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Quantifying foliar stable carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) is a powerful approach for understanding genetic variation in gas exchange traits in large populations. The genetic architecture of Δ and third-year height is described for more than 1,000 clones of Pinus taeda tested on two contrasting sites. for Δ was 0.14 (±0.03), 0.20 (±0.07), and 0.09 (±0.04) at Florida, Georgia, and across sites, respectively. for stable carbon isotope discrimination ranged from 0.25 (±0.03) at the Florida site to 0.33 (±0.03) at the Georgia site, while the across-site estimate of was 0.19 (±0.02). For third-year height, ranged from 0.13 (±0.05) at the Georgia site to 0.20 (±0.06) at the Florida site with an across-site estimate of 0.09 (±0.05). Broad-sense heritability estimates for third-year height were 0.23 (±0.03), 0.28 (±0.03), and 0.13 (±0.02) at the Florida site, Georgia site, and across sites, respectively. Type B total genetic correlation for Δ was 0.70 ± 0.06, indicating that clonal rankings were relatively stable across sites, while for third-year height, rankings of clones were more unstable across the two trials . Third-year height and Δ were negatively correlated at the parental , full-sib family , and clonal levels, suggesting that genetic variation for Δ in P. taeda may be a result of differences in photosynthetic capacity. We conclude that Δ may be a useful selection trait to improve water-use efficiency and for guiding deployment decisions in P. taeda.  相似文献   

Analysis of linkage disequilibrium (=mean squared correlation of allele frequencies at different gene loci) provides a means of estimating effective population size (N e) from a single sample, but this method has seen much less use than the temporal method (which requires at least two samples). It is shown that for realistic numbers of loci and alleles, the linkage disequilibrium method can provide precision comparable to that of the temporal method. However, computer simulations show that estimates of N e based on for unlinked, diallelic gene loci are sharply biased downwards ( in some cases) if sample size (S) is less than true N e. The bias is shown to arise from inaccuracies in published formula for when S and/or N e are small. Empirically derived modifications to for two mating systems (random mating and lifetime monogamy) effectively eliminate the bias (residual bias in % in most cases). The modified method also performs well in estimating N e in non-ideal populations with skewed sex ratio or non-random variance in reproductive success. Recent population declines are not likely to seriously affect , but if N has recently increased from a bottleneck can be biased downwards for a few generations. These results should facilitate application of the disequilibrium method for estimating contemporary N e in natural populations. However, a comprehensive assessment of performance of with highly polymorphic markers such as microsatellites is needed.The US Governmentȁ9s right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

For long-lived iteroparous vertebrates that annually produce few young, life history theory predicts that reproductive output (R) and juvenile survival should influence temporal variation in population growth rate (λ) more than adult survival does. We examined this general prediction using 15 years of mark–recapture data from a population of California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis). We found that survival of individuals ≥1 year old (ϕ) exhibited much less temporal variability , where CV is coefficient of variation, than R and that R was strongly influenced by environmental stochasticity. Although λ was most sensitive ( ; log-transformed sensitivity) to ϕ and much less sensitive to either R or juvenile survival (survival rate of owls from fledging to 1 year old; ), we estimated that R contributed as much as ϕ to the observed annual variability in λ. The contribution of juvenile survival to variability in λ was proportional to its These results are consistent with the hypothesis that natural selection may have favored the evolution of longevity in spotted owls as a strategy to increase the probability of experiencing favorable years for reproduction. Our finding that annual weather patterns that most affected R (temperature and precipitation during incubation) and ϕ (conditions during winter related to the Southern Oscillation Index) were equally good at explaining temporal variability in λ supports the conclusion that R and ϕ were equally responsible for variability in λ. Although currently accepted conservation measures for spotted owl populations attempt to enhance survival, our results indicated that conservation measures that target R may be as successful, as long as actions do not reduce ϕ.  相似文献   

