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The localization and the secretion of type IV collagen in synovial capillaries have been investigated by detecting the antigenic determinant of the major triple helix of human type IV collagen. Type IV collagen was indicated to be localized mainly in the lamina densa of basement membranes (BM) and to be secreted by both endothelial cells and pericytes. The pericytes secreted this collagen to both surfaces facing endothelial cells and the interstitial connective tissue. On the contrary, the direction of type IV collagen secretion by the endothelial cells was strictly confined to one side, namely towards the surface facing the BM. The absence of the antigenic determinant in rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus of the endothelial cells and pericytes indicated that the major triple helix of type IV collagen is mainly formed in the secretory vesicles after budding from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Human type III collagen from placenta was isolated and purified for use as an immunogen. A monoclonal antibody was produced which specifically recognizes epitopes unique to type III collagen. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA, an immunoblot assay, and by immunoprecipitation. Results indicated that the monoclonal antibody recognized only the alpha 1(III) polypeptide chains and did not crossreact with type I, IV, or V collagen. The monoclonal antibody was also used for immunohistochemical localization of type III collagen in tissue sections of human placenta, bovine spleen, and lymph node. In placenta, both large and small blood vessels showed pronounced staining of the tunica media, which contains largely smooth muscle cells, known to synthesize type III collagen. In contrast, the intimal areas and endothelial cells showed no staining with the antibody. In the placental villi, staining was limited to the villous core, where fine fibrillar structures showed strong staining. In lymph nodes, the capsule and pericapsular adipose cells were surrounded by a covering of type III collagen. Within the parenchyma of the node, staining was localized to a branching, reticular array of fine fibers. In the spleen, staining was pronounced in the capsule, splenic trabeculae, and white pulp, where blood vessel staining was especially prominent. The red pulp and splenic sinuses contain little or no type III collagen. The fine network-like or reticular staining pattern found in the lymph node parenchyma is consistent with the staining pattern of the protein reticulin, and suggests that type III collagen may be closely associated with reticulin in certain tissues. Since the role of type III in tissues is unclear, this reagent will be useful in providing new information in this regard.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, IV-IA8, generated against chicken type IV collagen has been characterized and shown to bind specifically to a conformational-dependent site within a major, triple helical domain of the type IV molecule. Immunohistochemical localization of the antigenic determinant with IV-IA8 revealed that the basement membranes of a variety of chick tissues were stained but that the basement membrane of the corneal epithelium showed little, if any, staining. Thus, basement membranes may differ in their content of type IV collagen, or in the way in which it is assembled. The specificity of the antibody was determined by inhibition ELISA using purified collagen types I-V and three purified molecular domains of chick type IV collagen ([F1]2F2, F3, and 7S) as inhibitors. Only unfractionated type IV collagen and the (F1)2F2 domain bound the antibody. Antibody binding was destroyed by thermal denaturation of the collagen, the loss occurring at a temperature similar to that at which previous optical rotatory dispersion studies had shown melting of the triple helical structure of (F1)2F2. Such domain-specific monoclonal antibodies should prove to be useful probes in studies involving immunological dissection of the type IV collagen molecule, its assembly within basement membranes, and changes in its distribution during normal development and in disease.  相似文献   

A monoclonal IgG antibody directed against gp 41 from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) has been crystallized in both intact and Fab forms. Crystals of the intact antibody grow as tetragonal-like prisms too small for conventional X-ray analysis. However, the Fab portion of the antibody produces suitable plate-like crystals which belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell constants of a = 66.5 A, b = 74.3 A and c = 105.3 A. There is one molecule of Fab in the asymmetric unit. The Fab crystals show diffraction to d-spacings less than 3.0 A.  相似文献   

We have produced four monoclonal antibodies against type IV collagen obtained from human placenta. An antibody with a high titer by ELISA, named JK-199, reacted not only with type IV collagen in the triple-helical conformation but also with thermally denatured chains. After affinity chromatography on JK-199 antibody-coupled resin, the amino acid composition and CD spectrum of the affinity-purified peptides from the crude pepsin extract of human placenta were typical of those of human type IV collagen in the triple-helical conformation. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified protein showed only one broad band with a molecular weight of approximately 260,000 before reduction and six smaller peptide bands after reduction. On immunoelectroblotting, JK-199 reacted with all six peptide bands. Immunohistochemically, typical basement membranes were exclusively and strongly stained with JK-199 on frozen sections of PLP-fixed human placentas without any enzymatic pretreatment in the routine immunoperoxidase method. Judging from these findings, it is concluded that the epitopes of type IV collagen that reacted with JK-199 are exposed on the surface of basement membranes. This antibody should be useful for identification of type IV collagen in normal or pathological basement membranes or other structures.  相似文献   

