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Phase shifts in coral reef communities and their ecological significance   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
T. J. Done 《Hydrobiologia》1992,247(1-3):121-132
Many coral reefs around the world have degraded to a degree that their present intrinsic value and utility are greatly reduced: (mass coral mortality followed by algal invasions; local depletions of reef fisheries; deficit of reef accretion compared to physical and biological erosion). Though we can sometimes identify proximal causes (outbreaks of coral predators and eroders; over-fishing; habitat destruction), we do not have a good understanding of how population, community and ecosystem structure and function differ in degraded from un-degraded reefs. The deficiencies in our understanding limit our ability to interpret the long-term significance of reef degradation, and therefore to develop scientifically based plans for conservation and management of reefs.A particular course of action, or lack of action, based on uncritical acceptance of any of the various views of temporal variability can lead to further deterioration of specific reefs. None of these views — that reefs are either inherently robust, inherently fragile, or inherently resilient — is true over all time-space scales. This presentation reviews various models and case studies which suggest that reefs can be knocked precipitously or move slowly from one phase (coral-dominated) to another (coral-depleted and/or algal dominated). Transitions in the other direction (recovery) involve changes (e.g. succession) in populations and communities (of all reef-associated biota, not just sessile benthos), and in reef function (e.g. community metabolism, trophodynamics) which are of great intrinsic interest but only poorly understood.  相似文献   

The use of artificial reefs in enhancing fish communities in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intense development of the coastal zone in Singapore has resulted in the degradation of much of the marine ecosystem. In order to restore and enhance fish communities of denuded areas, an artificial reef consisting of a tyre reef and a concrete reef, was established in the vicinity of the southern islands of Singapore. Results from fish visual censuses after the establishment of the artificial reef indicated an increase in numbers of juveniles and adults. A total of 37 and 32 fish species were recorded over a period of 1/2 years at the concrete and tyre reefs respectively. The dominant fish families were Pomacentridae, Labridae, Chaetodontidae, Apogonidae, Gobiidae and Nemipteridae. The artificial reefs also serve as a nursery ground for some species (e.g. Neopomacentrus sp.) which are important primary consumers of algae on natural reefs. Greater numbers of target (food-important) fishes were observed at the concrete reef while the tyre reef harboured more juveniles and smallersized adults. The results indicate that the concrete modules were more effective than the tyre reef in terms of fish abundance per unit volume. Such structures can enhance the biological resources of relatively unproductive areas.  相似文献   

Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs are two mid-latitude, annular reefs within the Lord Howe linear chain of volcanic islands and seamounts in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Drilling, vibrocoring, seismic profiling, and dating indicate that each has a rim of Holocene reef framework, enclosing a lagoon partly filled by prograding sand sheets composed of fragments of coral, coralline algae, foraminifers, and other skeletal debris. The reefs lie close to the latitudinal limits for coral growth and the reef framework is very porous, dominated by branching rather than massive corals. Coralline algae are the principal binding agent in the upper reef framework. Holocene reef growth began on a foundation of Pleistocene reefal limestone encountered at a depth of 8 m in cores on the windward side of Middleton Reef. Holocene corals became established on this foundation around 6,700 radiocarbon yr B.P., implying little if any lag after inundation of the platform by the post-glacial sea-level rise. Windward reef growth tracked sea-level rise (keep-up mode), and a prominent reef crest was established on both reefs by 5,000 yr B.P. Leeward margins appear to have been characterized by catch-up growth. Development of cays is limited, and has been restricted by the paucity of coarse coralline debris or cemented conglomerate on which islands could become established. The morphology and development of Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs has been similar to that of tropical atolls, although the rate of subsidence appears to have been relatively slow reflecting their position on the margin of the foundered continental crust of the Lord Howe Rise.  相似文献   

