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Active uptake of a free fatty acid, oleate, and its incorporation into triacylglycerol and phospholipid in the human monocytic cell line, U937, was identified using 14C-labelled oleate. Excess triacylglycerol accumulates in the form of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. The extent of lipid droplet formation in each cell can be assessed in the absence of any staining by 90 degrees light scatter intensity, one of the basic parameters of flow cytometry.  相似文献   

U937 cells were differentiated into macrophages after being treated with 12-o-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) for the first two days and dedifferentiated with daily medium renewal for 10 days. Cell proliferation slowed down and the number of cells reached the maximum level on day 2. By day 4, all of the cells had spread and attached firmly to the culture dish, and more than 90% of the cells expressed the Fc-receptor and produced superoxide anion. From there on, the number of adherent, living cells decreased gradually to about half the initial count. Most of the cells eliminated from the culture by cell death were in the S phase at the time of TPA treatment. After day 8, the number of cells expressing macrophage-specific phenotypes gradually decreased, cell adhesion was weakened, and at the same time, DNA synthesis was initiated anew. The cells became round and began to proliferate as floating cells on days 9 to 10, and thereafter they became sensitive to the second round of TPA treatment. On the basis of all the results taken together, it is suggested that fully differentiated U937 cells were dedifferentiated after being cultured with frequent medium renewal.  相似文献   

Cell death is a major event in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL), which plays a key role in the atherogenesis, has a powerful cytotoxic effect and causes necrosis or apoptosis of different types of cells. In the present work we studied the mechanism of cell death in two model systems: T lymphocytes and monocytes cell line, exposed to Ox-LDL. Ox-LDL, but not native low-density lipoprotein (LDL), was found to be cytotoxic to both cell types in a dose and time dependent manner. Apoptotic cell deat was analyzed by evaluating cell size, nucleus DNA content and plasma membrane asymmetry. Early cytoplasmic condensation resulting from cell shrinkage was measured by monitoring fluorescence polarization (FP) of fluorescein labeled cells. The redical scavenger superoxide dismutase (SOD), in a time- and dose-dependent manner, reduced the apoptotic effect of Ox-LDL. Hyperpolarization of fluorescein-labeled cells preceded the appearance of phosphatidylserine (PS) on the plasma membrane. This sensitive parameter for early apoptosis detected different cell death kinetics, as well as varying sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of SOD in monocytes and lymphocytes. Such data suggest that reactive oxygen species generation are involved, in Ox-LDL-induced apoptosis and that monocytes are more susceptible to cell death triggered by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Cells of the human monocyte cell line U937 are generally considered devoid of any Ia antigens on their surface. In analyzing U937 cells with a large panel of monoclonal anti-human Ia antibodies by flow cytometry, we detected a small number of cells that appeared to react with antibodies to HLA-DR and HLA-DS/DC molecules. These Ia-positive cells were isolated and were cloned, resulting in a human monocyte cell line that expresses high levels of Ia antigens. We analyzed these antigens by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, after radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation. Three distinct Ia molecules, alpha 1 beta 1, alpha 1 beta 3 (HLA-DR-like), and alpha 2 beta 2 (HLA-DC/DS-like) are synthesized by I937 cells, alpha 1 beta 3 molecule being the predominant species. The Ia antigen-bearing human monocyte cell line is expected to be useful for studying events involved in antigen presentation.  相似文献   

