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Many hormones and neurotransmitters raise intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)) by generating InsP(3) and activating the inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R). Multiple isoforms with distinct InsP(3) binding properties () have been identified (). The type III InsP(3)R lacks Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition, a property that makes it ideal for signal initiation (). Regulation of the type III InsP(3)R by InsP(3) and ATP was explored in detail using planar lipid bilayers. In comparison to the type I InsP(3)R, the type III InsP(3)R required a higher concentration of InsP(3) to reach maximal channel activity (EC(50) of 3.2 microM versus 0.5 microM for the types III and I InsP(3)R, respectively). However, the type III InsP(3)R did reach a 2.5-fold higher level of activity. Although activation by InsP(3) was isoform-specific, regulation by ATP was similar for both isoforms. In the presence of 2 microM InsP(3), low ATP concentrations (<6 mM) increased the open probability and mean open time. High ATP concentrations (>6 mM) decreased channel activity. These results illustrate the complex nature of type III InsP(3)R regulation. Enhanced channel activity in the presence of high InsP(3) may be important during periods of prolonged stimulation, whereas allosteric modulation by ATP may help to modulate intracellular Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

Conclusion In this review, we have described the functional properties and regulation of the InsP3R. Not all aspects of InsP3R function and regulation were covered, the main focus was on the most recent and physiologically important data. Information about the structure, heterogeneity, functional properties, and regulation of the InsP3R is useful for understanding the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca signaling. The combination of biochemical, biophysical and molecular biological techniques has revealed the intricacies of the InsP3R over the past decade. However, questions about the functional differences between various isoforms and splice variants of the InsP3R, the structural determinants responsible for regulation of InsP3R by Ca and ATP, the functional effects of InsP3R phosphorylation and many others remain to be elucidated. Future investigations can be expected to provide answers to these important questions.We thank S. Bezprozvannaya for expert technical assistance. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants HL 33026 and GM 39029, and a Grant-in-Aid from the Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation.  相似文献   

Nicolas Demaurex  Damon Poburko  Maud Frieden 《BBA》2009,1787(11):1383-32541
The role of mitochondria in cell signaling is becoming increasingly apparent, to an extent that the signaling role of mitochondria appears to have stolen the spotlight from their primary function as energy producers. In this chapter, we will review the ionic basis of calcium handling by mitochondria and discuss the mechanisms that these organelles use to regulate the activity of plasma membrane calcium channels and transporters.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a flurry of interest in the regulation of the homo-dimeric calcium-activated chloride channel ANO1 (also known as TMEM16A) by phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). These recent studies show that upon Ca2+ binding, PI(4,5)P2 cooperates to maintain the conductive state of ANO1. PI(4,5)P2 does so by binding to sites or modules on the protein’s cytosolic side. These findings add a new function to the PI(4,5)P2 repertoire and a new dimension to ANO1 gating.  相似文献   

The type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R1) is a ubiquitous intracellular Ca(2+) release channel that is vital to intracellular Ca(2+) signaling. InsP(3)R1 is a proteolytic target of calpain, which cleaves the channel to form a 95-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment that includes the transmembrane domains, which contain the ion pore. However, the functional consequences of calpain proteolysis on channel behavior and Ca(2+) homeostasis are unknown. In the present study we have identified a unique calpain cleavage site in InsP(3)R1 and utilized a recombinant truncated form of the channel (capn-InsP(3)R1) corresponding to the stable, carboxyl-terminal fragment to examine the functional consequences of channel proteolysis. Single-channel recordings of capn-InsP(3)R1 revealed InsP(3)-independent gating and high open probability (P(o)) under optimal cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) conditions. However, some [Ca(2+)](i) regulation of the cleaved channel remained, with a lower P(o) in suboptimal and inhibitory [Ca(2+)](i). Expression of capn-InsP(3)R1 in N2a cells reduced the Ca(2+) content of ionomycin-releasable intracellular stores and decreased endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) loading compared with control cells expressing full-length InsP(3)R1. Using a cleavage-specific antibody, we identified calpain-cleaved InsP(3)R1 in selectively vulnerable cerebellar Purkinje neurons after in vivo cardiac arrest. These findings indicate that calpain proteolysis of InsP(3)R1 generates a dysregulated channel that disrupts cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that calpain cleaves InsP(3)R1 in a clinically relevant injury model, suggesting that Ca(2+) leak through the proteolyzed channel may act as a feed-forward mechanism to enhance cell death.  相似文献   

