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Alternaria alternata has been reported to be the most common fungus on Canadian Western wheat. The Alternaria toxins alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) are mutagenic in vitro and there is also limited evidence for carcinogenic properties. They have been found in wheat from Europe, Argentina, China and Australia, but they have not been looked for in Canadian grains or grain foods. In the present study, 83 samples of grain-based food sold in Canada, including flour, bran, breakfast cereals, infant cereals and bread, were analysed for AOH and AME using extraction with methanol, clean-up on combined aminopropyl/C18 solid phase extraction (SPE) columns, and liquid chromatography (LC) with tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) determination. The overall average recoveries of AOH and AME from a variety of spiked cereal foods (n?=?13) were 45?±?9?% and 53?±?9?%, which could be attributed mainly to MS matrix effects The instrumental limits of detection (LOD) were 0.34?ng/g and 0.13?ng/g for AOH and AME, respectively, and the instrumental limits of quantitation (LOQ) were 1.1 and 0.43?ng/g. Of 83 samples analysed, 70 were positive for AOH (up to 63?ng/g, in a soft wheat bran) and 64 contained AME (up to 12?ng/g in a bran-based breakfast cereal). Of particular interest was the presence of AOH and/or AME in 27 out of 30 infant foods (up to 4.4?ng/g and 9.0?ng/g, respectively, in a sample of multigrain cereal).  相似文献   

Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, grown in drop culture, produced alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in late growth phase. Production was almost completely inhibited when the fungal cultures were exposed to white light (180 W/m2), although mycelial dry weight was not significantly affected. The fungus was most sensitive to light during the exponential growth phase. Twelve hours of light exposure was sufficient to decrease significantly the production of the secondary metabolites. In light the fungus produced a red-brown pigment of unknown nature.  相似文献   

Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, grown in drop culture, produced alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in late growth phase. Production was almost completely inhibited when the fungal cultures were exposed to white light (180 W/m2), although mycelial dry weight was not significantly affected. The fungus was most sensitive to light during the exponential growth phase. Twelve hours of light exposure was sufficient to decrease significantly the production of the secondary metabolites. In light the fungus produced a red-brown pigment of unknown nature.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) in soya beans harvested in Argentina was evaluated. Both toxins were simultaneously detected by using HPLC analysis coupled with a solid phase extraction column clean-up. Characteristics of this in-house method such as accuracy, precision and detection and quantification limits were defined by means of recovery test with spiked soya bean samples. Out of 50 soya bean samples, 60% showed contamination with the mycotoxins analyzed; among them, 16% were only contaminated with AOH and 14% just with AME. Fifteen of the positive samples showed co-occurrence of both mycotoxins analyzed. AOH was detected in concentrations ranging from 25 to 211?ng/g, whereas AME was found in concentrations ranging from 62 to 1,153?ng/g. Although a limited number of samples were evaluated, this is the first report on the natural occurrence of Alternaria toxins in soya beans and is relevant from the point of view of animal public health.  相似文献   

The occurrence ofAlternaria mycotoxins was investigated in 80 samples of tomato puree processed and sold in Argentina. Alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) and tenuazonic acid (TA) were searched for by liquid chromatography. Thirty-nine of the 80 samples showed mycotoxin contamination. TA was found in 23 samples (39-4021 μg/kg), AOH in 5 samples (187-8756 μg/kg), and AME in 21 samples (84-1734 μg/kg). Co-occurrence of two of these toxins was detected in 10 samples. This is the first report of natural occurrence of AOH, AME and TA in tomato products in Argentina.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty five samples of red, white and rosé wines and different juices purchased in Entre Rios, Argentina, were analyzed for the Alternaria mycotoxins alternariol (AOH) and alternariol methyl ether (AME). White wines were analyzed after removal of alcohol by a nitrogen stream and concentrated. AOH in red wines was cleaned up by solid-phase extraction columns in series (octadecyl and amino propyl modified silica) and AME quantified directly on the sample. The juices were filtered and concentrated, and then all sample extracts were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector that allows confirmation through UV spectra. Method validation revealed a good sensitivity with adequate LOD and LOQ for AME and less sensitivity for AOH (i.e. white wine: AME 0.8 and 1.4 ng/mL, AOH 2 and 3.3 ng/mL; red wine: AME 0.1 and 0.2 ng/mL, AOH 4.5 and 7.5 ng/mL; apple juice: AME 1.7 and 2.8 ng/mL, AOH 5 and 9 ng/mL; other juices: AME 2.0 and 3.1 ng/mL, AOH 6 and 10 ng/mL). Recoveries in all cases were greater than 80 %. Four of 53 white wine samples were contaminated with AOH with a maximum level of 18 ng/mL, 6 of 56 samples of red wine had a maximum of 13 ng/mL, and 3 of 68 samples of juices had traces of AOH. AME was less frequently detected than AOH, and the LOD and LOQ for AME are smaller than for AOH. Only three samples of white wine and one of red wine were contaminated, but in only one white wine sample (AME 225 ng/mL) did the toxin level exceed the LOQ.  相似文献   