In order to develop an anti-FMDV A Type monoclonal antibo by (mAb),BABL/c mice were immunized with FMDV A type.Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 7B11 and 8H4 against Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotype A were produced by fusing SP2/O myeloma cells with splenocyte from the mouse immunized with A/AV88.The microneutralization titer of the mAbs 7B11 and 8H4 were 1024 and 512,respectively.Both mAbs contain kappa light chains,the mAbs were IgG1.In order to define the mAbs binding epitopes,the reactivity of these mAbs against A Type FMDV,were examined using indirect ELISA,the result showed that both mAbs reacted with A Type FMDV.These mAbs may be used for further vaccine studies,diagnostic methods,prophylaxis,etiological and immunological research on FMDV.Characterization of these ncindicated that prepared anti-FMDV A mAbs had no cross-reactivity with Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) or FMDV O,Asial and C Type antigens.Their titers in abdomen liquor were 1:5×106 and 1:2×106,respectively.7B11 was found to be of subtype IgG1,8H4 was classified as IgG2b subtype.The mAbs prepared in this study,are specific for detection of FMDV serotype A,and is potentially useful for pen-side diagnosis.  相似文献   

Abstract A monoclonal IgG1 antibody against F8 fimbriae was obtained with the hybridoma technique using spleen cells from C3H/f mice immunised with a fimbrial preparation of Escherichia coli 2980 (O18ac:K5:H:F1C, F8) and Sp 2/0 Ag8 myeloma cells. The hybrid cells were cloned twice by limiting dilution and grown in tissue culture. The monoclonal antibody was purified from culture supernatants on Protein A Sepharose. It reacted with F8 fimbriae in colony blot, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblot after electrotransfer from sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of fimbrial preparations. The antibody bound to and agglutinated F8-fimbriated bacteria.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to the purified platelet type I collagen receptor were produced to study platelet receptor function. The antibody specifically reacted with the platelet receptor in immunoblot experiments. The IgG purified from the monoclonal antibodies and isolated Fab' fragments inhibited the binding of radiolabeled alpha 1(I) chain to washed platelets competitively. Soluble and fibrillar type I collagen-induced platelet aggregations were inhibited by purified IgG suggesting that soluble and fibrillar collagens shared a common receptor. The adhesion of platelets to an artificial collagen matrix was also inhibited by the monoclonal antibody. However, adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation was not inhibited by the same amount of IgG that inhibited collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The results suggest that collagen-induced platelet aggregation is mediated through the interaction of collagen with the platelet receptor.  相似文献   

