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Glushakova  A. M.  Chernov  I. Yu. 《Microbiology》2004,73(2):184-188
Analysis of an epiphytic yeast population on the leaves of the evergreen common wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella L. throughout a year showed that the density and the species composition of this population underwent regular seasonal changes. There were almost no yeasts on the young spring leaves. However, the yeast population on the mature leaves tended to increase in the autumn, reaching a maximum after the formation of continuous snow cover. Then the yeast population on the leaves tended to decrease, reaching a minimum in the spring. The species diversity of the yeasts was maximum in the autumn. The population of the epiphytic yeast species Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula fujisanensis, Leucosporium scottii, and Cryptococcus flavus peaked in the autumn. On the other hand, the population of the widespread epiphytic species Cryptococcus laurentii on the wood sorrel leaves peaked in January. The relative abundance of the red-pigmented phytobionts Rhodotorula glutinis and Sporobolomyces roseus virtually did not change throughout the year. The relative abundance of the euribiotic species Cryptococcus albidus showed irregular monthly variations. The data obtained show that the epiphytic microbial population of various plants can be comprehensively studied only by analyzing this population throughout the vegetative period of the plants.  相似文献   

The numbers of epiphytic yeasts on the leaves and flowers of 25 plant species throughout their vegetation period was determined. The numbers of yeasts on the leaves were found to change regularly throughout the year. The average dynamics for all of the plant species investigated included an increase in yeast numbers during spring and summer with the maximum in late autumn and early winter. The character of the yeasts' dynamics depends on the ecological characteristics of the plants and the duration of the ontogenesis of their leaves and flowers. Three types of dynamics of epiphytic yeasts were revealed: year-round with an increase in autumn-winter, year-round without visible changes, and seasonal with a terminal increase for annual plants.  相似文献   

Many years of research has confirmed a wide distribution of anamorphous ascomycete yeasts in the phyllosphere of diverse plants of Moscow and the Moscow oblast. Based on the standard morphological and physiological criteria, on the results of restriction analysis of the 5.8S-ITS rDNA region, and on the sequencing of the D1D2 region of 26S rDNA, these yeasts were identified as Candida oleophila Montrocher. Previous isolation of this species has been rare, possibly due to its incorrect identification. This species, together with phytobiotic basidiomycete yeasts, was shown to be dominant in the yeast epiphytic communities on the surface parts of plants. The relative abundance of C. oleophila is highest on plant fruits and increases significantly by the end of the vegetation period. Wide occurrence of this yeast species on fruits and in the phyllosphere may be related to its ability to compete with rapidly growing phytopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy yeast strains belonging to 14 genera and 29 species were isolated from 112 water samples of the river Danube in the area of Bratislava. The samples were collected through the year from April to March.Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida maltosa, Aureobasidium pullulans, Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula glutinis, Geotrichum candidum, and Candida krusei were the most frequent. The basidiomycetous yeasts and yeast-like organisms with oxidative metabolism were present in approximately equal numbers to those with fermentative metabolism. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was the dominant yeast and was isolated from 50% of all samples examined and represented approximately one quarter of the yeast community.Yeast densities ranged from 100 to 21,100 CFU per litre. The highest population density was observed in October. Cryptococcus albidus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhodotorula glutinis, and Aureobasidium pullulans formed the main part of the yeast population in this month.  相似文献   

