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Summary Initiation and modulation of fictive feeding by cerebral to buccal interneurons (CBs) was examined in an isolated CNS preparation of Limax maximus. Three CBs which are phasically active during fictive feeding, CB1, CB3 and CB4, will reliably trigger bouts of fictive feeding when activated alone or in pairs. Another phasic CB, CBEC, is not effective for triggering feeding. One CB which is tonically active during fictive feeding, CBST, drives fictive feeding in 50% of preparations when activated alone and enhances triggering of feeding when co-activated with phasic CBs. The metacerebral giant cell (MGC) was found to be capable of triggering fictive feeding in preparations with an intact subcerebral commissure. The MGC was especially effective at increasing the effectiveness of other CBs for initiation of feeding. Short high-frequency bursts of phasic CB or MGC action potentials are capable of resetting ongoing fictive feeding. Resetting effects of CB action potentials are relatively independent of the phase of the bite-cycle in which they are activated. CB4 phase-advances the bite-cycle while the other phasic CBs phase-delay the bite cycle. Moderate frequency stimulation of CB4 speeds up the bite rate while moderate frequency stimulation of CB3 slows biting. All CBs, except the tonic CB, CBDL, increase the intensity of buccal motor neuron bursting during feeding. The excitatory effects of phasic CBs and the tonic CB, CBEPSP, on fictive feeding persist for many seconds after the offset of stimulation. CBs form both monosynaptic excitatory and monosynaptic inhibitory connections with different BG motor neurons.Abbreviations BG buccal ganglion - BR buccal root - CB cerebral-buccal interneuron - CBC cerebral-buccal connective - CPG central pattern generator - FB fast burster neuron - FMP feeding motor program - IBI interbite interval - MGC metacerebral giant cell  相似文献   

The sensory inputs to the common inhibitory motoneuron that innervates every leg muscle of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) were analyzed by performing intracellular recordings from its neurite within the neuropil of the 5th thoracic ganglion. Two types of sensory inputs involved in locomotion were studied, those from a movement coding proprioceptor (the coxobasal chordotonal organ) and those from sensory neu rons coding contact forces exerted at the tip of the leg on the substrate (the dactyl sensory afferents). Sinusoidal movements applied to the chordotonal organ strand induced a stable biphasic response in the common inhibitory motoneuron that consisted of bursts of spikes during release and stretch of the strand, corresponding to raising and lowering of the leg, respectively. Using ramp movements imposed on the chordotonal strand, we demonstrated that only movement-coding chordotonal afferents produce excitatory post-synaptic potentials in the common inhibitory motoneuron; these connections are monosynaptic. Mechanical or electrical stimulation of the dactyl sensory afferents resulted in an increase in the tonic discharge of the common inhibitory motoneuron through polysynaptic excitatory pathways. These two types of sensory cues reinforce the central command of the common inhibitory motoneuron and contribute to enhancing its activity during leg movements, and thus facilitate the relaxation of tonic muscle fibres during locomotion.Abbreviations ADR anterior distal root - A Lev anterior levator nerve - CB coxo-basipodite joint - CBCO coxo-basal chordotonal organ - CI common inhibitory motoneuron - Dep depressor nerve - DSA dactyl sensory afferents - EPSP excitatory post-synaptic potential - IN interneuron - MN motoneuron - PDR posterior distal root - P Lev posterior levator nerve - Pro promotor nerve - Rem remotor nerve  相似文献   