Secretion of complement component C3 by U937 cells was studied. Preliminary evidence for a cell-associated proteolytic activity specific for C3 is given, as well as for a covalent-like binding of C3 fragments to the cell membranes. Secretion of C3, in the presence of 10 ng of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate/ml, is 120-140 ng/10(6) cells per 24 h on the third day after addition of the activator. As shown by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, the intracellular pro-C3 (200 kDa) and the extracellular secreted C3 (alpha-chain 110 kDa and beta-chain 75 kDa) are identical with the forms of C3 previously characterized from human serum. Incubation of U937 cells in the presence of exogenous radiolabelled C3 shows that membrane-bound proteinase(s), not related to the classical-pathway or the alternative-pathway C3 convertases, is (are) able to cleave C3; this cleavage leads to the binding of the resulting C3 fragments to the cell membrane through reaction of membrane acceptors with the carbonyl group of C3 revealed after disruption of the intramolecular thioester bond. The proteolysis appears to be fairly specific to C3, as C4, which also possesses an intramolecular thioester bond, is not cleaved and does not bind to the cells. p-Nitrophenyl p'-guanidinobenzoate (1 mM) and di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate (2 mM) are potent inhibitors of the proteolysis, whereas soya-bean trypsin inhibitor (1 mM), leupeptin (0.1 mg/ml) and 1,10-phenanthroline (1 mM) were ineffective. Immunological characterization of the cell-bound C3 fragments with monoclonal antibodies shows an evolution of the proteolysis of the fragments from iC3b to C3dg epitopes. Extraction of membrane-bound fragments by detergent, followed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, shows two fragments, of 43 kDa and 46 kDa, with C3dg-like characteristics.  相似文献   

A high-affinity heparin subfraction accounting for 8% of whole heparin from bovine lung was isolated by low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-affinity chromatography. When compared to whole heparin, the high-affinity subfraction was relatively higher in molecular weight (11,000 vs. 17,000) and contained more iduronyl sulfate as hexuronic acid (76% vs. 86%), N-sulfate ester (0.75 vs. 0.96 mol/mol hexosamine), and O-sulfate ester (1.51 vs. 1.68 mol/mol hexosamine). Although both heparin preparations formed insoluble complexes with LDL quantitatively in the presence of 30 mM Ca2+, the concentrations of NaCl required for 50% reduction in maximal insoluble complex formation was markedly higher with high-affinity subfraction (0.55 M vs. 0.04 M). When compared to complex of 125I-LDL and whole heparin (H-125I-LDL), complex of 125I-LDL and high-affinity heparin subfraction (HAH-125I-LDL) produced marked increase in the degradation of lipoproteins by macrophages (7-fold vs. 1.4-fold over native LDL, after 5 h incubation) as well as cellular cholesteryl ester synthesis (16.7-fold vs. 2.2-fold over native LDL, after 18 h incubation) and content (36-fold vs. 2.7-fold over native LDL, after 48 h incubation). After a 5 h incubation, macrophages accumulated 2.3-fold more cell-associated radioactivity from HAH-125I-LDL complex than from [125I]acetyl-LDL. While unlabeled HAH-LDL complex produced a dose-dependent inhibition of the degradation of labeled complex, native unlabeled LDL did not elicit any effect even at a 20-fold excess concentration. Unlabeled particulate LDL aggregate competed for 33% of degradation of labeled complex; however, cytochalasin D, known inhibitor of phagocytosis, did not effectively inhibit the degradation of labeled complex. Unlabeled acetyl-LDL produced a partial (33%) inhibition of the degradation of labeled complex. These results indicate that (1) the interaction of high-affinity heparin subfraction with LDL leads to scavenger receptor mediated endocytosis of the lipoprotein, and stimulation of cholesteryl ester synthesis and accumulation in the macrophages; and (2) with respect to macrophage recognition and uptake, HAH-LDL complex was similar but not identical to acetyl-LDL. These observations may have implications for atherogenesis, because both mast cells and endothelial cells can synthesize heparin in the arterial wall.  相似文献   

