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The ultrastructure and biochemical composition of cytoplasmic particles that form in chicken embryo fibroblasts during stress have been analyzed. We showed previously that these particles contained the small stress protein, sp 24, and antibodies specific to sp 24 were used here to identify the stress granule. In thin sections, the stress granule was a densely staining, membraneless, cytoplasmic body and appeared as a highly condensed area of cytoplasm in freeze-fracture preparations. Hypotonic swelling of cells before freeze-fracture analysis revealed a basketlike structure composed of interconnecting protein cables. No other proteins could be cross-linked to sp 24 when stress granules were treated with dithiobis-(succinimidyl propionate). High resolution autoradiographic analysis with [3H]uridine failed to identify any associated RNA synthesized in the period immediately before the stress. Thus the stress granule appears to be composed predominantly of sp 24 aggregates. Sp 24 could be purified to homogeneity from the stress granule by solubilization in 8 M urea and anion exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

Stress mRNA metabolism in canavanine-treated chicken embryo cells.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Four major chicken stress mRNAs with apparent molecular weights of 1.2 X 10(6), 0.88 X 10(6), 0.59 X 10(6), and 0.25 X 10(6) to 0.28 X 10(6) were separated on acidic agarose-urea gels. Using cell-free translation, the coding assignments of these mRNAs were determined to be stress proteins with apparent molecular weights of 88,000, 71,000, 35,000, and 23,000. Despite high levels of translational activity in vivo and in vitro, no newly synthesized mRNA for the 23-kilodalton stress protein was detected on gels under conditions which readily allowed detection of other stress mRNAs, suggesting activation of a stored or incompletely processed mRNA. Cloned Drosophila heat shock genes were used to identify and measure changes in cellular levels of the two largest stress mRNAs. Synthesis of these mRNAs increased rapidly during the first hour of canavanine treatment and continued at a high rate for at least 7 h, with the mRNAs attaining new steady-state levels by ca. 3 h. Both of these inducible stress mRNAs had very short half-lives compared with other animal cell mRNAs. Using an approach-to-steady-state analysis, the half-lives were calculated to be 89 min for the mRNA encoding the 88-kilodalton stress protein and 46 min for the mRNA encoding the 71-kilodalton stress protein. Chicken 18S and 28S rRNA synthesis was inhibited, and actin mRNA levels measured with cloned cDNA encoding chicken beta-actin slowly declined in canavanine-treated cells.  相似文献   

Summary The development and cytodifferentiation of endocrine cells that produce the gastrointestinal hormones gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin have been studied by a combined fluorescence-cytochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural approach. The results show that, during development, several ultrastructurally distinct cell types exhibit COOH-terminal gastrin and cholecystokinin immunoreactivity. Furthermore, some cells simultaneously contain both gastrin- and cholecystokinin-specific antigenic determinants. Studies on the time course of development of gastrin and cholecystokinin cells, together with the above-mentioned data, suggest that gastrin cells may be converted into cholecystokinin cells in development. During this period, gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin cells store the biogenic monoamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine a feature not displayed by the adult counter-parts of these cells. In the adult duodenum, characteristic enterochromaffin (EC) cells store 5-hydroxytryptamin for which, evidence for a possible hormonal role has been presented. Taken together, our data indicate that the differentiation of duodenal endocrine cells occurs in distinct steps, each involving a restriction in the biosynthetic repertoire of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary If quail neural crest cells are grafted to the chick, they migrate into the feathers of the host and produce melanin pigment. In one study, the dorsal trunk feathers of the chimaera were found to have quail-like pigment patterns. This was interpreted in terms of a positional information model. By contrast, in another study it was found that pigment patterns in the wing plumage of the chimaera bore little or no resemblance to the quail, showing instead a rather uniform, dark pigmentation. This was interpreted in terms of a prepattern in the ectoderm. This striking difference in results could be because the wing and trunk plumages have their pigment patterns specified in different ways. We have examined this possibility by making detailed maps of the dorsal trunk plumage of the normal quail and the quail-chick chimaera. Using this novel technique, we can accurately record the secondary pigment patterns in the embryonic down plumage. In the quail there are well-defined, longitudinal stripes running down the back, whereas the chimaera shows rather uniform, dark pigment in this area. There is little or no indication of stripes and some chimaerae develop asymmetric, mottled patterns. Grafts to the cephalic region also produce uniform pigmentation with no quail-like patterning. These findings indicate that neural crest cells cannot read positional values in the feathers of another species.  相似文献   

Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), an aryl alkyl ester of 1,2-benzene dicarboxylic acid, is extensively used in vinyl tiles and as a plasticizer in PVC in many commonly used products. BBP, which readily leaches from these products, is one of the most important environmental contaminants, and the increased awareness of its adverse effects on human health has led to a dramatic increase in research aimed at removing BBP from the environment via bioremediation. This review highlights recent progress in the degradation of BBP by pure and mixed bacterial cultures, fungi, and in sludge, sediment, and wastewater. Sonochemical degradation, a unique abiotic remediation technique, and photocatalytic degradation are also discussed. The degradation pathways for BBP are described, and future research directions are considered.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of human gastric mucosa has demonstrated that the endocrine cells are closely and specifically related to the adjacent glandular cells and the basal membrane. Cytoplasmic strands of the adjacent cells surround the endocrine cells and their projections, probably, regulating their secretion. The above outlined relations are considered a structural basis for complex regulatory endocrine and paracrine functions of the gastric endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Adaptive response of the chicken embryo to low doses of x-irradiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chicken embryos were x-irradiated in ovo with 5–30 cGy (=priming dose) at the 13th–15th day of development. After 3–48 h, brain- and liver-cell suspensions were x-irradiated in vitro with (challenge) doses of 4–32 Gy. Significantly less radiation damage was observed when the radiation response was measured by scheduled DNA synthesis, nucleoid sedimentation and viscosity of alkaline cell lysates 12–36 h after the priming exposure. In vivo, pre-irradiation with 10 cGy enhanced regeneration as evidenced by the DNA content of chicken embryo brain and liver 24 h following a challenge dose of 4 Gy. From nucleoid sedimentation analyses in brain and liver cells immediately after irradiation with 16 Gy and after a 30-min repair period in the presence of aphidicolin, dideoxythymidine and 3-aminobenzamide or in the absence of these DNA repair inhibitors, it is concluded that a reduction of the initial radiation damage is the dominant mechanism of the radio-adaptive response of the chicken embryo. Sedimentation of nucleoids from ethidium bromide (EB) (0.75–400 µg/ml)-treated cells suggests a higher tendency of radio-adapted cells to undergo positive DNA supercoiling in the presence of high EB concentrations.  相似文献   

The acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) of cultured chick embryo muscle fibers that remains after the cells have been treated with the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide was examined with cytochemical stains and the electron microscope. AChE activity that decreased rapidly after addition of the inhibitor was associated with enzyme within the cells, and AChE activity that was relatively insensitive to the inhibitor was associated with AChE outside of the cells. The results support the view that there are at least two fractions of AChE in developing muscle fibers, one intracellular and labile, the other extracelullar and stable.  相似文献   

In situ cytohybridization was used to determine the tissue tropism and target cells for replication of bluetongue virus (BTV) in the developing chicken embryo. Hybridization with a biotinylated probe specific for segment 3 of BTV serotype 17 detected viral replication in embryos inoculated with U.S. serotypes 2, 10, 11, 13, and 17 or sheep blood containing a BTV field strain. At the final stages of infection, when the embryos were hemorrhagic, viral infection could consistently be detected in the brain, kidney, spinal cord, heart, lung, and liver, with the brain and kidney most severely affected. Other tissues, such as the retina, skin, tongue, and intestinal villi, also supported viral replication in some embryos. Greater concentrations of virus tended to be localized within epithelial cells, such as those lining the kidney tubules and tertiary bronchi of the lungs. Kinetics studies with BTV serotypes 11 and 17 and a field strain indicated that within 24 h after inoculation, viral replication occurred initially in the brain and kidney. By 48 h, viral replication was also detected in the lungs, heart, and spinal cord, with the liver being severely infected by 72 h. Low levels of hybridization could be detected in embryos infected with epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, which is antigenically related to BTV.  相似文献   

