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Museums are important sites of national cultural production, collective memory making, and the construction of national narratives. Contemporary South Africa is a particularly interesting place to study these processes. With the demise of apartheid, South Africa faces the difficult challenge of creating a new national identity that incorporates an examination of past oppression yet leaves the way open for building a national identity that incorporates all its diverse groups. The museums reviewed below, the Robben Island Prison Museum, the District Six Museum in Capetown, and the Kwa Muhle local history museum in Durban all make important contributions to this process.  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(2):43-52
旨在促进应用“文化景观”概念作为分析和开发阿根廷地域项目的工具。第1部分,力图总结有关文化景观的概念,术语名词的起源、传播以及其所暗含的可能性和矛盾性。第2部分,讨论这个概念成为项目工具的方式。第3部分中,强调了绘图在分析和项目中的核心作用。第4部分,以2个案例研究表明在前3个部分中阐述的问题。结论提出了这种开展项目的方式的潜能、挑战和矛盾。而只有针对地域特性的详细研究才能使找到一种回馈当地发展的管理方式成为可能。  相似文献   

Some chimpanzees use 2 types of tools to extract underground termites for consumption. Chimpanzees insert thin, flexible probes into tunnels or holes in termite mounds (fishing), and sometimes use stouter, rigid sticks to first puncture the holes and also possibly to fish. Many puncturing sticks have distinctive “brushed” ends. Researchers have hypothesized that chimpanzees create the brushed ends intentionally to increase their affixibility to biting termites (Sugiyama, 1985). The results of our archaeological analysis of a large collection of puncturing sticks used by Central African chimpanzees falsifies this hypothesis, and instead agrees with the recent behavioral observations of Sanz et al. (2004; cf. Bermejo and Illera, 1999) that brushing is a coincidental result of procuring sticks from vegetation sources. The results highlight the positive contribution of an archaeological approach to problems in chimpanzee material culture and emphasize to primatologists the value of curating artifacts.  相似文献   

The archeological objects constitute an important part of the worldwide cultural heritage. The impact of the fungal activity on the deterioration of cultural heritage is a global problem and their preservation over time is a challenging task. Antifungal activities of 12 essential oils (EOs) (black cumin, castor, cinnamon, clove, cumin, garlic, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, menthe, olive, and thyme) were examined against 16 fungal species isolated from three tested archaeological objects (wall painting stone, wooden statue, and pottery coffin) from Saqqara stores in Egypt. Molecular identification was carried out for the highly frequent species (Aspergillus niger, A. flavus and Rhizopus oryzae) in the three tested archaeological samples. Antifungal activity and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the tested EOs with different concentrations (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1?μl/ml) were measured.

The most efficient EOs were thyme (MIC ranged from 0.25–0.75μl/ml) followed by clove (MIC ranged from 0.25–1?μl/ml) and geranium, (MIC ranged from 0.5–1?μl/ml). Thymol (37.1%) and p-Cymene (26.32%) were the active constituents of thyme, while Triacetin (69.36%) and eugenol (28.67) were the most efficient components of clove oil followed by geranium active components (à-Citronellol 20.62% and Geraniol 14.43%). Aspergillus niger was the most resistance species, while Fusarium oxysporum and Penicilium citrinium were the most susceptible ones.  相似文献   


The article examines the impact of the recent change in the electoral threshold in Israel, from 2 per cent to 3.25 per cent, on the political representation of the Palestinian minority in Israel in the 2015 national election. I argue that the change in the threshold had a direct impact on Palestinian electoral representation and that this change provided incentives to Palestinian leadership to broaden their appeal and become more inclusive in their agenda. Following recent scholarship on ethnic minorities and employing the concept of “representational claims”, I suggest that through the provision of electoral incentives, institutional design can influence not only the degree of representation, but its substantive claims as well.  相似文献   


A new approach using a 3-D Cartesian coordinate system to represent protein sequences has been derived. By the 3-D Graphical representation we make a comparison of sequences belonging to nine different proteins.  相似文献   