In this study, we present exact measures of the number, area, and basic morphometric statistics for every single reef of the Maldivian archipelago, as derived from the interpretation of remotely sensed data collected by the Landsat-7 ETM+ earth-observing satellite sensor. We classified and mapped seven morphological attributes of reefs (six marine habitats and reef-top islands) to 30-m depth at 30×30 m spatial resolution (pixel size) for the entire archipelago. The total archipelagic area (all coral reef and lagoon habitats) of the 16 atolls, five oceanic faros, and four oceanic platform reefs which comprise the Maldives is 21,372.72±1,068.64 km2 (approx. 20% of the Maldives Territorial Sea). A total of 2,041±10 distinct coral reef structures larger than 0.01 km2 occur in the Maldives, covering an area of 4,493.85 km2 (including enclosed reef lagoons and islands) to 30-m depth. Smaller areas of coral reef substratum cover another 19.29 km2, bringing the total area of Maldivian coral reefs to 4,513.14±225.65 km2. Shallow coral platforms thus occupy 21.1% of the total area of the archipelago (0.0052% of the EEZ area of the Maldives). Of these reefs, 538 are rim and oceanic reefs, covering 3,701.93 km2 (82.5% of the total reef area), and 1,503 are patch reefs within the atoll lagoons, covering 791.92 km2 (17.5% of the total reef area). Islands occupy only 5.1% of the total reef area. Mapping the Maldives coral reefs at high spatial resolution is only possible with remote sensing and spatial analysis technologies. These greatly reduce the large uncertainty around current estimates of reef area. Our accurate measure of total reef area is only 50.6% of the current best estimate, a result having significant implications for predictions of the Maldives reef productivity and response to global climate change. Here we present current best practice and compare the methods and measures with previous approaches.  相似文献   

Tropical coral reef monitoring relies heavily on in situ diver observations. However, in many reef regions resources are not available to regularly monitor reefs. This lack of historical baseline data makes it difficult to determine how different reefs respond to environmental stressors and what the implications are for management. To test whether coral cores could be used to identify bleaching events retrospectively, three sites in Tobago with pre-existing reef data including water quality and bleaching observations were identified. Colpophyllia natans cores were examined for growth anomalies which occurred during periods of thermal stress. If present, anomalies were compared to in situ, real-time bleaching observations and water quality data. Interestingly, sites with better water quality during the 2005 thermal anomaly were less prone to bleaching. We suggest that by reducing terrestrial run-off (e.g., sediment and nutrients), and therefore improving marine water quality, reef managers could enhance near-shore coral reef resilience during high-temperature events.  相似文献   

Three methods of evaluating stony coral communities were used on selected reefs in the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park (24°22N, 77°30W) in the central Bahamas. Shallow reefs (< 4 meters depth) were selected from aerial surveys based on size, location, and physical setting, and grouped into three community types: (1) channel patch reefs, (2) soft-coral-sponge patch reefs and (3) fringing reefs. Three survey techniques used to evaluate the stony coral communities were a) species presence and absence lists, b) linear percentage and c) line transects using 1 mx1 m grids. Data collected from these survey methods was used to calculate coral colony density, species area coverage, and species diversity based on colony number and based on linear (cm) coral cover. The linear percentage sampling was considered too convervative in determining distribution patterns of a reef community; this technique takes into account the massive reef framework species such asM. annularis. The line transect technique can account for both colony number and area coverage, thus is a better method for characterizing reef communities. Sample size considerations are discussed for future applications of survey techniques for ground-truthing digital images of small, shallow reef communities.  相似文献   

