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Two xylans have been isolated from the mature tissues of the tropical grass Panicum maximum—an arabino(4-O-methylglucurono)xylan and an acidic galactoarabinoxylan. Both consist of a main chain of β(1 → 4) linked d-xylopyranosyl residues. The former has average of ca 46 such residues to which are attached ca 7 l-arabinofuranosyl and (ca 2 4-O-methyl-d-glucopyranuronosyl residues at C3 and C2 positions respectively. The acidic galactoarabinoxylan has a DPn of ca 90 and contains arabinose, galactose, xylose and uronic acid residues in the molar ratio 10:5:22:4. Methylation analysis and periodate oxidation indicated the highly branched nature of this polysaccharide.  相似文献   

Investigation of diterpenoids in four species of Pterodon show varying oxidation patterns on the vinhaticane or vouacapane skeletons.  相似文献   

Chromatography of a cyclohexane extract of commercial “dragon's blood” resin yielded a fraction containing pimaric, isopimaric, dehydroabietic and abietic acids. A fifth component of the mixture was tentatively identified as sandaracopimaric acid.  相似文献   

Soda lignin, dioxane lignin and milled lignin were isolated from Alfa grass (Stipatenacissima L.). The physico-chemical characterization of three different lignins: one industrial lignin precipitated from soda spent liquor and two lignin preparations isolated under laboratory conditions from Alfa grass (also know as Esparto grass) was performed. The structures of lignins were studied by three non-destructive (FT-IR, solid state 13C NMR and UV/visible spectroscopy) and two destructive (nitrobenzene oxidation and thermogravimetric analysis) methods. Elemental analysis and the methoxyl content determination were performed in order to determine the C9 formulae for the studied lignins. The total antioxidant capacity of the studied lignins has been determined and compared to commercial antioxidants commonly used in thermoplastic industry.  相似文献   

Accessions of Pennisetum purpureum in agricultural research centres in sub-Saharan Africa were genotyped using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) using primer combinations MluI/MseI. Cluster analyses of resulting bands suggested that the samples could be grouped into five large and five small-sized clusters. Principal coordinate analysis revealed two major clusters being well separated, with bulk of the samples forming one, poorly structured cluster. Our analyses failed to reveal the regional groupings found in previous studies using a subset of our sample universe and based on RAPDs as well as morphological and agronomical data. The inability of the AFLP data to clearly demarcate accessions is ascribed to either the presence of high levels of genetic uniformity, or non-optimal primers and/or bad germplasm management practices. The re-registration of all accessions, based on DNA barcoding, is suggested as a means to resolve the lingering problems regarding the identity of accessions.  相似文献   

Pot trials were conducted to study the influence of copper (Cu) on the growth and biomass of Elephant grass (EG, Pennisetum purpureum Schumach), Vetiver grass (VG, Vetiveria zizanioides) and the upland reed (UR, Phragmites australis). Cu toxicity in EG, VG and UR was positively correlated with the total and bioavailable Cu concentrations in the soil. Based on the EC50, dry weights, Cu contents, chlorophyll contents and photosynthesis rates, the Cu tolerance of the three species followed the trend EG > VG > UR. There were no significant differences in the unit calorific values among the different plants, though the total calorific values of EG were higher than those of VG and UR due to its higher biomass. The addition of KH2PO4 to the soil decreased the bioavailability of Cu and the Cu uptake by plants. EG could therefore be a good candidate for growth on Cu-contaminated soils, especially those improved by phosphate.  相似文献   

