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Resistance level of seven accessions of wild Solanum species (Solanaceae) to Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae) was evaluated by measuring survival and fecundity during sleeve cage experiments and population growth on whole plants in a controlled environment. The survival was lowest on the Solanum circaeifolium spp. capsicibaccatum, Solanum pinnatisectum and Solanum trifidum accessions for M. persicae and on the S. circaeifolium spp. capsicibaccatum, Solanum okadae and S. trifidum, accessions with M. euphorbiae. Plant species significantly influenced the fecundity of both aphid species. Aphid population growth on whole plants was negatively affected by the age of the plant, but generally followed the levels of net reproductive rate on different plant species observed during the sleeve cage experiment. The population of M. persicae varied among the seven wild potato accessions with the lowest growth rates on S. circaeifolium spp. capsicibaccatum, Solanum polyadenium, Solanum tarijense and S. trifidum. The number of M. euphorbiae also varied among accessions but the smallest population was collected from S. polyadenium. The results can be used to identify sources of resistance to aphids within those accessions already known to be resistant to the Colorado potato beetle. This study highlights the difficulties involved in developing a high-throughput screening test for aphid resistance compatible with a potato breeding programme.  相似文献   

温度对桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜实验种群生命表参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】桃蚜Myzus persicae (Sulzer)和马铃薯长管蚜Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas)是2种主要的马铃薯害虫。本研究旨在明确温度对这两种马铃薯蚜虫生长发育、存活、繁殖及种群增长的影响。【方法】在室内测定了5个温度(10, 15, 20, 25和30℃)下桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜的生长发育、存活和繁殖指标,并组建了4个恒温条件下(10,15,20和25℃)的实验种群生命表。【结果】在10~25℃范围内,2种蚜虫的若蚜期、世代历期、成蚜寿命和产蚜期等均随温度的升高而缩短,而30℃高温抑制了其发育、存活和繁殖。2种蚜虫的平均世代历期(T)随温度的升高而缩短,桃蚜和马铃薯长管蚜分别从10℃的30.08 d和35.35 d缩短至25℃的14.28 d和12.95 d。桃蚜的净增殖率(R0)在15℃时最高(86.00),其次为20℃(73.75),再次为25℃(62.49),最低为10℃(51.00);马铃薯长管蚜的R0在15℃最高(58.97),其次为10℃(51.98),再次为20℃(48.94),最低为25℃(12.36)。桃蚜的内禀增长率(rm)随温度的升高而增大,从最小10℃的0.1307增大到25℃的0.2896;马铃薯长管蚜的rm在20℃时最大(0.2182),其次为25℃(0.1942),再次为15℃(0.1485),最小为10℃(0.1118)。在相同的温度下,桃蚜的发育速率、净增殖率和内禀增长率均高于马铃薯长管蚜。【结论】温度对2种马铃薯蚜虫的生长发育、存活、繁殖及种群增长有显著的影响,桃蚜在马铃薯上的种群增长能力强于马铃薯长管蚜。这一结果为马铃薯蚜虫预测模型的建立奠定了必要的基础,并解释了桃蚜在马铃薯上发生数量多于马铃薯长管蚜的原因。  相似文献   

