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The World Health Organization estimates that by year 2000, 10 million children will be infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) at birth and will subsequently develop AIDS. Perinatally acquired infections account for the majority of all HIV-1 cases in children, with an estimated mother-to-infant transmission rate of more than 30%. It is not clear why more than half of the children born to HIV-1-infected mothers are uninfected. Maternal transmission of HIV-1 occurs at three levels: prepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum. Several maternal parameters including advanced clinical stages of the mother, low CD4+ lymphocyte counts, maternal immune response to HIV-1, recent infection, high level of circulating HIV-1, and maternal disease progression have been implicated in an increased risk of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV-1. Viral factors influencing mother-to-infant transmission are not known. Furthermore, several other factors such as acute infection during pregnancy, presence of other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or other chronic infections, vaginal bleeding, disruption of placental integrity, premature rupture of membrane (PROM), and preterm PROM have been associated with mother-to-infant transmission of HIV-1. In addition, tobacco and cigarette smoking during pregnancy have been shown to triple the rate of maternal transmission of HIV-1. The AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) suggested that zidovudine (ZDV) can reduce the rate of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV-1 if administered to HIV-1-infected pregnant women with CD4 counts greater than 200. Moreover, this study failed to take into consideration several factors that may influence maternal transmission of HIV-1. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in mother-to-infant transmission of HIV-1 are not understood, which makes it more difficult to define strategies for effective treatment and prevention of HIV-1 infection in children. Several groups are engaged in the understanding of the molecular and biological properties of HIV-1 influencing mother-to-infant transmission. Results from my and several other laboratories suggest that the minor genotypes, subtypes, or variants of HIV-1 found in a genetically heterogeneous virus population of infected mothers are transmitted to their infants. The minor HIV-1 genotype predominates initially as a homogeneous population in the infant and then becomes diverse as the infant matures. Furthermore, transmission of a major or multiple HIV-1 genotypes from mother to infant has been reported. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that there are differences among the molecular and biological properties of the maternal variants that are transmitted to the infants and the maternal variants that are not transmitted to the infants. The understanding of the molecular and biological properties of the transmitted viruses will enable researchers to target a particular subtype in the mothers that is transmitted to the infants.  相似文献   

An animal model for the heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was developed by the application of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) onto the genital mucosas of both mature and immature, male and female rhesus macaques. Virus preparations were infused into the vaginal vaults or the urethras (males) of the animals through a soft plastic pediatric nasogastric feeding tube. The macaques that were infected by this route (six males and nine females) developed SIV-specific antibodies, and SIV was isolated from peripheral mononuclear cells of all seropositive animals. One male and one female infected by this route developed severe acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-like disease with retroviral giant-cell pneumonia. As few as two inoculations of cell-free SIV containing 50 50% tissue culture infective doses induced persistent viremia. Cell-free virus preparations were capable of producing infection by the genital route. Much higher doses of virus were required to transmit SIV by this route than are required for transmission by intravenous inoculation. Thus, it appears that the mucous membranes of the genital tract act as a barrier to SIV infection. Spermatozoa and seminal plasma were not required for the genital transmission of SIV. Rarely, SIV was recovered from mononuclear cells in semen and vaginal secretions. The SIV-rhesus macaque model is suitable for assessing the role of cofactors in heterosexual transmission of HIV and will be useful for testing the effectiveness of spermicides, pharmacologic agents, and vaccines in preventing the heterosexual transmission of HIV.  相似文献   

In the light of the evidence and discussion presented during The Royal Society Discussion Meeting it seems to me that the oral polio vaccine (OPV) hypothesis for the origins of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome epidemic is less tenable now than one year earlier. The OPV hypothesis does not accord with HIV phylogenetic studies: the geographical correlation has been challenged; the testimony of those directly involved with OPV trial vaccines denies the use of chimpanzees, corroborating tests on the still-available vials of the CHAT vaccines, which contain neither simian immunodeficiency virus nor chimpanzee DNA. Yet one lesson to be learned from considering OPV as a source of HIV is how plausibly it might have happened and how cautious we need to be over introducing medical treatments derived from animal tissues, such as live, attenuated vaccines or xenotransplantation. To cast doubt on the OPV hypothesis is not to dismiss entirely the role of iatrogenic factors in HIV transmission from chimpanzees in the first instance, in HIV adaptation to onward transmission during its early phase in humans, or in the later spread of HIV to patients, for example, with haemophilia. To reduce the argument over the origins of HIV to the 'OPV hypothesis' versus the 'cut-hunter hypothesis' is an oversimplistic and false antithesis. Both natural and iatrogenic transmission of many retroviruses, including HIV, have been thoroughly documented and are not mutually exclusive. Exactly how, when and where the first human(s) became infected with the progenitor of HIV-1 group M, which gave rise to the pandemic strain, is likely, however, to remain a matter of conjecture.  相似文献   