Intermittent reports of cytoskeleton proteins (actin and tubulin) on the cell surface have appeared over the last 13 years. Whereas most have concentrated on lymphocytes, this study provides evidence for the presence of these proteins on the surface of a human cultured monocyte-like cell line, U937. Both actin and tubulin were detected on the surface of U937 cells by flow cytometry, using an indirect staining procedure based on biotin-streptavidin-phycoerythrin, chosen for greater sensitivity. By use of this procedure, the majority of viable unstimulated U937 cells stained positively for actin and tubulin, although the level of fluorescence intensity was low. With an antibody specific for tyrosine-tubulin, most of the surface tubulin was also found to be tyrosinylated. For vimentin, an intermediate filament protein abundantly present in the cytoplasm of U937 cells, no staining could be detected. Confirmation of the flow cytometry data for surface actin and tubulin on unstimulated U937 cells was achieved by direct vesualization using a confocal laser scanning microscope. When U937 cells were activated with PMA and LPS, a marked reduction in the level of cell surface actin and tubulin occurred. The role of cell surface actin and tubulin on unstimulated U937 cells, in terms of monocyte function, remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Human C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase reactant that is opsonic and an activator of macrophage tumoricidal function. CRP also activates the classical C cascade. These activities suggest that CRP might interact with monocytes/macrophages via specific receptors in a manner analogous to the interaction of IgG with FcR. With the use of radio-labeled human CRP, we have observed specific binding of CRP to human blood monocytes and the human monocytic cell line U-937. Binding was saturable at a pathophysiologic concentration of CRP, with an estimated KD of 9.5 x 10(-8) M and 3.6 x 10(5) binding sites/cell. Specific binding was inhibited by polyclonal human IgG as well as an IgG1 myeloma. In the converse experiment, CRP failed to inhibit specific [125I]IgG binding. The mAb IV.3, which inhibits binding of IgG immune complexes to FcRII, did not inhibit CRP binding. A 100-fold excess of phosphorylcholine or the phosphorylcholine binding peptide of CRP (residues 47-63) failed to inhibit binding. Although human rIFN-gamma and PMA increased FcRI expression, these reagents had no affect on CRP receptor expression. A single membrane protein of 38 to 41 kDa from U-937 cells was chemically cross-linked to [125I]CRP; the cross-linking was inhibited by human IgG1 but not the IV.3 mAb. Furthermore, two membrane proteins with a Mr of 38 to 40 kDa and 58 to 60 kDa were isolated by CRP ligand-affinity chromatography. These proteins were of a distinct size from those isolated for FcRI from an IgG ligand matrix. These studies demonstrate specific binding of human CRP to a human monocytic cell line via receptors that are distinct from the IgG FcR and implicate CRP in nonspecific, preimmune host defense reaction mediated by cells of the monocytic lineage.  相似文献   

The binding of C1q to the human macrophage cell line U937 has been studied. Fluorescence microscopy with fluorescein-conjugated F(ab')2 anti-C1q antibody showed that 100% of the cell population is able to bind exogenous C1q. Monomeric C1q binding to U937 cells is very weak at normal ionic strength (I0.15) and was therefore investigated at I0.07, conditions which stabilize the binding. However, aggregation of C1q on dextran sulphate or a lipid A-rich lipopolysaccharide allowed a firm, binding at I0.15. Quantitative binding studies with monomeric 125I-C1q showed a concentration-dependent, saturable, specific and reversible binding involving specific membrane receptors. Scatchard plots of C1q binding indicated [1.6 +/- 0.7 (1 S.D.)] X 10(6) sites per cell with an equilibrium constant of (2.9 +/- 1.8) X 10(7) M-1 at I0.07. The location of the molecule region mediating C1q binding was established with collagen-like fragments prepared by partial pepsin digestion, confirming earlier results obtained by inhibition studies.  相似文献   

