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The study of immune related genes in lampreys and hagfish provides a unique perspective on the evolutionary genetic underpinnings of adaptive immunity and the evolution of vertebrate genomes. Separated from their jawed cousins at the stem of the vertebrate lineage, these jawless vertebrates have many of the gene families and gene regulatory networks associated with the defining morphological and physiological features of vertebrates. These include genes vital for innate immunity, inflammation, wound healing, protein degradation, and the development, signaling and trafficking of lymphocytes. Jawless vertebrates recognize antigen by using leucine-rich repeat (LRR) based variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs), which are very different from the immunoglobulin (Ig) based T cell receptor (TCR) and B cell receptor (BCR) used for antigen recognition by jawed vertebrates. The somatically constructed VLR genes are expressed in monoallelic fashion by T-like and B-like lymphocytes. Jawless and jawed vertebrates thus share many of the genes that provide the molecular infrastructure and physiological context for adaptive immune responses, yet use entirely different genes and mechanisms of combinatorial assembly to generate diverse repertoires of antigen recognition receptors.  相似文献   

Haruta C  Suzuki T  Kasahara M 《Immunogenetics》2006,58(2-3):216-225
The jawless vertebrates, represented by hagfish and lampreys, are the most advanced animals that apparently lack T cell and B cell receptors. As such, they offer unique opportunities for understanding the evolution of antigen receptors and variable (V)-type immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains. In the present study, we describe four hagfish Ig superfamily (IgSF) members carrying V-type domains. None of them appeared to have direct counterparts in jawed vertebrates, indicating that many IgSF molecules have either evolved independently in jawed and jawless vertebrates or diverged to the extent that clear homology is no longer recognizable. One of the members encoded a molecule closely related to the previously described membrane protein designated novel ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif)-containing IgSF receptors (NICIR). We show here that NICIR is a polymorphic multigene family with at least three members and is expressed predominantly in peripheral blood leukocytes. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that among known proteins, NICIR is most closely related to the lamprey molecule recently proposed to be a potential ancestor of T cell receptors.Sequence data reported in this paper were submitted to the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession nos. AB234206-AB234210, AB242215-AB224219, and AB242221-AB242223.  相似文献   

吕宝忠  Masa.  N. 《遗传学报》1989,16(2):140-150
为阐明免疫球蛋白(Ig)和T细胞受体(TCR)在抗体多样性产生机理上的异同,作者比较了Ig重链可变段(Ig V_H)和TCR可变段(TCR V)的密码子替代率和协同进化,并分析异同的原因。共搜集8种鼠和3种人的TCR α链可变段(V_α),11种鼠和1种人的TCRβ链可变段(V_β),以及2种鼠和4种人的T细胞γ链可变段;同时搜集11种鼠、3种人、3种南美鳄鱼和1种鲨鱼的Ig V_(H_(o))研究结果揭示:(1)对编码蛋白质的密码子来说,TCR V(包括V_α和V_β)的核苷酸替代率为Ig V_H的2.4倍,说明前者有更高的替代率。(2)以协同进化而言,TCR V和Ig V_H的基因重复率分别为1.7×10~(-6)和1.6×10~(-6)/基因年。两者几乎相同,均系低速保持者。TCR V的数目(V_α为100,V_β为30)远少于Ig V_H(数目为300),原因是前者受到主要组织相容性复合体的制约,即受到负选择,这与中性学说观点相一致。文章还讨论了体细胞突变和DNA重排对两类抗体多样性产生上的作用,并探讨了IgV_H和TCR V的假基因问题。  相似文献   

Germain RN 《FEBS letters》2010,584(24):4814-5045
Signaling through the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR) has been studied for years by conventional biochemical means. More recently, attempts have been made to develop computational models of signaling through this receptor, with a specific focus on understanding how this recognition system discriminates between closely related (self and non-self) ligands. Here we discuss recent advances centered on the role of feedback regulation, especially the key finding that a combination of digital and analog control circuits is fundamental to the discrimination properties of the TCR. We end by pointing to future, more biologically accurate models that incorporate spatial aspects of molecular organization in antigen-engaged T lymphocytes with this underlying biochemistry.  相似文献   

