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To test the hypothesis that occlusive apneas result from sleep-induced periodic breathing in association with some degree of upper airway compromise, periodic breathing was induced during non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep by administering hypoxic gas mixtures with and without applied external inspiratory resistance (9 cmH2O X l-1 X s) in five normal male volunteers. In addition to standard polysomnography for sleep staging and respiratory pattern monitoring, esophageal pressure, tidal volume (VT), and airflow were measured via an esophageal catheter and pneumotachograph, respectively, with the latter attached to a tight-fitting face mask, allowing calculation of total pulmonary system resistance (Rp). During stage I/II NREM sleep minimal period breathing was evident in two of the subjects; however, in four subjects during hypoxia and/or relief from hypoxia, with and without added resistance, pronounced periodic breathing developed with waxing and waning of VT, sometimes with apneic phases. Resistive loading without hypoxia did not cause periodicity. At the nadir of periodic changes in VT, Rp was usually at its highest and there was a significant linear relationship between Rp and 1/VT, indicating the development of obstructive hypopneas. In one subject without added resistance and in the same subject and in another during resistive loading, upper airway obstruction at the nadir of the periodic fluctuations in VT was observed. We conclude that periodic breathing resulting in periodic diminution of upper airway muscle activity is associated with increased upper airway resistance that predisposes upper airways to collapse.  相似文献   

Influence of airway resistance on hypoxia-induced periodic breathing.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the effects of changing upper airway pressure on the variability of the dynamic response of ventilation to a hypoxic disturbance in 11 spontaneously breathing dogs. Supralaryngeal pressure, instantaneous inspiratory flow, end-expiratory lung volume, and the inspiratory and expiratory O2 and CO2 concentrations were continuously recorded at baseline and after a 1.5-min hypoxic stimulus (abrupt normoxic recovery). Arterial blood gases were obtained at baseline, at the end of the hypoxic period, and after 1 min of recovery. Airway resistances were modified during the recovery by changing the composition of the inspired gas (all with an inspiratory O2 fraction of 20.9%) among four different trials: two trials were realized with air (density 1.12 g/l), and the other two were with He or SF6 (respective density 0.42 and 4.20) in random order. There was no difference between baseline minute ventilation, arterial blood gases, and supralaryngeal resistance values preceding the trials. The hypoxemic and hypocapnic levels and the hypoxia-induced hyperventilation reached during the hypoxic tests were identical for the different hypoxic stimuli. The supralaryngeal resistance measured at peak flow was dramatically influenced by the composition of the inspired gas: 8.8 +/- 1.8 and 6.9 +/- 1.7 (SE) cmH2O.l-1.s with air, 7.2 +/- 2.2 with He, 21.9 +/- 5.5 with SF6 (P less than 0.05). Ventilatory fluctuations were consistently seen during the posthypoxic period. They were characterized by a strength index value (M) (Waggener et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 56: 576-581, 1984).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of von Langenbeck palatoplasty and pharyngeal flap surgery on upper airway obstruction during sleep was studied by obtaining polysomnographic sleep studies on 10 patients undergoing each procedure at 1 to 2 days prior to surgery, 2 to 3 days postoperatively, and approximately 3 months postoperatively. The effects of von Langenbeck palatoplasty on sleep-related upper airway obstruction were usually minimal and clinically insignificant, whereas severe obstructive sleep apnea was present in all but one of the patients undergoing pharyngeal flap surgery at 2 to 3 days postoperatively. In most patients the upper airway obstruction was resolved at the 3-month postoperative sleep study. These data suggest that palatoplasty carries with it a very slight risk of upper airway obstruction, whereas pharyngeal flap surgery has as a very frequent concomitant the occurrence of severe obstructive sleep apnea in the immediate postoperative period.  相似文献   

