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Melanotropin (-MSH) is a tridecapeptide, Ac-Ser-Tyr-Ser-Met-Glu-His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly-Lys-Pro-Val-NH2,synthesized and secreted by the pars intermedia of the vertebratepituitary. This peptide hormone is derived from pro-opiomelanocortin,a precursor protein which contains within its structure thesequences of other melanotropic peptides (- and rß-MSH,corticotropin), and possibly other hormones. -MSH is the physiologicallyrelevant melanotropin secreted by the pituitary and in mostvertebrates plays the essential role in adaptive color changesthrough its action on integumental chromatophores. The initial actions of -MSH are mediated at the level of themelanocyte membrane and involve signal transduction from receptorto adenylate cyclase on the intracellular surface of the membrane.This results in elevated cytosolic cyclic AMP levels followedby melanosome dispersion within dermal melanocytes and melanogenesiswithin epidermal melanocytes. The action of -MSH on dermal melanocytesrequires calcium for transduction of signal and cyclic AMP production.Melanosome dispersion per se does not, however, require extracellularcalcium. Structure-function studies of -MSH analogues and fragmentshave provided important insights relative to the structuralrequirements of the hormone for receptor binding and transduction.Substitution of certain residues within -MSH has led to thedevelopment of melanotropins that exhibit extraordinary potencyand prolonged biological activity  相似文献   

During transformation of the dorsal marginal iris into lenstissue after removal of the lens in the adult newt, the cellsundergo gradual changes in synthetic activities. Autoradiographicdata indicate an enhancement of RNA synthesis in the nucleusof iris cells, which is followed by enhancement of protein synthesisand onset ot DNA synthesis. After discharge of pigment granulesand a period of cellular multiplication accompanied by ribosomeproduction, the cells stop DNA synthesis and start to show detectableamounts of lens-specific proteins (-,ß-, and -crystallins).This time coincides with initiation of differentiation of primarylens fibers. In the later stages of regeneration, - and ß-crystallinsare present in the dividing cells of the lens epithelium, aswell as in the cells of the fiber area, but -crystallins aredetected only in Che cells of the fiber area. The data wereinterpreted as suggesting that the gene utilization patterntypical for the iris is not directly converted into that forthe lens, but goes through intermediate patterns before thetissue transformation is completed.  相似文献   

Measurements of 13C, 15N, and C/N for a variety of Antarcticpeninsula fauna and flora were used to quantify the importanceof benthic brown algae to resident organisms and determine foodweb relationships among this diverse littoral fauna. 13C valuesranged from–16.8 for benthic algal herbivores (limpets)to –29.8 for the krill, Euphausia superba; the averagepooled value for brown macroalgae, including their attachedfilamentous diatoms, was–20.6. There was no correlationbetween biomass 13C or 15N with C/N content, and consequentlyboth 13C and 15N values were useful in evaluating trophic relationships.15N values of the fauna ranged from 3.1 to 12.5, with lowestvalues recorded in suspension feeders (e.g., bryozoans) andhighest values in Adelie penguins (12.5) collected in 1989.The comparatively lower 15N value for a Chinstrap penguin (6.9)collected in 1997 is attributed to the different dietary foodsources consumed by these species as reflected in their respective13C values. Significant amounts of benthic macroalgal carbonis incorporated into the tissues of invertebrates and fishesthat occupy up to four trophic levels. For many benthic andepibenthic species, including various crustaceans and molluscs,assimilation of benthic algal carbon through detrital pathwaysranges from 30 to 100%. Consequently, the trophic importanceof benthic brown algae may well extend to many pelagic organismsthat are key prey species for birds, fishes, and marine mammals.These data support the hypothesis that benthic seaweeeds, togetherwith their associated epiphytic diatoms, provide an importantcarbon source that is readily incorporated into Antarctic peninsulafood webs.  相似文献   