Micromechanical bending experiments using atomic force microscopy were performed to study the mechanical properties of native and carbodiimide-cross-linked single collagen fibrils. Fibrils obtained from a suspension of insoluble collagen type I isolated from bovine Achilles tendon were deposited on a glass substrate containing microchannels. Force-displacement curves recorded at multiple positions along the collagen fibril were used to assess the bending modulus. By fitting the slope of the force-displacement curves recorded at ambient conditions to a model describing the bending of a rod, bending moduli ranging from 1.0 GPa to 3.9 GPa were determined. From a model for anisotropic materials, the shear modulus of the fibril is calculated to be 33 ± 2 MPa at ambient conditions. When fibrils are immersed in phosphate-buffered saline, their bending and shear modulus decrease to 0.07-0.17 GPa and 2.9 ± 0.3 MPa, respectively. The two orders of magnitude lower shear modulus compared with the Young's modulus confirms the mechanical anisotropy of the collagen single fibrils. Cross-linking the collagen fibrils with a water-soluble carbodiimide did not significantly affect the bending modulus. The shear modulus of these fibrils, however, changed to 74 ± 7 MPa at ambient conditions and to 3.4 ± 0.2 MPa in phosphate-buffered saline.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the frequency, phenotype, and functional profile of T lymphocytes that proliferate in response to type I collagen (CI) in patients with scleroderma (SSc). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from SSc patients, healthy controls, and rheumatoid arthritis disease controls were labeled with carboxy-fluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester (CFSE), cultured with or without antigen (bovine CI) for 14 days, and analysed by flow cytometry. Surface markers of proliferating cells were identified by multi-color flow cytometry. T-cell lines were derived after sorting for proliferating T cells (CFSElow). Cytokine expression in CI-responsive T cells was detected by intracellular staining/flow cytometry and by multiplex cytokine bead assay (Bio-Plex). A T-cell proliferative response to CI was detected in 8 of 25 (32%) SSc patients, but was infrequent in healthy or disease controls (3.6%; p = 0.009). The proliferating T cells expressed a CD4+, activated (CD25+), memory (CD45RO+) phenotype. Proliferation to CI did not correlate with disease duration or extent of skin involvement. T-cell lines were generated using in vitro CI stimulation to study the functional profile of these cells. Following activation of CI-reactive T cells, we detected intracellular interferon (IFN)-γ but not interleukin (IL)-4 by flow cytometry. Supernatants from the T-cell lines generated in vitro contained IL-2, IFN-γ, GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor), and tumour necrosis factor-α, but little or no IL-4 and IL-10, suggesting that CI-responsive T cells express a predominantly Th1 cytokine pattern. In conclusion, circulating memory CD4 T cells that proliferate to CI are present in a subset of patients with SSc, but are infrequent in healthy or disease controls.  相似文献   

We reported the presence of three distinct epitopes commonly present on murine and human type II collagen (CII), observed using mAb. To investigate the possible involvement of these epitopes in collagen-induced arthritis, we raised rabbit anti-idiotypic antibodies that may bear the internal image of these epitopes. Anti-idiotypic antibodies developed against three anti-CII mAb designated as 1-5, 2-14, and 2-15 were demonstrated to recognize idiotype expressed on Ag-binding site (paratope) of their related mAb. Anti-CII antibody response specific for a given epitope could be induced in DBA/1J mice upon immunization with anti-idiotypic antibodies coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Anti-idiotypic antibody to 1-5 antibody in particular could stimulate all DBA/1J mice for production of anti-CII antibody possessing Ag specificity and idiotype similar to those of 1-5 antibody. Although the mice immunized with anti-1-5 antibody alone did not develop arthritis, they did show a much more enhanced antibody response against a given epitope than did control mice non-treated with anti-idiotypic antibody upon the subsequent immunization with human CII. Some of the mice immunized with anti-1-5 antibody and challenged with human CII developed arthritis, whereas the control mice did not. These findings strongly suggest that a common epitope recognized by 1-5 antibody might be involved in the induction of arthritis.  相似文献   

Structural investigations on native collagen type I fibrils using AFM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was carried out to determine the elastic properties of single collagen type I fibrils with the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Native collagen fibrils were formed by self-assembly in vitro characterized with the AFM. To confirm the inner assembly of the collagen fibrils, the AFM was used as a microdissection tool. Native collagen type I fibrils were dissected and the inner core uncovered. To determine the elastic properties of collagen fibrils the tip of the AFM was used as a nanoindentor by recording force-displacement curves. Measurements were done on the outer shell and in the core of the fibril. The structural investigations revealed the banding of the shell also in the core of native collagen fibrils. Nanoindentation experiments showed the same Young's modulus on the shell as well as in the core of the investigated native collagen fibrils. In addition, the measurements indicate a higher adhesion in the core of the collagen fibrils compared to the shell.  相似文献   

一种新的抗人角蛋白单克隆抗体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we reported a novel monoclonal antibody against human keratins, R 6-2-14. The antigen used for immunization was derived from human callus, keratins in which traditionally are classified as "Soft" keratins. However, when we studied the tissue specificity of this antibody, it was found that it only reacted strongly with "Hard" keratins of various mammalian species, but no detectable cross-reactivity with any of the "Soft" keratins. This antibody may provide a useful tool for the study of hair regeneration, nail regeneration, corn pathology and differentiation of mammalian epidermal derivatives.  相似文献   