Concerning temporal trends in human reproductive health has prompted concern about the role of environmentally mediated risk factors. The population is exposed to chemicals present in air, water, food and in a variety of consumer and personal care products, subsequently multiple chemicals are found human populations around the globe. Recent reviews find that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can adversely affect reproductive and developmental health. However, there are still many knowledge gaps. This paper reviews some of the key scientific concepts relevant to integrating information from human epidemiologic and model organisms to understand the relationship between EDC exposure and adverse human health effects. Additionally, areas of new insights which influence the interpretation of the science are briefly reviewed, including: enhanced understanding of toxicity pathways; importance of timing of exposure; contribution of multiple chemical exposures; and low dose effects. Two cases are presented, thyroid disrupting chemicals and anti-androgens chemicals, which illustrate how our knowledge of the relationship between EDCs and adverse human health effects is strengthened and data gaps reduced when we integrate findings from animal and human studies.  相似文献   

The chicken embryo represents a suitable model for studying vertebrate sex determination and gonadal sex differentiation. While the basic mechanism of sex determination in birds is still unknown, gonadal morphogenesis is very similar to that in mammals, and most of the genes implicated in mammalian sex determination have avian homologues. However, in the chicken embryo, these genes show some interesting differences in structure or expression patterns to their mammalian counterparts, broadening our understanding of their functions. The novel candidate testis-determining gene in mammals, DMRT1, is also present in the chicken, and is expressed specifically in the embryonic gonads. In chicken embryos, DMRT1 is more highly expressed in the gonads and Müllerian ducts of male embryos than in those of females. Meanwhile, expression of the orphan nuclear receptor, Steroidogenic Factor 1 (SF1) is up-regulated during ovarian differentiation in the chicken embryo. This contrasts with the expression pattern of SF1 in mouse embryos, in which expression is down-regulated during female differentiation. Another orphan receptor initially implicated in mammalian sex determination, DAX1, is poorly conserved in the chicken. A chicken DAX1 homologue isolated from a urogenital ridge library lacked the unusual DNA-binding motif seen in mammals. Chicken DAX1 is autosomal, and is expressed in the embryonic gonads, showing somewhat higher expression in female compared to male gonads, as in mammals. However, expression is not down-regulated at the onset of testicular differentiation in chicken embryos, as occurs in mice. These comparative data shed light on vertebrate sex determination in general.  相似文献   

Lipid biosynthesis was measured in cultured chicken embryo cells after infection with fowlpox virus. Between 24 and 72 h postinfection, fowlpox virus-infected cells incorporated less [14C]acetate and 3H2O into fatty acids and sterols than did mock-infected cells, demonstrating a virus-dependent inhibition of general lipid metabolism. Two specific effects of fowlpox virus infection were an accumulation of C-4 alkylated sterol intermediates and inhibition of monounsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Brief treatment with 10(-4)M diisopropylfluorophosphate (DEP) irreversibly inactivates acetylcholinesterase (E.C.; acetylcholine hydrolase) (AChE) activity in 10 day old chick embryonic muscle cultures. Electron microscopic cytochemistry was employed to follow the distribution of new AChE during recovery from DEP treatment. In normal 10 day cultures of embryo pectoralis muscles AChE is localized in the nuclear envelope, perinuclear sarcoplasm, sarcotubular system, subsurface vesicles and bound outside the cells. Immediately after DFP treatment AChE activity is absent in large myotubes. Within 15 min, activity is randomly present in small amounts in the sarcotubular system and nuclear envelope. There is a dramatic increase in activitv in the nuclear envelope during the 1st hr of recovery, and connections between the nuclear envelope and sarcotubular system are often seen. The next few hr of recovery show increased AChE activity. By 4 hr activity approaches that of controls. Six to 8 hr after treatment, AChE activity can be detected spectrophotometrically in the medium and can be seen bound outside the cells with the electron microscope. The spatial and temporal patterns of AChE activity demonstrate that the recovery of AChE and its mobilization and release from DFP-treated cells are not governed solely by the levels attained by the enzyme in the cultured embryo muscle.  相似文献   

In this study, three of the representative EDCs, 17beta-estradiol, bisphenol A, and styrene, were employed to find their mode of toxic actions in E. coli. To accomplish this, four different stress response genes, recA, katG, fabA, and grpE genes, were used as a representative for DNA, oxidative, membrane, or protein damage, respectively. The expression levels of these four genes were quantified using a real-time RT-PCR after challenge with three different EDCs individually. Bisphenol A and styrene caused high-level expression of recA and katG genes, respectively, whereas 17beta-estradiol made no significant changes in expression of any of those genes. These results lead to the classification of the mode of toxic actions of EDCs on E. coli.  相似文献   

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