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Echinophycus minutus gen. et sp. nov. (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) is described for specimens collected from a deep‐water habitat in the Dampier Archipelago, northwestern Australia. Plants were dredged from a coarse sand/rubble habitat, where they were partially decumbent and attached to the substratum by numerous unicellular rhizoids, Thalli are to 25 mm in height, uniaxial, with four pericentral cells and a persistent pigmented trichoblast arising on each axial cell. Tricho‐blasts are arranged in a spiral pattern, with a 90° divergence between successive segments. Each trichoblast is composed of a basal cell bearing a cluster of unbranched filaments. Tetrasporangia are tetrahedral and formed in series in normal branches. Procarps have two sterile cell groups. Spermatangia are formed In heads that are terminal on trichoblasts. The new genus is placed in the tribe Brongniartelleae of the family Rhodomelaceae, differing from all other included genera in the morphology of the trichoblasts.  相似文献   

The red alga Pterosiphonia tanakae Uwai et Masuda (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) is established as a new species on the basis of material collected in Hiroshima Bay, the Inland Sea, Japan. It can be distinguished from the majority of previously described species of the genus by two key features, seven to 10 periaxial cells and the presence of weakly developed cortical cells. This species is further distinguished from P. pau-cicorticata Dawson by completely alternate-distichously branching and from Pjavanica (Martens) De Toni and P. spinifera (Kützing) Norris et Aken by the production of first-order laterals that bear branches of up to five orders, which results in the thallus having a widely spreading, fan-shaped appearance. The abundant production of vegetative trichoblasts is a further characteristic feature of P. tanakae.  相似文献   

A new cuparene-type sesquiterpene, isolaurenisol, has been isolated and identified from the New Zealand red alga Laurencia distichophylla. Major differences in the chemical composition of two morphologically indistinguishable samples of L. distichophylla are noted.  相似文献   

The halogenated secondary metabolite constitution of four species of the red algal genus Laurencia (Rhodomelaceae) from southern Japan is reported. Laurencia composita Yamada from Tanegashima Island (Kagoshima Prefecture) bears five sesquiterpenoids (2,10‐dibromo‐3‐chloro‐α‐chamigrene and 2,10‐dibromo‐3‐chloro‐9‐hydroxy‐α‐chamigrene, in addition to pre‐pacifenol epoxide, johnstonol and pacifenol, which are known in other populations of this species). Laurencia intricata Lamouroux from Chinzei (Saga Prefecture) and Oomura Bay (Nagasaki Prefecture) bear a C15 aceto‐genin, okamurallene. Laurencia majuscula (Harvey) Lucas from Tanegashima Island produces three sesquiterpenoids, (Z)‐10,15‐dibromo‐9‐hydroxy‐chamigra‐1, 3(15),7(14)‐triene, 10‐bromo‐7‐hydroxylaurene and 10,11‐dibromo‐7‐hydroxylaurene, corresponding to those of one of its chemical races. Laurencia venusta Yamada from Tanegashima Island produces two sesquiterpenoids, cupalaurenol and cyclolaurenol, which were known only from a sea hare, Aplysia dactylomela Rang. This strongly suggests that Aplysia consumes L. venusta and concentrates these halogenated compounds.  相似文献   

The secondary metabolite chemistry of the red seaweed Laurencia pacifica Kylin varies geographically. The La Jolla, Calif. population (type locality) contains the sesquiterpene prepacifenol, while L. pacifica collected south of Ensenada, Mexico contains a new bromochamigrene derivative, the structure of which is described herein. Since chamigrene synthesis in Laurencia species has been demonstrated to be reasonably species-specific, L. pacifica may be a mixture of morphologically similar forms.  相似文献   

A total of eleven C15 nonterpenoid halogenated compounds were isolated and characterized to varying degrees from the marine red alga Laurencia intricata. Based on IR, UV, NMR, MS and chemical data, a structure is proposed for one of these compounds which was assigned the name intricenyne.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from a red alga, Rhodymenia palmata in the family Florideophyceae, was determined by conventional methods. The ferredoxin is composed of 97 amino acid residues having five cysteines, but lacking methionine and tryptophan. It possesses a number of structural features of particular interest. The amino acid sequence is compared with those previously determined for ferredoxins from two red algae in the family Bangiophyceae. Conclusions from a comparison of the structures, by noting features such as the presence of gaps in the sequences and by constructing a phylogenetic tree, were consistent with the proposed taxonomic relationship among these algae.  相似文献   

Porphyra drewiana Coll et Oliveira, sp. nov., is described from plants collected on the south‐east coast of Brazil. The species proposed is monostromatic, monoecious, monoplastidial, without marginal microscopic teeth and does not produce monospores. Both phases, leafy and filamentous, have three chromosomes. Morphologically the most similar species is Porphyra spiralis Oliveira et Coll var. amplifolia Oliveira et Coll, from which it differs by: (i) thallus gross morphology; (ii) scattered pluristromatic areas of vegetative cells; (iii) division of the plastids prior to the nucleus at the first division of the carpospores mother cell; (iv) the number of carpospores and spermatia produced per mother cell; and (v) morphology and behavior of the filamentous phase in cultures. An identification key for the species referred to Brazil is included.  相似文献   

