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Ecosystems - Increasing concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4, N2O) cause climate change. Depending on the conditions, soils have the potential to store carbon or to be a...  相似文献   

In central North America, prairie wetlands provide many important ecosystem services including attenuating floods, improving water quality, and supporting biodiversity. However, over half of these wetlands have been drained for agriculture. Relatively little is known about the functioning of these ecosystems either in their natural state or restored after drainage. We characterized net ecosystem production and carbon greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes (carbon dioxide [CO2] and methane) in the open-water zones of three prairie wetlands over two ice-free seasons. These wetlands included a natural site and sites restored 3 and 14 years prior to study (hereafter “recently restored” and “older restored”). We also assessed how two techniques for estimating metabolic status, the diel oxygen method (used to measure NEP) and net CO2 fluxes, compared. The diel oxygen method suggested that the restored wetlands were net heterotrophic across years, whereas the natural wetland was net heterotrophic in 1 year and net autotrophic in the other. Similar conclusions arose from quantifying net CO2 fluxes, although this technique proved to be relatively insensitive for understanding metabolic status at a daily temporal scale owing to the influence of geochemical processes on CO2 concentrations. GHG efflux was greatest from the recently restored wetland, followed by the older restored and natural wetlands. Overall, GHG flux rates were high and variable compared with other inland aquatic ecosystems. Although restoration may progressively return wetland functioning to near-natural states, our results highlight the necessity of preventing wetland drainage in the first place to preserve ecosystem functions and services.  相似文献   

By using sites in the Great Marshes at Barnstable (Massachusetts, USA) this study examines the effects of a set of environmental parameters on the foraminiferal distribution. The studied parameters are: elevation above mean high water; salinity of the porewater; various sediment characteristics; vegetation; and food source. Relations between the environmental parameters and foraminiferal properties (frequencies, densities and diversities) are quantified with correlation coefficients. For the first time Siphotrochammina lobata and Balticammina pseudomacrescens are documented in the New England region.

The following species show a significant correlation with one or more of the studied parameters and are designated as key-species: Haplophragmoides manilaensis, Jadammina macrescens, Balticammina pseudomacrescens, Miliammina fusca and Tiphotrocha comprimata. Based on cluster analysis and the presence, absence or dominance of the key-species characteristic associations are distinguished. The distribution of three associations is indicative of specific marsh environments: the marsh fringe, the middle marsh and the marsh edge. These three marsh units are separated by their own salinity regime, flooding and sediment characteristics.

The marsh fringe is typified by the H. manilaensis Association and experiences freshwater input (seepage, surface runoff and rainwater) and only slight marine influence, resulting in low salinity values (2.5–20‰). The width of the marsh fringe is variable, dependent on the amount of seepage which in turn is controlled by the permeability of the basement and the peat. The J. macrescens Association characterizes the middle marsh where salinities are controlled by infiltration of sea- and rainwater and by evaporation. Salinity values are higher than 20‰, while temporarily salinity can reach extreme high values during periods without flooding and high evaporation rates (e.g., 44‰). The fully marine M. fusca Association occupies the daily flooded marsh edge where the salinities have the same values as Cape Cod bay water (ca. 28‰).

Unlike many other salt marshes the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages in the Great Marshes does not show a vertical zonation with respect to mean high water. This shows that a worldwide applicable model for paleoenvironmental studies in salt marshes based on foraminifera is not feasible. Each salt marsh has its own characteristics. Regional factors such as climate play an important role in the salinity regime, while the local upland characteristics determine if seepage takes place. Thus each marsh has its own foraminiferal fingerprint showing the opportunistic behaviour of the salt marsh agglutinants. A surface study is an indispensable first step in assessing the value of foraminifera as paleo-ecological indicators.  相似文献   

The integrity of coastal salt marshes can be determined from the extent to which they provide key ecosystem services: food and habitat for fish and wildlife, good water quality, erosion and flood control, and recreation and cultural use. An outline of a new approach for linking ecosystem services with metrics of structure and function to evaluate the ecological integrity of salt marshes is described. One main objective of the approach is to determine whether differences in structure and function can be detected among salt marshes with similar geomorphology and hydrology but different degrees of anthropogenic stress. The approach is currently being applied to salt marshes of Narragansett Bay, RI, USA. Stable nitrogen isotopic ratios of the marsh biota reflected the nitrogen sources from the adjacent watersheds and were significantly correlated with percent residential land use. Results show that plant zonation significantly ( r = —0.82; p < 0.05) relates with percent residential land use and is potentially a sensitive indicator of anthropogenic disturbance of New England salt marshes. We are currently examining species diversity, denitrification rates, and susceptibility to erosion among the sites for additional indicators of salt marsh condition. Our results to date suggest that this approach will provide the methods needed for managers to systematically monitor and evaluate the integrity of salt marshes  相似文献   

