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26 male F2 hybrids between spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive control (WKY) rats (SHRxWKY)F2 were segregated according to their c-src genotype into SS and WW homozygous groups, corresponding to SHR or WKY and WS heterozygous group. Na, K cotransport in erythrocytes in the WW group was equal to that of WKY and differs significantly from that of WS and SS groups (the rate of Na, K cotransport in latter groups was close to that of SHR). Ca content of RBC in WW group was equal to that of WKY, lower than that of WS and SS groups which in turn was significantly lower than in SHR, indicating polygenic control of the trait. Authors conclude that the c-src locus itself or some other loci inherited in conjunction with c-src determines both the increase of Na, K cotransport and calcium content in erythrocytes of SHR.  相似文献   

The sodium-proton exchange was determined in platelets of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). The platelets were suspended in sodium propionate; the cytoplasmic acidification activated the exchanger and intracellular pH (the increasing) and volume of the platelets (the swelling) were registered. The activity of Na+/H+ exchange was inhibited by isopropyl amiloride. The platelets' volume and the exchange rate constant of SHR were increased on 30-40% as compared with those of WKY.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit erythrocytes are well known for possessing highly active Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ countertransport systems. Since these two transport systems share many similar properties, the possibility exists that they represent different transport modes of a single transport molecule. Therefore, we evaluated this hypothesis by measuring Na+ transport through these exchangers in acid-loaded cells. In addition, selective inhibitors of these transport systems such as ethylisopropyl-amiloride (EIPA) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) were used. Na+/Na+ exchange activity, determined as the Na o + -dependent22Na efflux or Na i + -induced22Na entry was completely abolished by NEM. This inhibitor, however, did not affect the H i + -induced Na+ entry sensitive to amiloride (Na+/H+ exchange activity). Similarly, EIPA, a strong inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchanger, did not inhibit Na+/Na countertransport, suggesting the independent nature of both transport systems. The possibility that the NEM-sensitive Na+/Na+ exchanger could be involved in Na+/H+ countertransport was suggested by studies in which the net Na+ transport sensitive to NEM was determined. As expected, net Na+ transport through this transport system was zero at different [Na+] i /[Na+] o ratios when intracellular pH was 7.2. However, at pH i =6.1, net Na+ influx occurred when [Na+] i was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o clamps the membrane potential close to the K+ equilibrium potential, did not affect the net NEM-sensitive Na+ entry but markedly stimulated, the EIPA-and NEM-resistant Na+ uptake. This suggest that the net Na+ entry through the NEM-sensitive pathway at low pH i , is mediated by an electroneutral process possibly involving Na+/H+ exchange. In contrast, the EIPA-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger is not involved in Na+/Na+ countertransport, because Na+ transport through this mechanism is not affected by an increase in cell Na from 0.4 to 39mm. Altogether, these findings indicate that both transport systems: the Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchangers, are mediated by distinct transport proteins.  相似文献   

The kinetics of proton efflux from erythrocytes with acidified cytoplasm (pHi 6.4) in a medium with pH 8.0 has been studied. The participation of the anion exchanger in this process was blocked by a stilbene disulfonic acid derivative. It was shown that the rate of Na+/H+ exchange (amiloride-inhibited component of proton efflux) is increased 2 fold. The addition of protein kinase C activator (1 microM of TPA) results in the increase of the rate of Na+/H+ exchange by 4 fold.  相似文献   