Polyphenolic compounds produced by plants can chelate iron, reducing its bioavailability to plant‐associated bacteria. In response to limited iron levels, most bacteria produce siderophores to acquire needed iron quantities. The amount of phenolic compounds detected in methanolic washings of leaves of different plant species varied greatly, being nearly sevenfold higher in Viburnum tinus than in Phaseolus vulgaris. In species with high levels of total phenolics (e.g. Pelargonium hortorum), tannin concentration of leaf washings was also high and accounted for up to 85% of total phenolics. Both stimulation of production of the siderophore pyoverdine in Pseudomonas syringae strain B728a and inhibition of growth of an isogenic mutant I‐1, deficient in pyoverdine production were associated with plants harbouring high levels of leaf surface phenolics. Levels of tannic acid sufficient to inhibit growth of the pyoverdine mutant in culture in an iron‐reversible fashion were similar to tannin levels found on leaves of plants such as P. hortorum. Additionally, the amount of pyoverdines produced by P. syringae and quantified in leaf washings from a variety of plants was directly related to the concentration of tannins released from the leaf, indicating that tannins were responsible for sequestering iron. Phenolic compounds, principally tannins, may thus play an important role in plant–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Seasonal successional trajectories of transplanted and experimental diatom communities were studied during the summer of 1973. Manipulation of these diatom assemblages was accomplished through the development of an in situ experimental apparatus capable of incubating these organisms without doing violence to the community itself.In one set of experiments the effects of water quality were tested on the development of inocula from grossly similar but fairly distant locations. In another set the native inoculum was incubated in the continual presence of Fe, Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn and crude oil. Seasonal succession took place in all of the control and experimental communities. During the course of succession the trajectories of assemblages under some conditions converged while others diverged. Since the random fluctuations in the environment were constant for all assemblages, the abundances of individual species were due to niche packing and interspecific restraints on the biotic potential of selected diatom species as well as the changes in water quality. The most diverse community was an experimentally mixed one. The high diversity of this community was probably due to niche packing a phenomenon which restricted the realized niches of many species and hindered their blooming. Paradoxically twice as many species (40%) had their greatest niche breadth in the mixed community as did species in the transplanted (20%) or native controls (17%). Enrichment of the incubation medium with heavy metals and oil altered the community structure and diversity of most experimental vessels. Growth of some species was depressed while that of others was enhanced. The trajectories of the communities enriched with oil and Pb were quite similar throughout the summer. The Cu and Cr assemblages initially followed the trajectory of oil and Pb but later diverged. Greatest species diversity was consistantly found in the community incubated in the presence of Cu. The Fe enriched community generally diverged from all the others. Recurrent group analysis identified distinctive groups of species for each of the experimental assemblages as well as controls.The response of these diatom communities incubated under natural conditions were characteristic of resilient communities in which populations with different structures were quickly established.Supported by ERDA Contract E (11-1) 3254, Reference Number (COO) 3254-28. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Howard Rubin for his assistance in writing the many computer programs used in this investigation.This paper represents a revised expansion of a thesis project accepted by the CCNY Biology Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the M.A. degree in September 1976.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms were collected from both the leaves and internodes of Ruppia maritima in a New Jersey salt marsh during the growing season of the host plant. Community diversity (H and the number of diatom taxa) values were initially high as Ruppia began its growth, but quickly dropped to sustained low levels as vegetative growth of the host ceased and new attachment sites were no longer available. A critical examination of all structural characteristics indicated that the leaves and internodes of Ruppia support a single, nearly homogeneous epiphytic diatom community. An analysis of variance indicated that differences between leaves and internodes were minimal, as did a comparison of the assemblages present on these two sites by a selected similarity index. A total of 57 taxa were encountered and the single dominant taxon was Navicula pavillardi, which accounted for one out of every three individuals counted. A comparison of the epiphytic diatom community with those inhabiting the sediments on the marsh proper revealed that the marsh sediments were the major source of individuals for Ruppia colonization.  相似文献   

Two black yeast isolates from plants from the Canary Islands (Spain) are described and illustrated. Absence of Woronin bodies at simple septal pores, local coralloid terminal hyphal cells, indeterminate thallus maturation, the presence of budding cells and local conversion to meristematic growth all indicate a relationship to the Dothideaceae (Dothideales, Ascomycota). Morphological properties were consistent with the genus Hormonema Lagerberg & Melin, as defined by presence of percurrent conidiogenous loci alongside undifferentiated hyphae, and results of PCR-ribotyping supported this classification. The isolates were judged to belong to a hitherto undescribed species, characterized in particular by curved conidia soon developing transverse septa. The physiological profile of this species is also described.  相似文献   

Plants harvested in the Canary Islands Lanzarote and Fuerteventura were analyzed for the yeasts inhabiting their surface. Half of the isolates (22 out of 44) were identified as Debaryomyces hansenii. Black ascomycetes, viz. Hortaea werneckii and two Hormonema species were represented by 7 strains. Basidiomycetous yeasts, viz. Cryptococcus sp. (8 strains), Rhodotorula sp. (5 strains), Cerinosterus cyanescens (1 strain) and Pseudozyma sp. (1 strain) constituted a minority of 33%. Thirty strains were screened for their ability to assimilate various plant constituents including lipids of the cuticle and the cell membrane, hemicelluloses, nitrogenous compounds (protein, nucleic acids, amino acids) and benzene compounds. All strains were able to assimilate or to hydrolyze lipids, lecithin included. Many strains of D. hansenii, H. dematioides, H. werneckii, C. cyanescens, Cr. laurentii, Pseudozyma sp. and Rh. glutinis were proteolytic. Hemicelluloses like xylan and pectin were assimilated by black ascomycetous yeasts, Cryptococcus sp., Pseudozyma sp. and Rh. glutinis. Ferulic and hydroxycinnamic acids, gallic and tannic acids were assimilated by some strains of H. dematioides, C. cyanescens, Pseudozyma sp. and Rhodotorula sp.  相似文献   

