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Specimens of fish in the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, which are type specimens of species described by Linnaeus are listed. A total of 94 taxa is represented in the collection. The sources for the typification of each taxon are given and the existence of type material in other collections is noted. A short history of this collection of fishes is given as it relates to confirmation of the original nature of the specimens.
Most of the taxa represented came from the collection of King Adolf Fredrik (1710–1771) and were described by Linnaeus in the Museum Adolphi Friderici Volumes 1 and 2 (1754a, 1764) or from Fredrick Hasselqvist's (1722–1752) collections in North Africa and the Mediterranean borderlands.  相似文献   

Linnaeus's personal collection of fishes was part of the material purchased by J. E. Smith in 1783–1784 from Linnaeus's widow and which became the property of the Linnean Society of London in 1828. There are extant 168 dried specimens of fishes, mostly skins mounted on paper in the manner of herbarium specimens. The spirit-preserved material which belonged to Linnaeus was never sent from Sweden.
The history of the collection is recounted, and the sources of the specimens discussed. A catalogue of the collection is presented with discussion of the type status of the specimens and the sources for the typification of each taxon.  相似文献   

Linnaeus described nine species of Musca now placed in the Tephritidae. The Linnaean Collection was examined; a syntype of Tephritis hyoscyami and a possible syntype of Urophora solstitialis were identified. Syntypes of Tephritis arnicae, Urophora cardui and Rhagolelis cerasi were not found; specimens illustrated by Aldrovandi and de Reaumur are designated as lectotypes. No syntypic material of Euleia heracleii, Oxyna parietina, Terellia serratulae or Ensina sonchi could be found.  相似文献   

Linnaeus described eleven species in the genera Musca and Conops that are now placed in the Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae. A study is presented of the types and other material of these three families in his collection.  相似文献   

A list is given of the recently recurated Orthoptera s.l. held by the Linnean Society of London. The status of specimens in the collection is evaluated, eight lectotype designations are made, and the orthopteroid species described by Linnaeus are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

A list is given of the recently recurated Orthoptera s.l. held by the Linnean Society of London. The status of specimens in the collection is evaluated, eight lectotype designations are made, and the orthopteroid species described by Linnaeus are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

The Linnaean system of classification is a threefold system of theoretical assumptions, sorting rules, and rules of nomenclature. Over time, that system has lost its theoretical assumptions as well as its sorting rules. Cladistic revisions have left it less and less Linnaean. And what remains of the system is flawed on pragmatic grounds. Taking all of this into account, it is time to consider alternative systems of classification.  相似文献   

The history of acquisition and maintenance of the Linnaean insect collections is briefly summarized. Curatorial details (such as kinds of label) are discussed, chiefly with reference to Hymenoptera. Some misleading opinions concerning the taxonomic value of the collections and the nature of Linnaean type-material are examined and a practical approach is recommended. The rationale governing re-curation of the collections is detailed, and the present contents of the collection of Hymenoptera are listed in order to inform interested specialists.  相似文献   

While examining and curating the dry crustacean collection in the University Museum, Oxford, the author verified the presence of type crustaceans of the suborder Brachyura acquired by Thomas Bell and that were believed to be no longer extant. Included is a listing of type material of 70 crab species that were described by Bell in three papers between 1835 and 1855. Complete synonymies and the present condition of each type are included.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the presence of various carotenoids in the fish of certain species in the Rajidae (Raja georgiana), Muraenolepidae (Muraenolepis microps), Notothenidae rDissostichus eleginoides, Notothenia gibberifrons, Notothenid rossi-marmorata, Trematomus hansoni) and Chaenichthyidae (Chaenocephalus aceratus, Champsocephalus gunnari, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus) family from the Antarctic by means of columnar and thin-layer chromatography.The following carotenoids were identified: ß-carotene, -cryptoxanthin, canthaxanthin, flavoxanthin, isozeaxanthin, zeaxanthin, tunaxanthin, lutein-5, 6-epoxide, aurochrome, aurochrome-like, auroxanthin, astaxanthin, astaxanthin ester and 4-hydroxy--carotene.The total carotenoid content of this fishes was from 0.066 to 0.122 µg/g fresh weight.  相似文献   

The typification of the Linnaean name Ononis crispa and the related O. zschackei (Fabaceae) is discussed. Original material for O. crispa was traced at LINN, but found to be heterogeneous. In addition, the illustration by Magnol cited in the protologue represents O. aragonensis. The name is lectotypified using a specimen at LINN to preserve the current usage of the name and to avoid any ambiguity in the interpretation of the lectotype, an epitype is selected. Since no original material is extant for the name O. zschackei, a neotype is designated from a specimen preserved at P and collected in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain).  相似文献   

