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The sensitivity of the lateral eye of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, is modulated by efferent optic nerve impulses transmitted from a circadian clock located in the brain (Barlow, R. B., Jr., S. J. Bolanowski, and M. L. Brachman. 1977. Science. 197:86-89). At night, the efferent impulses invade the retinular, eccentric, and pigment cells of every ommatidium, inducing multiple anatomical and physiological changes that combine to increase retinal sensitivity as much as 100,000 times. We developed techniques for recording transmembrane potentials from a single cell in situ for several days to determine what circadian changes in retinal sensitivity originate in the primary phototransducing cell, the retinular cell. We found that the direct efferent input to the photoreceptor cell decreases its noise and increases its response. Noise is decreased by reducing the rate of spontaneous bumps by up to 100%. The response is increased by elevating photon catch (photons absorbed per flash) as much as 30 times, and increasing gain (response per absorbed photon) as much as 40%. The cellular mechanism for reducing the rate of spontaneous quantum bumps is not known. The mechanism for increasing gain appears to be the modulation of ionic conductances in the photoreceptor cell membrane. The mechanism for increasing photon catch is multiple changes in the anatomy of retinal cells. We combine these cellular events in a proposed scheme for the circadian rhythm in the intensity coding of single photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Preparation, standardization and use of the Limulus test, in relation to the official Rabbit test. Applications of the Limulus test to radiopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

The turbidity of axonemes during active sliding of microtubules was analysed using the stopped-flow-light-scattering method with high time resolution. Flagella of sea-urchin spermatozoa were demembranated and used after a brief treatment with trypsin. The turbidity of the suspension of flagellar axonemes during ATP-induced disintegration was measured and its time course fitted to a single exponential function which yielded the rate of disintegration, R(1/sec). R coincided well with the velocity of microtubule sliding, V(microM sec) as determined by cinematomicrographic analysis, i.e., R = 0.22 X V, r = 0.9973. It indicates that turbidimetry is a useful method with which to learn the sliding velocity of microtubules. From the dependency of R on temperature, Q10 of the sliding velocity was estimated to be 2.0-2.3 at 43-820 microM of MgATP.  相似文献   

Turbidimetric and potentiometric techniques were applied to the analysis of an EryR mutant. Results show that in the mutant, the 30S subunits are drastically altered, as indicated by a higher Mg2+ requirement for subunit association and by an important difference in the titratable groups. Replacement of parental 50S by mutant 50S subunits does not decrease the association capacity with 30S parental subunits, but a structural difference is detected in the mutant 50S with potentiometric measurements. The mutation results in decreased ribosomal in vitro activities at 22 degrees C including lowered polyphenylalanine synthesis, drastic altered initiation step and the loss of erythromycin binding to the ribosomes. The results extend previous observation of a gene eryC part in the maturation of both subunits.  相似文献   

Turbidity measurements have been used to study the in vitro assembly and disassembly of porcine neurotubules. All measurements were carried out with tubulin with a purity higher than 80%. Tubules formed by in vitro assembly of this protein are so long that the turbidity is insensitive to length and is a function only of the total mass of high molecular weight material. Porcine tubulin shows a critical concentration for assembly of about 0.2 mg/ml under optimal conditions, pH 6.6, 0.1m-2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid, 26 to 37 °C. Under these conditions assembly and disassembly are essentially fully reversible in the presence of excess GTP. The kinetics of assembly show an initial lag and initial rates which are strongly temperature dependent. Our samples show a concentration dependence of no more than second order. The apparent activation enthalpy of assembly is 25 kcal/mol; the apparent reaction enthalpy of assembly for the chain propagation step is 21 kcal/mol. Disassembly kinetics show an apparent negative activation enthalpy of ?28 kcal/mol. They are independent of tubule length implying a slow activation step followed by rapid depolymerization. At 20 °C, cycles of polymerization and depolymerization show hysteresis effects in the assembly kinetics though not in disassembly rates or final states. This is most easily explained by postulating a slow reversible inactivation at 4 °C of the initiation complex for tubule assembly. Conditions are reported for producing tubulin in a state which cannot assemble in aqueous buffer unless nucleotides are added. GTP, ATP and ADP, but not GDP, are effective in promoting tubule assembly. An adenylate kinase impurity in our preparation may be the cause of this unusual effect. Whether or not it is actually associated with tubulin or tubules is unknown.  相似文献   

The cytochemistry of Limulus eggs.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochemical studies on uninseminated mature eggs of Limulus demonstrate the presence of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the egg envelopes and yolk. The vitelline envelope, cortical region and yolk are rich in 1,2-glycols, with the vitelline envelope, containing fewer reactive 1,2-glycol groups than other components of the egg. Neutral mucopolysaccharides are found in the cortical region and yolk, but only the cortical region of the eggs demonstrate the presence of sulfated mucosubstances (which are in part glycoprotein in nature) and glucose-6-phosphatase. Protein is evident in all egg components. Biochemical analysis demonstrate the protein in the egg envelopes of uninseminated eggs is composed of sixteen amino acids while that of developing eggs contain seventeen amino acid residues. Electrovalent linkages and non-S-S- covalent linkages between protein chains are shown to be instrumental in maintaining the stuctural integrity of Limulus egg envelopes. Neutral lipids, unsaturated lipids, phospholipids and fatty acids are demonstrated in yolk bodies and lipoproteins, unsaturated lipids and fatty acids constitute part of the egg envelopes. DNA is concentrated in the cortical region and the yolk bodies  相似文献   

Pectin-chitosan interactions and gel formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of chitosan concentration on the gelation of pectins differing in charge density and distribution was examined, through the determination of gel stiffness and the binding of chitosan to the gel network. Chitosan acts as a crosslinker of concentrated pectin solutions, with its effectiveness showing a dependency on charge on the pectin. The networks produced are clear even under conditions of charge neutralisation.  相似文献   

A protein that has been isolated from Limulus polyphemus amoebocyte membranes binds endotoxin. The protein was purified by two independent methods, organic solvent extraction and affinity chromatography, both followed by gel filtration. Immunologic studies confirm that the protein is a component of amoebocyte membranes. Although without enzymatic activity, the binding protein enhances Limulus lysate gelation. As a membrane-associated endotoxin binding "protein," it may be involved in Limulus lysate coagulation, which is initiated by minute amounts of Gram-negative bacterial endotoxin. The protein has an apparent molecular weight of 80,000.  相似文献   

The lipid composition has been determined for rhabdomeric photoreceptor membranes of Limulus, and these data are compared with those from photoreceptor membranes of albino rats. The comparison is of interest because the membranes of these two photoreceptor cells regulate ionic transport differently during the response to illumination. 1. Phospholipid class composition of Limulus is similar, but not identical, to that of rats. The major differences are a greater percentage of sphingomyelin in Limulus and a greater percentage of phosphatidylethanolamine in the rat. 2. Ethanolamine plasmalogens, not observed in rat photoreceptor membranes, are present in Limulus photoreceptor fractions. 3. The level of cholesterol in Limulus is higher than that usually reported for vertebrate rod outer segments. 4. The predominant polyunsaturated fatty acids of Limulus photoreceptor membrane phospholipids are 20: 4(n-6) and 20: 5(n-3) with only traces of 22: 6(n-3). This is in sharp contrast with the large percentages of 22: 6(n-3) found in rat photoreceptors. 5. The fatty acid distributions of both membrane systems are highly unsaturated, but the ratio of (n-3) to (n-6) polyunsaturates is only 1.7 for Limulus as compared to 4.6 for rat.  相似文献   

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