A minor subset of T lymphocytes express a TCR composed of gamma and delta chains. This subset differs from conventional T cells for a number of phenotypic and functional characteristics. TCR gamma/delta+ cells simultaneously lack both CD4 and CD8 antigens. Cloning of CD4-8- peripheral blood lymphocytes, under limiting dilution conditions, revealed that they are homogeneously composed of cytolytic cells which efficiently lyse tumor target cells. Formal proofs have been provided that TCR gamma/delta+ cells are able to recognize antigens. For example, they proliferated in response to allogeneic mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC); in addition, MLC-derived TCR gamma/delta+ cells specifically lysed PHA-induced blast cells bearing the stimulating alloantigens. The selection of monoclonal antibodies specific for TCR gamma/delta molecules allowed to identify two distinct subsets of TCR gamma/delta+ cells. Both of these mABs, termed BB3 and delta TCS-1 respectively, induced specific activation of cloned cells expressing the corresponding antigenic determinants (as assessed by measurements of intracellular Ca++ and/or lymphokine production or cytolytic activity). Analysis of the distribution of subsets expressing different forms of TCR gamma/delta, showed that the BB3-reactive form is prevalent in the peripheral blood. In contrast, delta-TCS-1-reactive cells are relatively unfrequent in peripheral blood but represent the majority of TCR gamma/delta+ cells in tissues.  相似文献   

T cell clones specific for hepatitis B core (HBcAg) and e (HBeAg) antigens of hepatitis B virus (HBV) were generated from liver infiltrates of HBeAg-positive patients. Analyzed with a panel of overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the complete sequences of HBcAg and HBeAg, eight clones responded specifically to the e2 peptide (PAYRPPNAPIL; amino acid residues 130–140 of HBcAg and HBeAg), which was doubly restricted by class I and II molecules. A preferential usage of the T cell receptor (TCR) chain variable (V) gene was found: V12.1 for five HLA-Cw9(3)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones, and V7.1 for three other HLA-DRw52-restricted type 1 helper T cell (Th1) clones. Although heterogeneous in the usage of TCR chain joining region (J) segments, their junctional-region sequences revealed conserved hydrophilic serine residues in seven of the eight e2-specific T cell clones. Single alanine substitution of the centrally located and the only hydrophilic asparagine residue of e2 peptide abrogated T cell responsiveness. The nonstimulatory e2 analogue could competitively inhibit e2-specific responses. These results demonstrate that both CTL and Th1 clones recognizing a determinant of HBcAg and HBeAg are present in the liver of chronic hepatitis B patients. The preferential V gene usage and the expression of conserved residues in junctional-region sequences of TCR chains by viral-peptide-specific, intrahepatic T cells may provide a T cell mechanism of HBV immunopathogenesis.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:通过对CAR结构的ScFv单链可变区进行改造,构建并筛选具有更强杀伤肿瘤细胞功能的新型靶向人源B细胞成熟抗原(BCMA)的嵌合抗原受体 (CAR)-T细胞。方法:构建靶向人源BCMA的CAR分子,用逆转录病毒载体包装成功后转导健康志愿者的T细胞,制备Anti-BCMA-CAR-T细胞。将Anti-BCMA-CAR-T细胞作为观察组,普通T细胞作为对照组,将其与RPMI-8226细胞共培养,采用CFSE染色的T细胞增殖实验观察两组体外增殖能力。采用荧光素酶化学发光实验检测两组细胞在不同效靶比(1:8、1:4、1:2、1:1、2:1、4:1)对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率,采用流式细胞术检测两组细胞在不同效靶比(1:4、1:2、1:1、2:1、4:1)对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率。结果:CFSE检测结果显示,与对照组比较,观察组FITC信号明显左移,表明T细胞增殖能力越强。流式细胞术检测结果显示,相同效靶比时,观察组对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率均高于对照组(P均<0.05);荧光素酶化学发光实验结果显示,相同效靶比时,观察组对RPMI-8226细胞的杀伤效率均高于对照组(P均<0.05)。在效靶比为4:1时,CAR170-T(未经改造的传统的ScFv)细胞和CAR174-T(经改造的ScFv)细胞的杀伤效率分别达到了88.5±0.3 %和98.5±0.7 %。结论:通过对CAR结构的ScFv单链可变区进行改造后成功构建出的新型靶向BCMA的CAR-T细胞,它能保持较强的增殖活性且具有更强的杀伤肿瘤细胞的能力。  相似文献   