The integrity of coastal salt marshes can be determined from the extent to which they provide key ecosystem services: food and habitat for fish and wildlife, good water quality, erosion and flood control, and recreation and cultural use. An outline of a new approach for linking ecosystem services with metrics of structure and function to evaluate the ecological integrity of salt marshes is described. One main objective of the approach is to determine whether differences in structure and function can be detected among salt marshes with similar geomorphology and hydrology but different degrees of anthropogenic stress. The approach is currently being applied to salt marshes of Narragansett Bay, RI, USA. Stable nitrogen isotopic ratios of the marsh biota reflected the nitrogen sources from the adjacent watersheds and were significantly correlated with percent residential land use. Results show that plant zonation significantly ( r = —0.82; p < 0.05) relates with percent residential land use and is potentially a sensitive indicator of anthropogenic disturbance of New England salt marshes. We are currently examining species diversity, denitrification rates, and susceptibility to erosion among the sites for additional indicators of salt marsh condition. Our results to date suggest that this approach will provide the methods needed for managers to systematically monitor and evaluate the integrity of salt marshes  相似文献   

Bacteriophages of the marine bacterium Beneckea natriegens were isolated from coastal marshes where they were limited to brackish and marine waters. The phages were widely distributed and morphologically diverse in the marshes.  相似文献   

The success of simple predictive relationships such as the Vollenweider plot in limnology has encouraged marine ecologists to attempt to develop similar models relating pollutant inputs to ecological conditions in estuaries. Most of these efforts have focused on relatively deep (>5?m) river mouth estuaries and embayments where primary production is dominated by phytoplankton. Experimental nutrient enrichment studies of phytoplankton-based mesocosms at the Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory (MERL) have confirmed that simple Vollenweider type relationships can be found between the rate of input of inorganic nutrients and annual mean chlorophyll concentrations and primary production. However, much of the coastline of the U.S. is characterized by estuarine ecosystems that are very shallow, and where most of the primary production is carried out by angiosperms, such as eelgrass, Zostera marina, epiphytic algae, drift and attached macroalgae, and epibenthic microalgae, rather than by phytoplankton. We have not been able to find useful relationships between nutrient input and the type of plant providing most of the primary production or between nutrient input and the amount of primary production in such shallow lagoon systems. Attempting to adjust nutrient loading for varying hydraulic residence time did not improve the models. Experimental studies using shallow lagoon mesocosms have shown that there is a large variation in the abundance of the various plant forms in these very shallow systems, and that simple Vollenweider models are not likely to emerge for this type of environment. However, it does seem that total system production increases with nutrient enrichment at very low rates of input, and that eelgrass does not persist when exposed to even moderate levels of fertilization. Zostera responds to inorganic nitrogen enrichment and to shading by increasing the rate of leaf elongation and decreasing the allocation of resources to below ground roots and rhizomes. This reduces or eliminates lateral branching of the rhizomes and causes a decline in the density of shoots. Based on mesocosm studies, we propose several indicators of eelgrass health, including the rate of leaf elongation, plant density, and the shoot: root biomass ratio that all deserve further study and field testing.  相似文献   