Integration between comparative biology and cellular/molecularbiology has helped advance understanding of the structure, functionand physiology of the vertebrate small heat shock proteins A-and B-crystallin. These proteins are expressed at high concentrationin the eye lens where they contribute to transparency and refractivepower. But they also function similarly to molecular chaperonesby preventing the aggregation of denatured proteins that cancause opacities, or cataracts. -crystallins also serve a numberof other roles in and out of the lens that are still not completelyunderstood. Comparative examination of -crystallins and closelyrelated small heat shock proteins from diverse taxa has helpedprovide insights into the proteins' three-dimensional shapeand structure/function relationships. Until recently, no studieshad examined the tissue specific expression or chaperone-likeactivity of -crystallins from a non-mammalian vertebrate. Ihave been investigating the -crystallins of the zebrafish, Daniorerio, as a first step towards utilizing the bony fishes asa model group for understanding the evolution of -crystallinfunction. Zebrafish A-crystallin displays similar structureand expression and increased chaperone-like activity comparedto its human orthologue. Zebrafish B-crystallin, however, hasa truncated C-terminal extension, more limited expression andlower chaperone-like activity than its human orthologue. Thesedata suggest that A-crystallin physiological function may beconserved between zebrafish and mammals, while B-crystallinphysiological function has diverged. Understanding zebrafish-crystallin physiology is necessary before this species canbe used for developmental and genetic studies, and providesa foundation for further comparative studies.  相似文献   

N-Acetylglucosamine 1-phosphotransferase is a key enzyme requiredfor synthesis of the mannose 6-phosphate recognition markerthat is used by many newly made acid hydrolases for their transportto lysosomes. It has previously been found that lymphoid cellsfrom patients with I-cell disease and pseudo-Hurler polydystrophyhave nearly normal intracellular and intralysosomal activitiesof several lysosomal acid hydrolases, despite a deficiency ofN-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphotransferase. These results suggestthat lymphoid cells may provide an important system to investigatealternate mechanisms for targeting newly made acid hydrolasesto lysosomes. In the present study, the biosynthesis, processingand secretion of -L-fucosidase in I-cell and pseudoHurler lymphoidcells was used as a model system to study the existence of suchmechanisms. The level of intracellular -L-fucosidase proteinin exponentially growing I-cell or pseudo-Hurler lymphoid cultureswas statistically indistinguishable from the mean of 19 controlcultures. A 1.5 h [35S]methionine pulse experiment showed that-L-fucosidase is initially sythesized by I-cell, pseudo-Hurlerand control cultures as an intracellular form (Mr = 58 000).Companion cultures chased with methionine from 2 to 21 h processedthe enzyme to an intracellular form (Mr = 60 000) and an extracellularform (Mr = 62 000). All enzyme forms were glycoproteins withpolypeptide chains of Mr 52 000. In control cells incubatedwith radioactive inorganic phosphate (32Pi), <1% of the 32Piincorporated into -L-fucosidase was associated with carbohydratechains and >99% with polypeptide chains. In I-cell diseaselymphoid cells, the 32Pi incorporated into -L-fucosidase wasassociated solely with polypeptide chains. A qualitative analysisof phosphorylated residues identified phosphoserine in -L-fucosidasefrom control and I-cell lymphoid cells. Only -L-fucosidase fromcontrol cells contained mannose 6-phosphate. These results areconsistent with the proposal that I-cell lymphoid cells mayuse a mannose 6-phosphate-independent mechanism for routing-L-fucosidase. Additional metabolic labelling experiments demonstratedthe presence of 32P-labelled -L-fucosidase in both cells andmedium of a control lymphoid culture, but only in cells of anI-cell lymphoid culture. In contrast, -L-fucosidase labelledwith [35S]methionine was found in cells and medium of controland I-cell lymphoid cultures. Since phosphoserine was only foundto occur in intracellular, but not in extracellular -L-fucosidaseof the I-cell culture, we speculate that phosphoserine may beinvolved in intracellular retention of -L-fucosidase in I-celllymphoid cells. -L-fucosidase I-cell disease lymphoid cells phos-phorylation pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy  相似文献   