Summary The cell bodies and function of twelve neurons whose impulse pattern is clearly related to that of the swimming rhythm were identified in the segmental ganglion of the leech. These include excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons of the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles and the excitatory flattener motor neuron of the dorsoventral muscles. During swimming the membrane potential of these cells oscillates between a depolarized and a hyperpolarized phase. The activity of this ensemble of cells is sufficient to account for the contractile rhythm of the swimming animal. The following connections were found between these motor neurons. Electrotonic junctions link: (1) bilaterally homologous cells; (2) excitors of the dorsal longitudinal muscles; (3) excitors of the ventral longitudinal muscles; (4) inhibitors of both dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles. The dorsal inhibitors project via an inhibitory pathway to the dorsal excitors, and the ventral inhibitor projects via an inhibitory pathway to the ventral excitors. The membrane potential oscillation of the excitors is at least partly attributable to the phasic inhibitory synaptic input which they receive from the inhibitors. The excitatory shortener motor neuron of the entire longitudinal musculature is maintained in an inactive state during swimming. This control is achieved by rectifying electrotonic junctions linking this neuron to the dorsal and ventral excitors. These junctions allow passage of only depolarizing current from the shortener to the dorsal and ventral excitors and of only hyperpolarizing current in the reverse direction. Furthermore, both dorsal and ventral inhibitors project via inhibitory pathways to the shortener neuron.We are greatly indebted to Ann Stuart for advice and help in this study, and for communicating to us some unpublished findings. We thank Elizabeth Mullenbach for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported by grant GB 31933 X from the National Science Foundation, and by Public Health Service Research grant GM 17866 and Training Grant GM 01389 from the Institute for General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Chemical lesions in the medullary raphe nuclei region influence cough. This study examined whether firing patterns of caudal medullary midline neurons were altered during cough. Extracellular neuron activity was recorded with microelectrode arrays in decerebrated, neuromuscular-blocked, ventilated cats. Cough-like motor patterns (fictive cough) in phrenic and lumbar nerves were elicited by mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea. Discharge patterns of respiratory and nonrespiratory-modulated neurons were altered during cough cycles (58/133); 45 increased and 13 decreased activity. Fourteen cells changed firing rate during the inspiratory and/or expiratory phases of cough. Altered patterns in 43 cells were associated with the duration of, or extended beyond, the cough episodes. The different response categories suggest that multiple factors influence the discharge patterns during coughing: e.g., respiratory-modulated and tonic inputs and intrinsic connections. These results suggest involvement of midline neurons (i.e., raphe nuclei) in the cough reflex.  相似文献   

We have compared intrinsic firing properties of motoneurons with the way they fire during locomotion in young tadpoles of four species of amphibian. Xenopus motoneurons have the highest current threshold for spiking; most fire a single spike to depolarising current steps; all fire reliably once per cycle during fictive swimming. Xenopus motoneurons recorded with Cs+-filled microlelectrodes fire repetitively to current but still fire only once per swimming cycle. Rana, Bufo and Triturus motoneurons have lower current thresholds; most fire bursts of spikes to suprathreshold current but most do not fire reliably during swimming and most still fire only once (if at all) per cycle. We conclude that neuronal firing patterns during locomotion cannot reliably be predicted from intrinsic firing properties, and suggest the composition and form of the underlying synaptic input is more important. We also measured cycle period, ventral root burst duration, and longitudinal delay during fictive swimming. These basic swimming parameters range from relatively long in Rana to relatively short in Xenopus. By discounting differences in neuronal firing properties between the four species, we can start to relate differences in fictive swimming to differences in synaptic drive, particularly the strong electrotonic input seen only in Xenopus. Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

The mechanism of onset of rebound after inhibition induced by electrical stimulation of a nerve of maximal and submaximal strength for M-response was studied in single motor units of normal human soleus, rectus femoris, and hand muscles. Poststimulus histograms and changes in the duration of interspike intervals were compared with mechanical recordings of muscle contractions. In all muscles tested, during strong isotonic contraction, the increase in motor unit activity after a silent period was partly due to synchronization of their emergence from inhibition. However, it also contained a component of true facilitation of motoneurons, which was evidently a reflex response to lengthening of the muscle in the relaxation phase after evoked contraction. The latent period of this facilitation in the soleus and rectus femoris muscles coincided in value with the latent period of the monosynaptic spinal reflex, whereas in the hand muscles, in which a monosynaptic response to electrical nerve stimulation could not be evoked, the latent period of facilitation as a result of spindle activation during muscle relaxation was significantly longer than the latent period of the monosynaptic reflex. These findings support the hypothesis of presynaptic suppression of monosynaptic connections of Ia afferents with the motoneurons of some human muscles by descending tonic influences and of the use of information coming from spindles by supraspinal levels of the CNS.  相似文献   

