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The FVB/N mouse is a model of retinitis pigmentosa which shows a rapid loss of photoreceptors during early postnatal (P) life. We investigated the cellular localization of glycine transporter 1 (GlyT-1) in the developing FVB/N mouse retina. In control retinas, the developmental pattern of GlyT-1-immunoreactive amacrine cells was well in accordance with a previous report. However, in the FVB/N mouse retina, some GlyT-1-labeled amacrine cells sent their processes into the outer plexiform layer (OPL) from P14 onward. From P21 onward, GlyT-1-labeled cells were visible in the OPL. These cells were further characterized by double-label immunofluorescence experiments with an antiserum against disabled 1 (Dab-1), and showed Dab-1 immunoreactivity, indicating that these cells are putative AII amacrine cells. These results clearly demonstrate that AII amacrine cells have the potential capacity to respond to photoreceptor degeneration by migrating or sprouting their processes into the OPL in the developing FVB/N mouse retina.This study was supported by a Korea Research Foundation Grant (2001, PF0005) from the Ministry of Education  相似文献   

Symmetric cell divisions have been proposed to rapidly increase neuronal number late in neurogenesis, but how critical this mode of division is to establishing a specific neuronal layer is unknown. Using in vivo time-lapse imaging methods, we discovered that in the laminated zebrafish retina, the horizontal cell (HC) layer forms quickly during embryonic development upon division of a precursor cell population. The precursor cells morphologically resemble immature, postmitotic HCs and express HC markers such as ptf1a and Prox1 prior to division. These precursors undergo nonapical symmetric division at the laminar location where mature HCs contact photoreceptors. Strikingly, the precursor cell type we observed generates exclusively HCs. We have thus identified a dedicated HC precursor, and our findings suggest a mechanism of neuronal layer formation whereby the location of mitosis could facilitate rapid contact between synaptic partners.  相似文献   

The inbred FVB/N mouse strain is widely used for creating transgenic mice. Over the past decade, persistent mammary hyperplasia has been detected in many multiparous FVB/N female mice sent to the University of California, Davis (UCD) Mutant Mouse Pathology Laboratory (MMPL) by a number of different laboratories. However, the experimental details concerning most specimens were not always available. To confirm these empiric findings, experiments were carried out to evaluate the mammary glands of FVB/N mice under controlled conditions. Persistent mammary hyperplasia that related to parity was found. Weeks after their first to fourth pregnancy, 10 FVB/N female mice from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) colony were studied and the mammary glands were evaluated. The percentage of fat pad filled was estimated, using image analysis. Serum samples and the pituitary gland from other FVB/N mice from the LBNL were assayed for prolactin concentration. Multiparous FVB/N females consistently had persistent mammary hyperplasia. Four of seven females in the LBNL colony had hyperplasia after three pregnancies. A few foci of squamous nodules and sporadic carcinomas also were observed. Thus, some FVB/N females may have persistent mammary hyperplasia after three pregnancies without detectable pituitary abnormalities. Mammary carcinomas also may develop sporadically. These background phenotypes must be considered when interpreting the effect of genetic manipulation in FVB/N mice.  相似文献   

We report the development of squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the skin at or near the site of ear tags composed of a nickel-copper alloy and used for identification during the course of a long-term study of incipient congenic FVB/N mice containing the human BCL6 transgene (FVB.Cg-Tg[tetO-BCL6]Bbn Tg[EmicroSR-tTa]83Bop), their littermate controls, and wild-type FVB/N. Of a total population of 160 mice, 14 (8.8%) developed SCCs in the tagged (right) ear after a median observation period of 25 months, but none of the animals developed tumors in the opposite ear (P = 0.0001). Nine of the fourteen mice with SCCs had to be euthanized because they were thought to be in distress from the ear condition, but the remaining five died or were euthanized for other reasons related to the research study. These animals ranged in age from 331 to 921 days at the time of death. Five of the tumors were well-differentiated (grade 1) SCCs; the remainder were grade 3 and tended to be deeply invasive neoplasms with undifferentiated areas containing a spindle cell component. One of these metastasized to kidney. When using the FVB/N mouse strain for long-term studies, it is necessary to consider that nearly 9% of the population may develop SCCs at or near ear-tag sites that may necessitate early removal of the animal.  相似文献   