The effects in the chicken embryo assay of four Alternaria metabolites (alternariol [AOH], alternariol methyl ether [AME], altenuene [ALT], and tenuazonic acid [TA]) were investigated. Administered to 7-day-old chicken embryos by yolk sac injection, AOH, AME, and ALT caused no mortality or teratogenic effect at doses up to 1,000, 500, and 1,000 micrograms per egg, respectively. TA exhibited a calculated 50% lethal dose of 548 micrograms per egg, with no teratogenic effect observed at either lethal or sublethal doses.  相似文献   

The effects in the chicken embryo assay of four Alternaria metabolites (alternariol [AOH], alternariol methyl ether [AME], altenuene [ALT], and tenuazonic acid [TA]) were investigated. Administered to 7-day-old chicken embryos by yolk sac injection, AOH, AME, and ALT caused no mortality or teratogenic effect at doses up to 1,000, 500, and 1,000 micrograms per egg, respectively. TA exhibited a calculated 50% lethal dose of 548 micrograms per egg, with no teratogenic effect observed at either lethal or sublethal doses.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of heat treatment on the stability of alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) and tenuazonic acid (TeA) in sunflower flour and the effectiveness of this treatment by a biological assay in rats. The concentrations of AOH and AME remained constant during heating at 100°C for up to 90 minutes while TeA concentration decreased with time to 50% after 90 minutes. The most effective treatment in reducing AOH and AME levels was heating at 121°C for 60 minutes. Histopathological evaluation in the biological assay in rats fed withAlternaria toxins showed marked atrophy and fusion of villi in the intestines and liver cell damage; these lesions were less severe in rats fed heat-treated sunflower flour in line with the reduced toxin content. However, a lower weight gain and a noticeable renal damage in rats were produced when they fed decontaminated flour.  相似文献   

The comparison In toxins production and growth byAlternarla strains in liquid, solid culture media and natural substrates (rice and sunflower) was evaluated. Ground rice- corn steep liquor medium (GRCS) was the more suitable medium for production of alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether(AME). The maximum levels produced were 676 μg/50ml AOH and 1570/50ml AME. Rice was better than sunflower In supporting toxins production. Different ratios AOH/AME were found according to the substrate evaluated.  相似文献   

Cereal, fruit and vegetable products were analyzed for contamination with the Alternaria mycotoxins alternariol (AOH) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) using stable isotope dilution assays (SIDAs). Both toxins were practically not detected in cereals and cereal products: AOH—one out of 13 samples at a content of 4.1 μg/kg; AME—two out of 13 samples at contents ranging between 0.2 and 0.6 μg/kg. However, if cereals for animal nutrition were analyzed, much higher values were found: AOH—five out of six samples (13–250 μg/kg); AME—six out of six samples (3–100 μg/kg). This finding may pose a potential problem concerning animal health. AOH and AME were frequently detected in vegetable products: AOH—5 out of 10 samples (2.6–25 μg/kg); AME—6 out of 10 samples (0.1–5 μg/kg). Tomato products were affected, especially. The highest content of AOH (25 μg/kg) and AME (5 μg/kg) were found in triple concentrated tomato paste. Special wines like “Trockenbeerenauslese” or “Spätlese” (affected by noble rot in the vineyard) contained AOH (4/6 samples; 1.2–4.9 μg/kg) and AME (4/6 samples; 0.1–0.3 μg/kg), but the values did not exceed the values of both toxins that were found generally in wines.  相似文献   

Alternariol and alternariol methyl ether were tested in the Ames Salmonella typhimurium assay, and both were shown, with and without metabolic activation, to be nonmutagenic to strains TA98 and TA100. The finding of other investigators that alternariol methyl ether is weakly mutagenic to TA98 without metabolic activation could have resulted from the presence of a small amount of one of the highly mutagenic altertoxins in the alternariol methyl ether originally tested.  相似文献   

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