Two groups of wildlife species that are critical for the maintenance of biological diversity in a variety of habitats and who fill a number of functional roles in these habitats are reptiles (Gibbons et al. 2000, Ernst and Lovich 2009) and amphibians (Semlitsch 2003). Globally, reptiles and amphibians (i.e., herpetofauna) make up 46% of species richness of terrestrial vertebrates, but the prevalence of herpetofauna investigations in wildlife research and management journals has not been explored. Our objective was to review representation of herpetofauna in 6 wildlife research journals from 1980 to 2009 to examine whether their representation parallels their contribution to global terrestrial vertebrate species richness, whether their representation has changed over time and how, and whether subsets of herpetofauna garner disproportionate coverage relative to one another. We ran a keyword search in Web of Science database (formerly ISI Web of Science) within the Web of Knowledge search engine published by Thomson Reuters (2010) on 6 wildlife research journals (European Journal of Wildlife Research [formerly Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft], Journal of Wildlife Management, South African Journal of Wildlife Research, Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Research, and Wildlife Society Bulletin) from 1980 to 2009. We searched for 17 terms relevant to herpetofauna (e.g., toad, tortoise). Our search yielded 315 articles that focused on herpetofauna. Over the 30-year period, we found the number of articles and pages and percentage of journal space devoted to herpetofauna increased. However, at best, <6% of journal space was devoted to herpetofauna, indicating that these species are greatly under-represented in wildlife literature given their contributions to species richness and diversity and ecosystem function. Although absolute number of articles and pages has increased, little progress has been made in terms of relative representation of herpetofauna as compared to birds and mammals. Although percentage of pages in wildlife journals dedicated to herpetofauna has increased in the past 30 years, they must garner greater representation to enable us to adequately manage for biological diversity and ecosystem function and integrity. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

There is ongoing controversy as to whether the genome is a representing system (Sterelny K., Smith K.C. and Dickson M. 1996. Biol. Philos. 11: 377–403; Griffiths P.E. 2001. Philos. Sci. 68: 394–412). Although it is widely recognised that DNA carries information, both correlating with and coding for various outcomes, neither of these implies that the genome has semantic properties like correctness or satisfaction conditions (Godfrey-Smith P. 2002. In: Wolenski J. and Kajania-Placek K. (eds), In the Scope of Logic, Methodology, and the Philosophy of Sciences, Vol. II. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 387–400). Here a modified version of teleosemantics is applied to the genome to show that it does indeed have semantic properties – there is representation in the genome. The account differs in three respects from previous attempts to apply teleosemantics to genes. It emphasises the role of the consumer of representations (in addition to their mode of production). It rejects the standard assumption that genetic representation can be used to explain the course of an organism’s development. And it identifies the explanatory role played by representational properties of the genome. A striking consequence of this account is that other inheritance systems could also be representational. Thus, a version of the parity thesis is accepted (Griffiths P.E. 2001. Philos. Sci. 68: 394–412). However, the criteria for being an inheritance system are demanding, so semantic properties are not ubiquitous.  相似文献   

杨静  成玉宁   《生物信息学》2019,26(10):113-118
遗址公园作为遗址保护、展示教育与考古研究的有效途径,在世界范围内得以广泛推广与发展。意大利在文化遗产保护领域走在世界前列,其完备的法律保护制度、成熟的遗产保护理念和文物保护技术都有一定的借鉴意义。以罗马图拉真遗址公园为例,通过对其历史沿革的梳理,从遗址的空间结构和历史时序性上解读遗址时空特性,探讨其在坚持遗址原真性的基础上,如何从遗址保护理念、规划设计策略和实施技术路径3个层面对遗址进行保护与阐释,旨在解析意大利在遗址公园规划设计中的理念与方法,探讨其对于遗址公园建设实践的价值。  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss one of the key issuesin the philosophy of neuroscience:neurosemantics. The project of neurosemanticsinvolves explaining what it means for states ofneurons and neural systems to haverepresentational contents. Neurosemantics thusinvolves issues of common concern between thephilosophy of neuroscience and philosophy ofmind. I discuss a problem that arises foraccounts of representational content that Icall ``the economy problem': the problem ofshowing that a candidate theory of mentalrepresentation can bear the work requiredwithin in the causal economy of a mind and anorganism. My approach in the current paper isto explore this and other key themes inneurosemantics through the use of computermodels of neural networks embodied and evolvedin virtual organisms. The models allow for thelaying bare of the causal economies of entireyet simple artificial organisms so that therelations between the neural bases of, forinstance, representation in perception andmemory can be regarded in the context of anentire organism. On the basis of thesesimulations, I argue for an account ofneurosemantics adequate for the solution of theeconomy problem.  相似文献   