The current studies were designed to investigate calcium uptake by intestinal jejunal sacs as well as in intestinal mitochondria of spontaneously hypertensive rats and their genetically matched WKY control rats. Kinetics of jejunal calcium uptake by jejunal sacs of adult SHR and WKY rats showed a significant decrease in Vmax of calcium uptake in SHR (227 +/- 24 versus 423 +/- 22 nmol.g tissue-1.3 min-1) compared to WKY rats P less than 0.001. To explore the intracellular handling of calcium by the intestinal mitochondria, calcium uptake was characterized by intestinal mitochondria before (suckling and weanling periods) and after (adult period) development of hypertension. Calcium uptake by intestinal mitochondria was driven by ATP in the presence of succinate as a respiratory substrate. Calcium uptake was stimulated several fold by the presence of ATP compared to no ATP conditions. Maximal calcium uptake occurred between 15-30 min and was significantly greater in adult SHR and WKY rats compared to corresponding values in weanling and suckling rats. Maximal ATP dependent calcium uptake in adult, weanling and suckling WKY rats was significantly greater compared to corresponding mean values in each age group in SHR (P less than 0.001). Oligomycin (10 micrograms/mg protein) inhibited calcium uptake partially. Ruthenium red (0.25 microM), 1 mM sodium azide and 0.5 mM dinitrophenol inhibited calcium uptake by more than 80% in both SHR and WKY rats. Kinetic parameters for ATP stimulated calcium uptake at 10 s revealed a Vmax of 0.56 +/- 0.6, 3.46 +/- 0.23 and 3.95 +/- 0.52 nmol/mg protein/10 s in suckling, weanling and adult WKY rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calcium transport across the basolateral membranes of the enterocyte represents the active step in calcium translocation. This step occurs by two mechanisms, an ATP-dependent pump and a Ca2+/Na+ exchange process. These studies were designed to investigate these two processes in jejunal basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) of the spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and their genetically matched controls, Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. The ATP-dependent calcium uptake was stimulated several-fold compared with no ATP condition in both SHR and WKY, but no differences were noted between rate of calcium uptake in SHR and WKY. Kinetics of ATP-dependent calcium uptake at concentrations between 0.01 and 1.0 microM revealed a Vmax of 0.67 +/- 0.03 nmol/mg protein/20 sec and a Km of 0.2 +/- 0.03 microM in SHR and Vmax of 0.69 +/- 0.12 and a Km of 0.32 +/- 0.14 microM in WKY rats. Ca2+/Na+ exchange in jejunal BLMV of SHR and WKY was investigated in two ways. First, sodium was added to the incubation medium (cis-Na+). Second, Ca2+ efflux from BLMV was studied in the presence of extravesicular Na+ (trans-Na+). Both studies suggest a decreased exchange of calcium and Na+. Kinetic parameters of Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ uptake at concentrations between 0.01 and 1.0 microM exhibited Vmax of 0.05 +/- 0.01 nanmol/mg protein/5 sec and a Km of 0.21 +/- 0.13 microM in SHR and Vmax of 0.11 +/- 0.02 nanmol/mg protein/5 sec and a Km of 0.09 +/- 0.05 in WKY, respectively. These results confirm that the intestinal BLMV of SHR and WKY rats have two mechanisms for calcium extrusion, an ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport process and a Na+/Ca2+ exchange process. The ATP-dependent process appears to be functional in SHR; however, the Ca2+/Na+ exchange mechanism appears to have a marked decrease in its maximal capacity. These findings suggest that calcium extrusion via Ca2+/Na+ is impaired in the SHR, which may lead to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration. These findings may have relevance to the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

Electrogenic 2 Na+/1 H+ exchange in crustanceans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Hepatopancreatic brush border membrane vesicles of the freshwater prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the marine lobster,Homarus americanus exhibited22Na uptake which was Cl-independent, amiloride sensitive, and stimulated by a transmembrane H gradient (H i >H o ). Sodium influx by vesicles of both species were sigmoidal functions of [Na] o , yielding Hill coefficients that were not significantly different (P>0.5) than 2.0. Estimations of half-saturation constants (K Na) were 82.2mm (prawn) and 280.1mm (lobster), suggesting a possible adaptation of this transporter to environmental salinity.Trans-stimulation andcis-inhibition experiments involving variable [H] suggested that the exchangers in both species possessed single internal cation binding sites (pK 6.5–6.7) and two external cation binding sites (prawn, pK 4.0 and 5.7; lobster pK 3.5 and 6.1). Similarcis inhibition studies using amiloride as a competitive inhibitor of Na uptake supported the occurrence of dual external sites (prawn,K i 50 and 1520 m; lobsterK i 9 and 340 m). Electrogenic Na/H exchange by vesicles from both crustaceans was demonstrated using equilibrium shift experiments where a transmembrane potential was used as the only driving force for the transport event. Transport stoichiometries of the antiporters were determined using Static Head analysis where driving forces for cation transfer were balanced using a 101 Na gradient, a 1001 H gradient, and a stoichiometry of 2.0. These electrogenic 2 Na/1 H exchangers appear thermodynamically capable of generating sufficient gastric acidification for organismic digestive activities.  相似文献   

Aestivation in African and South American lungfish (Protopterus and Lepidosiren, respectively) is associated with elevations of extracellular osmolarity. Osmotic shrinkage of Protopterus red blood cells (RBCs) caused a small but significant stimulation of the Na influx that was amiloride-sensitive. suggesting involvement of the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE). The associated in vitro regulatory volume increase was insignificant within a time frame of 120 min, but the shrinkage-activated Na+ influx may be sufficient for slow regulatory volume increase during aestivation in vivo. Osmotic swelling of the RBCs induced an incomplete regulatory volume decrease that was statistically significant after 180 min. The RBCs of Protopterus were very large (mean cellular volume of 6939 +/- 294 microm3) and possessed 23,066 +/- 7,326 beta-adrenoceptors cell(-1) with a Kd value of 6.1 +/- 3.2 nM. The number of receptors per unit surface area of lungfish RBCs was calculated to be twice that of trout RBCs and 70% that of cod RBCs. There was, however, no adrenergic stimulation of the NHE in either Protopterus or Lepidosiren. Acidification of the extracellular medium also failed to activate the NHE.  相似文献   