Fidgeon, C. and Wilson, G. 1988. Uptake and accumulation ofa-naphthalene acetic acid by cell suspensions of Galium mollugoL.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 241-249. Galium mollugo cell suspensions require -NAA for continued growthand cell division. The kinetics of -NAA uptake from the medium(B5) by Galium cells was assessed using 1-14C -NAA in a standardratio of cells to medium (0.25 g: 2.5 cm3). It was found thatthe uptake of -NAA was rapid, over 90% being taken up within4 h. Cells which had accumulated -NAA for 4 h or more did notrelease it back into the medium. It was found that Galium cellsaccumulated -NAA against a significant concentration gradient;suggesting the participation of an active component in the uptakemechanism. The effect of free-space and surface adsorption onthe uptake of -NAA was determined by means of a repeated washtechnique. These two factors were found to be of importanceonly during the first hour of uptake. Neither dead cells norplasmolysed cells absorbed -NAA. It is clear that, in the normal growth cycle, Galium cells cantake up the available -NAA within 3 or 4 h of inoculation andthat this can stimulate a cell division response of 3-4 generationsover the subsequent 14 d. Key words: Galium, cell suspension, -naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Studies are described on the adenosine triphosphatase(ATPase) properties of myosin isolated from skeletal muscleof Coryphaenoides, a benthic fish captured at 2,200 meters depth.Ca2+-ATPase and EDTA-ATPase of Coryphaenoides myosin show thesame pH dependence as ATPase of mammalian myosin; however, ratesof ATP hydrolysis by Coryphaenoides myosin are only 5–10%of rates of ATP hydrolysis by rabbit skeletal myosin. Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase shows a decrease from Q10 of 2.0 at 25°C toQ10 of 1.4 a t 2°C, and undergoes irreversible denaturationat temperatures above 25°C. At pH 6.8 to pH 8.5, Coryphaenoidesmyosin ATPase undergoes activation by pressure at 25°C,but at 2°C shows negligible effect of pressure at valuesbelow 3,000 psi. The kinetic data on Ca2+-ATPase indicate valuesof 11 kcal/mole for H, –7.5 kcal/mole for TS, and –5.7cc/mole for V at 25°C, pH 7.6. Comparable data at 2°Cindicate values of 5 kcal/mole for H. –13 kcal/mole forTS, and negligible V. According to the results of 25°C,Ca2+-activatkm of myosin-ATP may involve disruption of fouror five hydrophobic or polar groups, presumably due to an "opening-up"of the myosin molecule at or near the site for ATP binding.It would also appear that Coryphaenoides myosin has undergonean adaptive change in the enzyme mechanism for ATPase such thatthe rate of ATP hydrolysis is relatively insensitive to pressureand temperature under conditions encountered by the living fish.  相似文献   

Characterization of the mRNA for the -amylase from wheat wasmade by fractionation of the total membrane-bound polysomalRNA and by immunoprecipitation of in vitro synthesized -amylaseby its specific antibody. The content of the mRNA for the -amylasein the membrane-bound polysomal fraction from germinating wheatseeds was estimated as 5–10% of the total mRNA in thisfraction. RNA, separated in high resolution on acid-urea-agarosegels by electrophoresis, was recovered from the gels by a newmethod. Its translation products in rabbit reticulocyte lysateswere analyzed with a specific antibody against -amylase. Thesize of the mRNA for -amylase was estimated as 5.0?105 daltons. 1 Present address: National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10,Rm. 9B-15, Bethesda, MD 20205, U.S.A. (Received March 6, 1982; Accepted August 4, 1982)  相似文献   

The metabolism of -aminobutyric acid (AB) has been studied inhigher plants, particularly in peas and peanuts. Transaminationappeared to form the first step in AB degradation although transaminaseactivities were very low. The relatively active AB transaminaseassociated with whole pea plants possessing nodulated rootsappears to reside almost entirely within the nodules. AB transaminationwas demonstrated conclusively in extracts of mitochondria fromcotyledons of peanut seedlings; pyruvic acid acted as a betteramino-group acceptor than -ketoglutaric acid (KG). AB transaminaseactivity present in the microsomal and soluble cytoplasmic fractionsof the cells was very low AB was not metabolized perceptibly by intact mitochondria frompeanut, but when various organic acids were supplied simultaneously,an extra uptake of oxygen occurred and was associated with ABdisappearance. Aspartate, alanine, and ammonia were formed usingthe nitrogen atom of AB. The metabolic pathway followed by the carbon skeleton of ABwas traced by supplying C14-labelled material to leaf discsof peas and to mitochondria from peanut cotyledons. Radioactivitywas incorporated into organic acids, amino-acids, and respiratorycarbon dioxide in a manner suggesting that AB was convertedinto succinate which was then metabolized by the enzymes ofthe Krebs cycle present in the plant mitochondria. Glutamic decarboxylase was shown to be present largely in thenon-particulate (soluble) cytoplasm of cells. The enzymes responsiblefor AB synthesis and degradation, glutamic decarboxylase, andAB transaminase, respectively, therefore largely reside in differentsub-cellular fractions.  相似文献   