Much recent attention has been focused on the invasion and dominance of annual grass species in areas thought to have been historically dominated by perennial life forms. Explanations of this phenomenon in the literature have focused on two mechanisms favoring annuals: ruderal strategy associated with disturbance, and stress escaping associated with dry sites or deserts. Here I present evidence from vegetation surveys at 50 sites across a 1,200 km band of the Iberian Peninsula—a source region for many invasive annuals—showing that relative annual versus perennial grass composition is not well correlated with degree of disturbance or average annual precipitation. However, annual dominance is strongly and significantly linked to the seasonality of precipitation, in particular the relative intensity of summer drought. Disturbance was significantly associated with annual grass dominance in Iberia, but with much less explanatory power than summer drought intensity. Slope, aspect, and soil parent material were not significantly correlated with annual versus perennial grass dominance. These results suggest that subtle differences in rainfall seasonality largely drive grass composition in herbaceous Mediterranean vegetation. Furthermore, the patterns of annual grass invasion observed in the world’s other Mediterranean climate regions may be associated with similar climatic drivers.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that schistosome infection can protect against allergic symptoms, but the underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. Here we have shown that rabbit IgG antibodies raised against Schistosoma mansoni soluble egg antigens (SmSEA) are cross-reactive with a wide array of molecules in Timothy grass pollen (TGP) and birch tree pollen (BTP). Five of the cross-reactive pollen molecules (two from TGP and three from BTP) were selected randomly and identified by tandem mass spectrometric (TMS) analysis to be, respectively, the TGP allergens Phl p 1 and Phl p 5b, and BTP glutathione S-transferase (GST), and the BTP allergens Bet v 1 and Bet v 6.0102. Rabbit anti-SmSEA IgG antibodies that cross-reacted with each of the five allergens were found to be reactive with three major S. mansoni egg antigens, IPSE/alpha-1, omega-1 and kappa-5. Pairwise alignment of the amino acid sequences of each of the five TMS-identified pollen allergens with each of the three egg antigens revealed a low level of amino acid sequence identity. Further experiments indicated that the schistosome antigen/allergen cross-reactivity was mostly due to similar glycans present in helminths and plants, but not in mammals: so called cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs). Previously, CCDs have been implicated in the cross-reactivity between many plants and invertebrates. Furthermore, pollen-induced anti-CCD IgGs have been found in sera of patients undergoing allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) and implicated in the treatment of the allergy. Thus, our finding provides not only possible explanations for the allergy-protective effect of helminth/schistosome infections as explained by the hygiene hypothesis, but also a potential starting point for improved SIT.  相似文献   

This study examined social behaviour of juvenile red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Agassiz). At four coastal locations in British Columbia, Canada, distributions of juvenile sea urchins were examined in relation to adults. One-third of all juveniles were found underneath an adult “spine canopy”, another third outside the spine canopy but close to an adult, and the remainder were found apart from adults. Juveniles associated with adults were contagiously distributed with each other. In the laboratory, juveniles chose adults over other target locations. They selected adults in particular locations over others, and in one case showed selection among adults; but they did not select between fed and non-fed adults, nor between adults that had been “protective” and “non-protective” of juveniles in the field. In time-lapse film studies, starved juveniles showed little change in social behaviour when food was introduced, but showed a dramatic change in behaviour when predators were active. We suggest that juvenile red sea urchins are found under the spine canopies of adults as a result of juvenile behaviour; and that this interaction functions to protect juveniles from predation. The strong gregarious nature of juveniles among themselves may have evolved in a different selective situation as a defence against predation and to ensure reproductive success.  相似文献   

两种海星对三种双壳贝类的捕食选择性和摄食率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齐占会  王珺  毛玉泽  张继红  方建光 《生态学报》2013,33(16):4878-4884
在实验室条件下,研究了多棘海盘车和海燕这两种海星对栉孔扇贝、菲律宾蛤仔和贻贝三种双壳贝类的捕食选择性和摄食率及温度的影响,测定了捕食Q10温度系数。结果显示:多棘海盘车和海燕对三种贝类均可捕食,且表现出明显的捕食选择性,选择顺序依次为菲律宾蛤仔、贻贝和栉孔扇贝。海星对菲律宾蛤仔的摄食率显著高于其他两种贝类,分别为0.50和0.37个/d;对扇贝的摄食率最低,分别为0.05和0.07个/d。海星摄食率随水温升高而呈上升的趋势,总平均摄食干重分别为0.69 和0.79 g/d。水温从4.3 ℃升高到7.8 ℃多棘海盘车和海燕捕食Q10系数分别为6.38和2.33,而水温从7.8 ℃升高至13.3 ℃时,Q10系数没有显著升高,分别为1.13和1.22。说明水温从4.3 ℃升高时,海星捕食强度显著升高,是防御海星的重点时期。根据海星对贝类捕食的选择性,可在养殖笼内放入贻贝等低值贝类来保护扇贝,缓冲海星对扇贝的捕食,并在缓冲期间对养殖笼内的海星进行清除。  相似文献   