Damage to potatoes by Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (both Hemiptera: Aphididae) can be controlled through plant resistance. We used ethological experiments and electric penetration graph (EPG) analysis to evaluate the role of host selection in the previously assessed resistance levels of Solanum accessions: Solanum circaeifolium Bitter subsp. capsicibaccatum (Cárdenas) (PI210036), S. chomatophilum Bitter (PI243340 and PI310990), S. okadae Hawkes & Hjert. (PI458367), S. oplocense Hawkes (PI473368), S. pinnatisectum Dunal (PI186553), S. polyadenium Greenm. (PI230463), S. tarijense Hawkes (PI414150), and S. trifidum Correll (PI255538), to M. euphorbiae and M. persicae. Through multivariate analysis, we grouped behavioural variables into factors, which we related to host selection behaviours, and then evaluated whether factors varied between each accession and the susceptible S. tuberosum. None of the factors obtained by ethological experiments differed among accessions. Four of six and three of five factors obtained through EPG varied among accessions for M. euphorbiae and M. persicae, respectively, and were used to suggest resistance characteristics. The resistance to M. persicae of both S. chomatophilum accessions was associated with pathway activity disturbance. Solanum tarijense and S. polyadenium resistance to M. persicae resulted from leaf surface characteristics, which may be trichomes. Solanum oplocense and S. trifidum resistance to M. euphorbiae resulted from the wound response system, whereas S. pinnatisectum resistance may stem from nutritionally unbalanced or toxic phloem sap. Solanum polyadenium resistance to M. euphorbiae was phloem‐based. Solanum circaeifolium ssp. capsicibaccatum resistance to M. persicae, and the resistance of PI243340 S. chomatophilum and S. tarijense to M. euphorbiae were not related to host selection and therefore were presumably due to physiologically active compounds.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The effect of a genetically modified eggplant line expressing oryzacystatin on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) was examined. The transgenic eggplant reduced the net reproductive rate ( R 0), the instantaneous rate of population increase ( r ), and the finite rate of population increase ( λ ) of both aphids species compared with a control eggplant line. The mean generation time ( T ) of the aphids was unaffected by the transgenic plants. Age-specific mortality rates of M. persicae and M. euphorbiae were higher on transgenic plants. These results indicate that expression of oryzacystatin in eggplant has a negative impact on population growth and mortality rates of M. persicae and M. euphorbiae and could be a source of plant resistance for pest management of these aphids.  相似文献   

Abstract Plants protect themselves against aphid attacks by species‐specific defense mechanisms. Previously, we have shown that Solanum stoloniferum Schlechtd has resistance factors to Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae) at the epidermal/mesophyll level that are not effective against Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas (Homoptera: Aphididae). Here, we compare the nymphal mortality, the pre‐reproductive development time, and the probing behavior of M. persicae and M. euphorbiae on S. stoloniferum and Solanum tuberosum L. Furthermore, we analyze the changes in gene expression in S. stoloniferum 96 hours post infestation by either aphid species. Although the M. euphorbiae probing behavior shows that aphids encounter more probing constrains on phloem activities–longer probing and salivation time– on S. stoloniferum than on S. tuberosum, the aphids succeeded in reaching a sustained ingestion of phloem sap on both plants. Probing by M. persicae on S. stoloniferum plants resulted in limited feeding only. Survival of M. euphorbiae and M. persicae was affected on young leaves, but not on senescent leaves of S. stoloniferum. Infestation by M. euphorbiae changed the expression of more genes than M. persicae did. At the systemic level both aphids elicited a weak response. Infestation of S. stoloniferum plants with a large number of M. persicae induced morphological changes in the leaves, leading to the development of pustules that were caused by disrupted vascular parenchyma and surrounding tissue. In contrast, an infestation by M. euphorbiae had no morphological effects. Both plant species can be regarded as good host for M. euphorbiae, whereas only S. tuberosum is a good host for M. persicae and S. stoloniferum is not. Infestation of S. stoloniferum by M. persicae or M. euphorbiae changed the expression of a set of plant genes specific for each of the aphids as well as a set of common genes.  相似文献   

The genetics of partial resistance (PR) of lettuce to the leaf aphid species Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Uroleucon sonchi was studied in F1 and F2 generations of six crosses between four cultivars. Partial resistance inherited mainly additively. With M. euphorbiae the estimates of broad-sense F2 heritability were low and non-significant in crosses between parents of the same resistance level (S x S and PR x PR), and high (0.69-0.76) in crosses between parents of different resistance level (PR x S). The level of resistance in lettuce cultivars ‘Charan’ and ‘Marbello’ led to a marked reduction in percentage of plants with colonies of M. euphorbiae in a field experiment. With U. sonchi the highest estimates of F2 heritability were found in ‘Charan x ‘Avoncrisp’ (0.51) and ‘Charan’ x ‘Chou de Naples' (0.48). In the cross ‘Charan’ x ‘Marbello’ (PR x PR) no significant segregation for resistance to M. euphorbiae was found, indicating that these cultivars may have the same genetic constitution for resistance to M. euphorbiae.‘Charan’ has additional genes for resistance to U. sonchi, that are not, or only weakly linked to the gene(s) for resistance to M. euphorbiae. The heritability estimates for the partial resistance to M. euphorbiae and U. sonchi indicate that it is possible to effectively select for these traits in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   

