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A new spectrophotometric assay for protein in cell extracts.   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  

Aich S  Delbaere LT  Chen R 《BioTechniques》2001,30(4):846-850
A continuous spectrophotometric assay has been developed for detecting beta-glucuronidase activity. In the assay, Para-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucuronide is cleaved to yield a chromophoric product. With the commercial E. coli enzyme, it is demonstrated that the reactions can be continuously monitored by the increase of absorbance at 405 nm. The method is highly sensitive and able to detect less than 1.4 x 10(-4) U/mL of the enzyme activity in solution. Such a new assay offers significant advantages over the existing discontinuous methods and should be useful for both routine enzyme assay and accurate kinetic studies.  相似文献   

Ceramides are bioactive lipids and precursors to sphingolipids. They have been shown to take part in a wide variety of different physiological processes in eukaryotic organisms and are thought to be toxic at high concentrations. Ceramide is synthesized by condensation of the sphingoid base sphinganine and a fatty acyl CoA by ceramide synthases, a family of enzymes that differ in their specificity for the length of the acyl CoA substrate. We have engineered a yeast strain where the endogenous ceramide synthase has been replaced by one of the putative enzymes from cotton. As a result, the yeast strain produces C18 rather than C26 ceramides showing that the cotton protein is a bona fide ceramide synthase with specificity towards C18 acyl CoA. Strikingly, the accumulation of C18 ceramide is not toxic in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This allows survival of the yeast after deletion of the normally essential AUR1 (inositol phosphorylceramide synthase) gene permitting us to address the essential roles of sphingolipids. Deletion of AUR1 allows cell growth, but leads to a defect in cytokinesis, which takes twice as long as in wild-type strains. Nuclear division and recruitment of septins is apparently not affected, but cytokinesis is delayed and cell separation is incomplete.  相似文献   

The role of cAMP in controlling yeast cell division   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The studies on the cAMP-requiring mutants and their suppressors in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, revealed that cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation is involved in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, in conjugation, and in the post-meiotic stage of sporulation, and that inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation is required to induce meiotic division.  相似文献   

Contact regulation of cell division in an epithelial-like cell line   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rate of cell division in an epithelial-like cell line, 1S1, was examined by time-lapse cinemicrography. When precautions were taken to insure a sufficient nutrient supply, the number of mitoses per unit time in any given area of a confluent monolayer remained constant. This “contact regulation of cell division” resulted in a steadily decreasing frequency of mitosis per cell as the culture became crowded. With the decrease was associated a gradual change in cell shape, from maximally flattened to maximally compact, due to contact inhibition of the movement of cells across one another. When cells were removed along a line scraped on a dense culture, the cells at the edge of the scrape flattened, migrated into the vacant area, and subsequently increased their frequency of mitosis to that characteristic of non-confluent cells. Inhibition of mitosis caused by a limitation on the nutrient supply was also reversed at a line-scrape. These observations suggest that cell flattening promoted mitosis by causing the cell membrane to expand, thereby facilitating the uptake of nutrients. The cell membrane would thus function in the mechanism of contact regulation as a transducer, for converting the pressure of the surrounding cell population into a restraining force upon the metabolism of cell division.  相似文献   

The mean size and percentage of budded and unbudded cells of Candida albicans grown in batch culture over a wide range of doubling times have been measured. Cell volume decreased with increased doubling time and a nonlinear approach to an asymptotic minimum was observed. When cells were separated by age according to bud scars, each age showed a similar decrease. During each cell division cycle, size increased slowly during both budded and unbudded periods so that each generation was significantly larger than the preceding. There was no difference in size between the parent portion of budded cells and unbudded cells of the same age. Time-lapse photomicroscopy of cells growing on solid medium showed that cells divide asymmetrically with larger parents having a shorter subsequent cycle time than the smaller daughter, although the time utilized for bud formation was similar. When cells were shifted from a medium supporting a low growth rate and small size to a medium supporting a faster growth rate and larger size, both budded and unbudded cells increased significantly in size. As the doubling time increased, both the budded and unbudded portions of parental and daughter cycles increased.  相似文献   