What cellular and network properties allow reliable neuronal rhythm generation or firing that can be started and stopped by brief synaptic inputs? We investigate rhythmic activity in an electrically-coupled population of brainstem neurons driving swimming locomotion in young frog tadpoles, and how activity is switched on and off by brief sensory stimulation. We build a computational model of 30 electrically-coupled conditional pacemaker neurons on one side of the tadpole hindbrain and spinal cord. Based on experimental estimates for neuron properties, population sizes, synapse strengths and connections, we show that: long-lasting, mutual, glutamatergic excitation between the neurons allows the network to sustain rhythmic pacemaker firing at swimming frequencies following brief synaptic excitation; activity persists but rhythm breaks down without electrical coupling; NMDA voltage-dependency doubles the range of synaptic feedback strengths generating sustained rhythm. The network can be switched on and off at short latency by brief synaptic excitation and inhibition. We demonstrate that a population of generic Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons coupled by glutamatergic excitatory feedback can generate sustained asynchronous firing switched on and off synaptically. We conclude that networks of neurons with NMDAR mediated feedback excitation can generate self-sustained activity following brief synaptic excitation. The frequency of activity is limited by the kinetics of the neuron membrane channels and can be stopped by brief inhibitory input. Network activity can be rhythmic at lower frequencies if the neurons are electrically coupled. Our key finding is that excitatory synaptic feedback within a population of neurons can produce switchable, stable, sustained firing without synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

1. Intracellular recordings were obtained from the somata of identified abdominal postural motor neurons in lobster to examine their subthreshold and suprathreshold responses to tactile stimulation of the swimmeret. 2. Pressure stimulation of the swimmeret surface evoked abdominal extension by producing tonic spiking in the extensor excitors and the synergistic flexor inhibitor (f5) and hyperpolarizing responses in the extensor inhibitor and antagonistic flexor excitors. These responses often continued for several seconds following the termination of the stimulus. The receptive fields of these motor responses extended over most of the swimmeret surface. 3. More localized tactile stimulation of the swimmeret surface elicited EPSPs in f5 and the extensor excitors, and IPSPs in the flexor excitors. The amplitude of these synaptic potentials decreased as the stimulus intensity was reduced. 4. Stimulation of feathered hair (both sexes) and smooth hair (female only) sensilla produced responses characteristic of extension whereas bristly spines on the male accessory lobe excited only two flexor excitors without affecting any of the other postural motor neurons. 5. Summed synaptic responses recorded from the motor neurons differed in their amplitudes and latencies according to the type of mechanoreceptor stimulated-cuticular receptors, feathered hairs or smooth hairs. Stimulation of the swimmeret cuticle produced the strongest responses (shortest latency, largest amplitude), while feathered hair stimulation initiated the weakest responses (longest latency, smallest amplitude). 6. The relatively long latencies (greater than 35 ms) and the complex form of the EPSPs and IPSPs indicate the involvement of multisynaptic interneuronal pathways in the reflex arcs.  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrode recordings have been made from probable motoneurons in the spinal cord of Xenopus laevis embryos during fictive 'swimming' in preparations paralysed with the neuromuscular blocking agent tubocurarine. These cells had resting potentials of -50 mV or more. During spontaneous or stimulus-evoked 'swimming' episodes: (a) the cells were tonically excited; the level of tonic synaptic excitation and the conductance increase underlying it were both inversely related to the 'swimming' cycle period; (b) the cells usually fired one spike per cycle in phase with the motor root burst on the same side; spikes did not overshoot zero and were evoked by phasic excitatory synaptic input on each cycle, superimposed on the tonic excitation; (c) in phase with motor root discharge on the opposite side of the body, the cells were hyperpolarized by a chloride-dependent inhibitory postsynaptic potential. The nature of synaptic potentials during 'swimming' was evaluated by means of intracellular current injections. The 'swimming' activity could be controlled by natural stimuli. The results provide clear evidence on the relation of tonic excitation to rhythmic locomotory pattern generation, and indirect evidence for reciprocal inhibitory coupling between antagonistic motor systems.  相似文献   