云南主要烟区烟蚜抗药性的监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用浸叶法测定了云南省红河弥勒、楚雄东华、昆明寻甸、丽江七河及昭通昭阳共5个烟区的烟蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)种群对7种常用杀虫剂的抗性水平。结果表明,5个烟区烟蚜对甲胺磷均产生了中等或中等程度以上抗性。红河弥勒和昭通昭阳两烟区烟蚜对氧化乐果产生了中等或中等程度以上抗性;楚雄东华、红河弥勒、昭通昭阳和丽江七河烟区烟蚜对硫丹产生了中等或中等程度以上抗性。对其余杀虫剂尚处于低抗以下水平。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Aphids ( Myzus persicae , Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Aulacorthum solani ) are reared on potato plants with phloem sucrose concentrations reduced by up to two-fold by expressing the antisense of the sucrose-H+ symporter ( StSUT1 ) gene. The performance of My. persicae and A. solani on the antisense plants is comparable or superior to that on the wild-type plants, but Ma. euphorbiae increases more slowly on the antisense plants than on the wild-type and fails to feed from the antisense line with the lowest phloem sucrose concentration. Electrical monitoring by electical penetration graphs reveals that Ma. euphorbiae either do not locate the sieve elements or withdraw their stylets prematurely from the sieve elements of these plants. This difference between Ma. euphorbiae and the other aphid species may reflect interspecific variation in response both to the low phloem sucrose in transgenic plants and to pleiotropic effects of the transgene on the wider physiology of the plants. All aphid species perform well on plants with phloem sucrose concentrations that, when administered via chemically-defined diets, support little or no aphid growth. These results illustrate the need for caution in extrapolating conclusions reached for diet-reared aphids to aphids on plants, and demonstrate the importance of plant-based experiments for studies of the nutritional physiology of aphids.  相似文献   

Analysis of electrically recorded feeding behaviour of aphids was combined with colony‐development tests to search for sources of resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in tuber‐bearing Solanum species (Solanaceae), aiming at a reduction of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) transmission. Twenty genotypes, originating from 14 gene bank accessions, representing 13 wild tuber‐bearing Solanum spp., three Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) cultivars, and one S. tuberosum breeding line, were selected. Colony‐development tests were carried out in no‐choice experiments by placing adult aphids on plants of each genotype and counting numbers of nymphs and adults on young plants after 8 and 15 days, and on flowering plants after 14 and 30 days. Large differences were observed among genotypes: some developed small colonies and others developed large ones. Also, in a few genotypes, resistance in mature plants was different for leaves of different ages; young leaves were resistant to aphids whereas old senescent leaves were susceptible. The electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG system) technique was used to study aphid feeding behaviour on each Solanum genotype for 6 h. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) results also showed large differences among the genotypes, indicating resistance at the leaf surface and at three different levels of plant tissue (epidermis, mesophyll, and phloem). Therefore, it was concluded that different mechanisms of resistance to M. persicae exist among the genotypes analysed. EPGs recorded from aphids on Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and Solanum tarijense Hawkes with and without glandular trichomes showed that strong surface resistance can bias EPG parameters associated with resistance located in deeper tissues. Experimental evidence is presented that the resistance to aphids in the genotypes with glandular trichomes strongly depends on these morphological structures.  相似文献   

