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A highly sensitive and specific method for staining exogenous chromium and iron in tissues is described. This method is superior to conventional complex-forming methods with regard to its sensitivity and specificity for these metals. The staining reaction is based on the metal-catalysed oxidation of phenylamines. Tissue sections were incubated in a medium containing hydrogen peroxide and phenylamines, p-phenylenediamine or phenylhydrazine. Results obtained from test-tube experiments concerning the catalytic activities of metals indicated that the staining reactions depends on the activities of metals in tissues.  相似文献   

A new highly sensitive staining agent for chromium (Cr) has been introduced. This staining agent, 2-(8-quinolylazo)-4,5-di-p-tolylimidazole (QTI), was found to be more than ten times as sensitive for Cr than the conventional staining agent, Chromazurol S, and QTI also stained cadmium, copper, lead and zinc. Differentiation between the staining of Cr and other metals was achieved by immersing the tissue sections in dilute alkylamine solutions before they were stained with QTI. Thus, it was possible to selectively stain for Cr by blocking other metals.  相似文献   

Summary High iron diamine reactions after the prior methylation and oxidation of tissue sections with performic acid or potassium permanganate (metox-HID or ox-met-HID) in epithelial mucosubstances and in mucosal mast cells were studied in tissue samples from the human gastrointestinal tract and were compared with reactions with high iron diamine without any pretreatment (HID) and high iron diamine with the prior methylation (met-HID). High iron diamine reactions after the prior oxidation (met-ox-HID, ox-met-HID and ox-HID) demonstrated mucosubstances in a way which seemed to operate by the staining of acidic groups evoked by the oxidation of the tissue sections. These acidic groups were not blocked by the methylation. It was supposed that they are sulphonic acids resulting from sulphur groups (sulphydryls or disulphides) in some mucus glycoproteins. Met-ox-HID and ox-met-HID reactions seemed to stain mucosubstances and mast cells in a similar way but differed from the ox-HID reactions with the manner which could be interpretated to be due to the blocking of free sulphate ester groups in reactions of the former. Met-ox-HID (and ox-met-HID) positive mucosubstances were found in the foveolar epithelium of the stomach and in goblet cells of small and large bowel.The study was supported by grants from Sigrid Juselius Foundation and Paulo Foundation, Helsinki, Finland  相似文献   

Summary Lymphatic anchoring filaments are stained by means of histochemical methods that demonstrate disulfide-groups. Thiosulfation of sections either followed by aldehyde-fuchsin staining or by Alcian Blue +0.8 M MgCl2 staining has been used. Lymphatic anchoring filaments display striking fine structural similarities to elastic fiber microfibrils and both kinds of fibers are characterized by disulfide content.  相似文献   

P Sipponen 《Histochemistry》1979,64(3):297-305
High iron diamine reactions after the prior methylation and oxidation of tissue sections with performic acid or potassium permanganate (metox-HID or ox-met-HID) in epithelial mucosubstances and in mucosal mast cells were studied in tissue samples from the human gastrointestinal tract and were compared with reactions with high iron diamine without any pretreatment (HID) and high iron diamine with the prior methylation (met-HID). High iron diamine reactions after the prior oxidation (met-ox-HID, ox-met-Hid and ox-Hid) demonstrated mucosubstances in a way which seemed to operate by the staining of acidic groups evoked by the oxidation of the tissue sections. These acidic groups were not blocked by the methylation. It was supposed that they are sulphonic acids resulting from sulphur groups (sulphydryls or disulphides) in some mucus glycoproteins. Met-ox-HID and ox-met-HID reactions seemed to stain mucosubstances and mast cells in a similar way but differed from the ox-HID reactions with the manner which could be interpretated to be due to the blocking of free sulphate ester groups in reactions of the former. Met-ox-HID (and ox-met-HID) positive and in goblet cells of small and large bowel.  相似文献   