The antibiotic protein colicin E1 forms ion channels in planar lipid bilayers that are capable of conducting monovalent organic cations having mean diameters of at least 9 Å. Polyvalent organic cations appear to be completely impermeant, regardless of size. All permeant ions, whether large or small, positively or negatively charged, are conducted by this channel at very slow rates. We have examined the permeability of colicin E1 channels to anionic probes having a variety of sizes, shapes, and charge distributions. In contrast to the behavior of cations, polyvalent as well as monovalent organic anions were found to permeate the colicin E1 channel. Inorganic sulfate was able to permeate the channel only when the pH was 4 or less, conditions under which the colicin E1 protein is predominantly in an anion-preferring conformational state. The less selective state(s) of the colicin E1 channel, observed when the pH was 5 or greater, was not permeable to inorganic sulfate. The sulfate salt of the impermeant cation Bis-T6 (N,N,N,N-tetramethyl-1,6-hexanediamine) had no effect on the single channel conductance of colicin E1 channels exposed to solutions containing 1 m NaCl at pH 5. The complete lack of blocking activity by either of these two impermeant ions indicates that both are excluded from the channel lumen. These results are consistent with our hypothesis that there is but a single location in the lumen of the colicin E1 channel where positively charged groups can be effectively hydrated. This site may coincide with the location of the energetic barrier which impedes the movement of anions.The authors wish to thank Dr. F.S. Cohen for making available unpublished data and for helpful comments. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM 37396 and by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Initiative (E.R.K.)  相似文献   

We describe the cloning of a cDNA from a human testis library that encodes a novel protein with similarity to one repeat of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels (Ca(v)). Northern and dot blot analyses indicate that the novel Ca(v)-like gene is expressed predominantly in testis and at lower levels in many other tissues. Heterologous expression of the Ca(v)-like protein did not lead to the induction of any detectable ionic current and failed to modify intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations. Similar one-repeat Ca(v)-like proteins have been cloned from Bacillus, Mus, and Homo, and appear to encode ion channels involved in renal function, axis determination, and sperm motility.  相似文献   

Cytosolic calcium acts as both a coagonist and an inhibitor of the type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-gated Ca channel, resulting in a bell-shaped Ca dependence of channel activity (Bezprozvanny, I., J. Watras, and B.E. Ehrlich. 1991. Nature. 351:751-754; Finch, E.A., T.J. Turner, and S.M. Goldin. 1991. Science. 252: 443-446; Iino, M. 1990. J. Gen. Physiol. 95:1103-1122). The ability of Ca to inhibit channel activity, however, varies dramatically depending on InsP3 concentration (Combettes, L., Z. Hannaert-Merah, J.F. Coquil, C. Rousseau, M. Claret, S. Swillens, and P. Champeil. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269:17561-17571; Kaftan, E.J., B.E. Ehrlich, and J. Watras. 1997. J. Gen. Physiol. 110:529-538). In the present report, we have extended the characterization of the effect of cytosolic Ca on both InsP3 binding and InsP3-gated channel kinetics, and incorporated these data into a mathematical model capable of simulating channel kinetics. We found that cytosolic Ca increased the Kd of InsP3 binding approximately 3.5-fold, but did not influence the maximal number of binding sites. The ability of Ca to decrease InsP3 binding is consistent with the rightward shift in the bell-shaped Ca dependence of InsP3-gated Ca channel activity. High InsP3 concentrations are able to overcome the Ca-dependent inhibition of channel activity, apparently due to a low affinity InsP3 binding site (Kaftan, E.J., B.E. Ehrlich, and J. Watras. 1997. J. Gen. Physiol. 110:529-538). Constants from binding analyses and channel activity determinations were used to develop a mathematical model that fits the complex Ca-dependent regulation of the type 1 InsP3-gated Ca channel. This model accurately simulated both steady state data (channel open probability and InsP3 binding) and kinetic data (channel activity and open time distributions), and yielded testable predictions with regard to the regulation of this intracellular Ca channel. Information gained from these analyses, and our current molecular model of this Ca channel, will be important for understanding the basis and regulation of intracellular Ca waves and oscillations in intact cells.  相似文献   