Minnesota, the land of 10,000 lakes, also has more than 4000 abandoned quarry pits and over 200 deep, exhausted iron ore pits. In the past 25 years the iron ore pits have gradually filled with groundwater and surface water, forming lakes on the Cuyuna, Mesabi, and Vermillion Iron Ranges in northeastern Minnesota. Most remain abandoned, but besides creating a small number of recreational parks and fisheries, the regional economic development agency promoted approximately 20 of the pit lakes for economic reclamation by using them for salmonid aquaculture. Intensive net-pen aquaculture was carried out from 1988 to 1995 in the Twin City–South and Sherman pit lakes on the Mesabi Range. A water quality controversy resulted over the potential for long-term degradation of the lakes and regional aquifer. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency then mandated that aquaculture be terminated in Twin City–South in May 1993 and the lake restored to preaquaculture conditions by 1996. With no management other than artificial aeration for one summer, the lake rapidly recovered to near baseline water quality and returned to an oligomesotrophic (unproductive) status. Within 18 months the phosphorus budget was typical of reference pit lakes in the area and dissolved oxygen in bottom water remained above ~4 mg O2/L without artificial aeration. Algal growth was low in 1993, due to light limitation from artificial mixing, but it remained low in 1994 without any management due to renewed phosphorus limitation. Inorganic nitrogen initially decreased faster than expected, at a rate similar to its increase during intensive aquaculture. More rapid reductions in water column nutrients might have occurred in 1993 by reducing aeration to allow anoxia in the lower hypolimnion, promoting denitrification and minimizing sediment resuspension, but this was precluded by water quality standards. The “natural” burial of solid wastes under inorganic sediment eroded from the basin walls effectively minimized transport of sediment nutrients to the overlying water. Fallowing for several years provided a simple, effective method for restoration of these pit lakes from aquacultural impacts. No change attributable to aquaculture was observed in the water quality of three nearby pit lakes, including a drinking water source. This fact suggests that there were few or no impacts from off-site migration of aquaculturally enriched water into the regional aquifer.  相似文献   

Agriculture is one of the largest contributors of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) responsible for global warming. Measurements of gas fluxes from dung pats suggest that dung is a source of GHGs, but whether these emissions are modified by arthropods has not been studied. A closed chamber system was used to measure the fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from dung pats with and without dung beetles on a grass sward. The presence of dung beetles significantly affected the fluxes of GHGs from dung pats. Most importantly, fresh dung pats emitted higher amounts of CO2 and lower amounts of CH4 per day in the presence than absence of beetles. Emissions of N2O showed a distinct peak three weeks after the start of the experiment – a pattern detected only in the presence of beetles. When summed over the main grazing season (June–July), total emissions of CH4 proved significantly lower, and total emissions of N2O significantly higher in the presence than absence of beetles. While clearly conditional on the experimental conditions, the patterns observed here reveal a potential impact of dung beetles on gas fluxes realized at a small spatial scale, and thereby suggest that arthropods may have an overall effect on gas fluxes from agriculture. Dissecting the exact mechanisms behind these effects, mapping out the range of conditions under which they occur, and quantifying effect sizes under variable environmental conditions emerge as key priorities for further research.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether a planted mesocosm mimics a natural habitat in terms of N2O and CH4 fluxes, soil characteristics and potential nitrification and denitrification activities. We compared mesocosms in unchambered open-field plots and in open-top chambers with nonfiltered ambient air with three natural meadows that had similar soil characteristics and species composition. The N2O fluxes in the mesocosms were very similar to the fluxes in the three natural meadows. There were no marked differences in potential nitrification and denitrification activities between the mesocosms and the natural meadows, either. Only the CH4 fluxes differed slightly between the mesocosms and some of the natural meadows. Therefore, it seems that the mesocosms compared rather well to natural habitats. The open-top chambers modified only the soil water content, the values being higher in the unchambered plots than in the chambered plots. These results thus suggest that the open-top chamber experiment enables estimates of greenhouse gas and potential activities of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in unfertilized Finnish meadows, in spite of the chamber effects on the soil water content.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows within estuaries are highly sensitive to increased supplies of nitrogen (N). The urbanization of coastal watersheds increases the delivery of N to estuaries, threatening seagrass habitats; both seagrass production per unit area and the area of seagrass meadows diminish as land-derived N loads increase. The damaging effects of land-derived N loads may be lessened where there are fringes of coastal wetlands interposed between land and seagrass meadows. Data compiled from the literature showed that production per unit area by seagrasses increased and losses of seagrass habitat were lower in estuaries with relatively larger areas of fringing wetlands. Denitrification and the burial of land-derived N within fringe wetlands may be sufficient to protect N-sensitive seagrass habitats from the detrimental effects of land-derived N. The protection furnished by fringing wetlands may be overwhelmed by increases in anthropogenic N loads in excess of 20–100 kg N ha−1 y−1. The relationships of land-derived N loadings, fringing coastal wetlands, and seagrass meadows demonstrate that different units of the landscape mosaic found in coastal zones do not exist as separate units, but instead are coupled and uncoupled by biogeochemical transformations and transport among environments. Received 12 December 2000; accepted 15 August 2001.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Subtropical and tropical forests account for over 50% of soil CO2 production, 47% of N2O fluxes of natural ecosystems, and act as both significant sources and sinks of atmospheric CH4....  相似文献   