P B?ck 《Histochemistry》1978,58(4):343-345
Lymphatic anchoring filaments are stained by means of histochemical methods that demonstrate disulfide-groups. Thiosulfation of sections either followed by aldehyde-fuchsin staining or by Alcian Blue +0.8 M MgCl2 staining has been used. Lymphatic anchoring filaments display striking fine structural similarities to "elastic fiber microfibrils" and both kinds of fibers are characterized by disulfide content.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical orcein reaction (orc) for mucosubstances in tissue samples from the human gastrointestinal tract was compared with PAS, high iron diamine (HID) and Alcian blue reactions at pH 1.0 or 2.5 (AB 1 and AB 2.5). Orc, HID and AB 1 reactions were performed also with prior oxidation of the tissue sections with potassium permanganate or performic acid (ox-orc, ox-HID and ox-AB reactions, respectively). Orc reaction stained mucosubstances similarly to HID and AB 1; only the brush border and goblet cells in the colon were stained. The reactions of the mucosubstances obtained with ox-orc differed from those with PAS, HID, AB 1 or AB 2.5 but were similar to those with ox-HID or ox-AB; the mucosubstances in the brush border and the goblet cells in the colon and small bowel and in the foveolar epithelium of the stomach were strongly stained. Pyloric and cardiac glands were stained faintly with ox-orc but not with ox-HID or ox-AB. Brunner's glands were negative with ox-orc, ox-HID and ox-AB reactions. It was assumed that the orc reaction stains, like HID or AB 1, sulphate groups in epithelial mucosubstances, and that sulphonic acid residues, resulting from oxidation of disulphide groups in the protein core of mucus glycoproteins, are responsible for the ox-orc as well as for the ox-HID and ox-AB reactions.The study was supported by grants from the Cancer Society of Finland, Foundation of Orion Corporation and from the Paulo's Foundation, Helsinki, Finland  相似文献   

P Sipponen 《Histochemistry》1979,59(3):199-206
The histochemical orcein reaction (orc) for mucosubstances in tissue samples from the human gastrointestinal tract was compared with PAS, high iron diamine (HID) and Alcian blue reactions at pH 1.0 or 2.5 (AB 1 and AB 2.5). Orc, HID and AB 1 reactions were performed also with prior oxidation of the tissue sections with potassium permanganate or performic acid (ox-orc, ox-HID and ox-AB reactions, respectively). Orc reaction stained mucosubstances similarly to HID and AB 1; only the brush border and goblet cells in the colon were stained. The reactions of the mucosubstances obtained with ox-orc differed from those with PAS, HID, AB 1 or AB 2.5 but were similar to those with ox-HID or ox-AB; the mucosubstances in the brush border and the goblet cells in the colon and small bowel and in the foveolar epithelium of the stomach were strongly stained. Pyloric and cardiac glands were stained faintly with ox-orc but not with ox-HID or ox-AB. Brunner's glands were negative with ox-orc, ox-HID and ox-AB reactions. It was assumed that the orc reaction stains, like HID or AB 1, sulphate groups in epithelial mucosubstances, and that sulphonic acid residues, resulting from oxidation of disulphide groups in the protein core of mucus glycoproteins, are responsible for the ox-orc as well as for the ox-HID and ox-AB reactions.  相似文献   

The effective fall in cytosolic reduced glutathione levels in intact red cells exposed to exogenous oxidant stress in the form of Fe2+, H2O2 and ascorbate was caused by H2O2 alone. Relatively high concentrations of Fe2+ had no contributory effect on the oxidizing capacity of H2O2. Ascorbate, at physiological levels, showed no protection whereas glucose was totally protective. Since glucose, via hexose monophosphate shunt, is the only source of reducing equivalent in red cells, the NADPH/NADP+ redox role in the diminution of intracellular reduced glutathione.  相似文献   

The fixation and staining of iron in tissues is discussed. Procedures for demonstrating iron in hemoglobin and nuclei are also briefly considered.

Lillie's formalin buffered at neutrality gave the optimal fixation for iron. The Prussian blue method was preferred to the Turnbull blue. Lison's procedure of the former, slightly modified, gave the most satisfactory results. When a procedure is required that employs non-iron-containing reagents, Macallum's or Mallory's hema-toxylin and Quincke's ammonium sulfide method are useful. The former, though not entirely specific, is preferable under controlled conditions when the quantities of iron are small. Hemoglobin iron in paraffin sections can be demonstrated by the usual procedures for iron after previous exposure of the section to peroxide, as recommended by Brown. The property of nuclei to adsorb iron from inorganic sources and from hemoglobin can readily be shown; caution is required in interpreting the iron detected in nuclei after Macallum's sulfuric acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In livers of rats exposed to varying doses of CdCl2 80-90% of the cadmium content present in the fresh tissue is retained if these livers are fixed with a neutral or acid formalin fixative. Cadmium assays during different stages of the staining procedure for protein bound disulphides show the ability of this staining to demonstrate cadmium thiolate clusters next to disulphides. The methods described may also be useful in gaining more insight in the mechanism involved in fixation and staining procedure of some other metals.  相似文献   

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