The murine retina has become an ideal model to study blood vessel formation. Blood vessels in the retina undergo various processes, including remodeling and differentiation, to form a stereotypical network that consists of precisely patterned arteries and veins. This model presents a powerful tool for understanding many different aspects of angiogenesis including artery and vein (AV) cell fate acquisition and differentiation. However, characterization of AV differentiation has been largely unexplored in the mouse retinal model. In this study, we describe the expression of previously established AV markers and assess arteriovenous acquisition and identity in the murine neonatal retina. Using in situ hybridization and immunofluorescent antibody staining techniques, we analyzed numerous AV differentiation markers such as EphB4-EphrinB2 and members of the Notch pathway. We find that at postnatal day 3 (P3), when blood vessels are beginning to populate the retina, AV identity is not immediately established. However, by P5 expression of many molecular identifiers of arteries and veins become restricted to their respective vessel types. This molecular distinction is more obvious at P7 and remains unchanged through P9. Overall, these studies indicate that, similar to the embryo, acquisition of AV identity occurs in a step-wise process and is largely established by P7 during retina development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The FVB/NJ mouse strain has its origins in a colony of outbred Swiss mice established in 1935 at the National Institutes of Health. Mice derived from this source were selectively bred for sensitivity to histamine diphosphate and the B strain of Friend leukemia virus. This led to the establishment of the FVB/N inbred strain, which was subsequently imported to the Jackson Laboratory and designated FVB/NJ. The FVB/NJ mouse has several distinct characteristics, such as large pronuclear morphology, vigorous reproductive performance, and consistently large litters that make it highly desirable for transgenic strain production and general purpose use. RESULTS: Using next-generation sequencing technology, we have sequenced the genome of FVB/NJ to approximately 50-fold coverage, and have generated a comprehensive catalog of single nucleotide polymorphisms, small insertion/deletion polymorphisms, and structural variants, relative to the reference C57BL/6J genome. We have examined a previously identified quantitative trait locus for atherosclerosis susceptibility on chromosome 10 and identify several previously unknown candidate causal variants. CONCLUSION: The sequencing of the FVB/NJ genome and generation of this catalog has increased the number of known variant sites in FVB/NJ by a factor of four, and will help accelerate the identification of the precise molecular variants that are responsible for phenotypes observed in this widely-used strain.  相似文献   



The FVB/NJ mouse strain has its origins in a colony of outbred Swiss mice established in 1935 at the National Institutes of Health. Mice derived from this source were selectively bred for sensitivity to histamine diphosphate and the B strain of Friend leukemia virus. This led to the establishment of the FVB/N inbred strain, which was subsequently imported to the Jackson Laboratory and designated FVB/NJ. The FVB/NJ mouse has several distinct characteristics, such as large pronuclear morphology, vigorous reproductive performance, and consistently large litters that make it highly desirable for transgenic strain production and general purpose use.


Using next-generation sequencing technology, we have sequenced the genome of FVB/NJ to approximately 50-fold coverage, and have generated a comprehensive catalog of single nucleotide polymorphisms, small insertion/deletion polymorphisms, and structural variants, relative to the reference C57BL/6J genome. We have examined a previously identified quantitative trait locus for atherosclerosis susceptibility on chromosome 10 and identify several previously unknown candidate causal variants.


The sequencing of the FVB/NJ genome and generation of this catalog has increased the number of known variant sites in FVB/NJ by a factor of four, and will help accelerate the identification of the precise molecular variants that are responsible for phenotypes observed in this widely used strain.  相似文献   

Retinogenesis is a developmental process that is tightly regulated both temporally and spatially and is therefore an excellent model system for studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neurogenesis in the central nervous system. Understanding of these events in vivo is greatly facilitated by the availability of mouse mutant models, including those with natural or targeted mutations and those with conditional knockout or forced expression of genes. This article reviews these genetic modifications and their contribution to the study of retinogenesis in mammals, with special emphasis on conditional gene targeting approaches.  相似文献   