Tropical turtle grass beds (Thalassia testudinum) were investigated in an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in St. Johns Island, United States Virgin Islands. Four coastal bays were studied to assess floral characteristics, benthic invertebrate density and secondary production. These bays varied with respect to oceanic exposure and anthropogenic stresses. Results indicate that Coral Bay Harbor, the most anthropogenetically impacted site, had the highest T. testudinum biomass, but the lowest floral diversity. Its faunal community was dominated by small polychaetes with significantly lower secondary production. The most protected site (Hurricane Hole) maintained the highest floral and faunal species richness, faunal density, faunal diversity, and secondary production. The other two bays, Great Lameshur and Little Lameshur, demonstrated intermediate plant biomass and species richness, faunal density and secondary production. Each of these bays, however, had high oceanic exposure due to their orientation which also demonstrated a sediment size shift to larger particles compared to the other sites. One unique finding was a significant increase in the shoot:root ratio in Little Lameshur where green turtle (Chelonia mydas) grazing was frequently observed, suggesting a potential top-down structuring force in this bay.  相似文献   

Changes in C4 grass distribution and abundance are frequently observed in Quaternary, Holocene and future environmental‐change scenarios. However, the factors driving these dynamics are not fully understood, and conflicting theories have been reported. In this paper, we present a very large dataset of modern altitudinal distribution profiles of C3 and C4 grasses covering the entire Neotropical Andes, which was compared with actual climate data. The results of multivariate analysis demonstrate that, in the Neotropical Andes, mean annual temperature is the main factor governing the modern altitudinal distribution of C3 and C4 grass species. The C3 and C4 grass distributions were compared with simulations based on the Lund‐Potsdam‐Jena dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ‐DGVM), which allowed the present grass distribution to be estimated. Finally, the DGVM was employed to simulate past and future scenarios, using the IPCC's climate projections for 2100 and PMIP2 models for the Holocene Optimum (HO, 6000 years bp ) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 000 years bp ). The results were found to be significantly different from those obtained using a simple photosynthetic model. According to LPJ forced with the PMIP2 models for the LGM, during the LGM, the C4 grasses would not have reached higher altitudes than found in the present day.  相似文献   

Despite their greater familiarity as fossils, stalked crinoids, or sea lilies, remain important components of hard-substrate assemblages at bathyal depths in both tropical western Atlantic and Pacific regions. To determine stalk growth rates, specimens collected along the western margin of Little Bahama Bank using the submersibles Johnson Sea Link I and II were measured, tagged with color-coded cable ties, returned to the sea floor either to the site at which they were collected or to different habitats or depths, and recovered several months to over a year later. This paper examines stalk growth rates in Neocrinus decorus, Cenocrinus asterius, and the subspecies of Endoxocrinus parrae (E. parrae parrae, E. parrae prionodes and E. parrae carolinae) and their variations relative to depth and current flow. Studies were carried out at three different depth sites: 249 m, 372-435 m and 540-576 m. N. decorus produces substantially more stalk per year than any subspecies of E. parrae or C. asterius (10-17 cm y− 1 versus no more than 3.6 cm y− 1) but contributes no more than twice as much skeletal volume to the sediment because of its more slender stalk. To examine environmental control of growth, E. parrae parrae was transplanted beyond its local depth range to the habitat at which deeper-dwelling E. parrae prionodes occurs (572 m). E. parrae parrae grew at 0.6 ± 0.4 cm y− 1 (n = 6) here, significantly more slowly than in 404 m and more slowly than E. parrae prionodes (2.1 ± 0.6 cm y− 1; n = 4), supporting the hypothesis that these two morphs exhibit distinct growth strategies. Growth rates for E. parrae parrae and N. decorus do not differ significantly between adjacent high and lower current-velocity habitats at the same depth, although both exhibit significantly shorter stalk lengths and crown elevations on raised topography apparently subject to stronger flow.  相似文献   