The human monocyte cell line U937 was differentiated into an adherent macrophage phenotype using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) to assay the phagocytosis of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) that may play a role in atherosclerosis. Microbeads were coated with the inflammatory ligand oxLDL to create a novel phagocytosis assay that models the binding of macrophages to oxLDL in the solid phase such as found in the fatty streaks of the arteries. The oxLDL was prepared with LDL from human ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) plasma oxidized with an excess (5 mM) of the strong oxidizing agent CuSO4 and characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with Western blot. The binding of the oxLDL to the beads was confirmed by DilC18–oxLDL staining and confocal microscopy in addition to trypsin digestion of the microbeads for liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization, and tandem mass spectrometry. Phagocytosis of the oxLDL versus human bulk immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1)-coated microbeads was assayed over time, in the presence and absence of serum factors, by pulse chase and with enzyme inhibitor treatments. The ligand beads were then stained with specific antibodies to oxLDL versus human IgG to differentially stain external versus engulfed ligand microbeads. The phagocytosis of oxLDL and IgG ligand microbeads was abolished by the actin polymerization inhibitors cytochalasin D and latrunculin. Pharmacological inhibitors of the receptor enzymes JAK, SRC, and PLC prevented both IgG and oxLDL receptor function. In contrast, the function of the oxLDL phagocytic receptor complex was more sensitive to inhibition of PTK2, PKC, and SYK activity.  相似文献   

Individual protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms fulfill distinct roles in the regulation of the commitment to differentiation, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis in both monocytes and T-cells. The human monocyte like cell line U937 and T-cells were exposed to microgravity, during spaceflight and the translocation (a critical step in PKC signaling) of individual isoforms to cell particulate fraction examined. PKC activating phorbol esters induced a rapid translocation of several PKC isoforms to the particulate fraction of U937 monocytes under terrestrial gravity (1 g) conditions in the laboratory. In microgravity, the translocation of PKC beta II, delta, and epsilon in response to phorbol esters was reduced in microgravity compared to 1 g, but was enhanced in weak hypergravity (1.4 g). All isoforms showed a net increase in particulate PKC following phorbol ester stimulation, except PKC delta which showed a net decrease in microgravity. In T-cells, phorbol ester induced translocation of PKC delta was reduced in microgravity, compared to 1 g, while PKC beta II translocation was not significantly different at the two g-levels. These data show that microgravity differentially alters the translocation of individual PKC isoforms in monocytes and T-cells, thus providing a partial explanation for the modifications previously observed in the activation of these cell types under microgravity.  相似文献   

Interleukin-17 is a T cell derived pro-inflammatory cytokine exhibiting multiple biological activities in a variety of cells and believed to fine tune all general phases of hematopoietic response. However, the signaling mechanism of this novel cytokine remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Interleukin-17 induces tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins and to find out whether the raf-1 kinase signaling pathway is involved in mediating its signaling. Using immunoblotting and immunocomplex kinase assays, we report that the early signaling events triggered by rhIL-17 involves rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of several cellular proteins including raf-1 within 0.5 to 30 min. Optimal stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation was observed with 0.5 to 1.0 ng/ml of Interleukin-17. Further, Interleukin-17 stimulates rapid activation of raf-1 kinase. These findings provide the first evidence that the mechanism of IL-17 signaling involves rapid tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of raf-1 serine/threonine kinase.  相似文献   

We investigated possible regulatory effects of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), a multifunctional extracellular matrix protein, on cytokine release from macrophages. Immobilized TSP-1 enhanced IL-6 release from the human monocytic U937 cells stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate and LPS, whereas it inhibited IL-10 release. The 70-kDa fragment of TSP-1 containing the type 1 repeats showed the same regulatory effects. The enhanced IL-6 release by TSP-1 was inhibited by anti-CD36 antibody or antibody against the sequence of the binding site to CD36 in the type 1 repeats of TSP-1. Conversely, the decrease in IL-10 release by TSP-1 was strengthened by the blocking of the interaction between CD36 and TSP-1. Furthermore, the involvement of TGF-beta1 in the inhibition of IL-10 release by TSP-1 was indicated by the facts that (i) TSP-1 induced activation of TGF-beta1 produced by the U937 cells, (ii) exogenously added TGF-beta1 inhibited IL-10 release, and (iii) antibody against TGF-beta1 blocked the inhibition of IL-10 release by TSP-1. Together, the present findings suggest that TSP-1 enhances IL-6 release from macrophages by interaction with CD36, whereas IL-10 release is regulated by the balance between the enhancing effect of TSP-1 via CD36 and the suppressive effect by TSP-1-activated TGF-beta1.  相似文献   



Methotrexate (MTX) has been for decades a standard treatment in a wide range of conditions, from malignancies to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Despite this long experience, the mechanisms of action of MTX remain incompletely understood. Reported immunologic effects of MTX include induction of increased production of some cytokines, an effect that seems to be at odds with the generally anti-inflammatory effects of this drug in diseases like RA. To further elucidate these immune activities, we examined effects of MTX on the human monocytic cell line U937.