Positive correlation between Na+, K+-cotransport speed values in platelets and arterial pressure (AP) medium values was disclosed in F2 murine hybrids with spontaneous hypertension (SHT) and in WKY controls as was the correlation between Ca erythrocytic levels and the value of delta AP-AP1-AP2, with AP1--systolic AP measured in alert animals, AP2--medium AP measured directly in anesthetized rats. The data obtained during the aforementioned experimental series together with those obtained in the premorbid stage provided for a conclusion that all the signs considered were inherited in chain with a positive deposit in AP and played an important role in the pathogenesis of primary arterial hypertension.  相似文献   

The effect of a transmembrane pH gradient on the ouabain, bumetanide, and phloretin resistant H+ efflux was studied in rabbit erythrocytes. Proton equilibration was reduced by the use of DIDS (125 microM) and acetazolamide (1 mM). H+ efflux from acid loaded erythrocytes (pHi = 6.1) was measured in a K+ (145 mM) medium, pH0 = 8.0, in the presence and absence of 60 microM 5,N,N-dimethyl-amiloride (DMA). The H+ efflux rate in a K+-containing medium was 116.38 +/- 4.5 mmol/l cell X hr. Substitution of Nao+ for Ko+ strongly stimulated H+ efflux to 177.89 +/- 7.9 mmol/l cell X hr. The transtimulation of H+ efflux by Nao+ was completely abolished by DMA falling to values not different from controls with an ID50 of about 8.6 X 10(-7) M. The sequence of substrate selectivities for the external transport site were Na greater than greater than greater than Li greater than choline, Cs, K, and Glucamine. The transport system has no specific anion requirement, but is inhibited by NO3-. The DMA sensitive H+ efflux was a saturable function of [Na+]o, with an apparent Km and Vmax of about 14.75 +/- 1.99 mM and 85.37 +/- 7.68 mmol/l cell X hr, respectively. However, the Nao+-dependent and DMA-sensitive H+ efflux was sigmoidally activated by [H+]i, suggesting that Hi+ interacts at both transport and modifier sites. An outwardly directed H+ gradient (pHi 6.1, pH = 8.0) also promoted DMA sensitive Na+ entry (61.2 +/- 3.0 mmol/l cell X hr) which was abolished when pHo was reduced to 6.0. The data is therefore consistent with the presence of a Na+/H+ exchange system in rabbit erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The Na+ transport pathways of normal rat thymocytes were investigated. Na+ conductance was found to be lower than K+ conductance, which is consistent with reported values of membrane potential. In contrast, the isotopically measured Na+ permeability was greater than 10-fold higher than that of K+, which indicates that most of the flux is electroneutral. Cotransport with Cl- (or K+ and Cl-) and countertransport with Ca2+ were ruled out by ion substitution experiments and use of inhibitors. Countertransport for Na+ or H+ through the amiloride-sensitive antiport accounts for only 15-20% of the resting influx. In the presence of amiloride, 22Na+ uptake was increased in Na+-loaded cells, which suggests the existence of Na+/Na+ countertransport. Cytoplasmic pH determinations using fluorescent probes indicated that under certain conditions this amiloride-resistant system will also exchange Na+ for H+, as evidenced by an internal Na+- dependent acidification is proportional to internal [Na+] but inversely related to extracellular [Na+]. Moreover, 22Na+ uptake is inhibited by increasing external [H+]. The results support the existence of a substantial amiloride-insensitive, electroneutral cation exchange system capable of transporting Na+ and H+.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) extrudes intracellular H+ in exchange for Na+ in an electroneutral process. Of the 6 mammalian exchanger isoforms identified to date, the NHE-1 is believed to be the molecular homologue of the sarcolemma Na+/H+ transporter. The exchanger is activated primarily by a reduction in intracellular pH, although such activation is subject to modulation by a variety of endogenous mediators (catecholamines, thrombin, endothelin) through receptor-mediated mechanisms. A large body of animal studies using both in vitro and in vivo models indicates that the inhibition of the sarcolemma NHE-1 attenuates myocardial injury in ischemia and reperfusion. Cardioprotective effects of NHE-1 inhibition involve a reduced susceptibility to severe ventricular arrhythmia, augmentation of contractile function recovery, and limitation of infarction size during reperfusion. Such protection is likely to arise partly from attenuation of "Ca2+ overload" in ischemic cardiomyocytes, which has been causally linked with all these pathologic phenomena. A marked benefit that has been observed with cariporide (HOE-642) and its structurally related congener HOE-694 in patients with acute myocardial infarction and in cardiac surgery demonstrates that selective NHE-1 inhibitors represent a novel and effective class of cardioprotectors.  相似文献   