Possible mechanisms of periodic breathing during sleep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To determine the effect of respiratory control system loop gain on periodic breathing during sleep, 10 volunteers were studied during stage 1-2 non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep while breathing room air (room air control), while hypoxic (hypoxia control), and while wearing a tight-fitting mask that augmented control system gain by mechanically increasing the effect of ventilation on arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) (hypoxia increased gain). Ventilatory responses to progressive hypoxia at two steady-state end-tidal PCO2 levels and to progressive hypercapnia at two levels of oxygenation were measured during wakefulness as indexes of controller gain. Under increased gain conditions, five male subjects developed periodic breathing with recurrent cycles of hyperventilation and apnea; the remaining subjects had nonperiodic patterns of hyperventilation. Periodic breathers had greater ventilatory response slopes to hypercapnia under either hyperoxic or hypoxic conditions than nonperiodic breathers (2.98 +/- 0.72 vs. 1.50 +/- 0.39 l.min-1.Torr-1; 4.39 +/- 2.05 vs. 1.72 +/- 0.86 l.min-1.Torr-1; for both, P less than 0.04) and greater ventilatory responsiveness to hypoxia at a PCO2 of 46.5 Torr (2.07 +/- 0.91 vs. 0.87 +/- 0.38 l.min-1.% fall in SaO2(-1); P less than 0.04). To assess whether spontaneous oscillations in ventilation contributed to periodic breathing, power spectrum analysis was used to detect significant cyclic patterns in ventilation during NREM sleep. Oscillations occurred more frequently in periodic breathers, and hypercapnic responses were higher in subjects with oscillations than those without. The results suggest that spontaneous oscillations in ventilation are common during sleep and can be converted to periodic breathing with apnea when loop gain is increased.  相似文献   

Effect of upper airway negative pressure on inspiratory drive during sleep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine the effect of upper airway(UA) negative pressure and collapse during inspiration on regulation ofbreathing, we studied four unanesthetized female dogs duringwakefulness and sleep while they breathed via a fenestratedtracheostomy tube, which was sealed around the permanent trachealstoma. The snout was sealed with an airtight mask, thereby isolatingthe UA when the fenestration (Fen) was closed and exposing the UA tointrathoracic pressure changes, but not to flow changes, when Fen wasopen. During tracheal occlusion with Fen closed, inspiratory time(TI) increased duringwakefulness, non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and rapid-eye-movement(REM) sleep (155 ± 8, 164 ± 11, and 161 ± 32%,respectively), reflecting the removal of inhibitory lung inflationreflexes. During tracheal occlusion with Fen open (vs. Fen closed):1) the UA remained patent;2)TI further increased duringwakefulness and NREM (215 ± 52 and 197 ± 28%, respectively) but nonsignificantly during REM sleep (196 ± 42%);3) mean rate of rise of diaphragmEMG (EMGdi/TI) and rate offall of tracheal pressure(Ptr/TI) were decreased,reflecting an additional inhibitory input from UA receptors; and4) bothEMGdi/TI andPtr/TI were decreasedproportionately more as inspiration proceeded, suggesting greaterreflex inhibition later in the effort. Similar inhibitory effects ofexposing the UA to negative pressure (via an open tracheal Fen) wereseen when an inspiratory resistive load was applied over severalbreaths during wakefulness and sleep. These inhibitory effectspersisted even in the face of rising chemical stimuli. This inhibitionof inspiratory motor output is alinear within an inspiration andreflects the activation of UA pressure-sensitive receptors by UAdistortion, with greater distortion possibly occurring later in theeffort.


Airway obstruction during periodic breathing in premature infants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To characterize changes in pulmonary resistance, timing, and respiratory drive during periodic breathing, we studied 10 healthy preterm infants (body wt 1,340 +/- 240 g, postconceptional age 35 +/- 2 wk). Periodic breathing in these infants was defined by characteristic cycles of ventilation with intervening respiratory pauses greater than or equal to 2 s. Nasal airflow was recorded with a pneumotachometer, and esophageal or pharyngeal pressure was recorded with a fluid-filled catheter. Pulmonary resistance at half-maximal tidal volume, inspiratory time (TI), expiratory time (TE), and mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) were derived from computer analysis of five cycles of periodic breathing per infant. In 80% of infants periodic breathing was accompanied by completely obstructed breaths at the onset of ventilatory cycles; the site of airway obstruction occurred within the pharynx. The first one-third of the ventilatory phase of each cycle was accompanied by the highest airway resistance of the entire cycle (168 +/- 98 cmH2O.l-1.s). In all infants TI was greatest at the onset of the ventilatory cycle, VT/TI was maximal at the midpoint of the cycle, and TE was longest in the latter two-thirds of each cycle. A characteristic increase and subsequent decrease of 4.5 +/- 1.9 ml in end-expiratory volume also occurred within each cycle. These results demonstrate that partial or complete airway obstruction occurs during periodic breathing. Both apnea and periodic breathing share the element of upper airway instability common to premature infants.  相似文献   