The realization that coral reef ecosystem management must occur across multiple spatial scales and habitat types has led scientists and resource managers to seek variables that are easily measured over large areas and correlate well with reef resources. Here we investigate the utility of new technology in airborne laser surveying (NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL)) in assessing topographical complexity (rugosity) to predict reef fish community structure on shallow (<10 m deep) patch reefs. Marine portions of Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA, were surveyed remotely using the EAARL, and reef fish populations were visually surveyed on 10 patch reefs at independent, randomly selected stations (n = 10–13 per reef). Rugosity at each station was assessed in situ by divers using the traditional chain-transect method (10-m scale), and remotely using the EAARL submarine topography data at multiple spatial scales (2, 5, and 10 m). The rugosity and biological datasets were analyzed together to elucidate the predictive power of EAARL rugosity in describing the variance in reef fish community variables and to assess the correlation between chain-transect and EAARL rugosity. EAARL rugosity was not well correlated with chain-transect rugosity, or with species richness of fishes (although statistically significant, the amount of variance explained by the model was very low). Variance in reef fish community attributes was better explained in reef-by-reef variability than by physical variables. However, once the reef-by-reef variability was taken into account in a two-way analysis of variance, the importance of rugosity could be seen on individual reefs. Fish species richness and abundance were statistically higher at high rugosity stations compared to medium and low rugosity stations, as predicted by prior ecological research. The EAARL shows promise as an important mapping tool for reef resource managers as they strive to inventory and protect coral reef resources.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of habitat on the size distribution of groupers was examined at sites in the middle and upper Florida Keys. Transects were used to quantify the size distribution of groupers at study sites. There were significant differences in the size distribution of groupers within and among reef community types related to differences in species composition and patch reef size. Groupers with a giant life-history style (Sullivan & de Garine 1994) were more abundant, but smaller, on inshore patch reefs than offshore reef community types. However, grouper species with a dwarf life-history style (Sullivan & de Garine 1994) showed an opposite pattern with a lower abundance, but larger size, inshore than offshore. The length category of groupers constituting the majority of individuals observed on patch reefs was inversely related to reef size. Graysby Epinephelus cruentatus were shown to recruit to deeper (15–20 m), low-relief habitats offshore. Several factors influenced the size distribution of groupers in the study sites including habitat type, spear-fishing, competition, predation, and recruitment.  相似文献   

Patterns of hard coral and sea urchin assemblage structure (species richness, diversity, and abundance) were studied in Kenyan coral reef lagoons which experienced different types of human resource use. Two protected reefs (Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks) were protected from fishing and coral collection, but exposed to heavy tourist use. One reef (Mombasa MNP) received protection from fishermen for one year and was exploited for fish and corals prior to protection and was defined as a transitional reef. Three reefs (Vipingo, Kanamai, and Diani) were unprotected and experienced heavy fishing and some coral collection. Protected and unprotected reefs were distinct in terms of their assemblage structure with the transitional reef grouping with unprotected reefs based on relative and absolute abundance of coral genera. Protected reefs had slightly higher (p<0.01) coral cover (23.6 ± 8.3 % ± S.D.) than unprotected reefs (16.7 ± 8.5), but the transitional reef had the highest coral cover (30.8 ± 6.4) which increased by 250% since measured in 1987: largely attributable to a large increase inPorites nigrescens cover. Protected reefs had higher coral species richness and diversity and a greater relative abundance ofAcropora, Montipora andGalaxea than unprotected reefs. The transitional reef had high species richness, but lower diversity due to the high dominance ofPorites. Sea urchins showed the opposite pattern with highest diversity in most unprotected reefs. Coral cover, species richness, and diversity were negatively associated with sea urchin abundance, but the relative abundance ofPorites increased with sea urchin abundance to the point wherePorites composed >90% of the coral cover at sites with the highest sea urchin abundance. Effects of coral overcollection was only likely for the genusAcropora (staghorn corals). A combination of direct and indirect effects of human resource use may reduce diversity, species richness, and abundance of corals while increasing the absolute abundance of sea urchins and the relative cover ofPorites.  相似文献   

At the request of the Palau and US governments, a team of 30 scientists under the leadership of the Nature Conservancy completed a rapid ecological assessment (REA) of nearshore marine resources in Palau in 1992. The REA provided ecological input to Palau's ongoing master plan for economic development and identified 45 marine sites worthy of special protection. The REA relied on previous literature, 1992 aerial photography, interviews, and field observations. A combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to assess stony corals, other reef invertebrates, reef and shore fishes, macroscopic algae, seagrasses, sea turtles and other marine organisms. The REA covered a variety of coral reef habitats including beaches, seagrass beds, fringing reefs, lagoons, passes, channels, reef holes, patch and pinnacle reefs, barrier reefs, atolls, submerged reefs, mangroves, and rock islands. Major stresses to Palau's coral reefs include sedimentation from soil erosion, overfishing, and damage from periodic storms and waves. Minor stresses include dredge-and fill activities, sewage pollution, anchor damage, tourism use, ship groundings, aquarium fish collecting, and minor crown-of-thorns (Acanthaster) infestations.  相似文献   

The NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar (EAARL), a temporal waveform-resolving, airborne, green wavelength LIDAR (light detection and ranging), is designed to measure the submeter-scale topography of shallow reef substrates. Topographic variability is a prime component of habitat complexity, an ecological factor that both expresses and controls the abundance and distribution of many reef organisms. Following the acquisition of EAARL coverage over both mid-platform patch reefs and shelf-margin bank reefs within Biscayne National Park in August 2002, EAARL-based optical indices of topographic variability were evaluated at 15 patch reef and bank reef sites. Several sites were selected to match reefs previously evaluated in situ along underwater video and belt transects. The analysis used large populations of submarine topographic transects derived from the examination of closely spaced laser spot reflections along LIDAR raster scans. At all 15 sites, each LIDAR transect was evaluated separately to determine optical rugosity (Rotran), and the average elevation difference between adjacent points (Av(Eap)). Further, the whole-site mean and maximum values of Rotran and Av(Eap) for the entire population of transects at each analysis site, along with their standard deviations, were calculated. This study revealed that the greater habitat complexity of inshore patch reefs versus outer bank reefs results in relative differences in topographic complexity that can be discerned in the laser returns. Accordingly, LIDAR sensing of optical rugosity is proposed as a complementary new technique for the rapid assessment of shallow coral reefs.  相似文献   

Hatcher  Bruce G.  Hatcher  Gordon H. 《EcoHealth》2004,1(3):229-235
Coral reefs are the worlds most celebrated indicators of ocean health. While the global trajectory of coral reef degradation is now well documented, and the accompanying loss of economic benefits increasingly demonstrated, the consequences in terms of human health have been largely ignored. Reefs provide a wide array of benefits to humans, contributing most directly to the health of subsistence fishing communities located on adjacent coasts and islands. Interactions between human and marine ecosystem health are complex, bidirectional and nonlinear. We draw on a broad range of data and experience to identify key links in the ecological chain from the coral polyp to the human society. Our conclusions are that humans are components of coral reef ecosystems, few studies of reef health incorporate human health, few data are available to quantify the health services reefs provide to people, and human health security is essential to the preservation of coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

From 1970 to the present 10 artificial reef sites have been developed in coastal waters of the Ligurian Sea, Italy. They range from Ventimiglia, in the west, to La Spezia, in the east, with the largest and best known reef complex being located in the Gulf of Genoa at Loano and consisting of 2,745 m3, about 5,200 t of material and covering a surface of 350 ha. Design and construction practices have advanced from an initial, unsuccessful effort that used automobile bodies (now banned) to current use of custom-designed concrete modules deployed systematically. Funding for reef construction has come since 1983. The earliest aim of reefs was as a physical barrier to protect habitats against illegal otter trawl fishing. Newer objectives include habitat restoration, enhancement of biodiversity and fishing catch, and research to test materials and designs for physical and ecological performance. Reefs also functions as environmental observation stations, with the invasive species Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, being recorded on the reef at Alassio. For some Artificial Reefs (Ars), benthic organisms and fishes, settlement, biomass and development of community are recorded. In Loano AR, immersed in 1986, more than 150 algae species are recorded, more than 200 benthic animal species and 78 species (87 taxa) of fishes. Fifty-six species (61 taxa) of fishes are recorded by visual census, the others are caught only by trammel net and long line. Trammel catches at Loano are on average about 2.32 kg/100 m net. Comparisons among ARs reveal that age of the reef, location and presence of seagrass meadows are crucial for success. An indication of functional equivalence between ARs and natural rocky reefs is seen if both fish and sessile macrobenthos are compared. After 34 years of investigation a database comprising at least one hundred scientific articles based on research programs of up to 15 years, and other unpublished reports, provides information to guide future planning of reefs. On the basis of acquired experience, some management advice is suggested and the best design for the basic module in the Ligurian sea is described. The role of ARs, providing protection of coastal environment against the illegal otter trawling, nursery, microhabitat and food supply, while increasing biodiversity, biomass of benthos and fishes, and facilities for ecotourism, is outlined.
G. ReliniEmail:

Synopsis The structure of assemblages of fish on small patch reefs was experimentally investigated by totally denuding three experimental reefs, and following their recovery and concomitant changes in three control reefs by subsequent visual censusing. Experimental treatment had no significant effect on the number of fish or species subsequently present, nor on the faunal composition of the assemblages. However, all assemblages, both control and experimental, exhibited significant change in structure through the 28 month period they were followed. Such assemblages thus appear to have low constancy, or stability, but high resilience. The results conform to those of previous small-scale, or artificial reef studies, and are compatible with a view emphasising the role of variability in recruitment in determining the structure of reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Synopsis Herbivorous fishes and invertebrates are conspicious elements of coral reef communities where they predominate both in numbers and biomass. Herbivores and the coral reef algae on which they feed represent a co-evolved system of defense and counter-defense. Algal species have developed toxic, structural, spatial and temporal defense or escape mechanisms, while the herbivores employ strategies that involve anatomical, physiological and behavioral adaptations. Current research demonstrates that many reef fishes are highly selective in the algae they consume. Food selection in these fishes may be correlated with their morphological and digestive capabilities to rupture algal cell walls. Sea urchins select more in accordance with relative abundance, although certain algal species are clearly avoided.The determinants of community structure on coral reefs have yet to be established but evidence indicates a strong influence by herbivores. Reef herbivores may reduce the abundance of certain competitively superior algae, thus allowing corals and cementing coralline algae to survive. We discuss how the foraging activities of tropical marine herbivores affect the distribution and abundance of algae and how these activities contribute to the development of coral reef structure and the fish assemblages which are intimately associated with reef structure.This paper forms a part of the proceedings of a mini-symposium convened at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 18–19 May 1976, entitled Patterns of Community Structure in Fishes (G. S. Helfman, ed.).  相似文献   

Reef coring and NOAA/AVHRR imagery were used to examine differences in reef colonisation and accumulation across a gradient of increasing tidal range and turbidity. AVHRR channel-1 reflectance, which was strongly correlated with suspended sediment concentration (SSC), demonstrated that SSC is due to tidal resuspension of sediments, and increases with increasing tidal range. Underwater surveys and reef coring revealed that reef development diminishes with increasing SSC toward Broad Sound. Few reefs near Broad Sound have formed reef flats; those that have are thinner and accumulated more slowly during the Holocene. The many submerged reefs in this area represent a mixture of reef turn-ons and turn-offs. Some are probably incipient reefs in the early stages of reef growth. Others appear to be coral communities growing as thin veneers on exposed rock surfaces, rather than coral reef communities with capacity for reef-building. Still others developed reef flats earlier in the Holocene, and have since turned-off.  相似文献   


Coral reef research and management efforts can be improved when supported by reef maps providing local-scale details across global extents. However, such maps are difficult to generate due to the broad geographic range of coral reefs, the complexities of relating satellite imagery to geomorphic or ecological realities, and other challenges. However, reef extent maps are one of the most commonly used and most valuable data products from the perspective of reef scientists and managers. Here, we used convolutional neural networks to generate a globally consistent coral reef probability map—a probabilistic estimate of the geospatial extent of reef ecosystems—to facilitate scientific, conservation, and management efforts. We combined a global mosaic of high spatial resolution Planet Dove satellite imagery with regional Millennium Coral Reef Mapping Project reef extents to build training, validation, and application datasets. These datasets trained our reef extent prediction model, a neural network with a dense-unet architecture followed by a random forest classifier, which was used to produce a global coral reef probability map. Based on this probability map, we generated a global coral reef extent map from a 60% threshold of reef probability (reef: probability ≥ 60%, non-reef: probability < 60%). Our findings provide a proof-of-concept method for global reef extent estimates using a consistent and readily updateable methodology that leverages modern deep learning approaches to support downstream users. These maps are openly-available through the Allen Coral Atlas.