A minute parasite of Neosiphonia poko (Hollenberg) Abbott from a shallow lagoon on the central-Pacific Johnston Atoll is described as Neotenophycus ichthyosteus Kraft et Abbott, gen. et sp. nov. The infective parasite cell first connects to a central-axial cell of the host, then emerges from between host pericentral cells at a node before dividing into a three- or four-celled primary axis. Epibasal cells of the parasite divide to form three pericentral cells whose derivatives produce a globular head on the basal cell and on which reproductive structures differentiate almost immediately. Trichoblasts on any life-history stage are completely lacking. Spermatangia are borne on mother cells across the whole thallus surface. Procarps consist of four pericentral cells that encircle a subapical fertile-axial cell in an ampullar configuration, one of the pericentral cells serving as the supporting cell and bearing a four-celled carpogonial branch and a single sterile cell. Diploidization results in a longitudinal/concave division of the auxiliary cell and formation of an arching linear series of inner gonimoblast cells, each dividing toward the thallus surface into gonimoblast filaments of very narrow, horizontally aligned cells terminated by initially monopodial, later by sympodial, carposporangia, the whole of the mature female gametophyte consisting of an amalgam of several cystocarps within a lax jacket of sterile gametophytic tissue. Tetrasporophytes are composed of lobes of pericentral-cell-derived filaments, each axial cell of which is ringed by three pericentral cells producing tetrahedral tetrasporangia enclosed by two pre-sporangial cover cells. Affinities of the new genus are discussed and comparison is made particularly to the enigmatic parasite Episporium centroceratis Möbius. It is concluded that relationships with any previously described tribe are so remote or obscure that the new tribe Neotenophyceae should be proposed for it.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe Kallymenia crouaniorum Vergés & Le Gall, sp. nov. (Kallymeniaceae), a new marine red alga from the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. rbcL and LSU sequences of this species, previously misidentified in the field as Kallymenia reniformis, diverged from those of other Kallymenia species by at least 7.5% and 5.2%, respectively. Kallymenia crouaniorum also has a set of distinctive vegetative and reproductive characteristics, including a deeply lacerate frond, a short stipe, dentate margins, large cortical cells up to 110 μm in diameter, highly refractive stellate medullary cells with arms up to 1000 μm in length, and a monocarpogonial branch system. Molecular phylogenies inferred from rbcL and LSU data indicated, albeit with weak support, that this new species is a sister taxon of a lineage encompassing the generitype K. reniformis, as well as most species of Kallymenia included in the phylogenetic analysis. The main morphological characters that delineate monocarpogonial Kallymenia species are presented. Moreover, after reviewing the literature and several herbarium specimens, we found in the Weber-van Bosse Herbarium a specimen collected at Roscoff in August 1894 with the anatomical characters of the species described here, confirming that this newly described species has in fact been overlooked and is not a recent introduction.  相似文献   

From the brown alga Cystoseira sauvageuana two novel tetraprenyltoluquinols with an acyclic terpenoid side chain have been isolated. Their chemical transformation into compounds containing a cyclopentane ring provides a clue to the biogenesis of the cyclic Cystoseira metabolites.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins were isolated from the freshwater red alga Porphyridium aerugineut, and from Porphyridium cruentum, a related marine species. A sin  相似文献   

A ferredoxin of MW 11 000 was isolated from the marine alga Rhodymenia palmata (Palmaria palmata). In its oxidised form the ferredoxin had absorption maxima at 276, sh 281, 328, 423 and 465 nm, and contained a single [2Fe-2S] cluster. The midpoint potential of the ferredoxin was ?400 mV and it effectively mediated electron transport in NADP+-photoreduction by higher plant chloroplasts, and pyruvate decarboxylation by the phosphoroclastic system of an anacrobic bacterium. The amino acid composition was Lys3, His1, Arg1, Asx12, Thr9, Ser8, Glx13, Pro4, Gly8, Ala7, Cys5, Val8, Ile4, Leu9, Tyr4, Phe2; tryptophan and methionine were absent from the molecule. The N-terminal amino acid region consisting of ca half the total amino acid sequence was determined using an automatic sequencer.  相似文献   

Jang-Liaw NH  Gong YH  Chen IS 《ZooKeys》2012,(199):13-21
A new species of Clariger Jordan & Snyder, 1901 was collected from northern Taiwan. The genus was previously known only from Japanese waters. This discovery is the first formal and southernmost record of these marine gobies from the waters of subtropical Taiwan. The new species, Clariger taiwanensissp. n., is distinguished from its congeners by a unique combination of features: (1) fin rays: dorsal-fin rays III, I/8; anal-fin rays modally I/8; and pectoral-fin rays modally 19 (2+16+1); (2) longitudinal dermal ridge on head with 6 barbels; and (3) specific coloration pattern: head and trunk dark brown with scattered pale spots and blotches; cheek, ventral portion of head sometimes pale with deep brown spots; pectoral-fin base with a dark brown band; and caudal fin mostly dark brown proximally and with alternating and irregular dark brown and pale bands distally. A diagnostic key to all nominal species from Japan and Taiwan is provided.  相似文献   