Summary The on-line estimation of biomass concentration and of three variable parameters of the non-linear model of continuous cultivation by an extended Kalman filter is demonstrated. Yeast growth in aerobic conditions on an ethanol substrate is represented by an unstructured non-linear stochastic t-variant dynamic model. The filter algorithm uses easily accessible data concerning the input substrate concentration, its concentration in the fermentor and dilution rate, and estimates the biomass concentration, maximum specific growth rate, saturation constant and substrate yield coefficient. The microorganismCandida utilis, strain Vratimov, was cultivated on the ethanol substrate. The filter results obtained with the real data from one cultivation experiment are presented. The practical possibility of using this method for on-line estimation of biomass concentration, which is difficult to measure, is discussed.Nomenclature D dilution rate (h-1) - DO2 dissolved oxygen concentration (%) - E identity matrix - F Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the system equations g - g continuousn-vector non-linear real function - h m-vector non-linear real function - K Kalman filter gain matrix - K S saturation constant (kgm-3) - KS expectation of the saturation constant estimate - M Jacobi matrix of the deterministic part of the measurement equations h - P(t0) co-variance matrix of the initial values of the state - P(tk/tk) c-variance matrix of the error in (t k|t k) - P(tk+1/tk) co-variance matrix of the error in (t k+1|t k - Q co-variance matrix of the state noise - R co-variance matrix of the output noise - S substrate concentration (kgm-3) - S i input substrate concentration - t time - t k discrete time instant with indexk=0, 1, 2,... - u(t) input vector - v(tk) measurement (output) noise sequence - w(t) n-vector white Gaussian random process - x(t0) initial state of the system - (t0) expectation of the initial state values - x(t) n-dimensional state vector - x(tk) state vector at the time instantt k - (tk|tk) expectation of the state estimate at timet k when measurements are known to the timet k - (tk+1|tk) expectation of the state prediction - X biomass concentration (kgm-3) - expectation of the biomass concentration estimate - y(tk) m-dimensional output vector at the time instantt k - Y XIS substrate yield coefficient - X|S expectation of the substrate yield coefficient estimate - specific growth rate (h-1) - M maximum specific growth rate (h-1) - expectation of the maximum specific growth rate estimate - state transition matrix  相似文献   

A dual isotope approach was used to assess the relative importance of terrestrial vegetation detritus and other primary producers in the trophic web of Flamengo Sound (Ubatuba, SP), SE Brazil, surrounded by the Atlantic Rain Forest. Primary producers showed distinct C signatures and the observed values suggest that little terrestrial or bulk sediment organic matter enter the food web of the sound. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM, supports the bulk of the consumers, with some contribution by macroalgae . Consumers C values ranged from −17.4 to . At least three trophic levels were detectable in the food web. The N value of POM was , while that of sediment and detritus was . The N values of suspension feeding benthic invertebrates were 8.2–, deposit feeders 8.3–, and carnivores 10.7–. Values for fishes were for detritivore, 11.4– for benthic feeders, 12.4– for zooplanktivores, and for piscivores/benthic invertebrate feeders. Squid mean value was . There is a reasonable agreement between feeding habits information from the literature and N values from this study. In the sound, the first and second trophic steps seem to be about 1– higher than those of similar organisms studied in temperate waters and this may reflect an input of allochtonous anthropogenic nitrogen enriched in 15N from human activities.  相似文献   