Line transects were used to sample the structure and diversity of the hermatypic coral community (Scleractinia) on four shallow shelf-edge reefs in South Florida (25° 22N to 25° 29N). Low diversities, cover and abundance indicated that this area was a suboptimum habitat for reef-building corals. The lack of acroporids on the shallow fore-reef, the increase in total coral cover with depth and the greater abundance of Montastrea annularis in the deepest zones suggests that cooling of surface water during severe winter cold fronts is a major environmental control on the distribution of hermatypic corals with depth. Such disturbances, occurring more frequently than hurricanes, may preclude the hard-coral community from attaining higher levels of cover and abundance. The shallow zones on the reefs nearest to tidal passes, through which cooled by water enters the reef tract, had the least developed community. In the deeper reef-zones, species richness and abundance increased from north to south over a distance of 13 km.  相似文献   

The transition between shallow and mesophotic coral reef communities in the tropics is characterized by a significant gradient in abiotic and biotic conditions that could result in potential trade-offs in energy allocation. The mesophotic reefs in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands have a rich sponge fauna with significantly greater percent cover of sponges than in their respective shallow reef communities, but relatively low numbers of spongivores. Plakortis angulospiculatus, a common sponge species that spans the depth gradient from shallow to mesophotic reefs in the Caribbean, regenerates faster following predation and invests more energy in protein synthesis at mesophotic depths compared to shallow reef conspecifics. However, since P. angulospiculatus from mesophotic reefs typically contain lower concentrations of chemical feeding deterrents, they are not able to defend new tissue from predation as efficiently as conspecifics from shallow reefs. Nonetheless, following exposure to predators on shallow reefs, transplanted P. angulospiculatus from mesophotic depths developed chemical deterrence to predatory fishes. A survey of bioactive extracts indicated that a specific defensive metabolite, plakortide F, varied in concentration with depth, producing altered deterrence between shallow and mesophotic reef P. angulospiculatus. Different selective pressures in shallow and mesophotic habitats have resulted in phenotypic plasticity within this sponge species that is manifested in variable chemical defense and tissue regeneration at wound sites.  相似文献   

Coral-dwelling fishes from the genus Gobiodon are some of the most habitat specialised fishes on coral reefs. Consequently, we might expect that their population dynamics will be closely associated with the abundance of host corals. I used a combination of log-linear modelling and resource selection ratios to examine patterns of habitat use among eight species of Gobiodon in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. I then used multiple regression analysis to investigate relationships between the abundance of each species of Gobiodon and the abundance of the corals they inhabited. Each species of Gobiodon used one or more species of coral more frequently than expected by chance. The pattern of habitat use exhibited by each species of Gobiodon did not vary among reef zones or among reefs with different exposures to prevailing winds, despite changes in the relative abundances of corals among reef zones. This consistency in habitat use might be expected if the coral species inhabited confer considerable fitness advantages and, therefore, are strongly preferred. For most species of Gobiodon, abundances among reef zones and exposure regimes were correlated with the abundance of the coral species usually inhabited. Therefore, it appears that habitat availability helps determine abundances of most species of Gobiodon in Kimbe Bay. In addition to correlations with habitat availability, the abundances of G. histrio, G. quinquestrigatus, G. rivulatus (dark form) and the group others were also associated with particular reef zones and exposure regimes. Therefore, in these species, reef type appears to influence patterns of abundance independently of coral availability. In contrast to other species of Gobiodon, the abundance of the most specialised species, Gobiodon sp.A, was not closely associated with the abundance of the only coral species it inhabited. This study demonstrates that even for habitat specialised species, the relationship between habitat availability and abundance varies widely and is multiscale.  相似文献   

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