Intravenously administered adenosine may increase ventilation (VI) and the ventilatory response to CO2 (HCVR). Inasmuch as we have previously hypothesized that those with higher HCVR may be more prone to periodic breathing during sleep, we measured VI and HCVR and monitored ventilatory pattern in seven healthy subjects before and during an infusion of adenosine (80 micrograms.kg-1.min-1) during uninterrupted sleep. Adenosine increased the mean sleeping VI (7.6 +/- 0.4 vs. 6.5 +/- 0.4 l/min, P less than 0.05) and decreased mean end-tidal CO2 values (42.4 +/- 1.2 vs. 43.7 +/- 1.0 Torr, P = 0.06, paired t test) during stable breathing. In six of seven subjects, periodic breathing occurred during this infusion. The amplitude (maximum VI--mean VI) and period length of this periodic breathing was variable among subjects and not predicted by baseline HCVR [correlation coefficients (r) = 0.64, P = 0.17 and r = -0.1, P = 0.9, respectively]. Attempts to measure HCVR during adenosine infusion were unsuccessful because of frequent arousals and continued periodic breathing despite hyperoxic hypercapnia. We conclude that adenosine infusion increases VI and produces periodic breathing during sleep in most normal subjects studied.  相似文献   

Although the influence of altitude acclimatization on respiration has been carefully studied, the associated changes in hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory responses are the subject of controversy with neither response being previously evaluated during sleep at altitude. Therefore, six healthy males were studied at sea level and on nights 1, 4, and 7 after arrival at altitude (14,110 ft). During wakefulness, ventilation and the ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia were determined on each occasion. During both non-rapid-eye-movement and rapid-eye-movement sleep, ventilation, ventilatory pattern, and the hypercapnic ventilatory response (measured at ambient arterial O2 saturation) were determined. There were four primary observations from this study: 1) the hypoxic ventilatory response, although similar to sea level values on arrival at altitude, increased steadily with acclimatization up to 7 days; 2) the slope of the hypercapnic ventilatory response increased on initial exposure to a hypoxic environment (altitude) but did not increase further with acclimatization, although the position of this response shifted steadily to the left (lower PCO2 values); 3) the sleep-induced decrements in both ventilation and hypercapnic responsiveness at altitude were equivalent to those observed at sea level with similar acclimatization occurring during wakefulness and sleep; and 4) the quantity of periodic breathing during sleep at altitude was highly variable and tended to occur more frequently in individuals with higher ventilatory responses to both hypoxia and hypercapnia.  相似文献   

Effects of upper airway anesthesia on pharyngeal patency during sleep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pharyngeal patency depends, in part, on the tone and inspiratory activation of pharyngeal dilator muscles. To evaluate the influence of upper airway sensory feedback on pharyngeal muscle tone and thus pharyngeal patency, we measured pharyngeal airflow resistance and breathing pattern in 15 normal, supine subjects before and after topical lidocaine anesthesia of the pharynx and glottis. Studies were conducted during sleep and during quiet, relaxed wakefulness before sleep onset. Maximal flow-volume loops were also measured before and after anesthesia. During sleep, pharyngeal resistance at peak inspiratory flow increased by 63% after topical anesthesia (P less than 0.01). Resistance during expiration increased by 40% (P less than 0.01). Similar changes were observed during quiet wakefulness. However, upper airway anesthesia did not affect breathing pattern during sleep and did not alter awake flow-volume loops. These results indicate that pharyngeal patency during sleep is compromised when the upper airway is anesthetized and suggest that upper airway reflexes, which promote pharyngeal patency, exist in humans.  相似文献   