We propose the hypothesis that extracellular regulation of cell division and differentiation acts through just two communications channels. These channels consist of a series of redundant components: extracellular messenger hormones; these hormones' receptors; cytoplasmic proteins activated by the hormone-receptor complex; and trans-activating nuclear regulatory proteins. One channel, here labeled "D" ("differentiate"), includes transforming growth factor-beta as one of its hormones; the other, labeled "G" ("growth") includes epidermal growth factor. We postulate that signal reception occurs as a result of competition between different actuating proteins for equilibrium-controlled binding to critical DNA sites. Stem cells commit to mitosis when some high proportion of critical sites is occupied by actuating proteins of the G class, and to terminal differentiation when a high proportion is occupied by "D" actuators. Intermediate occupancy can either lead to division into one differentiated and one stem cell, or to maintenance of cells in the reference state, quiescence. Equilibrium control of binding implies that critical site occupancy will be proportional to the relative concentrations of "D" and "G" actuating proteins in the nuclear fluid. These concentrations depend on the external hormone concentrations, the numbers of receptors on the cell membrane, and the coefficients of the rate-determining steps between internalization of the hormone-receptor complexes and activation of the actuating proteins. All of these quantities can be affected by various factors, including endocrine hormones. This model is consistent with most reported behavior of various growth factors, interferons, etc, toward a variety of cells in culture. It predicts that under otherwise constant conditions, high relative concentrations of a D-hormone (e.g. transforming growth factor-beta) will induce commitment to terminal differentiation, while high relative concentrations of a "G" hormone (e.g. epidermal growth factor) will induce mitosis. We have seen no report of an experiment which adequately tests this prediction. The model implies that cancer causing mutations are those which increase the relative intensity of the "G" signal; this can occur via changes in components of either channel. Such mutant cells should be both more likely to divide and less likely to differentiate than normal stem cells. Conversely, mutations which increase relative sensitivity to the "D" signal during embryonal development can lead to premature differentiation, cessation of growth, and structural abnormalities (terata).  相似文献   

We have developed a spectrophotometric assay for the quantitative determination of feruloyl esterase activity based on release of 4-nitrophenol from a novel substrate, 4-nitrophenyl ferulate in an emulsion of Triton X-100 in aqueous buffer solution. The release of 4-nitrophenol was linear with reaction time at an early stage of the reaction with various esterase preparations. The method proposed here is accurate, rapid, and easy to perform.  相似文献   

Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) activity can be monitored continuously using a coupled enzyme assay in which the inhibitory product S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is converted to S-inosylhomocysteine (SIH). A simple spectrophotometric assay for COMT is described based on the difference in the ultraviolet absorption spectra between SAH and SIH.  相似文献   

An o-phthalaldehyde spectrophotometric assay for proteinases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rapid and convenient spectrophotometric assay has been devised to measure proteolysis. The assay is based on the reaction of o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and 2-mercaptoethanol with amino groups released during proteolysis of a protein substrate. The reaction is specific for primary amines in amino acids, peptides, and proteins, approaches completion within 1 to 2 min at 25 degrees C (half-times of approx 10-15 s), and requires no preliminary heating or separation of the hydrolyzed products from the undegraded protein substrate prior to performing the assay. The OPA assay was relatively as successful as a 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) procedure in predicting the extent of hydrolysis of a protein substrate. The utility of the OPA method was demonstrated by measuring the degree of proteolytic degradation caused by trypsin, subtilisin, Pronase, and chymotrypsin of various soluble protein substrates. Ethanethiol (instead of 2-mercaptoethanol) or 50% of dimethyl sulfoxide can be included in the assay solution to stabilize certain OPA-amine products. The present method approaches the sensitivity of ninhydrin and TNBS procedures, is more convenient and rapid, and could substitute for these reagents in most assay systems.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric assay for neutral protease   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

A spectrophotometric assay for strictosidine synthase is described. Strictosidine is extracted with ethyl acetate and, where high substrate concentrations are used, the organic extract is washed with dilute ammonia to remove coextracted secologanin; after evaporation of the solvent, the residue is heated with 5 M H2SO4 for 45 min and the A348 value is measured. Strictosidine production is calculated from the response of similarly treated standards. A minimum production of 10-25 nmol of strictosidine may be determined. The assay is demonstrated using extracts of cultured Cinchona ledgeriana cells.  相似文献   

The activity of calmodulin as an activator of cAMP phosphodiesterase was assayed. AMP was hydrolyzed by 5'-nucleotidase, and the adenosine formed was measured by both liquid scintillation counting and spectrophotometry at 265 nm. Calmodulin activities measured by the two methods were equivalent, indicating that spectrophotometric assay of calmodulin can be used in place of the isotopic method.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a new spectrophotometric assay for HGPRTase activity which is more rapid than and as sensitive as the isotopic assays for this enzyme and which avoids the use of high-voltage electrophoresis and liquid scintillation counting.  相似文献   

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