Enhanced activity of Na+/H+ isoform 1 (NHE-1) and the Na+-independent Cl-/HCO3- exchange (AE) is a feature of the hypertrophied myocardium in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The present study explored the possibility that sustained intracellular acidosis due to increased myocardial acid loading through AE causes NHE-1 enhancement. To this aim, SHR were treated for 2 weeks with a rabbit polyclonal antibody against an AE3 isoform that was recently developed and proven to have inhibitory effects on myocardial AE activity. We then compared the AE activity in the left ventricle papillary muscles isolated from untreated SHR with antiAE3-treated SHR; AE activity was measured in terms of the rate of intracellular pH recovery after an intracellular alkali load was introduced. AE activity was diminished by approximately 70% in SHR treated with the antiAE3 antibody, suggesting that the AE3 isoform is a major carrier of acid-equivalent influx in the hypertrophied myocardium. However, the antibody treatment failed to normalize NHE-1 activity that remained elevated in the myocardium of normotensive rats. The data therefore rule out the possibility that NHE-1 hyperactivity in hypertensive myocardium was due to sustained intracellular acidosis induced by increased AE activity that characterizes SHR myocardial tissue.  相似文献   

The human leukemic cell line, HL-60, differentiates in response to tumor-promoting phorbol esters. Recently, we have reported that one of the first events evoked by phorbol esters in HL-60 cells is the stimulation of Na+-dependent H+ efflux. In efforts to determine whether stimulation of Na+/H+ exchange by phorbol esters is coupled to induction of cellular differentiation, we found that 1) amiloride, a frequently used inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange, rapidly inhibits phorbol ester-stimulated protein phosphorylation in vivo and protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation in vitro, both with potency similar to that with which amiloride inhibits Na+/H+ exchange; 2) an amiloride analog, dimethylamiloride, is a far more potent inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange than is amiloride, while being no more potent than amiloride in inhibiting phorbol ester/protein kinase C-mediated phosphorylation; and 3) at concentrations sufficient to completely inhibit Na+/H+ exchange, amiloride blocked phorbol ester-induced adhesion of HL-60 cells (adhesion being a property indicative of the differentiated state), but dimethylamiloride (as well as ethylisopropylamiloride, another very potent amiloride analog) did not. Thus, dimethylamiloride represents a potential tool for distinguishing protein kinase C-coupled from Na+/H+ exchange-coupled events in phorbol ester-stimulated cells.  相似文献   

The erythrocytes (RBC) of the Milan hypertensive rats (MHS) have a smaller volume and faster Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport than RBC from normotensive controls (MNS). The difference in Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport is no longer present in inside-out Vesicles (IOV) of RBC membrane. To differentiate between cytoplasmic or membrane skeleton abnormalities as possible causes of these differences. Resealed ghosts (RG) were used to measure ion transport systems. The following results have been obtained: (1) RG from MHS have a smaller volume than MNS (mean +/- S.E. 20.7 +/- 0.45 vs. 22.09 +/- 0.42 fl, P < 0.05). (2) RG showed a bumetanide-sensitive Na efflux that retains the characteristics of the Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport of the original RBC: it is K(+)- and Cl(-)-sensitive and dependent on the intracellular Na+ concentration. (3) The Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport was faster in RG from MHS than in those from MNS (mean +/- S.E. 0.095 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.066 +/- 0.01 rate constant h-1, P < 0.01). These results, together with those of IOV, support the hypothesis that an abnormality in the membrane skeletal proteins may play a role in the different Na+/K+/Cl- cotransport modulation between MHS and MNS erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The dependence of the rate of valinomycin-induced Na+/H+ erythrocyte metabolism on the extracellular K+ concentration has been investigated. It has been established that Na+/H+ metabolism in the erythrocytes of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) is induced at higher [K+]o concentrations than in normotensive controls (WKY). The distinctions in the maximum rate of Na+/H+ metabolism were revealed only in SHR in pre-hypertensive stage (it was 20% lower than in WKY). It is suggested that the distinctions are determined by peculiarities of membrane cytoskeleton formation. The conclusion was confirmed in experiments on erythrocyte stability to orthovanadate effect.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchange as a modulator of platelet activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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