During a survey of Guatemalan herpetofauna in the summers of 1998–2000, 29 presumed new species of Eimeria Schneider, 1875 were found, seven of which have a distinct elongate-ellipsoidal shape (L/W ratio ≥ 1.7) and are described herein. Six of the seven new species are similar in oöcyst length, width and L/W ratio and sporocyst length, width and L/W ratio, lack a micropyle, oöcyst residuum, Stieda body, sub- and parastieda bodies, have a polar granule and sporocyst residuum, and their sporocysts appear to have dehiscence sutures. The seventh is slightly smaller and has sporocysts with a Stieda body. The new species are: E. coniophanes n. sp – whose sporulated oöcysts from Coniophanes fissidens are 29.2×14.9 (27–31×13–16) m, with sporocysts m; E. coniophis n. sp. –from Conophis lineatus are 32.0×16.5 (30–34×14–18) m, with sporocysts m; E. dryomarchoni n. sp. – from Drymarchon corais are 32.2×17.7 (31–34×17–19) m, with sporocysts m; E. leptophis n. sp. – from Leptophis mexicanus are 29.5×17.0 (28–31×16–18) m, with sporocysts m; E. oxybelis n. sp. – from Oxybelis aeneus are 31.8×16.5 (29–33×15–18) m, with sporocysts m; and E. scaphiodontophis n. sp. – from Scaphiodontophis annulatus are 30.0×15.3 (28–33×14–16) m, with sporocysts m. Sporulated oöcysts of E. siboni n. sp. from Sibon nebulata are 24.3×14.2 (21–27×13–16) m, with sporocysts m and with a Stieda body. We conclude that until all aspects of each life-cycle are known, it is prudent at this time to name all tetrasporocystic dizoic coccidia from snakes as members of Eimeria rather than place some of them in Choleoeimeria Paperna & Landsberg, 1989.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered pacemaking in ventricular cells has been achieved by down-regulation of the time independent inward rectifying current (I K1), or insertion of the hyperpolarisation-activated funny current (I f). We analyse the membrane system (i.e. ionic concentrations clamped) of an epicardial Luo-Rudy dynamic cell model using continuation algorithms with the maximum conductance () of I K1 and I f as bifurcation parameters. Pacemaker activity can be induced either via Hopf or homoclinic bifurcations. As K1 is decreased by ≈74%, autorhythmicity emerged via a homoclinic bifurcation, i.e., the periodicity first appear with infinitely large periods. In contrast, the insertion of f induced periodicity via a subcritical Hopf bifurcation at f≈ 0.25 mSμF−1. Stable autorhythmic action potentials occurred at f > 0.329 mSμF−1.  相似文献   

Pigeons sitting on a turntable are exposed to horizontal -ramp-and-hold stimuli (= -RP-stimuli; angular velocity) (Fig. 1). At the same time, the mean rateE(t) of impulses/0.1 s or 0.2 s ofM. abductor indicis, M. abductor pollicis orM. flexor pollicis is registered. If the rotation axis lies in or in front of the pigeon's head the muscles studied respond phasic-tonicly to an ipsilaterad -RP-stimulus; and purely tonicly or also phasic-tonicly to a contralaterad -RP-stimulus (Figs. 2C and 4). The heightE P of the tonic response component is independent from the direction of rotation and is only determined by the height of the -plateau (Fig. 2A). The heightE D of the phasic response component is dependent upon the rotation direction and is determined, at a given rotation direction, by (Fig. 2A) and by the ramp slope ( angular acceleration) (Fig. 3A). This and the dependence of the tonic component and, with some pigeons, also of the phasic component uponr (distance between pigeon and rotation axis) lead to the conclusion that the tonic component is caused by the centripetal accelerationb p , and the phasic component is caused by the angular acceleration and, with some pigeons, by the tangential accelerationb t. The influence of the acceleration components uponE D andE P is dependent upon the pigeon's position angle relativ to the radiusvectorr (Figs. 4 and 5). The tonic component is the response to a quasi-pitch or a quasi-roll of the pigeon during steady rotation. This results from a comparison of the -RP-responses of the pigeon in a radial or tangential position (Fig. 6A) to the pitch and roll responses (Fig. 6B). A model has been developed on the basis of the measured stimulus-response relations (Fig. 7). It contains three input channels (x -,u t- andu p-channel) with low-pass filters for the angular, tangential and centripetal acceleration. The channel gain depends upon . The sum(t) of all channel outputs is sent through a pure-time-delay element and finally through a half-wave rectifier with a threshold and an upper limitation. The transfer characteristics of the model agree rather well with those of the pigeon. The model can be interpreted in terms of neurophysiology.

Teil einer Habilitationsschrift an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes.

Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Nachtigall danke ich für die großzügige Unterstützung der Arbeit. Fräulein A. Jahner danke ich für die Assistenz und für die Anfertigung der Abbildungen, meiner Frau für die kritische Durchsicht des Textes. Frau Dr. M. Biederman-Thorson und Herrn Prof. Dr. D. Varjú bin ich für wertvolle Kritik dankbar. Die Arbeit wurde zum Teil aus Mitteln der Stiftung Volkswagenwerk finanziert, die Herm Prof. Dr. W. Nachtigall zur Verfügung standen.  相似文献   

A method for evaluating the average shear rate () in a stirred and aerated tank bioreactor has been proposed for non-Newtonian fluids. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k L a) was chosen as the appropriate characteristic parameter to evaluate the average shear rate (). The correlations for the average shear rate as a function of N and rheological properties of the fluid (K and n) were obtained for two airflow rate conditions (ϕair). The shear rate values estimated by the proposed methodology lay within the range of the values calculated by classical correlations. The proposed correlations were utilized to predict the during the Streptomyces clavuligerus cultivations carried out at 0.5 vvm and four different rotational impeller speeds. The results show that the values of the average shear rate () varied from 437 to 2,693 s−1 by increasing with N and flow index (n) and decreasing with the fluid consistency index (K).  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic differentiation of Rosa canina at regional and continental scales to delineate provenance regions for seed collection. Using RAPD technique, we examined eight populations in Brandenburg (Germany) and 13 samples from Bavaria and Hungary. AMOVA and $\upphiWe investigated the genetic differentiation of Rosa canina at regional and continental scales to delineate provenance regions for seed collection. Using RAPD technique, we examined eight populations in Brandenburg (Germany) and 13 samples from Bavaria and Hungary. AMOVA and -statistics revealed a significant differentiation ( = 0.23, P < 0.0001) between accessions from Brandenburg and the two other regions. The interpopulation differentiation in Brandenburg was low ( = 0.13). We found the greatest interpopulation distance between Hungary and Brandenburg (Hoher Fl?ming, = 0.47) and the lowest between Dahmeland and Hoher Fl?ming (both Brandenburg, = 0.01). UPGMA dendrogram and PCA showed a clear disjunction between Brandenburg and other regions. Due to the outcrossing mating and seed dispersal system, the genetic variation within R. canina populations is moderately high (87% for Brandenburg, 76% for Bavaria and Hungary). The significant genetic differentiation at the continental scale suggests lower gene flow with increasing geographical distance and underlines the usefulness of regional provenances for planting.  相似文献   

This study assessed the genotype by environment (G × E) interaction for diameter growth in 15 Eucalyptus globulus progeny trials in Australia. Single-site analyses revealed significant subrace and family-within-subrace variance in all trials. Across-site subrace () and family () correlations were estimated by linear mixed model analyses of pairs of trials. Using a factor analytic structure for subrace and family random terms in a multi-environment mixed model analysis, best linear unbiased predictions of subrace effects were obtained for each trial. These were then averaged for each of four states (Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia) and across all sites. Statistically significant G × E interaction was detected, and weighted means across states for and were 0.73 and 0.76, respectively. Nevertheless, the three subraces from the Otway Ranges were both fast growing and relatively stable in their ranks over all sites. We evaluated the sensitivity of subraces to changing environmental conditions, on the basis of random coefficient models regressing subrace performance on selected trial climatic variables. The results suggested differential susceptibility of subraces to water, light and (to a less extent) temperature stresses during summer. Moreover, using multivariate techniques to visualize and interpret the across-site correlation structure for subrace effects, we could identify site clusters of reduced G × E interaction related to soil water availability and evaporative demand during summer. A revised site-type classification using these factors should allow a better capture of genetic gains from breeding and deployment.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular mechanisms underlying oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL)-signaling pathways in platelets are not yet completely understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to further examine the effects of oxLDL in prevention of platelet aggregation. In this study, oxLDL concentration-dependently (40–120 g/ml) inhibited platelet aggregation in human platelet-rich plasma stimulated by agonists. Moreover, oxLDL (40 and 80 g/ml) markedly decreased the fluorescence intensity of platelet membranes tagged with diphenylhexatriene. Rapid phosphorylation of a protein of Mr 47,000 (P47), a marker of protein kinase C activation, was triggered by PDBu (150 nM). This phosphorylation was markedly inhibited by oxLDL (40 and 80 g/ml) in phosphorus-32-labeled platelets. In addition, oxLDL (40 and 80 g/ml) markedly increased levels of cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP-induced vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) Ser157 phosphorylation. The thrombin-evoked increase in pHi was inhibited in the presence of oxLDL (40 and 80 g/ml). These results indicate that the antiplatelet activity of oxLDL may involve the following pathways. (1) oxLDL may initially induce conformational changes in platelet membranes, leading to inhibition of the activation of protein kinase C, followed by inhibition of P47 protein phosphorylation, and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization. (2) oxLDL also activated formation of cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP-induced VASP Ser157 phosphorylation, resulting in inhibition of the Na+/H+exchanger; this leads to reduced intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, and ultimately to inhibition of platelet aggregation. This study further provides new insights concerning the effects of low concentrations of oxLDL on platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