Activities of - and ß-glucosidase, - and ß-galactosidase,-mannosidase, ß-1,3-glucanase, acid and neutral invertaseswere detected in the cytoplasmic fraction as well as in cellwalls isolated from callus cultures of cotton. Activity of ß-mannosidase,however, could not be detected in the cell walls. Transfer ofcallus to a fresh medium did not immediately influence the activitiesof -glucosidase and ß-galactosidase but increasedsignificantly ß-glucosidase, -mannosidase, acid andneutral invertases. Addition of cycloheximide (1 and 100 mgl–1) further stimulated acid and neutral invertases butnot other enzymes tested. Sodium chloride (NaCl) was effectivein extracting a-glucosidase, ß-glucosidase, ß-galactosidase,acid and neutral invertases. EDTA extracted most of the -galactosidase,-mannosidase, ß-1,3-glucanase and some -glucosidase.But, NaCl and EDTA could not extract some of the - and ß-glucosidasesand also acid and neutral invertases as evidenced from the residualand extra cellular activity. Studies with whole cells as a sourceof enzyme revealed that some of these enzymes were associatedwith the cell surface. Callus, glycosidases, glucanase, growth, Gossypium hirsutum  相似文献   

In recent years alternative ways have been proposed to transformmeasurements of leaf water potential, , and relative water content,R*, in order to derive values of osmotic pressure at full turgidityin leaves and shoots, o(when 0). Two types of transformationsare usually considered: 1/ versus R* and versus 1/R*, and linearregression is used to fit the data in the region where turgoris thought to be zero. It appears that when o is estimated bylinear extrapolation of 1/Psi; versus R* then apoplastic watermight not influence the accuracy of o but when the versus \/R*transformation is used apoplastic water causes an underestimateof o. We examine the accuracy of the estimate of o obtainedfrom the two transformations when there are random errors in, systematic errors in , and when the osmotic solutions arenon-ideal. The 1/ versus R* transformation generally producesthe best estimate of 0 by linear extrapolation.  相似文献   

We discovered natural photosynthesis using Zn-containing bacteriochlorophyll in an acidophilic bacterium Acidiphilium rubrum. Chemical analysisof the cell extracts gave a 13 : 2 :1 molar ratio of Zn-bacteriochlorophyll : Mg-bacteriochlorophyll : bacteriopheophytin . Most of thepigments are associated with fully active reaction center andlight-harvesting complexes analogous to those in purple photosyntheticbacteria. The finding indicates an unexpectedly wide variabilityof photosynthesis. 7Present address: Department of Ecological Engineering, ToyohashiUniversity of Technology, Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi, 441 Japan  相似文献   

The sexual agglutinability of haploid cells of heterothallicSaccharomyces cerevisiae was repressed when they were culturedin the absence of easily fermentable sugars, such as glucoseand mannose. The repression was reversed by the action of hormone-likesubstances of the opposite mating types. The substance producedby mating type cells was identical to subtsance-I which isknown to induce sexual agglutinability of inducible matingtype cells. The mating type cells produce a new hormone-likesubstance which induces or enhances sexual agglutinability of mating type cells. A crude fraction of the mating type-specific substance ( substance-I)was obtained by passing the culture filtrate of mating typecells through Amberlite CG-50 (H+ form), followed by elutionwith 1.5 M ammonia. 2 On leave from Osaka City University. (Received December 25, 1975; )  相似文献   