NGAL/lipocalin-2 is a siderophore-binding protein that is highly expressed in several cancers. It is suggested to confer a proliferative advantage to cancer cells. Its expression has been correlated with aggressiveness of breast cancer as determined both in patients and in mouse breast cancer models. This was recently confirmed in two mouse models of spontaneous breast cancer in wild-type and lipocalin-2-deficient mice. We used a similar strategy using a different mouse strain. Lipocalin-2-deficient mice and mouse mammary tumor virus-polyoma middle T antigen (MMTV-PyMT) mice were crossed into the same FVB/N background. All mice developed tumors by week 8. The mice were sacrificed on week 13 and tissue was processed for biochemical and histological analysis. The total tumor volume and number of metastases were quantitated in 26 lipocalin-2-deficient mice and 34 wild-type controls. Lipocalin-2 expression in tumors of MMTV-PyMT-positive and wild-type mice was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR and by immunohistochemistry. The expression of the lipocalin-2 receptors 24p3R and megalin and of Mmp-9, transferrin receptor, and Bdh2 (a producer of a mammalian siderophore) were quantitated by real-time PCR. No significant difference was observed between wild-type and lipocalin-2-deficient mice. Lipocalin-2 was highly expressed in tumors from wild-type mice, but the expression did not correlate with tumor size. No effect of lipocalin-2 was observed with respect to time to tumor appearance, total tumor volume, or to the number of metastases. Histology and gelatinolytic activity of the mammary tumors did not differ between wild-type and lipocalin-2-deficient mice. We conclude that NGAL/lipocalin-2 does not invariably affect the aggressiveness of breast cancers as assessed in mouse models, thus questioning the role of lipocalin-2 in cancer development.  相似文献   

We applied a series of selective antibodies for labeling the various cell types in the mammalian retina. These were used to identify the progressive loss of neurons in the FVB/N mouse, a model of early onset retinal degeneration produced by a mutation in the pde6b gene. The immunocytochemical studies, together with electroretinogram (ERG) recordings, enabled us to examine the time course of the degenerative changes that extended from the photoreceptors to the ganglion cells at the proximal end of the retina. Our study indicates that photoreceptors in FVB/N undergo a rapid degeneration within three postnatal weeks, and that there is a concomitant loss of retinal neurons in the inner nuclear layer. Although the loss of rods was detected at an earlier age during which time M- and S-opsin molecules were translocated to the cone nuclei; by 6 months all cones had also degenerated. Neuronal remodeling was also seen in the second-order neurons with horizontal cells sprouting processes proximally and dendritic retraction in rod-driven bipolar cells. Interestingly, the morphology of cone-driven bipolar cells were affected less by the disease process. The cellular structure of inner retinal neurons, i.e., ChAT amacrine cells, ganglion cells, and melanopsin-positive ganglion cells did not exhibit any gross changes of cell densities and appeared to be relatively unaffected by the massive photoreceptor degeneration in the distal retina. However, Muller cell processes began to express GFAP at their endfeet at p14, and it climbed progressively to the cell’s distal ends by 6 months. Our study indicates that FVB/N mouse provides a useful model with which to assess possible intervention strategies to arrest photoreceptor death in related diseases.  相似文献   