The transmission dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper first reviews data on HIV infections and AIDS disease among homosexual men, heterosexuals, intravenous (IV) drug abusers and children born to infected mothers, in both developed and developing countries. We survey such information as is currently available about the distribution of incubation times that elapse between HIV infection and the appearance of AIDS, about the fraction of those infected with HIV who eventually go on to develop AIDS, about time-dependent patterns of infectiousness and about distributions of rates of acquiring new sexual or needle-sharing partners. With this information, models for the transmission dynamics of HIV are developed, beginning with deliberately oversimplified models and progressing--on the basis of the understanding thus gained--to more complex ones. Where possible, estimates of the model's parameters are derived from the epidemiological data, and predictions are compared with observed trends. We also combine these epidemiological models with demographic considerations to assess the effects that heterosexually-transmitted HIV/AIDS may eventually have on rates of population growth, on age profiles and on associated economic and social indicators, in African and other countries. The degree to which sexual or other habits must change to bring the 'basic reproductive rate', R0, of HIV infections below unity is discussed. We conclude by outlining some research needs, both in the refinement and development of models and in the collection of epidemiological data.  相似文献   

At present it is not known which form of immunity would be most effective against infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). To evaluate the possible role of cellular immunity, we examined whether four HIV type 2-exposed but seronegative macaques developed cellular immune responses and determined whether these exposed macaques were resistant to mucosal transmission of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Following intrarectal challenge with SIV, 2 monkeys were protected against detectable SIV replication and another showed suppressed viral replication compared to 14 persistently infected controls. The two protected monkeys demonstrated SIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes before as well as after SIV challenge. Here we provide evidence that activation of the cell-mediated arm of the immune system only, without antibody formation, can control SIV replication in macaques. The results imply that vaccines that stimulate a strong and broad cellular immune response could prevent mucosal HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Four uninfected chimpanzees were each housed in separate cages with an HIV-infected chimpanzee for six to twenty-nine months. Despite close daily contact, all uninoculated chimpanzees remained seronegative for HIV, and virus was never isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the uninfected chimpanzees. These data indicate that the probability of transmission from infected animals to humans is extremely low and also provide supportive evidence for lack of transmission of HIV by casual contact.  相似文献   