The U937 cell line was treated in vitro with pharmacologic-range concentrations of MTX and effects on production of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and TNF alpha were measured. Changes in gene expression for IL-1 and IL-6 and specificities in the Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway including JNK 1, JNK2, JUN and FOS were also determined. The contribution of NF-kB, folate and adenosine pathways to the observed effects was determined by adding appropriate inhibitors to the MTX cultures.


MTX mediated a dose-dependent increase in IL-1 and IL-6 in U937 cells, as measured by secreted proteins and levels of gene expression. The increased cytokine expression was inhibited by addition of parthenolide and folinic acid, but not by caffeine and theophylline, suggesting that NF-kB and folates, but not adenosine, were involved in mediating the observed effects. When U937 cells were cultured with MTX, upregulated expression of JUN and FOS, but not JNK 1 or 2, also was observed.


MTX induces expression of proinflammatory cytokines in U937 monocytic cells. These effects might mediate the known toxicities of MTX including pneumonitis, mucositis and decreased bone mineral density.  相似文献   

THP-1 cells, a human cell line established from acute monocytic leukemia cells, degraded native human low density lipoprotein (LDL) through a LDL-specific pathway, but had no ability to degrade acetylated LDL. When the cells were treated with 12-o-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) to differentiate into the macrophage-like stage, those acquired the ability to degrade acetylated LDL through its specific pathway and lost the ability to degrade native LDL. Degradation of acetylated LDL by the differentiated cells was not reduced by preincubation with either acetylated LDL or native LDL.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester-loaded macrophages, or foam cells, are a prominent feature of atherosclerotic lesions. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-mediated endocytosis of native LDL is a relatively poor inducer of macrophage cholesteryl ester accumulation. However, the data herein show that in the presence of a very small amount of sphingomyelinase, LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of 125I-LDL was enhanced and led to a 2-6-fold increase in 125I-LDL degradation and up to a 10-fold increase in cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages. The enhanced lipoprotein uptake and cholesterol esterification was seen after only approximately 12% hydrolysis of LDL phospholipids, was specific for sphingomyelin hydrolysis, and appeared to be related to the formation of fused or aggregated spherical particles up to 100 nm in diameter. Sphingomyelinase-treated LDL was bound by the macrophage LDL receptor. However, when unlabeled acetyl-LDL, a scavenger receptor ligand, was present during or after sphingomyelinase treatment of 125I-LDL, 125I-LDL binding and degradation were enhanced further through the formation of LDL-acetyl-LDL mixed aggregates. Experiments with cytochalasin D suggested that endocytosis, not phagocytosis, was involved in internalization of sphingomyelinase-treated LDL. Nonetheless, the sphingomyelinase effect on LDL uptake was macrophage-specific. These data illustrate that LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis of fused LDL particles can lead to foam cell formation in cultured macrophages. Furthermore, since both LDL and sphingomyelinase are present in atherosclerotic lesions and since some lesion LDL probably is fused or aggregated, there is a possibility that sphingomyelinase-treated LDL is a physiologically important atherogenic lipoprotein.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of complexes of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and different proteoglycan preparations from bovine aorta on LDL degradation and cholesteryl ester accumulation in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Native proteoglycan aggregate containing proteoglycan monomers, hyaluronic acid and link protein was isolated by associative extraction of aortic tissue, while proteoglycan monomer was obtained by dissociative isopycnic centrifugation of the native proteoglycan aggregate. In vitro proteoglycan aggregates were prepared by reaction of the proteoglycan monomer with exogenous hyaluronic acid. 125I-labeled LDL-proteoglycan complexes were formed in the presence of 30 mM Ca2+ and incubated with macrophages. At equivalent uronic acid levels in the proteoglycans the degradation of 125I-labeled LDL contained in the native proteoglycan aggregate complex was 3.7-7.5-fold greater than the degradation of the lipoprotein in the proteoglycan monomer complex. Degradation of 125I-LDL in the in vitro aggregate complex, while higher than that in the monomer complex, was markedly less than that in the native aggregate complex. The larger size and the greater complex-forming ability of the native proteoglycan aggregate might account for the greater capacity of the aggregate to promote LDL degradation in macrophages. The proteoglycan-stimulated degradation of LDL produced a marked increase in cholesteryl ester synthesis and content in macrophages. The LDL-proteoglycan complex was degraded with saturation kinetics, suggesting that these complexes are internalized through high-affinity receptors. Degradation was inhibited by the lysosomotropic agent, chloroquine. Acetyl-LDL, but not native LDL, competitively inhibited the degradation of the 125I-LDL component of the complex. Polyanionic compounds such as polyinosinic acid and fucoidin, while completely blocking the acetyl-LDL-stimulated cholesteryl ester formation, had no effect on the proteoglycan aggregate-stimulated cholesterol esterification. This suggests that LDL-proteoglycan complex and acetyl-LDL are not entering the cells through the same receptor pathway. These results demonstrate that the interaction of LDL with arterial wall proteoglycan aggregates results in marked cholesteryl ester accumulation in macrophages, a process likely to favor foam cell formation. A role for arterial proteoglycans in atherosclerosis is obvious.  相似文献   