The current status of the pathway of ecdysone biosynthesis andinactivation in insects is discussed. Evidence is presenteddemonstrating that rß-ecdysone is generated from -ecdysoneby fat body, Malpighian tubules, gut, and body wall, but notby blood, oenocytes, muscle, salivary gland, or the prothoracicgland itself (in vitro experiments with prepupal Manduca sextatissues). Since -ecdysone does not appear to have demonstrablehormonal activity at physiological concentrations in in vitrotissue systems which cannot metabolize it to rß-ecdysone,it is suggested that -ecdysone serves as a prohormone ratherthan as a hormone. The role of the prothoracic gland in theproduction of -ecdysone remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Numerous experiments have implicated the crustacean hepatopancreasas a target of the molting hormone, and recent studies stronglysuggest that ß-ecdysone is the crustacean moltinghormone. For example ß-ecdysone can elicit moltingin niter-molt crustaceans and stimulates the synthesis of proteinand RNA in the hepatopancereas. When 3H--ecdysone is injectedinto premolt crayfish, it is efficiently excreted, but labelcan be detected in almost all tissues examined. To determinewhether target tissues contain specific "receptor" moleculeswhich distinguish those tissues that respond to molting hormonefrom those that do not, a series of in vivo and in vitro experimentswere conducted utilizing Sephadex chtomatography and sucrosedensity gradient ultracentrifugation. These studies reveal thepresence of two proteins in the cytosol fraction of the hepatopancreasthat bind label from the 3H--ecdysone. These proteins have approximatemolecular weights of 250,000 (11.3S) and 130,000 (6.35S), andthe larger may be an aggregate of the smaller. Micro-chemicalanalysis demonstrated that the label associated with these proteinsis no longer attributable to -ecdysone nor any ecdysone-likecompound thus far described. Two alternate structures are describedthat may represent the metabolite bound to the protein, andit is suggested that the binding protein-metabolite complexmay be the the active from of the molting hormone. Studies arealso described dealing witha hemolymph lipoprotein in silkmothsthat binds juvenile hormone and it is postulated that the watersoluble hemolymph lipoprotein-juvenile hormone complex is themeans by which the lipoidal juvenile hormone is transportedin the aqueous hemolymph.  相似文献   

The effect of a pure preparation of substance-IA (S-IA) whoseamino acid sequence is identical to that of one of the factorpeptides (2), on sexual agglutinability and DNA synthesis wascomparatively studied. The optimum concentration of S-IA forthe induction of sexual agglutinability of cells of an inducible strain was 1 ng/ml. The inducing action of S-IA was detectedin 20 min and reached a maximum in 60 min. Only 8.7% inhibitionof DNA synthesis by S-IA in the same strain was detected in1 hr and 40.4% inhibition in 2 hr at a concentration of 1 µg/ml.These results suggest that the primary action of the peptidyl sex fractor on a mating-type cells is the induction of sexualagglutinabiity. (Received October 25, 1977; )  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Accurate phylogenetic reconstruction requires charactersystems that have evolved fast enough to have kept pace withcladogenesis but slowly enough to have conveyed the resultingphylogenetic signal to the present. Because stratigraphic evidencesuggests that basal arthropod lineages arose rapidly duringan ancient (Cambrian) phylogenetic radiation, the discoveryof molecular sequences capable of resolving arthropod phylogenymay be a significant challenge for molecular systematists. Thischallenge is exemplified by our attempt to resolve arthropodphylogeny using the amino acid sequence of elongation factor-1(EF-1). Our fossil-based assessment of evolutionary rates indicatesthat EF-la should be capable of resolving Cambrian-age divergences.However, phylogenetic analysis using EF-1 fails to establishrelationships among most higher-level groups, although it doesrecover more recently derived clades. Here we propose two modelsto explain this incongruity. The Rapid Radiation Model maintainsthat fossil-based estimates of arthropod diversification areessentially accurate and that diversification occurred so rapidlyduring the Cambrian that few phylogenetically significant changesoccurred in the slowly evolving EF-1 sequence. The EnhancedPreservation Model maintains that fossil-based estimates ofCambrian-age divergences reflect enhanced preservation of pre-existinglineages and that arthropod diversification occurred beforethe Cambrian. This model attributes lack of resolution to degradationof phylogenetic signal within EF-1 by subsequent evolution.Current evidence is more consistent with the Enhanced PreservationModel, which implies that fossil-based methods can be very misleadingwhen attempting to gauge the phylogenetic information contentof molecular sequences for Cambrian- and Precambrian-age divergences.  相似文献   