Diverse plant remains recovered from an archaeological site of Chalcolithic‐Early Historic age in the Bhairabdanga area of Pakhanna (latitude 23°25′N, longitude 87°23′E), situated on the west bank of the Damodar river, Bankura district, West Bengal, India, include food grains, wood charcoals, and palynomorphs. Radiocarbon dating of the recovered biological remains reveal the age of the site as (3 320 ± 400) to (2 080 ± 80) yr BP. The food grains were identified as Oryza sativa L. and Vigna mungo L, and seeds of Brassica cf. campestris L. were also found; these indicate the agricultural practice and food habits of the ancient people living at Pakhanna from the Chalcolithic to the Early Historic period. Sediments including plant remains have been broadly divided into two zones, considering archaeological findings and radiocarbon dating. Analysis of the plant remains (i.e. wood charcoals and palynomorphs) in addition to cultivated food grains has revealed that a rich vegetation cover existed in this area, with a prevailing tropical and humid climate, comprising the timber‐yielding plants Shorea sp., Terminalia sp., and Tamarindus sp., with undergrowths of diverse shrubs and herbs during the Chalcolithic period (zone I) dated (3 320 ± 400) yr BP. Comparatively poorer representation and frequency of plant remains indicate a drier climate during the Early Historic period (zone II) dated as (2 110 ± 340) to (2 080 ± 80) yr BP. Comparisons of the archaeobotanical data recovered from the Chalcolithic and Early Historic period and also a principle components analysis indicate a change in the climate of the area from tropical and humid at (3 320 ± 400) yr BP to tropical and drier conditions at (2 110 ± 340) to (2 080 ± 80) yr BP. The present‐day tropical, dry deciduous vegetation of the area suggests that climate change has occurred in the area since the contemporaneous past. The plant remains database has been utilized to reconstruct the settlement pattern of the community living in the site between (3 320 ± 400) and (2 080 ± 80) yr BP. The community settled near the riverbank, practicing cultivation. (Managing editor: Ya‐Qin Han)  相似文献   

The 55-million-year fossil record of horses (Family Equidae) has been frequently cited as a prime example of long-term macroevolution. In the second half of the nineteenth century, natural history museum exhibits characteristically depicted fossil horses to be a single, straight-line (orthogenetic) progression from ancestor to descendent. By the beginning of the twentieth century, however, paleontologists realized that, rather than representing orthogenesis, the evolutionary pattern of fossil horses was more correctly characterized by a complexly branching phylogenetic tree. We conducted a systematic survey of 20 fossil horse exhibits from natural history museums in the United States. Our resulting data indicate that more than half (55%) of natural history museums today still depict horse evolution as orthogenetic, despite the fact that paleontologists have known for a century that the actual evolutionary pattern of the Family Equidae is branching. Depicting outmoded evolutionary patterns and concepts via museum exhibits, such as fossils horses exemplifying orthogenesis, not only communicates outmoded knowledge but also likely contributes to general misconceptions about evolution for natural history museum visitors.  相似文献   

Analysis of certain discussions in Tasmanian prehistory reveals a tacit but strong environmental determinism. This approach, which centres on the notion of cultural adaptation, dominates current research in Australian prehistory. Recent theoretical discussions have, however, shown that the ecological approach is untenable; it is suggested that neo-marxist economic anthropology, emphasizing social rather than ecological relations, provides an alternative. The interpretation of archaeological data in social terms is a problem, but it should be dealt with rather than ignored. A further difficulty arises from the epistemological framework within which most archaeological work has operated: this is simplistic and empiricist. Greater consideration needs to be given to the role of theory in, and the social context of knowledge.  相似文献   