We determined whether the [CO2] in the upper airways (UA) can influence breathing in ponies and whether UA [CO2] contributes to the attenuation of a thermal tachypnea during periods of elevated inspired CO2. Six ponies were studied 1 mo after chronic tracheostomies were created. For one protocol the ponies were breathing room air through a cuffed endotracheal tube. Another smaller tube was placed in the tracheostomy and directed up the airway. By use of this tube, a pump, and prepared gas mixtures, UA [CO2] was altered without affecting alveolar or arterial PCO2. When the ponies were at a neutral environmental temperature (TA) and breathing frequency (f) was 8 breaths X min-1, increasing UA [CO2] up to 18-20% had no effect on f. However, when TA was increased 20 degrees C to increase f to 50 breaths X min-1, then increasing UA [CO2] to 6% or to 18-20% reduced f by 5 +/- 1.7 (SE) and 12 +/- 1.6 breaths X min-1, respectively (t = 3.3, P less than 0.01). These data suggest that in the pony there exists a UA CO2-H+ sensory mechanism. For a second protocol the ponies were breathing a 6% CO2 gas mixture for 15 min in the normal fashion over the entire airway (nares breathing, NBr) or they were breathing this gas mixture for 15 min through the cuffed endotracheal tube (TBr). At a neutral TA, increasing inspired [CO2] to 6% resulted in a 6-breaths X min-1 increase in f during both NBr and TBr.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We hypothesized that long-term facilitation (LTF) is due to decreased upper airway resistance (Rua). We studied 11 normal subjects during stable non-rapid eye movement sleep. We induced brief isocapnic hypoxia (inspired O(2) fraction = 8%) (3 min) followed by 5 min of room air. This sequence was repeated 10 times. Measurements were obtained during control, hypoxia, and at 20 min of recovery (R(20)) for ventilation, timing, and Rua. In addition, nine subjects were studied in a sham study with no hypoxic exposure. During the episodic hypoxia study, inspiratory minute ventilation (VI) increased from 7.1 +/- 1.8 l/min during the control period to 8.3 +/- 1.8 l/min at R(20) (117% of control; P < 0.05). Conversely, there was no change in diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG(dia)) between control (16.1 +/- 6.9 arbitrary units) and R(20) (15.3 +/- 4.9 arbitrary units) (95% of control; P > 0.05). In contrast, increased VI was associated with decreased Rua from 10.7 +/- 7.5 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s during control to 8.2 +/- 4.4 cmH(2)O. l(-1). s at R(20) (77% of control; P < 0.05). No change was noted in VI, Rua, or EMG(dia) during the recovery period relative to control during the sham study. We conclude the following: 1) increased VI in the recovery period is indicative of LTF, 2) the lack of increased EMG(dia) suggests lack of LTF to the diaphragm, 3) reduced Rua suggests LTF of upper airway dilators, and 4) increased VI in the recovery period is due to "unloading" of the upper airway by LTF of upper airway dilators.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the upper airway pressure-flow relationship during sleep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In examining the mechanical properties of the respiratory system during sleep in healthy humans, we observed that the inspiratory pressure-flow relationship of the upper airway was often flow limited and too curvilinear to be predicted by the Rohrer equation. The purposes of this study were 1) to describe a mathematical model that would better define the inspiratory pressure-flow relationship of the upper airway during sleep and 2) to identify the segment of airway responsible for the sleep-related flow limitation. We measured nasal and total supralaryngeal pressure and flow during wakefulness and stage 2 sleep in five healthy male subjects lying supine. A right rectangular hyperbolic equation, V = (alpha P)/(beta + P), where V is flow, P is pressure, alpha is an asymptote for peak flow, and beta is pressure at a flow of alpha/2, was used in its linear form, P/V = (beta/alpha) + (P/alpha). The goodness of fit of the new equation was compared with that for the linearized Rohrer equation P/V = K1 + K2V. During wakefulness the fit of the hyperbolic equation to the actual pressure-flow data was equivalent to or significantly better than that for the Rohrer equation. During sleep the fit of the hyperbolic equation was superior to that for the Rohrer equation. For the whole supralaryngeal airway during sleep, the correlation coefficient for the hyperbolic equation was 0.90 +/- 0.50, and for the Rohrer equation it was 0.49 +/- 0.25. The flow-limiting segment was located within the pharyngeal airway, not in the nose.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by pharyngeal occlusion due to alterations in upper airway mechanical properties and/or disturbances in neuromuscular control. The objective of the study was to determine the relative contribution of mechanical loads and dynamic neuromuscular responses to pharyngeal collapse during sleep. Sixteen obstructive sleep apnea patients and sixteen normal subjects were matched on age, sex, and body mass index. Pharyngeal collapsibility, defined by the critical pressure, was measured during sleep. The critical pressure was partitioned between its passive mechanical properties (passive critical pressure) and active dynamic responses to upper airway obstruction (active critical pressure). Compared with normal subjects, sleep apnea patients demonstrated elevated mechanical loads as demonstrated by higher passive critical pressures [-0.05 (SD 2.4) vs. -4.5 cmH2O (SD 3.0), P = 0.0003]. Dynamic responses were depressed in sleep apnea patients, as suggested by failure to lower their active critical pressures [-1.6 (SD 3.5) vs. -11.1 cmH2O (SD 5.3), P < 0.0001] in response to upper airway obstruction. Moreover, elevated mechanical loads placed some normal individuals at risk for sleep apnea. In this subset, dynamic responses to upper airway obstruction compensated for mechanical loads and maintained airway patency by lowering the active critical pressure. The present study suggests that increased mechanical loads and blunted neuromuscular responses are both required for the development of obstructive sleep apnea.  相似文献   