桃蚜抗吡虫啉品系和敏感品系某些生物学特性比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
室内连续筛选15代,桃蚜Myzuspersicae(Sulzer)对吡虫啉产生了一定水平的抗性,抗性倍数是14.34倍。通过建立抗性品系和敏感品系的生命表,比较了抗性品系和敏感品系的发育历期和生殖力的差异。结果表明,抗性品系适合度显著下降,若蚜存活率降低,若蚜历期延长,成蚜寿命缩短;在繁殖上表现为产仔量下降,生殖期缩短。以净生殖率(Ro)和内禀增长率(rm)来评价抗性品系的相对生物适合度,与敏感品系相比,吡虫啉抗性品系的相对适合度分别为0.699和0.897。  相似文献   

A study was made of the resistance of three wild potato species, Solanum chacoense, S. stoloniferum and S. demissum, to three aphid species, namely Myzus persicae (Sulz.), Aulacorthum solani (Kalt.) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), which all commonly infest the cultivated potato, S. tuberosum. The resistance of each Solanum species differed with the species of aphid, with the part of the plant and with the physiological condition of the leaf. As a result, it may be difficult to utilize such resistance, since it is ineffective against some of the pest aphid species and may break down as the physiological condition of the plant changes.  相似文献   

The effect of the tomato resistance gene, Meu1, on feeding, longevity, fecundity and developmental rate of the pink biotype of the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera, Aphididae), was determined using nearly isogenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, Solanaceae) lines. Aphid mortality was significantly higher on resistant plants, with 60% of the aphids dying by the 4th day of exposure. By the 10th day, all the aphids on the resistant plants were dead whereas 100% of the aphids on susceptible plants were alive. Meu1-mediated resistance resulted in significantly decreased fecundity with a ten-fold decrease in the net fertility rate (4.5 and 45.7 progeny per aphid on resistant and susceptible tomato, respectively). A qualitative analysis showed that honeydew was produced by aphids on resistant and susceptible plants, suggesting that aphids initiate feeding on both plant types. However, significantly lower quantities of honeydew were present when aphids were caged on resistant plants. There were also significant differences in aphid location on resistant and susceptible leaves. Experiments evaluating behavior in less than 24 h showed that aphids left resistant leaves after relatively short exposure (3–6 h). Aphids transferred from resistant to susceptible tomato at intervals between 3 h and 24 h resumed feeding as evidenced by presence of honeydew. Although the mechanism by which Meu1-mediated resistance operates is not yet known, our data suggest that resistance factors act rapidly after initiation of feeding and that lower fecundity and longevity are related to reduction in aphid feeding.  相似文献   

The development of insecticide resistance in pest insects is an increasing problem for agriculture, forestry and public health. Aphids are ubiquitous herbivorous insects, with approximately 4700 known species, of which less than 5% exploit the agricultural environment successfully. Of these, the peach‐potato aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer is recognized as one of the most important pests worldwide because it has acquired resistance to many insecticides. Although resistance to insecticides provides important benefits for pests in agricultural fields that are treated with insecticides, it may be associated with fitness (or other) costs in environments that are insecticide free. In the present study, the fitness and energy costs that might be experienced by M. persicae in an insecticide‐free environment when carrying at least one insecticide resistance mutation (IRM), or by having an increased production of esterases, are evaluated. The study investigates whether genotypes that have an IRM also have enhanced esterase production, whether there is any metabolic cost associated with insecticide resistance, and whether there are any fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance and metabolic expenditure. The intrinsic rate of increase, standard metabolic rate (i.e. a measure of maintenance costs) and constitutive esterase activity are determined for 30 different multilocus genotypes carrying (or not carrying) at least one of the two most frequent insecticide resistance mutations (MACE and kdr/super‐kdr) that occur in Chile. The results show that genotypes carrying at least one IRM have higher levels of total esterase activity than genotypes without an IRM, that there is no evidence of an energy cost associated with total esterase activity or IRM, and no evidence for a reproductive fitness cost associated with total esterase activity, IRM or metabolic rate. The results agree with previous studies showing linkage disequilibrium between insecticide resistance mechanisms, although they contrast with those of studies that report fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance in Myzus persicae.  相似文献   