We review evidence for and against the use of erythrocyte indicators of health status and condition, parasite infection level and physiological stress in free‐living vertebrates. The use of indicators that are measured directly from the blood, such as haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and parameters that are calculated from multiple measured metrics, such as mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin content or mean cell haemoglobin concentration is evaluated. The evidence for or against the use of any given metric is equivocal when the relevant research is considered in total, although there is sometimes strong support for using a particular metric in a particular taxon. Possibly the usefulness of these metrics is taxon, environment or condition specific. Alternatively, in an uncontrolled environment where multiple factors are influencing a metric, its response to environmental change will sometimes, but not always, be predictable. We suggest that (i) researchers should validate a metricfres utility before use, (ii) multiple metrics should be used to construct an overall erythrocyte profile for an individual or population, (iii) there is a need for researchers to compile reference ranges for free‐living species, and (iv) some metrics which are useful under controlled, clinical conditions may not have the same utility or applicability for free‐living vertebrates. Erythrocyte metrics provide useful information about health and condition that can be meaningfully interpreted in free‐living vertebrates, but their use requires careful forethought about confounding factors.  相似文献   

Valitutti S  Coombs D  Dupré L 《FEBS letters》2010,584(24):4851-4857
The selective recognition of antigenic peptides by T cells requires the spatio/temporal integration of a panoply of molecular triggers. The space frame of T cell antigen receptors (TCR) interaction with peptide/MHC complexes (pMHC) displayed by antigen presenting cells is delineated by the micrometer-scale area of the immunological synapse. The time frame of T cell stimulation is governed by a series of short TCR-pMHC interactions that are integrated into sustained signaling leading to productive activation. We discuss here how approaching antigen recognition from the time and space angles is key to the comprehension of the puzzling process of T cell activation.  相似文献   

Antigen (Ag)-specific T cells are thought to play a key role in pathogenesis of chronic allergic conjunctivitis (AC) such as atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) and vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). In order to investigate the trafficking of Ag-specific T cells in experimental immune-mediated blepharoconjunctivitis (EC), we established a novel AC model in DO11.10 T cell receptor (TcR) transgenic (Tg) mice. DO11.10 TcR-Tg mice were challenged with eye drops of whole OVA protein, OVA peptide 1-15, 321-335, or 323-339. Their eyes were histologically examined. Conventional proliferation assay was performed against each Ag. Phenotypes of infiltrating cells and kinetics of Ag-specific T cells were investigated by immunohistochemistry. Adoptive transfer of CD4(+) Ag-specific T cells from DO11.10 TcR-Tg to WT mice was performed. The distribution of KJ1-26(+) cells was investigated in recipient mice. The challenge of OVA peptide 323-339 induced infiltration of inflammatory cells in conjunctivae in a dose dependent manner, accompanied by the proliferative responses of splenocytes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed Agspecific/ non-Ag-specific T cells, macrophages, and eosinophils in conjunctivae. Infiltration of Ag-specific T cells increased 24 hr later. Transfer of CD4(+) cells from DO11.10 TcR-Tg to WT mice induced EC depending on the number of transferred cells. Ag-specific T cells were detected in the conjunctivae and spleens of recipient mice, though its numbers were significantly smaller compared to DO11.10 TcR-Tg mice. The challenge of OVA peptide 323-339 induced EC in DO11.10 TcR-Tg mice without prior sensitization. The response was mediated by CD4(+) Ag-specific T cells. The trafficking of Ag-specific T cells in EC was clearly visualized.  相似文献   

The effect of subcutaneous recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) therapy on the activation status of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 17 renal cell carcinoma patients was investigated in a longitudinal study. The expression of the activation markers HLA-Dr and CD25 on cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells, was analysed using two-colour flow cytometry of whole-blood samples. In addition, the ability of isolated PBL to proliferate in vitro in response to various stimuli was investigated. The absolute amounts of NK cells and HLA-DR-expressing NK cells increased continuously during the whole course of therapy. The absolute amounts of T cells and HLA-Dr-expressing T cells, however, showed an early increase only during the first 1 or 2 weeks of therapy, after which the absolute amounts of HLA-Dr-expressing T cells decreased. In particular, the absolute amount of HLA-Dr-expressing CD8bright+ T cells was significantly lowered in the second half of therapy. PBL collected on day 7 of therapy (post-cycle-1 PBL) showed, as compared to those collected prior to therapy (pretherapy PBL), a decreased proliferative response in vitro after stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin, concanavalin A, soluble CD3 mAb (WT32) or rIL-2. This decreased in vitro response of post-cycle-1 PBL was also reflected in a decrease in the percentage of CD8bright+ T cells expressing HLA-Dr in cultures with rIL-2 or CD3 mAb, in contrast to cultures of pretherapy PBL, which showed an increase of this percentage. We conclude that T cells are the predominantly stimulated subpopulation during the first 2 weeks of subcutaneous rIL-2 therapy. The significant decrease in the absolute amounts of HLA-Dr-expressing T cells in the peripheral blood during the second half of therapy may partly be explained by a decreased responsiveness to rIL-2, but a selective redistribution of HLA-Dr-expressing cells may also be involved.  相似文献   