High voltage-activated Ca(2+) channel expression and gating is controlled by their beta subunits. Although the sites of interaction are known at the atomic level, how beta modulates gating remains to be determined. Using a chimeric approach, beta subunit regulation was conferred to a low voltage-activated channel. Regulation was dependent on a rigid linker connecting the alpha(1) interaction domain to IS6. Chimeric channels also revealed a role for IS6 in channel gating. Taken together, these results support a direct coupling model where beta subunits alter movements in IS6 that occur as the channel transits between closed, open, and inactivated states.  相似文献   

Macroscopic ion channel current is the summation of the stochastic records of individual channel currents and therefore relates to their statistical properties. As a consequence of this relationship, it may be possible to derive certain statistical properties of single channel records or even generate some estimates of the records themselves from the macroscopic current when the direct measurement of single channel currents is not applicable. We present a procedure for generating the single channel records of an ion channel from its macroscopic current when the stochastic process of channel gating has the following two properties: (I) the open duration is independent of the time of opening event and has a single exponential probability density function (pdf), (II) all the channels have the same probability to open at time t. The application of this procedure is considered for cases where direct measurement of single channel records is difficult or impossible. First, the probability density function (pdf) of opening events, a statistical property of single channel records, is derived from the normalized macroscopic current and mean channel open duration. Second, it is shown that under the conditions (I) and (II), a non-stationary Markov model can represent the stochastic process of channel gating. Third, the non-stationary Markov model is calibrated using the results of the first step. The non-stationary formulation increases the model ability to generate a variety of different single channel records compared to common stationary Markov models. The model is then used to generate single channel records and to obtain other statistical properties of the records. Experimental single channel records of inactivating BK potassium channels are used to evaluate how accurately this procedure reconstructs measured single channel sweeps.  相似文献   

We have studied two aspects of calcium channel activation. First, we investigated the molecular regions that are important in determining differences in activation between low- and high-voltage activated channels. For this, we made chimeras between the low-voltage activating CaV3.1 channel and the high-voltage activating CaV1.2 channel. Chimeras were expressed in oocytes, and calcium channel currents recorded by voltage clamp. For domain I, we found that the molecular region that is important in determining the voltage dependence of activation comprises the pore regions S5-P as well as P-S6, but surprisingly not the voltage sensor S1–S4 region, which might have been expected to play a major part. By contrast, the smaller, but still significant, modulating effects of domain II on activation properties were due to effects involving both S1–S4 and S5–S6 but not the I/II linker. Second, during channel activation we studied movement of the S4 segment in domain I of one of the chimeras, using cysteine-scanning mutagenesis. The reagent parachloromercuribenzensulfonate inhibited currents for mutants V263, A265, L266 and A268, but not for F269 and V271, and voltage dependence of inhibition for residue V263 indicated S4 movement, which occurred before channel opening. The data indicate movement outwards upon depolarisation so as to expose amino acids up to residue 268 in S4.Junying Li and Louisa Stevens contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor (InsP3R) is an endoplasmic reticulum-localized Ca2+ -release channel that controls complex cytoplasmic Ca(2+) signaling in many cell types. At least three InsP3Rs encoded by different genes have been identified in mammalian cells, with different primary sequences, subcellular locations, variable ratios of expression, and heteromultimer formation. To examine regulation of channel gating of the type 3 isoform, recombinant rat type 3 InsP3R (r-InsP3R-3) was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and single-channel recordings were obtained by patch-clamp electrophysiology of the outer nuclear membrane. Gating of the r-InsP3R-3 exhibited a biphasic dependence on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In the presence of 0.5 mM cytoplasmic free ATP, r-InsP3R-3 gating was inhibited by high [Ca2+]i with features similar to those of the endogenous Xenopus type 1 Ins3R (X-InsP3R-1). Ca2+ inhibition of channel gating had an inhibitory Hill coefficient of approximately 3 and half-maximal inhibiting [Ca2+]i (Kinh) = 39 microM under saturating (10 microM) cytoplasmic InsP3 concentrations ([InsP3]). At [InsP3] < 100 nM, the r-InsP3R-3 became more sensitive to Ca2+ inhibition, with the InsP(3) concentration dependence of Kinh described by a half-maximal [InsP3] of 55 nM and a Hill coefficient of approximately 4. InsP(3) activated the type 3 channel by tuning the efficacy of Ca2+ to inhibit it, by a mechanism similar to that observed for the type 1 isoform. In contrast, the r-InsP3R-3 channel was uniquely distinguished from the X-InsP3R-1 channel by its enhanced Ca2+ sensitivity of activation (half-maximal activating [Ca2+]i of 77 nM instead of 190 nM) and lack of cooperativity between Ca2+ activation sites (activating Hill coefficient of 1 instead of 2). These differences endow the InsP3R-3 with high gain InsP3-induced Ca2+ release and low gain Ca2+ -induced Ca2+ release properties complementary to those of InsP3R-1. Thus, distinct Ca2+ signals may be conferred by complementary Ca2+ activation properties of different InsP3R isoforms.  相似文献   