The status of the 15 European and Mediterranean species and subspecies of Lithobiidae described by Verhoeff which are represented by material in the Verhoeff Collection of Myriapoda in the British Museum (Natural History) is evaluated. It is concluded that Lithobius fasciatus graecus is a junior synonym of Eupolybothrus litoralis (L. Koch), Polybothrus cerberus brentanus a junior synonym of Eupolybothrus tridentinus (Fanzago) and Lithobius pachypus a junior synonym of Hessebius barbipes (Porat); Lithobius corcyraeus and Lithobius forjicatus calamatanus are both junior synonyms of Lithobius viriatus Sseliwanoff; Lithobius pusillus var. parvus and Lithobius audax jaqueti are both junior synonyms of, and Lithobius borisi a subspecies of, Lithobius erythrocephalus C. L. Koch; Lithobius leostygis and Lithobius herzegowinensis are both valid species of Eupolybothrus Verhoeff; and Lithobius forjicatus parietum, Lithobius erythrocephalus cerberi, Lithobius acuminatus cassinensis and Lithobius trebinjanus are all valid species of Lithobius Leach. The status of Lithobius vosseleri is still undecided. The specimens of all but the well-known species are fully described and, where appropriate, lectotypes are selected.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized fish specimens from the collection of Laurens Theodore Gronovius (1730–1777) are catalogued and described. Five specimens of as many taxa are in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History) and nine specimens of seven taxa preserved in alcohol are in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, With one exception all have been examined; they are identified, related to the literature and eight specimens are shown to be part of the type series of Linnaean fish taxa.  相似文献   

Carlos G. Burmeister and Carlos Berg were among the most important and influential naturalists and zoologists in Argentina and South America and described 241 species and 34 genera of Lepidoptera. The Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (MACN) housed some of the Lepidoptera type specimens of these authors. In this study we present a catalogue with complete information and photographs of 11 Burmeister type specimens and 10 Berg type specimens of Phaegopterina, Arctiina and Pericopina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Arctiini) housed in the MACN. Lectotypes or holotypes were designated where primary type specimens could be recognized; in some cases we were not able to recognize types. The catalogue also proposes nomenclatural changes and new synonymies: Opharus picturata (Burmeister, 1878), comb. n.; Opharus brunnea Gaede, 1923: 7, syn. n.; Hypocrisias jonesi (Schaus, 1894), syn. n.; Leucanopsis infucata (Berg, 1882), stat. rev.; Paracles argentina (Berg, 1877), sp. rev.; Paracles uruguayensis (Berg, 1886), sp. rev.  相似文献   

Previously unrecognized fish specimens from the collection of Laurens Theodore Gronovius (1730–1777) are catalogued and described. Five specimens of as many taxa are in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History) and nine specimens of seven taxa preserved in alcohol are in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, With one exception all have been examined; they are identified, related to the literature and eight specimens are shown to be part of the type series of Linnaean fish taxa.  相似文献   

The state of Hidalgo (Mexico) is an important region from the point of view of biodiversity. However, there exists a significant gap in accessible knowledge about species diversity and distribution, especially regarding to freshwater ecosystems. This dataset comprises the sampling records of two projects developed in Hidalgo between 2007 and 2009 about the freshwater fish communities of Tecocomulco lake and rivers belonging to the Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve. It contains the taxonomic identity (species level) and basic biometric data (total length and weight) as well as date of collection and coordinates of more than 9000 specimens. This dataset is the primary result of the first and unrepeated exhaustive freshwater fish’s survey of Metztitlán Canyon Biosphere Reserve and Tecocomulco lake. It incorporates seven more species to the regional fish fauna, and new exclusive biometric data of ten species. This dataset can be used by studies dealing with, among other interests, North American freshwater fish diversity (species richness, distribution patterns) and biometric analyses, useful for the management and conservation of these areas. The complete dataset is also provided in Darwin Core Archive format.  相似文献   

A discussion of the little-known and poorly localized Linnaean species Vitis heptaphylla is presented. Its long, though sometimes questioned, association with Middle America arose from J. E. Smith's annotation of the probable type specimen (No. 281.10, LINN) as a possible member of Sciodaphyllum and his association of the name with the Jamaican Aralia sciodaphyllum Willd. [sic] (Schefflera sciodaphyllum (Sw.) Harms) in Rees' Cyclopaedia. However, the plant is the same as the East Asian tree described as Aralia octophylla Lour, and known almost universally since the 1890s as Schefflera octophylla (Lour.) Harms. A formal treatment, incorporating the necessary new combination, is given. Notes on six other Linnaean Mantissa altera species claimed, like Vitis heptaphylla, to be from "India orientalis" but without supporting references, are given in an Appendix.  相似文献   

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