In parthenogens, selection acts on entire genotypes rather than individual alleles. The general‐purpose genotype hypothesis (GPG) predicts that temporally variable environments select for clones with broad ecological tolerances. These general‐purpose genotypes should exhibit low fitness variance and high geometric mean fitness across environments. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the fitness of obligately and cyclically parthenogenetic genotypes of the peach‐potato aphid, Myzus persicae, on three unrelated host plants. We found genetic variation for the relative performance on different hosts, but no difference in geometric mean fitness between obligate and cyclical parthenogens. Thus, for an environmental variable of major importance to aphids, the GPG hypothesis was not supported. In addition, the lack of an overall fitness difference between reproductive modes suggests that cyclical parthenogens incur no cost of polyphenism, but neither can they compensate for the cost of sex during the parthenogenetic phase of their life cycle.  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌分生孢子乳悬剂对甘蓝上桃蚜的田间控制效果   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
利用液-酵法生产球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)SG8702菌株的分生孢子粉,配制成含孢量为10^10个.ml^-1的孢子乳悬剂Ⅰ,在此基础上按1%(W/V)的比例舔加10%砒虫琳可湿性扮剂而得孢子乳悬剂Ⅱ.于2001年7月对两种孢子乳悬剂在云南昆明进行了自然条件下甘蓝上桃蚜(Myzus persicae)的田间小区(5.5m×4.8m)药效试验,各3个浓度(含孢量分别为10^7、10^6及10^5个·ml^-1常规喷雾处理,重复设清水喷雾对照,重复3次,随机区组排列.在喷菌后连续28d的田间蚜虫密度定期抽样调查中,乳悬剂Ⅱ的1000倍稀释液喷雾有效抑制了蚜虫数量增长,喷后策7—28天防效始终在90%以上.乳悬剂Ⅰ的相同稀释液喷雾对桃蚜的控制略逊于乳悬剂Ⅱ,但喷后第7天的相对防效也达到85%,此后维持防效70%以上达两周,策24天和28天才分别降至64.4%和52.6%.用含孢量10^6和10^5个·ml^-1的菌液喷雾,乳悬剂Ⅰ仍表现出明显的控蚜效果,而舔加微量砒虫琳的乳悬剂Ⅱ的控蚜效果总是优于同一浓度下的乳悬剂Ⅰ,昆明地区夏季温和而多小雨的气候有利于孢子乳悬剂发挥作用.  相似文献   

不同温度与寄主条件下桃蚜生命表的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在寄主、温度对桃蚜生物学特性影响研究的基础上,研究了不同温度和寄主对桃蚜生命表的影响.结果表明,桃蚜生长发育最适温度均为28℃,致死温度为33℃.寄主对桃蚜最适内禀增长力(r'm)有显著影响,不同寄主间2组合的蚜虫最适温度分别为20.66和26.44℃,同一寄主间为24.43和28.99℃;随着温度的升高,种群加倍时间呈负指数曲线下降.改换寄主后的蚜虫对低温条件更敏感.  相似文献   

1  Myzus persicae is a highly polyphagous pest of U.K. agriculture. It presents particular control difficulties because it has developed resistance to several insecticide classes.
2 For almost 20 years, M. persicae collected in the U.K. suction trap network have been analysed for insecticide resistance and the data disseminated to growers via a resistance bulletin. These data are generated by the biochemical analysis of individuals for two major resistance phenotypes: (i) elevated carboxylesterase and (ii) modified acetylcholinesterase (MACE).
3 The development of new polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technologies using fluorescently labelled probes has allowed other resistance mechanisms, such as knockdown resistance to pyrethroids (kdr/super-kdr), to be detected and has greatly increased the speed and accuracy of resistance monitoring. Unfortunately, these newer PCR-based assays are incompatible with the older biochemical assays.
4 The present study describes the development and testing of new compatible methods for detecting elevated carboxylesterases and MACE for use on M. persicae caught in the field or suction traps.
5 These new tests have significant advantages over present methodologies by allowing individual aphids to be tested for three resistance mechanisms quickly and accurately on a single platform.  相似文献   