Volcanic areas with highly acidic solfatara soils and temperatures of up to 56?°C are inhabited by the red algal genus Galdieria. We examined three highly acidic but non-volcanic habitats in the western part of the Czech Republic for the occurrence of this red alga. In soil samples from the National Nature Reserve of Soos we found, together with Euglena mutabilis, Pseudococcomyxa simplex and species of Chlorella, a new strain of Galdieria. In contrast to all other Galdieria strains described so far, the strain from Soos exhibited a low temperature optimum for growth of about 30?°C. Other properties, such as the substrate spectrum for heterotrophic growth, ultrastructure, fatty acid composition, thermostability of enzymes and the nitrogen source, showed no obvious differences from other strains of Galdieria. Within a phylogenetic tree based on 18S rRNA sequence data, the strain from Soos occupied a position at the base of the ‘Galdieria’-branch. Our findings indicate that the genus Galdieria is not restricted to volcanic and mining areas and that strains of Galdieria are able to compete successfully with green algae in habitats like Soos.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean red algal flora is diverse but current knowledge of its diversity is at best fragmentary. Here, a new species of Kallymenia from Croatia is described based on morphological and molecular data. Members of the genus Kallymenia share similar morphology making their generic identification relatively easy, whereas species level identification is notoriously difficult. In this paper an integrative systematics study using three gene markers, cox1 (COI), rbcL and nuclear LSU, allowed us to (i) confirm the identity of four existing members of this genus inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea: K. feldmannii, K. lacerata, K. patens and K. requienii; (ii) detect the presence of K. reniformis only in the Atlantic, and (iii) reveal the presence of a new member of Kallymenia from the Mediterranean Sea, K. ercegovicii Vergés & Le Gall, sp. nov., which is described based on distinctive morphological and molecular characters. Kallymenia ercegovicii is distinguished, using three molecular markers, from all Kallymenia species for which these sequences are available. Morphologically, the new species can be distinguished from other polycarpogonial Kallymenia by a set of characters including a deeply lobed thallus, large inner cortical cells, stellate but non-glanglionic medullary cells and non-ostiolate cystocarps surrounded by a filamentous net composed of elongated cells forming fascicles. An initial phylogeny of the genus Kallymenia was inferred from cox1 (COI), rbcL and nuclear LSU sequences. Kallymenia ercegovicii was resolved with full support within the same lineage as K. reniformis (the generitype), K. feldmannii and K. patens, whereas K. lacerata and K. requienii were only distantly related.  相似文献   

MC Chiang  IS Chen 《ZooKeys》2012,(216):57-72
A new species of triplefin fish (Blenniiformes: Tripterygiidae), Helcogramma williamsi, is described from six specimens collected from southern Taiwan. This species is well distinguished from its congeners by possessing 13 second dorsal-fin spines; third dorsal-fin rays modally 11; anal-fin rays modally 19; pored scales in lateral line 22-24; dentary pore pattern modally 5+1+5; lobate supraorbital cirrus; broad, serrated or palmate nasal cirrus; first dorsal fin lower in height than second; males with yellow mark extending from anterior tip of upper lip to anterior margin of eye and a whitish blue line extending from corner of mouth onto preopercle. Comparisons and a diagnostic key are provided for the species of Helcogramma now known from Taiwan: Helcogramma fuscipectoris, Helcogramma inclinata, Helcogramma striata, Helcogramma trigloides, and the newly recorded, Helcogramma rhinoceros.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that resolution of supraordinal relationships in the red algal class Florideophyceae will require additional characters, improved taxon sampling and optimized methods of phylogenetic analysis. To this end, we have generated data to introduce a novel nuclear marker to red algal systematics, elongation factor 2, as well as expanded ribosomal DNA alignments (SSU and LSU) to include 62 ingroup and 4 outgroup taxa. Both single gene and combined data sets were considered. Our analyses resulted in better resolution of both deep as well as more recent divergences, with higher support realized at many nodes. Distance, parsimony and bayesian analyses of the single gene and combined data sets indicated that the subclasses Hildenbrandiophycidae, Ahnfeltiophycidae and Rhodymeniophycidae were monophyletic, whereas the Nemaliophycidae was polyphyletic: one lineage containing the Rhodogorgonales and Corallinales (CR complex); and the other containing the Acrochaetiales, Balbianiales, Balliales, Batrachospermales, Colaconematales, Nemaliales, Palmariales, and Thoreales (APB complex). Based on these results a new subclass of the Florideophyceae, the Corallinophycidae subclassis nov., is proposed to accommodate the Corallinales and Rhodogorgonales. In addition to resolving supraordinal relationships, the present analyses resolved some novel ordinal affinities within the Nemaliophycidae and Rhodymeniophycidae, which are discussed here.  相似文献   

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