Collapsibility of the human upper airway during normal sleep   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Upper airway resistance (UAR) increases in normal subjects during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. To examine the influence of sleep on upper airway collapsibility, inspiratory UAR (epiglottis to nares) and genioglossus electromyogram (EMG) were measured in six healthy men before and during inspiratory resistive loading. UAR increased significantly (P less than 0.05) from wakefulness to non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep [3.1 +/- 0.4 to 11.7 +/- 3.5 (SE) cmH2O.1-1.s]. Resistive load application during wakefulness produced small increments in UAR. However, during NREM sleep, UAR increased dramatically with loading in four subjects although two subjects demonstrated little change. This increment in UAR from wakefulness to sleep correlated closely with the rise in UAR during loading while asleep (e.g., load 12: r = 0.90, P less than 0.05), indicating consistent upper airway behavior during sleep. On the other hand, no measurement of upper airway behavior during wakefulness was predictive of events during sleep. Although the influence of sleep on the EMG was difficult to assess, peak inspiratory genioglossus EMG clearly increased (P less than 0.05) after load application during NREM sleep. Finally, minute ventilation fell significantly from wakefulness values during NREM sleep, with the largest decrement in sleeping minute ventilation occurring in those subjects having the greatest awake-to-sleep increment in UAR (r = -0.88, P less than 0.05). We conclude that there is marked variability among normal men in upper airway collapsibility during sleep.  相似文献   

Assisted ventilation with pressure support (PSV)or proportional assist (PAV) ventilation has the potential to produceperiodic breathing (PB) during sleep. We hypothesized that PB willdevelop when PSV level exceeds the product of spontaneous tidal volume (VT) and elastance(VTsp · E)but that the actual level at which PB will develop[PSV(PB)] will be influenced by thePCO2 (difference between eupneicPCO2 andCO2 apneic threshold) and by RR[response of respiratory rate (RR) to PSV]. We also wishedto determine the PAV level at which PB develops to assess inherentventilatory stability in normal subjects. Twelve normal subjectsunderwent polysomnography while connected to a PSV/PAV ventilatorprototype. Level of assist with either mode was increased in smallsteps (2-5 min each) until PB developed or the subject awakened.End-tidal PCO2,VT, RR, and airway pressure (Paw) were continuously monitored, and the pressure generated byrespiratory muscle (Pmus) was calculated. The pressure amplification factor (PAF) at the highest PAV level was calculated from[(Paw + Pmus)/Pmus], where Paw is peak Paw  continuous positive airway pressure. PB with central apneas developedin 11 of 12 subjects on PSV. PCO2ranged from 1.5 to 5.8 Torr. Changes in RR with PSV were small andbidirectional (+1.1 to 3.5min1). With use ofstepwise regression, PSV(PB) was significantly correlated withVTsp(P = 0.001), E(P = 0.00009),PCO2 (P = 0.007), and RR(P = 0.006). The final regressionmodel was as follows: PSV(PB) = 11.1 VTsp + 0.3E  0.4 PCO2  0.34 RR  3.4 (r = 0.98). PBdeveloped in five subjects on PAV at amplification factors of1.5-3.4. It failed to occur in seven subjects, despite PAF of upto 7.6. We conclude that 1) aPCO2 apneic threshold exists duringsleep at 1.5-5.8 Torr below eupneicPCO2,2) the development of PB during PSVis entirely predictable during sleep, and3) the inherent susceptibility to PBvaries considerably among normal subjects.