We previously observed that when human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected T lymphocytes are added to epithelial cells, they adhere, polarize, and secrete virions unidirectionally onto the epithelium. Epithelial cells subsequently take up virus and become productively infected. We report here that colchicine treatment of T-lymphocyte suspensions induced lymphocyte polarization, redistribution of F-actin into a pseudopod, and secretion of HIV from the pseudopod. Immobilization of T lymphocytes on negatively charged plastic also caused redistribution of F-actin and unidirectional secretion of HIV onto the plastic. As neither colchicine nor adhesion caused an increase in HIV secretion, they apparently act by focusing secretion to the tip of the pseudopod. We speculate that adhesion-induced polar secretion of HIV, from activated mononuclear cells onto epithelia, is a cytoskeleton-mediated process which may be involved in HIV transmission in vivo.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate within-species gene genealogies was used to establish linkages among individuals associated with the Florida dental human immunodeficiency virus transmission case. Phylogenetic relationships were estimated from 103 nucleotide sequences from the V3 region of the env gene representing the Florida dentist, eight of his seropositive patients, and many local controls. The cladogram estimation procedure supports linkages among individuals within the previously described dental clade, whereas local controls and other patients form independent networks or are outliers in the main network, indicating more distant evolutionary relationships. A nested statistical analysis also indicates significant cohesion of the dental clade group.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) potently stimulate the cell-cell transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). However, the mechanisms that underlie DC transmission of HIV-1 to CD4+ T cells are not fully understood. DC-SIGN, a C-type lectin, efficiently promotes HIV-1 trans infection. DC-SIGN is expressed in monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs), macrophage subsets, activated B lymphocytes, and various mucosal tissues. MDDC-mediated HIV-1 transmission to CD4+ T cells involves DC-SIGN-dependent and -independent mechanisms. DC-SIGN transmission of HIV-1 depends on the donor cell type. HIV-1 Nef can upregulate DC-SIGN expression and promote DC-T-cell clustering and HIV-1 spread. Nef also downregulates CD4 expression; however, the effect of the CD4 downmodulation on DC-mediated HIV-1 transmission has not been examined. Here, we report that CD4 expression levels correlate with inefficient HIV-1 transmission by monocytic cells expressing DC-SIGN. Expression of CD4 on Raji B cells strongly impaired DC-SIGN-mediated HIV-1 transmission to T cells. By contrast, enhanced HIV-1 transmission was observed when CD4 molecules on MDDCs and DC-SIGN-CD4-expressing cell lines were blocked with specific antibodies. Coexpression of CD4 and DC-SIGN in Raji cells promoted the internalization and intracellular retention of HIV-1. Interestingly, internalized HIV-1 particles were sorted and confined to late endosomal compartments that were positive for CD63 and CD81. Furthermore, in HIV-1-infected MDDCs, significant downregulation of CD4 by Nef expression correlated with enhanced viral transmission. These results suggest that CD4, which is present at various levels in DC-SIGN-positive primary cells, is a key regulator of HIV-1 transmission.  相似文献   

自从对感染人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的妊娠妇女实施抗反转录病毒治疗(ART)以预防母婴垂直传播以来,HIV母婴阻断成功率明显上升。而部分抗病毒药物,如依非韦伦和替诺福韦,也逐渐被证实用于妊娠期妇女对胎儿是安全的,这增加了HIV母婴阻断药物的选择范围。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) from cases of mother-to-infant transmission were analyzed in an effort to provide insights into the viral selection that may occur during transmission, as well as the timing and source of transmitted viruses. HIV-1 env genes obtained from seven mothers and their perinatally infected infants in Sweden were studied. Five envelope sequence clades (A to E) were found to be represented. We used a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) to assess the genetic relatedness between early viral isolates from the infants and serial maternal virus populations taken during pregnancy and at delivery. HTA findings were used to select for DNA sequence analysis maternal virus populations that were either closely or more distantly related to the infant virus. In each case, nucleotide sequence analysis confirmed the genetic relationships inferred by the HTA. Only maternal peripheral blood was sampled, and large sets of maternal specimens throughout pregnancy were generally not available. However, no consistent correlation was found to support the hypothesis that infant viruses should match blood-derived maternal virus genotypes found early in pregnancy if infants were found to be infected at birth or, conversely, that infant viruses should match blood-derived maternal virus genotypes found at delivery if infants were found to be infected only some time later.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized antigen-presenting cells. However, DCs exposed to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are also able to transmit a vigorous cytopathic infection to CD4(+) T cells, a process that has been frequently related to the ability of DC-SIGN to bind HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins. The maturation of DCs can increase the efficiency of HIV-1 transmission through trans infection. We aimed to comparatively study the effect of maturation in monocyte-derived DCs (MDDCs) and blood-derived myeloid DCs during the HIV-1 capture process. In vitro capture and transmission of envelope-pseudotyped HIV-1 and its homologous replication-competent virus to susceptible target cells were assessed by p24(gag) detection, luciferase activity, and both confocal and electron microscopy. Maturation of MDDCs or myeloid DCs enhanced the active capture of HIV-1 in a DC-SIGN- and viral envelope glycoprotein-independent manner, increasing the life span of trapped virus. Moreover, higher viral transmission of mature DCs to CD4(+) T cells was highly dependent on active viral capture, a process mediated through cholesterol-enriched domains. Mature DCs concentrated captured virus in a single large vesicle staining for CD81 and CD63 tetraspanins, while immature DCs lacked these structures, suggesting different intracellular trafficking processes. These observations help to explain the greater ability of mature DCs to transfer HIV-1 to T lymphocytes, a process that can potentially contribute to the viral dissemination at lymph nodes in vivo, where viral replication takes place and there is a continuous interaction between susceptible T cells and mature DCs.  相似文献   

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