Electrical coupling between horizontal cells of the turtle retina was investigated by means of two microelectrodes, stimulating and recording, inserted into neighboring cells at a fixed horizontal distance apart. Morphological coupling was estimated by studying the flow of the luminescent dye Lucifer yellow. The presence of electrical coupling was confirmed between structures of the same type (L1 with axon terminals, L2 withcell bodies, R/G with cells of color type) and absence of coupling between cells of different types was confirmed, although L1 and L2 are connected with each other directly by thin axons. The degree of electrical coupling in the syncytium of axon terminals (L1), with a short (50 µ or less) but fixed distance between the electrodes, may vary by several times depending on the position of the microelectrodes. This local nonuniformity of coupling can be explained by the structural nonuniformity of the network of interconnected axon terminals. Local structural nonuniformities can hardly affect the functional properties of the horizontal cell syncytium under the conditions of photic stimulation of the retina.Institute of Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 239–245, March–April, 1985.  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate the expression patterns of LIM Homeobox 6 (Lhx6) in the adult and developing mouse retina.MethodsThe Lhx6-GFP knock-in allele was used to activate constitutive expression of a GFP reporter in Lhx6 expressing cells. Double labeling with GFP and retinal markers in the mouse retina at postnatal day 56 (P56) was performed to identify the cell types expressing Lhx6. To determine the neuronal cell types that express Lhx6, double labeling with GFP and various retinal markers was employed in the differentiating retina at P7 and P15.ResultsGFP + Lhx6 lineage cells were determined in Brn3a + retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), ChAT + amacrine cells (ACs), and Islet-class LIM-homeodomain 1 (Isl1+) ACs in the mouse retina at P56. In the ganglion cell layer (GCL), Lhx6 was expressed in Brn3a + RGCs but not Brn3b + RGCs at P15. Moreover, in the inner nuclear layer (INL), Lhx6 was not expressed in Bhlhb5+ ACs at P15. However, Lhx6 was weakly expressed in Glyt1+ ACs and Pax6+ ACs, and strongly expressed in Isl1+ and ChAT + ACs at P15.ConclusionLhx6 was expressed in RGCs and ACs in both the adult and developing mouse retina.  相似文献   

The "Le(b) mouse" was established as a model for investigations of the molecular events following Le(b)-mediated adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to the gastric epithelium. By the expression of a human alpha-1,3/4-fucosyltransferase in the gastric pit cell lineage of FVB/N transgenic mice, a production of Le(b) glycoproteins in gastric pit and surface mucous cells was obtained in this "Le(b) mouse," as demonstrated by binding of monoclonal anti-Le(b) antibodies. To explore the effects of the human alpha-1,3/4-fucosyltransferase on glycosphingolipid structures, neutral glycosphingolipids were isolated from stomachs of transgenic alpha-1,3/4-fucosyltransferase-expressing mice. A glycosphingolipid recognized by BabA-expressing H. pylori was isolated and characterized by mass spectrometry and proton NMR as Fuc alpha 2Gal beta 3(Fuc alpha 4)GalNAc beta 4 Gal beta 4 Glc beta 1Cer, i.e., a novel Le(b)-like glycosphingolipid on a ganglio core. In addition, two other novel glycosphingolipids were isolated from the mouse stomach epithelium that were found to be nonbinding with regard to H. pylori. The first was a pentaglycosylceramide, GalNAc beta 3 Gal alpha 3(Fuc alpha 2)Gal beta 4 Glc beta 1Cer, in which the isoglobotetrasaccharide has been combined with Fuc alpha 2 to yield an isoglobotetraosylceramide with an internal blood group B determinant. The second one was an elongated fucosyl-gangliotetraosylceramide, GalNAc beta 3(Fuc alpha 2)Gal beta 3GalNAc beta 4Gal beta 4 Glc beta 1Cer.  相似文献   

Mice of the FVB/N strain are severely visual impaired as a result of tyrosinase gene defects, leading to a deficiency of the key enzyme for melanin synthesis in skin and eye and of cyclic guanosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase gene defects, which results in albinism (Tyr(c/c)) and retinal degeneration (Pde6b(rd1/rd1)), respectively. Nevertheless, FVB/N mice are commonly used for the generation of transgenic animals because of their large, strong pronuclei and high breeding performance. However, due to visual impairment of the FVB/N animals, the resulting transgenic animals cannot be used in tests that depend on vision, including tests of cognitive behavior. Therefore, we have bred a sighted version of the FVB/N strain by an outcross between FVB/N and 129P2/OlaHsd, followed by repeated backcrosses to FVB/N mice while selecting against albinism and homozygosity of the retinal degeneration mutation. After 11 generations of backcrossing, sighted animals were intercrossed to generate the congenic FVB.129P2-Pde6b(+) Tyr(c-ch)/Ant strain, which is pigmented (Tyr(c-ch)/(c-ch)) and devoid of the genetic predisposition to retinal degeneration. The accurate visual abilities of the FVB.129P2-Pde6b(+) Tyr(c-ch)/Ant mice, for which we propose the name FVBS/Ant, demonstrated a clear visual evoked potential in the presence of normal eye histology and improved performance in the Morris water maze test.  相似文献   

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