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Polycistronic gene expression in yeast versus cryptic promoter elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a much preferred host for biotechnological applications. However, the expression of entire heterologous pathways, required for some potential products, is technically challenging in yeast. A possible tool would be polycistronic gene expression. Recent studies demonstrated that short 5' untranslated regions (5'UTRs) found upstream of certain genes support cap-independent translation in vitro. In this study 5'UTRs were used as linkers between genes in polycistronic constructs. Expression levels of genes located in the first, second and third position after a promoter were studied by replacing the respective gene by a promoterless green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene. S. cerevisiae transformed with these constructs was grown on different carbon sources and GFP expression was assayed. Our results demonstrate that (i) ribosomal read-through does not suffice for polycistronic gene expression in vivo, (ii) 5'TFIID and 5'HAP4 but not 5'L-A significantly improve the expression of a reporter gene located second in a bicistron, (iii) 5'TFIID, 5'HAP4 and 5'YAP1 but not 5'L-A can drive expression of a promoterless reporter gene, and (iv) expression driven from 5'TFIID, 5'HAP4 and 5'YAP1 is induced in the presence of raffinose or galactose but not in the presence of glucose. This implies that these elements unlike typical internal ribosome entry site-like structures contain small, potentially useful promoters which support carbon source-regulated expression.  相似文献   

G Colwell  B Li  D Forrest  R Brackenbury 《Genomics》1992,14(4):875-882
Genomic clones containing 5'-flanking sequences, the first exon, and the entire first intron from the chicken N-CAM gene were characterized by restriction mapping and DNA sequencing. A > 600-bp segment that includes the first exon is very G + C-rich and contains a large proportion of CpG dinucleotides, suggesting that it represents a CpG island. SP-1 and AP-1 consensus elements are present, but no TATA- or CCAAT-like elements were found within 300 bp upstream of the first exon. Comparison of the chicken promoter region sequence with similar regions of the human, rat, and mouse N-CAM genes revealed that some potential regulatory elements including a "purine box" seen in mouse and rat N-CAM genes, one of two homeodomain binding regions seen in mammalian N-CAM genes, and several potential SP-1 sites are not conserved within this region. In contrast, high CpG content, a homeodomain binding sequence, an SP-1 element, an octomer element, and an AP-1 element are conserved in all four genes. The first intron of the chicken gene is 38 kb, substantially smaller than the corresponding intron from mammalian N-CAM genes. Together with previous studies, this work completes the cloning of the chicken N-CAM gene, which contains at least 26 exons distributed over 85 kb.  相似文献   

Promoter elements important for basal and cyclic AMP (cAMP)-regulated expression of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene have been identified by analysis of a series of PEPCK promoter mutations in transfection experiments. Fusion genes containing wild-type and mutated PEPCK promoter sequences from -600 to +69 base pairs (bp) fused to the coding sequence for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase were studied. Internal deletion mutations that replaced specific bases with a 10-bp linker within the region from -129 bp to -18 bp of the PEPCK promoter were examined. In addition, wild-type and mutated DNA templates were used as probes in DNase I protection experiments to determine sites of protein-DNA interaction. The PEPCK promoter contains a binding site for nuclear factor 1-CAAT. Deletion of the 5' end of this binding site reduced the size of the DNase I footprint in this region but had no effect on promoter activity. In contrast, deletion or disruption of the 3' end of this binding site completely eliminated protein binding and reduced promoter activity by 50%. Deletion of core sequences of the cAMP regulatory element (CRE) resulted in loss of cAMP responsiveness and an 85% decrease in basal promoter activity, indicating that the CRE also functions as a basal stimulatory element. Mutation of the core sequence of the CRE resulted in loss of the DNase I footprint over the CRE. Internal deletions flanking the CRE showed no loss of induction by cAMP but did have reduced promoter activity. This delimits the CRE to an 18-bp region between nucleotides -100 and -82. Analysis of mutations that disrupted bases between the CRE and the initiation site identified a basal inhibitory element adjacent to a basal stimulatory element, both located just 3' of the CRE, as well as a basal stimulatory element coincident with the TATA consensus sequence centered at -27. These data demonstrate that several cis-acting elements are located within 130 nucleotides of the initiation site of the PEPCK gene and that the CRE is essential for both basal promoter activity and cAMP-regulated expression of this gene.  相似文献   

A rodent 4.5S RNA molecule with extensive homology to the Alu family of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences has been found physically associated with polyadenylated nuclear and cytoplasmic RNAs (W. Jelinek and L. Leinwand, Cell 15:205-214, 1978; S. Haynes et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 1:573-583, 1981). In this report, we describe a 4.5S RNA molecule in rat cells whose RNase fingerprints are identical to those of the equivalent mouse molecule. We show that the rat 4.5S RNA is part of a small family of RNA molecules, all sharing sequence homology to the Alu family of DNA sequences. These RNAs are synthesized by RNA polymerase III and are developmentally regulated and short-lived in the cytoplasm. Of this family of small RNAs, only the 4.5S RNA is found associated with polyadenylated RNA.  相似文献   

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