threatening. The author presents an overview of the pathology of LAA and discusses a number of methods that can be used to limit exposure to these allergens.  相似文献   

Hochi S  Kimura K  Hanada A 《Theriogenology》1999,52(3):497-504
The objective of this study was to improve the survival of in vitro-produced bovine morulae after cry opreservation. In Experiment 1, presumptive zygotes at 20 h post-insemination (hpi) were cultured in a mixture of modified synthetic oviduct fluid (m-SOF)/0.3% BSA and m-SOF/0.3% linoleic acid-albumin from bovine serum (LAA) at 39.0 degrees C in 5% O2, 5% CO2 and 90% N2 (final LAA concentration: 0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1 or 0.3%). Morulae harvested at 138 hpi were frozen and thawed in m-PBS/0.3% BSA containing 1.5 M ethylene glycol and were cultured for 96 h in m-SOF/10% FBS to assess further development. The post-thaw survival of morulae derived from culture in 0.1% LAA (60%, P < 0.01) and in 0.03% LAA (55%, P < 0.05) was higher than that in 0% LAA (32%). Lowering the LAA concentration below 0.1% resulted in similar rates of morula development as in m-SOF/0.3% BSA. In Experiment 2, zygotes were cultured in m-SOF/0.1% LAA from 20 to 90 hpi and/or from 90 to 138 hpi. Post-thaw survival of morulae that had been exposed to LAA from 20 to 90 hpi (39%) or from 90 to 138 hpi (56%) was higher than that of morulae cultured without LAA from 20 to 138 hpi (12%, P < 0.02). These survival rates were lower than that of morulae cultured with LAA over a period of 20 to 138 hpi (76%, P < 0.001). The results indicate that cell-free culture of IVM/IVF bovine zygotes in m-SOF supplemented with LAA produces morula-stage embryos relatively tolerant to the process of freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

Rapid regular atrial pacing (RAP) produces changes in atrial function similar to those caused by atrial fibrillation in animal models. Left atrial appendage (LAA) function represents regional atrial function. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of RAP on left atrial regional function and to evaluate the reversibility of changes after termination of pacing in a canine model. Eight dogs were subjected to RAP (400 bpm) for 16 days. Transesophageal echocardiography was performed at baseline, immediately after RAP and 4 weeks after the termination of RAP. The LAA peak late emptying velocity (LAA-E) and filling wave (LAA-f) were measured. LAA-E velocities were significantly reduced and filling wave velocities (LAA-f) were significantly less negative after RAP compared with the baseline values. Four weeks after termination of pacing, the LAA-E and LAA-f velocities were normal. RAP results in impaired regional atrial systolic and diastolic function. The changes were completely reversible 4 weeks after termination of pacing. These results suggest that the LAA is mechanically stunned after RAP.  相似文献   

目的应用微电极阵列芯片(microelectrode arrays chip,MEA)技术评价48 h房颤(atrial fibrillation,AF)犬左、右心耳(LAA、RAA)的电生理特性。方法随意来源犬12只,以600次/分起搏右心房建立AF模型,分为48 h AF组(n=6)和对照组(n=6)。造模成功后迅速开胸剪取LAA、RAA,置于盛有台式液的MEA中,分别记录AF组及对照组LAA、RAA场电位(field action potential,FAP)形态、振幅、放电频率及激动传导情况。结果 AF组LAA、RAA组织FAP节律绝对不齐,LAA(185.22±25.62)次/分,较对照组(156.44±8.88)次/分增加15.67%(P〈0.01),RAA(102.39±16)次/分,较对照组(156.44±8.88)次/分减慢34.62%(P〈0.01)。48 h AF组LAA组织电压(458.33±26.73)μV较对照组(740.55±18.93)μV降低38.11%(P〈0.01),RAA(504.83±39.93)μV较对照组(840.56±18.93)μV明显降低(P〈0.01),48 h房颤组LAA组织FAP时程(45.28±8.59)ms较对照组(70.77±6.98)ms缩短15 ms(P〈0.01)。RAA(61.78±7.1)ms较对照组(75.83±7.63)ms缩短14 ms(P〈0.01)。48 h AF组LAA、RAA FAP传导异质性增加。结论应用MEA技术可反映心肌组织片场电位电生理特性,48 h AF后LAA放电频率增加,频率绝对不齐,LAA、RAA电压降低,场电位时程延长。  相似文献   

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