A human monoclonal IgM lambda antibody, directed against MAG, obtained from a patient with polyneuropathy associated with a gammopathy, was used as an immunogen to generate mouse monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies. One hybridoma antibody, designated A8F2, reacts uniquely with the M-IgM of the patient, shows high affinity binding to the patient's M-IgM, and dose-dependently inhibits binding of the patient's M-IgM to its specific antigen MAG. Thus, A8F2 is a monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody that recognizes a region of the MAG binding site of the patient's IgM. Use of this anti-idiotype antibody in a competition RIA revealed the presence of naturally occurring anti-idiotype in the patient's serum. Because anti-idiotype antibodies may be part of a mechanism for down-regulation of antibody production, the use of A8F2 to induce a specific immunosuppression should be considered.  相似文献   

Several distinct epitopes on human type II collagen were defined by using mAb. The presence of species-specific and species-nonspecific (common) epitopes was thus clarified. Anti-idiotypic mAb (Ab2) was developed against one of the antibodies (Ab1) reactive with species-specific epitopes. Thus Ab2 was demonstrated to recognize an idiotope expressed on the Ag-binding site (paratope) of Ab1, since the binding of Ab1 to human type II collagen was blocked by Ab2, and the binding of Ab2 to Ab1 was inhibited by soluble human type II collagen, but not by murine and bovine type II collagens. DBA/1 mice immunized with Ab2 coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin produced an antibody (Ab3) specifically reactive with human type II collagen. It was also demonstrated that Ab3 expressed an idiotype similar to that of Ab1. These findings indicate that anti-idiotypic antibody directed against mAb to human type II collagen mimics a species-specific epitope on human type II collagen. The anti-idiotypic antibody bearing internal image of type II collagen will open the way to isolation of the arthritogenic epitope on type II collagen.  相似文献   

Interstitial collagen types I, II and III are highly resistant to proteolytic attack, due to their triple helical structure, but can be cleaved by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) collagenases at a specific site, approximately three-quarters of the length from the N-terminus of each chain. MMP-2 and -9 are closely related at the structural level, but MMP-2, and not MMP-9, has been previously described as a collagenase. This report investigates the ability of purified recombinant human MMP-9 produced in insect cells to degrade native collagen types I and III. Purified MMP-9 was able to cleave the soluble, monomeric forms of native collagen types I and III at 37 degrees C and 25 degrees C, respectively. Activity against collagens I and III was abolished by metalloproteinase inhibitors and was not present in the concentrated crude medium of mock-transfected cells, demonstrating that it was MMP-9-derived. Mutated, collagenase-resistant type I collagen was not digested by MMP-9, indicating that the three-quarters/one-quarter locus was the site of initial attack. Digestion of type III collagen generated a three-quarter fragment, as shown by comparison with MMP-1-mediated cleavage. These data demonstrate that MMP-9, like MMP-2, is able to cleave collagens I and III in their native form and in a manner that is characteristic of the unique collagenolytic activity of MMP collagenases.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) was obtained from a mouse hybridoma cell line. The purified monoclonal antibody from the ascites fluid of a mouse injected with one of the cell lines was specific for hEGF and did not cross-react with mouse EGF (mEGF). Its Kd value for hEGF was 1.4 X 10(-9) M. This monoclonal antibody inhibited the biological activities of hEGF, including its binding to the receptor of BALB/3T3 cells and its stimulation of DNA synthesis in the cells, but did not affect the activities of mEGF. The monoclonal antibody completely inhibited DNA synthesis stimulated by human urine from a patient without a tumor, but only partially inhibited the stimulatory activity in urine from a tumor-bearing patient.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody monospecific for human type IV collagen was used as a structural probe to examine aspects of the macromolecular organization of basement-membrane collagen. Electron-microscopic observation of rotary-shadowed antigen-antibody complexes demonstrated a unique binding site for the antibody 55 +/- 6 nm distant from the 7S cross-linking region of tetrameric type IV collagen. This observation allowed a series of studies that showed: (1) the localization of an intramolecular disulphide bridge within the helical domain of the molecule, (2) the alignment of major peptic-digest fragments of the alpha 1 (IV) chain, and (3) confirmation of the postulated antiparallel arrangement of individual molecules within type IV collagen tetramers.  相似文献   

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