N saturation induced by atmospheric N deposition can have serious consequences for forest health in many regions. In order to evaluate whether foliar may be a robust, regional-scale measure of the onset of N saturation in forest ecosystems, we assembled a large dataset on atmospheric N deposition, foliar and root and N concentration, soil C:N, mineralization and nitrification. The dataset included sites in northeastern North America, Colorado, Alaska, southern Chile and Europe. Local drivers of N cycling (net nitrification and mineralization, and forest floor and soil C:N) were more closely coupled with foliar than the regional driver of N deposition. Foliar increased non-linearly with nitrification:mineralization ratio and decreased with forest floor C:N. Foliar was more strongly related to nitrification rates than was foliar N concentration, but concentration was more strongly correlated with N deposition. Root was more tightly coupled to forest floor properties than was foliar . We observed a pattern of decreasing foliar values across the following species: American beech>yellow birch>sugar maple. Other factors that affected foliar included species composition and climate. Relationships between foliar and soil variables were stronger when analyzed on a species by species basis than when many species were lumped. European sites showed distinct patterns of lower foliar , due to the importance of ammonium deposition in this region. Our results suggest that examining values of foliage may improve understanding of how forests respond to the cascading effects of N deposition.  相似文献   

N saturation induced by atmospheric N deposition can have serious consequences for forest health in many regions. In order to evaluate whether foliar may be a robust, regional-scale measure of the onset of N saturation in forest ecosystems, we assembled a large dataset on atmospheric N deposition, foliar and root and N concentration, soil C:N, mineralization and nitrification. The dataset included sites in northeastern North America, Colorado, Alaska, southern Chile and Europe. Local drivers of N cycling (net nitrification and mineralization, and forest floor and soil C:N) were more closely coupled with foliar than the regional driver of N deposition. Foliar increased non-linearly with nitrification:mineralization ratio and decreased with forest floor C:N. Foliar was more strongly related to nitrification rates than was foliar N concentration, but concentration was more strongly correlated with N deposition. Root was more tightly coupled to forest floor properties than was foliar . We observed a pattern of decreasing foliar values across the following species: American beech>yellow birch>sugar maple. Other factors that affected foliar included species composition and climate. Relationships between foliar and soil variables were stronger when analyzed on a species by species basis than when many species were lumped. European sites showed distinct patterns of lower foliar , due to the importance of ammonium deposition in this region. Our results suggest that examining values of foliage may improve understanding of how forests respond to the cascading effects of N deposition.  相似文献   

In the vegetation corridors that connect small remnants of undisturbed primary forest in the Lavras landscape (Brazil), Protium spruceanum is a representative of a mass-flowering insect-pollinated and bird-dispersed tree. Allozyme variation was quantified from five forest remnants (N = 150) from secondary vegetation corridors linking them (N = 80) to generate information for genetic conservation. The species adhered to H-W equilibrium in all fragments in most of the loci. The results indicated high gene diversity in the fragments and corridors positively correlated with the plant density (r = 0.742, R 2 = 0.551, d.f. = 4). We did not find evidence of inbreeding within fragments nor overall The genetic differentiation among remnants was low Evidence of recent bottlenecks by anthropogenic disturbance was detected in fragments (P < 0.05, Wilcoxon sign-rank test). The minimal viable population was estimated for conservation in situ, indicating fragments with possibilities of maintaining genetic equilibrium diversity in the short term (except F3) and in the long term (only F5). The ratios was also calculated to contribute to vegetation enrichment, area recovery or creation of new vegetation corridors. We found high levels of gene diversity in the vegetation corridors, genetic identity with the fragments and absence of inbreeding. Thus, our results suggest that landscape management strategies should therefore consider both the creation of new vegetation corridors and the protection of extant ones.  相似文献   

