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The shoot apex consists of two layers, the dermatogen and thehypodermis. The leaf primordia arise through periclinal divisionswithin these two layers on the side of the apex. Further divisionsof the dermatogen push the little protuberance upward and togetherwith divisions the hypodermis add internal tissues of the youngleaf. When the median and lateral bundles of the primordia arisein Digitaria eriantha they are isolated from the vascular supplyof the rest of the plant. The median strand, the first to form,and the first order laterals form at the disc of insertion ofthe primordium. The other laterals form higher up in the primordium.These strands extend both acropetally and basipetally to linkwith the vascular supply of the rest of the plant. Digitaria eriantha, apical meristem, leaf primordium, vascular bundle, orange G, tannic acid, iron alum  相似文献   

The wildtype leaf blade of Pisum sativum possesses proximalleaflets and distal tendrils, which may be altered by two recessivemutations that affect pinna morphology, afila (afaf) and tendrilless(tltl). Using morphological observations and SEM, the variationin leaf forms along the plant axis and leaf development werecharacterized for plants heterozygous at the Af and/or Tl loci.The Af and Tl genes interacted to affect many characteristicsof shoot ontogeny, including rate changes in leaf blade lengthand complexity increases, as well as time to flowering. TheAf gene retarded early vegetative development and acceleratedthe time to flowering. The leaf phenotypes of these heterozygousgenotypes were specified mainly by changes in the timing ofmajor developmental events. The data support the hypothesesthat both genes are heterochronic in nature and that the pealeaf blade consists of three genetically- and developmentally-determined regions: proximal, distal and terminal. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Heterochrony, leaf development, shoot ontogeny, Pisum sativum L., garden pea, afila,tendrilless .  相似文献   

Kutík  J. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(4):481-505
Advances achieved during last fifteen years in the understanding the development of chloroplast ultrastructure during natural leaf ontogeny are summarized. Life span of a typical C3 mesophyll cell chloroplast is outlined and placed into the scheme of cyclic plastid interrelationships. Possible modifications of this development by stresses, environmental factors or experimental treatments are also shown.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the hypothalamic-pituitary growth hormone (GH)-insulin-Iike growth factor- (IGF-) I axis particularly in birds is considered.Moreover, the ontogeny of IGF-II and IGF-binding proteins (IGF-BPs)are also discussed. Models for the axis in fetal and postnatalmammals, embryonic and posthatching birds, together with nutritionally-deprivedmammals and birds are suggested as are the evolutionary changesin the axis  相似文献   

Alterations in essential oil gland number, distribution and fine structure, and the oil content in the leaf of Mentha arvensis L. were examined during its growth and senescence. Accumulation of essential oil occurred predominantly during the rapid leaf expansion phase followed by a similar decline. The oil gland (trichome) number increased upto leaf maturation and declined thereafter. Initially, cuticle remains tightly apposed to the secretory head of oil glands but progressively a sub-cuticular space appears to be created for the oil. Considerable enlargement of vacuole with ageing is witnessed, whereas cytoplasm gradually decreases to a thin peripheral layer. Some secretory cells from senescing leaf were found almost empty, having only a few remnant oil droplets. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A method is described for cultivation of large numbers of Spirostomum ambiguum , calcified intracellularly with hydroxyapatite (bone salt deposits). The structure and activity of living animals at various stages of calcification is described and also illustrated with unstained and silver impregnated ciliates. A suitable modification of von Kossa's method for localization of insoluble phosphate deposits is given.  相似文献   