王晓东  刘惠清 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3077-3086
本文以长白山北坡林线为研究区,调查125个样方内岳桦种群的径级结构与林线灌草植物的生态重要值。采用常规统计和聚类方法分析岳桦种群与8种常见灌草植物的动态特点,采用典型与单因子相关分析岳桦动态与林线灌草植物的变化关系。结果表明岳桦种群扩张带动林下灌草的相继移动,林线上侵不仅是单一乔木的变化,而是森林群落向苔原群落的入侵,从空间上挤占生态位的过程。另外,这种替代中各个成分变化也存在差异,由于各种植物在群落中的地位和生态竞争力的区别,在替代过程中不同植物变化也具有明显的异步性。  相似文献   

Sea hares of the genus Aplysia rely on an array of behavioral and chemical defenses, including the release of ink and opaline, to protect themselves from predation. While many studies have demonstrated that ink and opaline are repellent to predators, very little is known about which components of these secretions are active against predators. Ink was previously shown to facilitate the escape of Aplysia from predatory anemones (Anthopleura) by eliciting tentacle retraction and/or shriveling, and gastrovascular eversion, but the metabolites mediating this interaction were not identified. We investigated the metabolites in Aplysia californica secretions that were aversive to the anemone Anthopleura sola, as demonstrated by tentacle shriveling and/or retraction. We found that ink elicited tentacle shriveling and/or retraction, while opaline elicited a feeding response. The active components in ink do not appear to be diet-dependent, as ink was aversive regardless of diet (natural seaweed diet vs. Gracilaria ferox). Furthermore, metabolites extracted from G. ferox were not aversive, suggesting that the aversive components are produced by the sea hares. We then examined escapin, a protein in ink with antimicrobial properties. Escapin quickly forms reaction products when mixed with the amino acids l-lysine and l-arginine, which would occur when ink and opaline are released into the sea hare mantle cavity. Neither escapin alone nor escapin mixed with its amino acid substrate l-lysine elicited aversive behaviors either immediately before or 2 min before applying to the tentacles. In addition, escapin mixed with opaline and applied to tentacles after 2 min did not elicit a significant aversive response. Using bioassay-guided fractionation, we attempted to isolate the components in A. californica ink that are aversive to A. sola. We determined that multiple components in ink, including both lipophilic and hydrophilic constituents, elicited aversive responses. We hypothesize that these components may facilitate A. californica's escape from A. sola by eliciting tentacle shriveling and/or retraction, which lead to anemones dropping ensnared sea hares.  相似文献   

In a review of chromosome numbers in the genus Potamogeton, we highlight numerous errors that have crept into the literature. These have resulted chiefly from reliance on abstracts in chromosome number indices and compilations, rather than on the original publications, but partly also because of misleading summaries even in the primary literature. We present a list of counts that we believe are original and genuine, and a list of those that were never made but which nevertheless appear in the literature. Scrutiny of the list of accepted counts indicates that aneuploidy is widespread in the genus and that transition between the two common chromosome numbers (2n=26 and 2n=28) has occurred several times. Currently available data are insufficient to resolve the question of the ancestral base number. We also present details of the first chromosome counts from English populations of five taxa: P. polygonifolius Pourr. (2n=28), P. pectinatus L. (2n=ca. 78), P. perfoliatus L. (2n=ca. 52), P.×nitens Weber (P. gramineus×P. perfoliatus) (2n=ca. 52) and P.×salicifolius Wolfg. (P. lucens×P. perfoliatus) (2n=ca. 52).  相似文献   

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