Increased amounts of cytochrome b-245 and a 45 kDa polypeptide component of the hydrogen peroxide-generating oxidase were detected in the human monocytic cell line U937 after incubation in interferon-gamma. The time course of increase in cytochrome b-245 paralleled the induction of oxidase activity. Induction of the 45 kDa component had a different time course, having a greater lag before increased amounts were seen.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid (AA) can be metabolized in endothelial cells (EC) to a series of epoxides via cytochrome P-450 epoxygenase with 14,15 epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (14,15-EET) as the major product. In this communication we report that 14,15-EET significantly enhances U937 cell attachment to EC with maximal cell attachment at 2.5 to 5 x 10(-7) M 14,15-EET. Thus, 14,15-EET may play a substantial role in inflammation and/or atherogenesis by inducing monocyte attachment to EC.  相似文献   

The major role of native high density lipoprotein (HDL) is to carry cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for bile excretion. As acute-phase (AP)-HDL has a decreased ability for cellular cholesterol efflux but an increased capacity for cholesteryl ester (CE) delivery to peripheral tissues, the interaction of AP-HDL with human hepatoma cells was studied. Binding studies to HUH-7 cells revealed saturable binding properties for HDL and AP-HDL at 4 degrees C. At 37 degrees C, specific cell-association of (125)I- and [1,2,6,7-(3)H]-cholesteryl palmitate ([(3)H]CE)-labeled lipoprotein particles was 2.2- and 1.6-fold higher for HDL indicating that total CE delivery was significantly (P<0.05) higher for HDL in comparison to AP-HDL. In parallel, selective CE uptake (the difference between total lipid uptake and holoparticle uptake) from AP-HDL was decreased compared with HDL. The fact that the capacity for cellular cholesterol efflux from HUH-7 cells is slightly impaired by AP-HDL (compared with HDL) is of support that scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI), the only receptor so far known to mediate bi-directional lipid flux, might be involved in altered HUH-7 cholesterol hemostasis by AP-HDL. Our in vitro findings suggest that HDL and AP-HDL interact differently with cells of hepatic origin resulting in decreased hepatic cholesterol removal from the circulation during the AP reaction.  相似文献   

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