寄主植物对烟蚜药剂敏感性及相关酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甘蓝、烟草和桃树上的饲养的烟蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)种群为研究材料,分别测试了其对吡虫啉、丁硫克百威和氰戊菊酯这3种杀虫剂的敏感性。结果表明,桃树上的烟蚜种群敏感性最高,其次为烟草种群,甘蓝种群最低。测试了在3种不同寄主上饲养的烟蚜种群的羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶和谷光甘肽-s-转移酶的比活力,这3种酶均表现为甘蓝种群最高,其次为烟草种群,桃树种群最低。  相似文献   

本文通过测定建立了灭多威、辛硫磷、吡虫啉、氰戊菊酯、高效氯氟氰菊酯和啶虫脒6种药剂的敏感基线。测定了2009年福建南平、三明和龙岩烟区的烟蚜田间种群的抗药性水平以及烟蚜种群解毒酶与靶标酶的活性。结果显示:与2008年的监测结果相比较,灭多威对福建南平、三明和龙岩3个烟区的烟蚜种群的LC50分别增长了0.004倍、0.046倍和0.051倍;辛硫磷对福建南平、三明和龙岩3个烟区的烟蚜种群的Lc50分别降低了0.213倍、0.078倍和0.088倍;毗虫啉对福建南平、三明和龙岩3个烟区的烟蚜种群的LC50分别增长了1.186倍、1.328倍和0.56倍;氰戊菊酯对南平和龙岩烟区的烟蚜种群的Lc50分别增长了0.367倍和0.139倍,对三明烟区的烟蚜种群的Lc50降低了0.103倍;高效氯氟氰菊脂对南平和龙岩烟区的烟蚜种群的LC50分别增长了0.345倍和0.244倍,对三明烟区的烟蚜种群的Lc如降低了0.035倍;啶虫脒对福建南平、三明和龙岩3个烟区的烟蚜种群的Lc靳分别增长了O.498倍、0.724倍和0.868倍。由于3个烟区近几年大田防治烟蚜极少或没有使用灭多威、辛硫磷、氰戊菊酯和高效氯氟氰菊酯这4种杀虫剂,所以3个烟区的烟蚜种群对这4种杀虫剂的抗药性增加率降低或抗药性下降。目前除了南平烟区的烟蚜种群对啶虫脒产生了高抗(抗性倍数为6cL92倍),其余烟区还未出现高抗种群。3个烟区烟蚜种群的3种酶活性差异明显,以三明种群最高,南平种群次之,龙岩种群最低。与2007年的测定结果相比较,三明、南平和龙岩的烟蚜种群CarE比活力分别增加了2.249倍、2.335倍和3.491倍;AChE比活力分别增加了0.336倍、0.664倍和0.782倍;GSTs比活力分别增加了0.591倍、0.811倍和1.447倍。  相似文献   

The aphids Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) are serious pests of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (Solanaceae), notably in transmitting several plant viruses. Heterospecific interactions may occur between these two species as they are often seen at the same time on the same potato plant in the field. As aphid infestation is known to induce both local and systemic changes, we conducted experiments to determine the effect of previous infestation on probing behaviour and feeding‐related parameters. We used the DC electrical penetration graph technique to characterize the influence of previous infestation by conspecific M. persicae or by heterospecific Ma. euphorbiae on M. persicae feeding behaviour at both local and systemic levels, i.e., on previously infested leaves and on non‐previously infested leaves of infested plants, respectively. Conspecific and heterospecific infestation led to similar modification of M. persicae feeding activities. However, the effects of previous infestation occurring at the local level were opposite to those observed at the systemic level. Myzus persicae food acceptance was slightly enhanced on previously infested leaves, whereas it was inhibited on non‐infested leaves of infested plants, which indicated an induced resistance mechanism. Our results advance the understanding of the mechanisms involved in aphid–host plant acceptance and colonization processes on potato plants in conspecific and heterospecific situations.  相似文献   

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