AIMS: In Botrytis-affected wine, high concentrations of SO2 are added to stop the alcoholic fermentation and to stabilize the wine. During maturing in barrels or bottle-ageing, an unwanted refermentation can sometimes occur. However, results of the usual plate count of wine samples at the beginning of maturing suggest wine microbial stability. The aim of this study was to investigate the mode of yeasts survival after the addition of SO2 and to identify surviving yeasts. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using direct epifluorescence technique, we observed the behaviour of cells after SO2 addition and compared the cell number determined by this method with the result of plate counts. The persistent yeast species were identified using two methods: polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. They were identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida stellata, and after few months of maturing, other spoiling yeasts appeared, like Rhodotorula mucilaginosa or Zygosaccharomyces bailii. CONCLUSIONS: All characteristics of the cells lead to the conclusion that yeast persisted in wine in a viable but nonculturable-like state (VBNC). Suppression of the effect of free-SO2 did not lead to the resuscitation of the cells; however, another method proved the capacity of the cells to exit from the VBNC-like state. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study permits the characterization of the presence of VBNC-like yeasts in wine. The 'refermentation' phenomenon is probably due to the exit of the VBNC state.  相似文献   

Live yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) are more and more widely used as feed additives for ruminants. They are considered as allochtonous microorganisms in the rumen environment, however, distributed daily to dairy cows or beef cattle they can survive in the digestive tract and interact with autochtonous microbial populations. The positive effects of yeast cells have been mainly demonstrated on growth and activity of fibre-degrading bacteria and fungi, on stabilisation of rumen pH and prevention of lactate accumulation, on ruminal microbial colonization and on the set up of fermentative processes during the pre-weaning period. Modes of action of yeast probiotics depend on their viability and stability in the rumen ecosystem. Up to now, the main modes of action identified are the supply of growth factors to rumen microorganisms, oxygen scavenging inducing more favourable conditions for the anaerobic communities, and nutritional competition with autochtonous ruminal species. Presented at the Second Probiotic Conference, Košice, 15–19 September 2004, Slovakia.  相似文献   

In the framework of initiatives, aiming at a better definition of biodiversity in microorganisms and of its role in ecosystem function, the biology of yeasts is revisited with particular emphasis on their ecology and classification. The limited number of different species isolated from, as well as the exceedingly low yeast cell counts in, most natural environments are discussed and possible explanations presented. The impact of the use of molecular taxonomic techniques of classification on the extent of biodiversity within yeasts is also debated, as well as the possible repercussions of more aggressive pre-isolation treatments of samples.  相似文献   

Aims:  Isolation and identification of yeasts converting xylose to ethanol.
Methods and Results:  A total of 374 yeasts were isolated from a variety of rotten fruits and barks of trees. Out of these, 27 yeast strains were able to assimilate xylose and produce 0·12–0·38 g of ethanol per gram of xylose. Based on phylogenetic analysis of D1/D2 domain sequence of LSU (Large Subunit) rRNA gene and phenotypic characteristics the ethanol-producing strains were identified as member(s) of the genera Pichia, Candida , Kluyveromyces, Issatchenkia, Zygosacchraomyces , Clavispora, Debaryomyces , Metschnikowia , Rhodotorula and Cryptococcus.
Conclusion:  Yeast strains producing ethanol from xylose have been isolated from a variety of rotten fruits and barks of trees and identified.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Environmental isolates of yeasts which could convert xylose to ethanol could form the basis for bio-fuel production and proper utilization of xylan rich agricultural and forest wastes.  相似文献   