The degradation of ecosystems is often associated with losses of large organisms and the concomitant losses of the ecological functions they mediate. Conversely, the resilience of ecosystems to stress is strongly influenced by faunal communities and their impacts on processes. Denitrification in coastal sediments is a process that may provide ecosystem resilience to eutrophication by removing excess bioavailable nitrogen. Here, we conducted a large-scale field experiment to test the effect of macrofaunal community composition on denitrification in response to two levels of nutrient enrichment at 28 sites across a biologically heterogeneous sandflat. After 7 weeks of enrichment, we measured denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) along with benthic macrofaunal community composition and environmental variables. We normalised treatment site specific DEA values by those in ambient sediments (DEACN) to reveal the underlying response across the heterogeneous landscape. Nutrient enrichment caused reductions in DEACN as well as functional changes in the community; these were both more pronounced under the highest level of nutrient loading (on average DEACN was reduced by 34%). The degree of suppression of DEACN following moderate nitrogen loading was mitigated by a key bioturbating species, but following high nitrogen loading (which reduced the key species density) the abundance and diversity of other nutrient processing species were the most important factors alleviating negative effects. This study provides a prime example of the context-dependent role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning, underlining that different elements of biodiversity can become important as stress levels increase. Our results emphasise that management and conservation strategies require a real-world understanding of the community attributes that facilitate nutrient processing and maintain resilience in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   



Invasive plants are often confronted with heterogeneous environments and various stress factors during their secondary phase of invasion into more stressful habitats. A high tolerance to stress factors may allow exotics to successfully invade stressful environments. Ipomoea cairica, a vigorous invader in South China, has recently been expanding into salt marshes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To examine why this liana species is able to invade a stressful saline environment, we utilized I. cairica and 3 non-invasive species for a greenhouse experiment. The plants were subjected to three levels of salinity (i.e., watered with 0, 4 and 8 g L−1 NaCl solutions) and simulated herbivory (0, 25 and 50% of the leaf area excised) treatments. The relative growth rate (RGR) of I. cairica was significantly higher than the RGR of non-invasive species under both stress treatments. The growth performance of I. cairica was not significantly affected by either stress factor, while that of the non-invasive species was significantly inhibited. The leaf condensed tannin content was generally lower in I. cairica than in the non-invasive I. triloba and Paederia foetida. Ipomoea cairica exhibited a relatively low resistance to herbivory, however, its tolerance to stress factors was significantly higher than either of the non-invasive species.


This is the first study examining the expansion of I. cairica to salt marshes in its introduced range. Our results suggest that the high tolerance of I. cairica to key stress factors (e.g., salinity and herbivory) contributes to its invasion into salt marshes. For I. cairica, a trade-off in resource reallocation may allow increased resources to be allocated to tolerance and growth. This may contribute to a secondary invasion into stressful habitats. Finally, we suggest that I. cairica could spread further and successfully occupy salt marshes, and countermeasures based on herbivory could be ineffective for controlling this invasion.  相似文献   

Assessing the response of salt marshes to tidal restoration relies on comparisons of ecosystem attributes between restored and reference marshes. Although this approach provides an objective basis for judging project success, inferences can be constrained if the high variability of natural marshes masks differences in sampled attributes between restored and reference sites. Furthermore, such assessments are usually focused on a small number of restoration projects in a local area, limiting the ability to address questions regarding the effectiveness of restoration within a broad region. We developed a hierarchical approach to evaluate the performance of tidal restorations at local and regional scales throughout the Gulf of Maine. The cornerstone of the approach is a standard protocol for monitoring restored and reference salt marshes throughout the region. The monitoring protocol was developed by consensus among nearly 50 restoration scientists and practitioners. The protocol is based on a suite of core structural measures that can be applied to any tidal restoration project. The protocol also includes additional functional measures for application to specific projects. Consistent use of the standard protocol to monitor local projects will enable pooling information for regional assessments. Ultimately, it will be possible to establish a range of reference conditions characterizing natural tidal wetlands in the region and to compare performance curves between populations of restored and reference marshes for assessing regional restoration effectiveness.  相似文献   