There is tight interplay between Ca2+ and Cl flux that can influence brain tumour proliferation, migration and invasion. Glioma is the predominant malignant primary brain tumour, accounting for ˜80% of all cases. Voltage-gated Cl channel family (ClC) proteins and Cl intracellular channel (CLIC) proteins are drastically overexpressed in glioma, and are associated with enhanced cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Ca2+ also plays fundamental roles in the phenomenon. Ca2+-activated Cl channels (CaCC) such as TMEM16A and bestrophin-1 are involved in glioma formation and assist Ca2+ movement from intracellular stores to the plasma membrane. Additionally, the transient receptor protein (TRP) channel TRPC1 can induce activation of ClC-3 by increasing intracellular Ca2+concentrations and activating Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Therefore, Ca2+ and Clcurrents can concurrently mediate brain tumour cellular functions. Glioma also expresses volume regulated anion channels (VRACs), which are responsible for the swelling-induced Cl current, ICl,swell. This current enables glioma cells to perform regulatory volume decrease (RVD) as a survivability mechanism in response to hypoxic conditions within the tumour microenvironment. RVD can also be exploited by glioma for invasion and migration. Effective treatment for glioma is challenging, which can be in part due to prolonged chemotherapy leading to mutations in genes associated with multi-drug resistances (MRP1, Bcl-2, and ABC family). Thus, a potential therapeutic strategy for treatment of glioma can be through the inhibition of selected Cl channels.  相似文献   

The InsP3R Ca2+ release channel has a biphasic dependence on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). InsP3 activates gating primarily by reducing the sensitivity of the channel to inhibition by high [Ca2+]i. To determine if relieving Ca2+ inhibition is sufficient for channel activation, we examined single-channel activities in low [Ca2+]i in the absence of InsP3, by patch clamping isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei. For both endogenous Xenopus type 1 and recombinant rat type 3 InsP3R channels, spontaneous InsP3-independent channel activities with low open probability Po ( approximately 0.03) were observed in [Ca2+]i < 5 nM with the same frequency as in the presence of InsP3, whereas no activities were observed in 25 nM Ca2+. These results establish the half-maximal inhibitory [Ca2+]i of the channel to be 1.2-4.0 nM in the absence of InsP3, and demonstrate that the channel can be active when all of its ligand-binding sites (including InsP3) are unoccupied. In the simplest allosteric model that fits all observations in nuclear patch-clamp studies of [Ca2+]i and InsP3 regulation of steady-state channel gating behavior of types 1 and 3 InsP3R isoforms, including spontaneous InsP3-independent channel activities, the tetrameric channel can adopt six different conformations, the equilibria among which are controlled by two inhibitory and one activating Ca2+-binding and one InsP3-binding sites in a manner outlined in the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model. InsP3 binding activates gating by affecting the Ca2+ affinities of the high-affinity inhibitory sites in different conformations, transforming it into an activating site. Ca2+ inhibition of InsP3-liganded channels is mediated by an InsP3-independent low-affinity inhibitory site. The model also suggests that besides the ligand-regulated gating mechanism, the channel has a ligand-independent gating mechanism responsible for maximum channel Po being less than unity. The validity of this model was established by its successful quantitative prediction of channel behavior after it had been exposed to ultra-low bath [Ca2+].  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-gated Ca channel in cerebellum is tightly regulated by Ca (Bezprozvanny, I., J. Watras, and B.E. Ehrlich. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 351:751–754; Finch, E.A., T.J. Turner, and S.M. Goldin. 1991. Science (Wash. DC). 252:443–446; Hannaert-Merah, Z., J.F. Coquil, L. Combettes, M. Claret, J.P. Mauger, and P. Champeil. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269:29642–29649; Iino, M. 1990. J. Gen. Physiol. 95:1103–1122; Marshall, I., and C. Taylor. 1994. Biochem. J. 301:591–598). In previous single channel studies, the Ca dependence of channel activity, monitored at 2 μM InsP3, was described by a bell-shaped curve (Bezprozvanny, I., J. Watras, and B.E. Ehrlich. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 351:751–754). We report here that, when we used lower InsP3 concentrations, the peak of the Ca-dependence curve shifted to lower Ca concentrations. Unexpectedly, when we used high InsP3 concentrations, channel activity persisted at Ca concentrations as high as 30 μM. To explore this unexpected response of the channel, we measured InsP3 binding over a broad range of InsP3 concentrations. We found the well-characterized high affinity InsP3 binding sites (with K d < 1 and 50 nM) (Maeda, N., M. Niinobe, and K. Mikoshiba. 1990. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 9:61–67; Mignery, G., T.C. Sudhof, K. Takei, and P. De Camilli. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 342:192–195; Ross, C.A., J. Meldolesi, T.A. Milner, T. Satoh, S. Supattapone, and S.H. Snyder. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 339:468–470) and a low affinity InsP3 binding site (K d = 10 μM). Using these InsP3 binding sites, we developed a new model that accounts for the shift in the Ca-dependence curve at low InsP3 levels and the maintained channel activity at high Ca and InsP3 levels. The observed Ca dependence of the InsP3-gated Ca channel allows the cell to abbreviate the rise of intracellular Ca in the presence of low levels of InsP3, but also provides a means of maintaining high intracellular Ca during periods of prolonged stimulation.  相似文献   