The cotyledons of whole intact acorns were shown to contain yeasts; their number increased sharply before acorn germination. The yeasts in the cotyledons are mainly represented by one species, Candida railenensis, with the number in the germinating cotyledons reaching 107 CFU/g. After germination or exocarp destruction, the cotyledons were colonized by the usual epiphytic and litter yeasts Cryptococcus albidus, Rhodotorula glutinis, and Cystofilobasidium capitatum.  相似文献   

The composition, numerical abundance and seasonal distribution of mesozooplankton, in addition to copepod biomass, were studied in the São Sebastião Channel (SSC) during different seasonal periods and hydrographic regimes. Two stations were sampled every 3 months from January 1996 to July 1997 and also in July 1998 and January 1999. Temporal differences in oceanographic conditions in the SSC were observed; there was clear seasonal variation in the thermohaline structure. Phytoplankton composition, standing-stock and biomass also showed consistent seasonal variation, peaking during summer due to advection of cold and nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW). Sixty-nine mesozooplankton taxa were identified and counted. Mesozooplankton density also increased during summer, ranging from 93 to 12,774 ind  m?3. In contrast, a unimodal peak of copepod biomass was recorded during winter and under the influence of the oligotrophic Coastal Water (CW), suggesting that copepod biomass at SSC is driven by resource control. There was no significant evidence of seasonal pattern in overall community composition or evidence of changes due to water mass advection. The mesozooplankton community was continuously dominated by coastal and warm-water species, particularly the copepods Acartia lilljeborgi, Paracalanus aculeatus, P. quasimodo, Parvocalanus crassirostris, Corycaeus giesbrechti and Oithona oswaldocruzi, the cladocerans Penilia avirostris and Evadne tergestina, in addition to the appendicularians Oikopleura longicauda and O. dioica, all of which are perennial species in the SSC. This taxonomic composition may represent an efficient biotic structure for rapid recycling of primary production during periods of SACW influence.  相似文献   

明确底栖动物在时空尺度上的自然变化规律对有效评估和保护水生态系统十分重要。基于2012年季节调查数据,对新薛河典型生境底栖动物群落季节动态进行了研究。共鉴定底栖动物108种,隶属5门10纲74属。短脉纹石蛾、长钝直突摇蚊、拟长跗摇蚊、Neozarelia sp.为研究区域优势分类单元,相对丰度分别为25.1%、9.8%、9.0%、8.6%;各季节间优势分类单元组成差异较大,3个季度共同优势物种仅短脉纹石蛾1种。密度、物种丰度、香农指数表现为4月和12月显著高于10月;均匀度指数10月份最高。非度量多维标度排序表明,不同季节底栖动物群落结构差异显著;对照河段(D河段)群落结构季节间差异相对较小。指示物种法分离出了新薛河及各河段代表性物种41种,但B河段未分离出指示物种;双向聚类分析进一步明确了指示物种的指示属性(特有或者相对丰度最高)。  相似文献   

A total of 436 milk samples from non-infected and 80 from infected quarters were investigated: 24.5% of the samples collected from non-infected and 55% of those collected from infected quarters were positive. Normal milk yielded not less than 16 different species and among them many potentially pathogenic yeast species such as C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata and T. asahii, all five able to grow at 40 ° C. In contrast, the yeasts isolated from infected quarters were from 3 species: C. kefyr, C. catenulata and C. lambica, which were also among the yeasts species recovered from normal milk. Among the three species, only one i.e. Candida kefyr is able to grow above 40 ° C and from there can be considered as potentially pathogenic, even if bacterial association is necessary to cause mastitis.  相似文献   

Several yeast cultures belonging to five non-Saccharomyces species associated with wine-making were evaluated for their oenological properties. Results showed that Candida stellata and Torulaspora delbrueckii could positively affect the taste and flavour of alcoholic beverages. Apiculate yeasts exhibited large amounts of negative byproducts, particularly ethyl acetate. Nevertheless, Kloeckera apiculata showed a significantly negative correlation between either acetic acid and ethyl acetate formation and ethanol production. Selected non-Saccharomyces yeast cultures could be applied profitably in wine-making for optimization of wine bouquet using new fermentation technologies.  相似文献   

Fifty-six wine must samples, from wineries in various regions of Argentina, were examined at different fermentation stages for the presence of killer yeast strains. The distribution of isolated killer strains was markedly different from one region to another.The authors are with the Instituto de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Av. Lib, Gral. San Martín 1109, Oeste 5400, San Juan, Argentina;  相似文献   

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