Cell Division and Expansion in the Growth of the Leaf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Volumes and numbers of cells were determined at different stagesof development of the fifth leaf of Lupinus albus, and eachof the second pair and the tenth leaf of Helianthus annuus.In the case of the second pair of sunflower leaves the valuescover the whole life of the leaf from initiation to senescence. During both primordial development and the ensuing ‘grandperiod of growth’ division is the determinant of growth.About 10 per cent. of the cells in the fully grown leaf arelaid down before leaf-emergence; the remaining 90 per cent.are formed during unfolding. Division does not cease in thelupin leaf or the second pair of sunflower leaves until theyhave reached half their maximum area. The tenth leaf, on theother hand, is as much as three-quarters fully grown beforedivision ceases. Cell expansion commences soon after leaf initiation and continuesthroughout the life of the leaf. With lupin and the second pairof sunflower leaves there is a fourfold increase in the averagevolume of the cells before emergence from the apical region.During unfolding, there is a further tenfold increase in theaverage volume of the cells of the lupin leaf, and a twentyfoldincrease with the second pair of sunflower leaves. Expansioncontinues after the cessation of division but this further increasein volume is comparatively small. The data are discussed in relation to the ‘two phase’hypothesis of leaf development.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Spirostomum ambiguum is known to contain Ca phosphate as apatite. Tracer experiments with 32P and 45Ca showed that much of the Ca that enters the animal is inexchangeable. About 20% exchanges in the 1st few days but after 42 days only 50% of the original isotope content has been lost. This process seemed independent of temperature, Ca and K concentration, and of whether the animals were starved or fed. It is postulated that the firmly bound Ca is in the form of apatite. By use of both isotopes simultaneously it was shown that some of the Ca uptake was linked with phosphate uptake. However, there appear to be at least one, probably 2 compartments of Ca uptake independent of phosphate uptake. The experiments suggest there being in all 3 compartments of Ca uptake: one firmly bound as apatite; one slightly less firmly bound in some other form (perhaps carbonate); and a last freely exchangeable fraction. The P was found in 2 compartments: one bound to Ca; the other freely exchangeable.
Autoradiography and histochemical tests localized the Ca phosphate deposits in the "endoplasm", the ectoplasm and nuclear material being free of such deposits. Identification of these deposits in electron micrographs is discussed. It is suggested that these deposits may be waste products possibly derived from mitochondri***al accumulations.  相似文献   

PaGLK基因银中杨抑制表达株系叶绿素含量显著降低,叶片呈现黄色(命名为金叶银中杨),以转PaGLK基因的银中杨为材料,测定其叶色参数和叶绿素含量的时序变化规律、分析生长特性。结果显示,转PaGLK基因的银中杨使叶片颜色发生改变,抑制表达株系整个生长期叶绿素含量显著低于WT(P<0.05),叶色亮度显著高于WT(P<0.05),并且在生长发育期叶片一直呈现深黄绿色。抑制表达株系中的Y2速生期内苗高日生长量(GD)高于对照株系,苗期株高不受影响。而过表达转基因银中杨的当年高生长都显著低于对照株系 (P<0.05),其速生期内苗高日生长量均值(GD)也低于对照株系,其均值为对照株系的22.19%。PaGLK抑制表达株系在城市园林绿化具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

The expansion of plant leaves usually lasts 3–6 weeks and it is widely believed that most cell types (epidermal and mesophyll) continue to expand in unison over a similar time period. The evidence supporting this account was derived from studies of herb leaves. We observed in woody species, however, that the diameter of mesophyll cells (spongy and palisade) changed little during leaf expansion from about 5 to 100 % maximum size. To keep pace with epidermal cell enlargement and leaf area expansion, mesophyll cells divided but palisade cell length expanded as leaves grew thicker. The prolonged division of mesophyll and apparently unchanging mesophyll cell diameters constitute a novel pattern of leaf cell development, different from that previously described for herbs. Possible mechanisms that attribute the varied expansion direction and speed to the different cellulose distributions in woody and herbaceous species are suggested. This finding could contribute to an enhanced understanding of the overall mechanism of leaf development.  相似文献   