Laboratory-hatched larvae of this estuarine crab were rearedat 25°C in seawater of 25 salinity for 18 days coveringzoeal Stages I to IV and a megalops. Three-day periods betweenzoeal stages represent intermolt stages of circadean metecdysis,diecdysis, and proecdysis.Larvae were exposed to either a seriesof seawater salinities from 5-40 in 5 increments or of 10-40in 10 increments for one hour during each day of their development.The osmoconcentrations of 20-80 nanoliter hemolymph samplesfrom each of four larvae were measured separately by determinationsof freezing point depression. Eyestalkless larvae in metecdysis of zoeal Stage II were exposedto the same osmoconcentrations as unoperated controls to testfor osmoregulation by eyestalk nerve tissue. Larvae tend to be isosmotic with seawater of 30-40 salinity(S) and to hyperregulate in more dilute media except for larvaein their first diecdysis which remain isosmotic. Larvae in thelast few hours of proecdysis hyperregulate against 40 S as well,presumably to insure inflow of water to establish a greaterbody volume during hardening of the exoskeleton. They are consequentlyisosmotic in the very early metecdysis. The presence of eyestalks at the first metecdysis (Stage II)keeps zoeas hyperosmotic to 5-30 S, but prevents them from hyperregulationagainst 40 S. Eyestalkless zoeas become isosmotic with 5-30S and hyperregulate against 40 S like late proecdysal larvae.Lack of eyestalks makes diecdysal animals hyperregulate againsta medium with which normal animals are isosmotic. The eyestalkinfluence affects second metecdysal (Stage III) larvae in away similar to those in first metecdysis except that it apparentlyalso prevents a curious tendency to hyporegulate in 5-30 S.Similarly, in this stage, the eyestalks prevent hyperosmosityin 40 S seawater as they do during the first day of zoeal StageII. Eyestalk nerve tissue reduces the degree to which diecdysallarvae of this stage remain hyperosmotic to media of 10 S and20 S and apparently causes larvae to be hypoosmotic at 40 S. Preliminary data indicate that removal of eyestalks has littleeffect on proecdysal larval osmoregulation or on regulationof Stage IV zoeas. In other experiments ablation of eyestalks caused Stage II larvaeto lose the ability to osmoregulate against 10-30 S seawaterwithin two hours after the operation. The same zoeas did nothyperregulate against 40 seawater until four hours after removalof eyestalks.  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate is a recognition marker used by many newlymade acid hydrolases for their transport to lyso-somes. Previously,we investigated the incorporation of 32Pi into -L-fucosidaseof lymphoid cell lines from a healthy individual (control) andan I-cell disease patient [DiCioccio and Miller, Glycobiology,1, 595–604 (1991)]. Phosphoserine was found in immunoprecipitable-L-fucosidase of both control and I-cell lymphoid cells, butmannose 6-phosphate was identified only in enzyme of controlcells. Extension of this investigation to lymphoid culturesof a pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy patient also identified onlyphosphoserine in -L-fucosidase. Using [3H] mannose instead of32Pi, the precise identification of mannose 6-phosphate in -L-fucosidaseof control cells, and its absence in -L-fucosidase of I-celland pseudo-Hurler cells, was established. The stoichiometryof phosphorylation of -L-fucosidase in I-cell, pseudo-Hurlerand control lymphoid cells was 3, 4 and 10 mol Pi/mol enzyme,respectively. -L-Fucosidase was located in lysosomes isolatedfrom control, I-cell and pseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells by subcelluarfractionation on Percoll density gradients. Both I-cell andpseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells displayed normal intralysosomalactivity of -L-fucosidase despite lack of the mannose 6-phosphatemarker. Thus, I-cell and pseudo-Hurler lymphoid cells must possessa mannose 6-phosphate-independent mechanism for directing -L-fucosidaseto lysosomes. Phosphorylation of -L-fucosidase in pseudo-Hurlerand I-cell lymphoid cultures was found almost exclusively inintracellular and not in extracellular enzyme, suggesting thatphosphoserine may participate in the localization of -L-fucosidasein lysosomes of these cells. -L-fucosidase I-cell disease lysosome phosphorylation pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy  相似文献   

Localization of four glycosidases, -galactosidase (-Gal), ß-galactosidase(ß-Gal), -glucosidase (-Glu) and ß-glucosidase(ß-Glu) in suspension-cultured carrot cells was studied.Wall-bound enzymes were made soluble when the cells were convertedto protoplasts by cellulase and pectinase. -Gal was separatedinto two forms, designated I and II, by chromatography on aSephadex G-200 colunm. -Gal I was located exclusively in thecytoplasm whereas -Gal II was found in both the cytoplasmicand cellwall fractions. The pH optimum was in the neutral regionfor -Gal I and in the acidic region for the other glycosidases,including -Gal II. Both intact cells and protoplasts in suspensionculture secreted these glycosidases, except -Gal I, into themedium. Specific activities of the glycosidases, especiallythe activity of ß-Gal, decreased in the early logarithmicgrowth phase and increased as cells went through late logarithmicand stationary phases. In protoplast culture, glycosidase activitygradually increased as cell wall regeneration proceeded. (Received December 13, 1980; Accepted February 10, 1981)  相似文献   

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