A mechanistic understanding of perchlorate () entry into plants is important for establishing the human health risk associated with consumption of contaminated produce and for assessing the effectiveness of phytoremediation. To determine whether common soil anions affect uptake and accumulation in higher plants, a series of competition experiments using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) were conducted between (50 nM) and (4–12 mM), (1–10 mM), or Cl (5–15 mM) in hydroponic solution. The effects of (0–5 mM) and pH (5.5–7.5) on uptake were also examined. Increasing in solution significantly reduced the amount of taken up by green leaf, butter head, and crisphead lettuces. Sulfate and Cl had no significant effects on uptake in lettuce over the concentrations tested. Increasing pH significantly reduced the amount of taken up by crisphead and green leaf lettuces, whereas increasing significantly reduced uptake in butter head lettuce. The inhibition by across all lettuce genotypes suggests that may share an ion carrier with , and the decrease in uptake with increasing pH or provides macroscopic evidence for cotransport across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The LH1 complexes were isolated from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum strain S1. They were initially solubilized using LDAO and then purified in the presence of Triton X-100. The purified complexes were then either used directly or following an exchange into LDAO. Stark spectroscopy was applied to probe the electrostatic field around the bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) and carotenoid binding sites in the LH1 complexes surrounded by these two different surfactant molecules. Polarizabilty change () and dipole moment change () upon photoexcitation were determined for the BChl a Qy band. Both of these parameters show smaller values in the presence of LDAO than in Triton X-100. This indicates that polar detergent molecules, like LDAO, affect the electrostatic environment around BChl a, and modify the nonlinear optical parameters ( and values). The electrostatic field around the BChl a binding site, which is generated by the presence of LDAO, was determined to be |E L | = ∼3.9 × 105 [V/cm]. Interestingly, this kind of electrostatic effect was not observed for the carotenoid-binding site. The present study demonstrates a unique electrostatic interaction between the polar detergent molecules surrounding the LH1 complex and the Qy absorption band of BChl a that is bound to the LH1 complex.  相似文献   

We adapt here a surprising technique, the boustrophedon method, to speed up the sampling of RNA secondary structures from the Boltzmann low-energy ensemble. This technique is simple and its implementation straight-forward, as it only requires a permutation in the order of some operations already performed in the stochastic traceback stage of these algorithms. It nevertheless greatly improves their worst-case complexity from to , for n the size of the original sequence. Moreover the average-case complexity of the generation is shown to be improved from to in an Boltzmann-weighted homopolymer model based on the Nussinov–Jacobson free-energy model. These results are extended to the more realistic Turner free-energy model through experiments performed on both structured (Drosophilia melanogaster mRNA 5S) and hybrid (Staphylococcus aureus RNAIII) RNA sequences, using a boustrophedon modified version of the popular software UnaFold. This improvement allows for the sampling of greater and more significant sets of structures in a given time.   相似文献   

A novel molecular connectivity index, , based on the adjacency matrix of molecular graphs and novel atomic valence connectivities, , for predicting the molar diamagnetic susceptibilities of organic compounds is proposed. The is defined as: , where and Ei are the atomic valence connectivity and the valence orbital energy of atom i, respectively. A good QSPR model for molar diamagnetic susceptibilities can be constructed from and using multivariate linear regression (MLR). The correlation coefficient r, standard error, and average absolute deviation of the MLR model are 0.9918, 5.56 cgs, and 4.26 cgs, respectively, for the 721 organic compounds tested (training set). Cross-validation using the leave-one-out method demonstrates that the MLR model is highly reliable statistically. Using the MLR model, the average absolute deviations of the predicted values of molar diamagnetic susceptibility of another 360 organic compounds (test set) is 4.34 cgs. The results show that the current method is more effective than literature methods for estimating the molar diamagnetic susceptibility of an organic compound. The MLR method thus provides an acceptable model for the prediction of molar diamagnetic susceptibilities of organic compounds. Figure Plot of calculated vs experimental values of molar diamagnetic susceptibilities using the multivariate linear regression (MLR) model (Eq. 8)  相似文献   

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