Leaf d. wt and the levels of soluble sugars and proteins showa two-phase development during leaf growth in Stevia rebaudiana.The initial large increases in leaf size are due mainly to waterintake up to an area of around 9–10 cm2. Increases inabsolute protein content were initially slow though in the secondphase increased it rapidly with dry matter and soluble sugarcontent. In relative terms, however, the concentration of free sugarsdeclined throughout leaf growth. The data indicate that leafprotein synthesis is most probably dependent upon a carbon supplyfrom in situ photo synthesis which only becomes significantat 80 per cent of full leaf area. Stevia rebaudiana Bert., leaf ontogeny, protein content, sugar content  相似文献   

Nitrate Supply and the Biophysics of Leaf Growth in Salix viminalis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of nitrogen on leaf area development and the biophysicsof leaf growth was studied using clonal plants of the shrubwillow, Salix viminalis grown with either optimal (High N) orsub-optimal (Low N) supplies of nitrate. Leaf growth rate andfinal leaf size were reduced in the sub-optimal treatment andthe data suggest that in young rapidly growing leaves, thiswas primarily due to changes in cell wall properties, sincecell wall extensibility (% plasticity) was reduced in the LowN plants. The biophysical regulation of leaf cell expansion also differedwith nitrogen treatment as leaves aged. In the High N leaves,leaf cell turgor pressure (P) increased with age whilst in theLow N leaves P declined with age, again suggesting that foryoung leaves, cell wall plasticity limited expansion in theLow N plants. Measurements of cell wall properties showed thatcell wall elasticity (%E) was not influenced by nitrogen treatmentand remained constant regardless of leaf age. Key words: Salix, cell wall extensibility, nitrogen nutrition, biophysics of leaf growth  相似文献   

Although marine waters are usually found to be supersaturatedwith respect to both calcite and aragonite, natural precipitationof these carbonate minerals is very restricted. This is apparentlydue to the occupancy and effective removal of lattice sitesby random organic molecules present in natural seawater. Despite this, many marine organisms build external shells orskeletons of calcium carbonate, utilizing various ingeniousmethods to prevent seawater contamination at the growing shellmargin. The periostracum, which apparently evolved as an aidto marginal calcification, has undergone numerous modificationsserving important secondary functions inspecialized groups.  相似文献   

A Model for Leaf Growth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model for leaf growth is constructed. The state of the leafat any time is defined by eight variables; five of these definethe ‘chemical’state of the leaf (labile carbohydrate,labile nitrogen, degradable structure, non-degradable structureand tissue water), the other three define its physical state(volume, area and thickness). The main assumption of the modelis that the rate of synthesis of non-degradable structural material(cell walls) is a function of the rate of water uptake (andthence expansion) of the leaf tissues. The rate of water uptakeis assumed to depend upon the amount of osmotically active solutein the leaf, and to be opposed by elastic and inelastic forcesin the leaf tissues, which increase with leaf size. The model simulates a number of the observed features of leafgrowth. For example, it qualitatively describes the observedchanges in leaf thickness and rate of photosynthesis per unitleaf area with different growth light levels. The model canalso be used to describe changes in metabolic activity duringontogenesis of a leaf. leaf growth, mechanistic model, photosynthesis, water uptake  相似文献   

KARAMANOS  A. J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1393-1402
The leaf area growth of field beans grown under covers in thefield was measured non-destructively on plants subjected tothree different degrees of soil water stress by means of dryingcycles of different lengths in 1974 and 1975. After a periodof 46 days the total leaf area of the well-watered plants wasabout double that of the non-watered ones. The total leaf areaat the final-sampling and the mean plant water potential duringthe observation period were linearly related with highly significantcorrelation coefficients (0·96 in 1974 and 0·86in 1975). The differences between treatments in total leaf areawere mainly produced by the mechanisms determining leaf sizerather than those associated with leaf production and maintenance,namely leaf production, unfolding and death. In neither yearwas leaf production or unfolding sensitive to water stress beforeflowering. Plant water potential () exerted a cumulative longterm effect on these two mechanisms. The threshold values of for reducing the rates of leaf production and unfolding weremore negative in the drier year (1975). Leaf death was affectedby drought earlier than leaf production and unfolding. Vicia faba, field bean, water stress, leaf area  相似文献   

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