Using the planar lipid bilayer technique we demonstrate that the lipodepsipeptide antibiotic, syringomycin E, forms voltage-sensitive ion channels of weak anion selectivity. The formation of channels in bilayers made from dioleoylglycerophosphatidylserine doped with syringomycin E at one side (1–40 μg/ml) was greatly affected by cis-positive voltage. A change of voltage from a positive to a negative value resulted in (i) an abrupt increase in the single channel conductance (the rate of increase was voltage dependent) simultaneous with (ii) a closing of these channels and an exponential decrease in macroscopic conductance over time. The strong voltage dependence of multichannel steady state conductance, the single channel conductance, the rate of opening of channels at positive voltages and closing them at negative voltages, as well as the observed abrupt increase of single channel conductance after voltage sign reversal suggest that the change of the transmembrane field induces a significant rearrangement of syringomycin E channels, including a change in the spacing of charged groups that function as voltage sensors. The conductance induced by syringomycin E increased with the sixth power of syringomycin E concentration suggesting that at least six monomers are required for channel formation. Received: 3 April 1995/Revised: 24 August 1995  相似文献   

The anti-arrhythmic effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may be related to their ability to alter calcium handling in cardiac myocytes. We investigated the effect of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on calcium sparks in rat cardiac myocytes and the effects of these PUFAs and the monounsaturated oleic acid on cardiac calcium release channels (RyRs). Visualization of subcellular calcium concentrations in single rat ventricular myocytes showed that intensity of calcium sparks was reduced in the presence of EPA and DHA (15 µM). It was also found that calcium sparks decayed more quickly in the presence of EPA but not DHA. Sarcoplasmic vesicles containing RyRs were prepared from sheep hearts and RyR activity was determined by either [3H]ryanodine binding or by single-channel recording. Bilayers were formed from phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine dissolved in either n-decane or n-tetradecane. EPA inhibited [3H]ryanodine binding to RyRs in SR vesicles with K I = 40 µM. Poly- and mono-unsaturated free fatty acids inhibited RyR activity in lipid bilayers. EPA (cytosolic or luminal) inhibited RyRs with K I =32 µM and Hill coefficient, n 1 = 3.8. Inhibition was independent of the n-alkane solvent and whether RyRs were activated by ATP or Ca2+. DHA and oleic acid also inhibited RyRs, suggesting that free fatty acids generally inhibit RyRs at micromolar concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary The postulated mechanisms for hypoxic and acidic chemotransduction by type I cells that we have described here are summarized in the diagrams of Fig. 4. Most if not all of these require more complete evaluation and, as we have described, there are obvious points of contention that need to be resolved. Nevertheless, it is apparent that studies of isolated type I cell preparations carried out over the last six years have provided significant advancements in our understanding of chemotransduction in the type I cell. Only when the functioning of these cells has been fully described can we hope to understand the mechanisms underlying the responses of the intact organ to chemostimuli.Many of the findings reported here, including those to which the authors have contributed, were supported by The Wellcome Trust. We are also grateful to colleagues for allowing us to reproduce parts of their data.  相似文献   

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