Henke, Kathe G. Upper airway muscle activity and upperairway resistance in young adults during sleep. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 486-491, 1998.To determinethe relationship between upper airway muscle activity and upper airwayresistance in nonsnoring and snoring young adults, 17 subjects werestudied during sleep. Genioglossus and alae nasi electromyogramactivity were recorded. Inspiratory and expiratory supraglotticresistance (Rinsp and Rexp, respectively) were measured at peak flow,and the coefficients of resistance(Kinsp andKexp,respectively) were calculated. Data were recorded during control,with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and on the breathimmediately after termination of CPAP. Rinsp during control averaged 7 ± 1 and 10 ± 2 cmH2O · l1 · sand Kinspaveraged 26 ± 5 and 80 ± 27 cmH2O · l1 · s2in the nonsnorers and snorers, respectively(P = not significant). Onthe breath immediately after CPAP,Kinsp did notincrease over control in snorers (80 ± 27 for control vs. 46 ± 6 cmH2O · l1 · s2for the breath after CPAP) or nonsnorers (26 ± 5 vs. 29 ± 6 cmH2O · l1 · s2).These findings held true for Rinsp.Kexp did notincrease in either group on the breath immediately after termination ofCPAP. Therefore, 1) increases inupper airway resistance do not occur, despite reductions inelectromyogram activity in young snorers and nonsnorers, and2) increases in Rexp and expiratoryflow limitation are not observed in young snorers.


Lowering surface tension (gamma) of upper airway lining liquid (UAL) reduces upper airway opening (anesthetized humans) and closing (anesthetized rabbits) pressures. We now hypothesize that in sleeping obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) patients lowering gamma of UAL will enhance upper airway stability and decrease the severity of sleep-disordered breathing. Nine OSAHS patients [respiratory disturbance index (RDI): 49 +/- 8 (SE) events/h, diagnostic night] participated in a two-part, one-night, polysomnography study. In the first part, upper airway closing pressures (during non-rapid eye movement sleep, Pcrit) were measured and samples of UAL (awake) were obtained before and after 2.5 ml of surfactant (Exosurf, Glaxo Smith Kline) was instilled into the posterior pharynx. The gamma of UAL was determined with the use of the "pull-off" force technique. In the second part, subjects received a second application of 2.5 ml of surfactant and then slept the remainder of the night (205 +/- 30 min). Instillation of surfactant decreased the gamma of UAL from 60.9 +/- 3.1 mN/m (control) to 45.2 +/- 2.5 mN/m (surfactant group) (n = 9, P < 0.001). Pcrit decreased from 1.19 +/- 1.14 cmH2O (control) to -0.56 +/- 1.15 cmH2O (surfactant group) (n = 7, P < 0.02). Compared with the second half of diagnostic night, surfactant decreased RDI from 51 +/- 8 to 35 +/- 8 events/h (n = 9, P < 0.03). The fall in RDI (deltaRDI) correlated with the fall in gamma of UAL (deltagamma) (deltaRDI = 1.8 x deltagamma, r = 0.68, P = 0.04). Hypopneas decreased approximately 50% from 42 +/- 8 to 20 +/- 5 events/h (n = 9, P < 0.03, paired t-test). The gamma of UAL measured the next morning remained low at 49.5 +/- 2.7 mN/m (n = 9, P < 0.001, ANOVA, compared with control). In conclusion, instillation of surfactant reduced the gamma of UAL in OSAHS patients and decreased Pcrit and the occurrence of hypopneas. Therapeutic manipulation of gamma of UAL may be beneficial in reducing the severity of sleep-disordered breathing in OSAHS patients.  相似文献   

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