The processing of proprioceptive information from the exopodite-endopodite chordotonal organ in the tailfan of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard) is described. The chordotonal organ monitors relative movements of the exopodite about the endopodite. Displacement of the chordotonal strand elicits a burst of sensory spikes in root 3 of the terminal ganglion which are followed at a short and constant latency by excitatory postsynaptic potentials in interneurones. The afferents make excitatory monosynaptic connections with spiking and nonspiking local interneurones and intersegmental interneurones. No direct connections with motor neurones were found.Individual afferents make divergent patterns of connection onto different classes of interneurone. In turn, interneurones receive convergent inputs from some, but not all, chordotonal afferents. Ascending and spiking local interneurones receive inputs from afferents with velocity thresholds from 2–400°/s, while nonspiking interneurones receive inputs only from afferents with high velocity thresholds (200–400°/s).The reflex effects of chordotonal organ stimulation upon a number of uropod motor neurones are weak. Repetitive stimulation of the chordotonal organ at 850°/s produces a small reduction in the firing frequency of the reductor motor neurone. Injecting depolarizing current into ascending or non-spiking local interneurones that receive direct chordotonal input produces a similar inhibition.  相似文献   

Delay-related sustained activity in the prefrontal cortex of primates, a neurological analogue of working memory, has been proposed to arise from synaptic interactions in local cortical circuits. The implication is that memories are coded by spatially localized foci of sustained activity. We investigate the mechanisms by which sustained foci are initiated, maintained, and extinguished by excitation in networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons coupled with biophysical spatially structured synaptic connections. For networks with a balance between excitation and inhibition, a localized transient stimulus robustly initiates a localized focus of activity. The activity is then maintained by recurrent excitatory AMPA-like synapses. We find that to maintain the focus, the firing must be asynchronous. Consequently, inducing transient synchrony through an excitatory stimulus extinguishes the sustained activity. Such a monosynaptic excitatory turn-off mechanism is compatible with the working memory being wiped clean by an efferent copy of the motor command. The activity that codes working memories may be structured so that the motor command is both the read-out and a direct clearing signal. We show examples of data that is compatible with our theory.  相似文献   

The pattern of innervation and motor program of the abdominal superficial flexor muscle was investigated electrophysiologically in larval lobsters (Homarus americanus). The muscle receives both excitatory and inhibitory innervation in the larval as well as in the embryonic stages. Individual muscle fibers receive a single inhibitory neuron (f5) and a maximum of three excitors. Based on spike heights these axons belong to either the small (f1 or f2) or large (f3, f4) motoneurons. While the small axons preferentially innervate the medial muscle fibers the large axons innervate medial as well as lateral fibers. This larval pattern of innervation resembles the pattern in the adult lobster. The resemblance extends to the firing patterns as well with both large and small excitors firing spontaneously. Furthermore, evoked activity in the larvae produces reciprocal (and occasionally cyclical) bursts of excitor and inhibitor neurons denoting abdominal extension and flexion and resembling the firing patterns in adults. Consequently motor programs employed in steering the pelagic larvae are reminiscent of the programs for maintaining posture in the benthic adult lobsters.  相似文献   