BackgroundGas Permeable Rapid Expansion (G-Rex) bioreactors have been shown to efficiently expand immune cells intended for therapeutic use, but do not address the complexity of the viral transduction step required for many engineered T-cell products. Here we demonstrate a novel method for transduction of activated T cells with Vectofusin-1 reagent. Transduction is accomplished in suspension, in G-Rex bioreactors. The simplified transduction step is integrated into a streamlined process that uses a single bioreactor with limited operator intervention.MethodsPeripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy donors were thawed, washed and activated with soluble anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies either in cell culture bags or in G-Rex bioreactors. Cells were cultured in TexMACS GMP medium with interleukin (IL)-7 and IL-15 and transduced with RetroNectin in bags or Vectorfusin-1 in the G-Rex. Total viable cell number, fold expansion, viability, transduction efficiency, phenotype and function were compared between the two processes.ResultsThe simplified process uses a single vessel from activation through harvest and achieves 56% transduction with 29-fold expansion in 11 days. The cells generated in the simplified process do not differ from cells produced in the conventional bag-based process functionally or phenotypically.DiscussionThis study demonstrates that T cells can be transduced in suspension. Further, the conventional method of generating engineered T cells in bags for clinical use can be streamlined to a much simpler, less-expensive process without compromising the quality or function of the cell product.  相似文献   

Cancer has been one of the most significant causes of mortality, worldwide. Cancer immunotherapy has recently emerged as a competent, cancer-fighting clinical strategy. Nevertheless, due to the difficulty of such treatments, costs, and off-target adverse effects, the implementation of cancer immunotherapy described by the antigen-presenting cell (APC) vaccine and chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy ex vivo in large clinical trials have been limited. Nowadays, the nanoparticles theranostic system as a promising target-based modality provides new opportunities to improve cancer immunotherapy difficulties and reduce their adverse effects. Meanwhile, the appropriate engineering of nanoparticles taking into consideration nanoparticle characteristics, such as, size, shape, and surface features, as well as the use of these physicochemical properties for suitable biological interactions, provides new possibilities for the application of nanoparticles in cancer immunotherapy. In this review article, we focus on the latest state-of-the-art nanoparticle-based antigen/adjuvant delivery vehicle strategies to professional APCs and engineering specific T lymphocyte required for improving the efficiency of tumor-specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin (TSP)-1 has been reported to modulate T cell behavior both positively and negatively. We found that these opposing responses arise from interactions of TSP1 with two different T cell receptors. The integrin alpha4beta1 recognizes an LDVP sequence in the NH2-terminal domain of TSP1 and was required for stimulation of T cell adhesion, chemotaxis, and matrix metalloproteinase gene expression by TSP1. Recognition of TSP1 by T cells depended on the activation state of alpha4beta1 integrin, and TSP1 inhibited interaction of activated alpha4beta1 integrin on T cells with its counter receptor vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. The alpha4beta1 integrin recognition site is conserved in TSP2. A recombinant piece of TSP2 containing this sequence replicated the alpha4beta1 integrin-dependent activities of TSP1. The beta1 integrin recognition sites in TSP1, however, were neither necessary nor sufficient for inhibition of T cell proliferation and T cell antigen receptor signaling by TSP1. A second TSP1 receptor, CD47, was not required for some stimulatory responses to TSP1 but played a significant role in its T cell antigen receptor antagonist and antiproliferative activities. Modulating the relative expression or function of these two TSP receptors could therefore alter the direction or magnitude of T cell responses to TSPs.  相似文献   

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