To analyze the information provided about individual visual stimuliin the responses of single neurons in the primate temporal lobevisual cortex, neuronal responses to a set of 65 visual stimuli wererecorded in macaques performing a visual fixation task and analyzedusing information theoretical measures. The population of neuronsanalyzed responded primarily to faces. The stimuli included 23 facesand 42 nonface images of real-world scenes, so that the function ofthis brain region could be analyzed when it was processing relativelynatural scenes.It was found that for the majority of the neurons significantamounts of information were reflected about which of several of the23 faces had been seen. Thus the representation was not local, forin a local representation almost all the information available canbe obtained when the single stimulus to which the neuron respondsbest is shown. It is shown that the information available about anyone stimulus depended on how different (for example, how manystandard deviations) the response to that stimulus was from theaverage response to all stimuli. This was the case for responsesbelow the average response as well as above.It is shown that the fraction of information carried by the lowfiring rates of a cell was large—much larger than that carried bythe high firing rates. Part of the reason for this is that theprobability distribution of different firing rates is biased towardlow values (though with fewer very low values than would bepredicted by an exponential distribution). Another factor is thatthe variability of the response is large at intermediate and highfiring rates.Another finding is that at short sampling intervals (such as 20 ms)the neurons code information efficiently, by effectively acting asbinary variables and behaving less noisily than would be expectedof a Poisson process.  相似文献   

来自多方面的研究表明,面孔的分类和识别位于特定脑区.同时,已有行为实验研究表明,图像的空间高低频特征在面孔分类的不同范畴中起不同的贡献,例如身份更多被低频信号传递,性别被高低频共同传递,而表情更多被高频传递.然而,空间频率在面孔分类中的贡献,其表征和神经机制目前相关研究很少.利用特定癫痫患者植入颅内电极的监控期,呈现不同类型面孔图像,同时记录其颅内脑电,用事件相关电位方法考察了据认为是面孔特定成分的相关电位的潜伏期在170 ms的波形(N170波形)的变化;用电极反应显著性分析考察了空间频率在不同分类特征上的贡献.结果表明,空间高频(HSF)图像的N170潜伏期显著延迟.只呈现空间低频(LSF)图像,N170的潜伏期对普通人面孔会延迟,而对熟悉的名人则没有这个差异.女性面孔诱发的N170在HSF条件下潜伏期明显晚于LSF条件,而男性面孔诱发的波形则不存在这个差异.表情在N170上没有体现出任何差异.但是基于电极的显著性分析表明,有更多的额叶电极参与了表情的加工;身份特征加工有更多电极在空间低频上表现出差异,而性别加工则空间高低频比较平衡.与以往行为结果不同的是,表情加工也有更多低频贡献,而且表情的差异可以在早达114 ms的时候就发生.这符合表情信息在颞枕区域有一个快速基本加工,再传递到其他脑区的认知模型.因此,空间高低频信息在身份和性别上的贡献,可能发生在经典的面孔加工脑区,由N170表达,表情信息不由N170表达,而是在颞枕较广泛的范围内快速加工再传递到别的脑区,如额叶.这是首次利用颅内脑电就空间频率在面孔分类中的贡献的神经机制进行研究,为深入理解脑内面孔各种特征加工的动态过程提供了一个新的切入点.  相似文献   

The JC virus (JCV) genotyping method was used to gain insights into the population history of the Saami and the Finns, both speaking Finno-Ugric languages and living in close geographic proximity. Urine samples from Saami and Finns, collected in northern and southern Finland, respectively, were used to amplify a 610-bp JCV-DNA region containing abundant type-specific mutations. Based on restriction site polymorphisms in the amplified fragments, we classified JCV isolates into one of the three superclusters of JCV, type A, B, or C. All 15 Saami isolates analyzed and 41 of 43 Finnish isolates analyzed were classified as type A, the European type, and two samples from Finns were classified as type B, the African/Asian type. We then amplified and sequenced a 583-bp JCV-DNA region from the type A isolates of Saami and Finns. According to type-determining nucleotides within the region, we classified type A isolates into EU-a1, -a2, or -b. Most type A isolates from Saami were classified as EU-a1, while type A isolates from Finns were distributed among EU-a1, EU-a2, and EU-b. This trend in the JCV-genotype distribution was statistically significant. On a phylogenetic tree based on complete sequences, most of the type A isolates from Saami were clustered in a single clade within EU-a1, while those from Finns were distributed throughout EU-a1, EU-a2, and EU-b. These findings are discussed in the context of the population history of the Saami and the Finns. This study provides new complete JCV DNA sequences derived from populations of anthropological interest.  相似文献   

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