Large Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Temperate Peatland Pasture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Agricultural drainage is thought to alter greenhouse gas emissions from temperate peatlands, with CH4 emissions reduced in favor of greater CO2 losses. Attention has largely focussed on C trace gases, and less is known about the impacts of agricultural conversion on N2O or global warming potential. We report greenhouse gas fluxes (CH4, CO2, N2O) from a drained peatland in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA currently managed as a rangeland (that is, pasture). This ecosystem was a net source of CH4 (25.8 ± 1.4 mg CH4-C m−2 d−1) and N2O (6.4 ± 0.4 mg N2O-N m−2 d−1). Methane fluxes were comparable to those of other managed temperate peatlands, whereas N2O fluxes were very high; equivalent to fluxes from heavily fertilized agroecosystems and tropical forests. Ecosystem scale CH4 fluxes were driven by “hotspots” (drainage ditches) that accounted for less than 5% of the land area but more than 84% of emissions. Methane fluxes were unresponsive to seasonal fluctuations in climate and showed minimal temporal variability. Nitrous oxide fluxes were more homogeneously distributed throughout the landscape and responded to fluctuations in environmental variables, especially soil moisture. Elevated CH4 and N2O fluxes contributed to a high overall ecosystem global warming potential (531 g CO2-C equivalents m−2 y−1), with non-CO2 trace gas fluxes offsetting the atmospheric “cooling” effects of photoassimilation. These data suggest that managed Delta peatlands are potentially large regional sources of greenhouse gases, with spatial heterogeneity in soil moisture modulating the relative importance of each gas for ecosystem global warming potential.  相似文献   

This research provides a systematic review and harmonization of the life cycle assessment (LCA) literature of electricity generated from conventionally produced natural gas. We focus on estimates of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted in the life cycle of electricity generation from natural gas‐fired combustion turbine (NGCT) and combined‐cycle (NGCC) systems. The smaller set of LCAs of liquefied natural gas power systems and natural gas plants with carbon capture and storage were also collected, but analyzed to a lesser extent. A meta‐analytical process we term “harmonization” was employed to align several system boundaries and technical performance parameters to better allow for cross‐study comparisons, with the aim of clarifying central tendency and reducing variability in estimates of life cycle GHG emissions. Of over 250 references identified, 42 passed screens for technological relevance and study quality, providing a total of 69 estimates for NGCT and NGCC. Harmonization increased the median estimates in each category as a result of several factors not typically considered in the previous research, including the regular clearing of liquids from a well, and consolidated the interquartile range for NGCC to 420 to 480 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt‐hour (g CO2‐eq/kWh) and for NGCT to 570 to 750 g CO2‐eq/kWh, with medians of 450 and 670 CO2‐eq/kWh, respectively. Harmonization of thermal efficiency had the largest effect in reducing variability; methane leakage rate is likely similarly influential, but was unharmonized in this assessment as a result of the significant current uncertainties in its estimation, an area that is justifiably receiving significant research attention.  相似文献   

Bioenergy related land use change would likely alter biogeochemical cycles and global greenhouse gas budgets. Energy cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is a sugarcane variety and an emerging biofuel feedstock for cellulosic bio-ethanol production. It has potential for high yields and can be grown on marginal land, which minimizes competition with grain and vegetable production. The DayCent biogeochemical model was parameterized to infer potential yields of energy cane and how changing land from grazed pasture to energy cane would affect greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) fluxes and soil C pools. The model was used to simulate energy cane production on two soil types in central Florida, nutrient poor Spodosols and organic Histosols. Energy cane was productive on both soil types (yielding 46–76 Mg dry mass⋅ha−1). Yields were maintained through three annual cropping cycles on Histosols but declined with each harvest on Spodosols. Overall, converting pasture to energy cane created a sink for GHGs on Spodosols and reduced the size of the GHG source on Histosols. This change was driven on both soil types by eliminating CH4 emissions from cattle and by the large increase in C uptake by greater biomass production in energy cane relative to pasture. However, the change from pasture to energy cane caused Histosols to lose 4493 g CO2 eq⋅m−2 over 15 years of energy cane production. Cultivation of energy cane on former pasture on Spodosol soils in the southeast US has the potential for high biomass yield and the mitigation of GHG emissions.  相似文献   

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