In the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, the paired buccal ganglia contain 3 octopamine-immunoreactive neurons, which have previously been shown to be part of the feeding network. All 3 OC cells are electrically coupled together and interact with all the known buccal feeding motoneurons, as well as with all the modulatory and central pattern generating interneurons in the buccal ganglia. N1 (protraction) phase neurons: Motoneurons firing in this phase of the feeding cycle receive either single excitatory (depolarising) synaptic inputs (B1, B6 neurons) or a biphasic response (hyperpolarisation followed by depolarisation) (B5, B7 motoneurons). Protraction phase feeding interneurons (SO, N1L, NIM) also receive this biphasic synaptic input after OC stimulation. All of protraction phase interneurons inhibit the OC neurons. N2 (retraction) phase neurons: These motoneurons (B2, B3, B9, B10) and N2 interneurons are hyperpolarised by OC stimulation. N2 interneurons have a variable (probably polysynaptic) effect on the activity of the OC neurons. N3 (swallowing) phase: OC neurons are strongly electrically coupled to both N3 phase (B4, B4cluster, B8) motoneurons and to the N3p interneurons. In case of the interneuronal connection (OC<->N3) the electrical synapse is supplemented by reciprocal chemical inhibition. However, the synaptic connections formed by the OC neurons or N3p interneurons to the other members of the feeding network are not identical. CGC: The cerebral, serotonergic CGC neurons excite the OC cells, but the OC neurons have no effect on the CGC activity. In addition to direct synaptic effects, the OC neurons also evoke long-lasting changes in the activity of feeding neurons. In a silent preparation, OC stimulation may start the feeding pattern, but when fictive feeding is already occurring, OC stimulation decreases the rate of the fictive feeding. Our results suggest that the octopaminergic OC neurons form a sub-population of N3 phase feeding interneurons, different from the previously identified N3p and N3t interneurons. The long-lasting effects of OC neurons suggest that they straddle the boundary between central pattern generator and modulatory neurons.  相似文献   

The nature of the synaptic relationship between 7 identified postural interneurons and 5 pairs of superficial motoneurons was examined by obtaining dual intracellular recordings from interneuron-motoneuron pairs in the lobster 2nd abdominal ganglion. For six different interneuron-motoneuron pairs EPSPs recorded from motoneurons occurred with a short (1 to 3 ms) fixed latency following each presynaptic spike recorded from the interneuron. This suggests that there is a monosynaptic relationship between these interneurons and motoneurons. Monosynaptic pathways accounted for 27% of all excitatory connections. Preliminary evidence indicates that the monosynaptic potentials are mediated by an excitatory chemical synapse since: all IPSPs occurred with latencies greater than 5 ms, there was no evidence for electrical coupling, and one of the interneurons produced facilitating PSPs. A majority of all monosynaptic connections were made by two of the flexion producing interneurons (FPIs), 201 and 301. The synaptic outputs of these FPIs were similar in that both made monosynaptic connections with a different bilaterally homologous pair of motoneurons. Both also produced larger EPSPs and more vigorous spiking in contralateral members of the bilateral motoneuron pairs. A previous study demonstrated that interneurons 201 and 301 are the only postural interneurons yet identified that express motor programs indistinguishable from command neurons. Taken together, these results suggest that certain intersegmental interneurons share properties with command neurons and driver neurons, and that there may not be a sharp morphological or functional distinction between these two cell types.  相似文献   

Using multiple-site optical recording with the voltage-sensitive dye, NK2761, we found that vagus nerve stimulation in the embryonic chick brainstem elicits postsynaptic responses in an undefined region on the contralateral side. The characteristics of the contralateral optical signals suggested that they correspond to the monosynaptic response that is related to the vagal afferent fibers. The location of the contralateral response was different from the vagal motor nucleus (the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve) and sensory nucleus (the nucleus of the tractus solitarius), and other brainstem nuclei that receive primary vagal projection. These results show that the vagus nerve innervates and makes functional synaptic connections in a previously unreported region of the brainstem, and suggest that sensory information processing mediated by the vagus nerve is more complex than expected.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The effects of heavy metals (Pb2+, Hg2+, and Zn2+) on synaptic transmission in the identified neural network ofHelix pomatia L. andLymnaea stagnalis L. (Gastropoda, Mollusca) were studied, with investigation of effects on inputs and outputs as wells as on interneuronal connections.2. The sensory input running from the cardiorenal system to the central nervous system and the synaptic connections between central neurons were affected by heavy metals.3. Lead and mercury (10–5–10–3 M) eliminated first the inhibitory, then the excitatory inputs running from the heart to central neurons. At the onset of action lead increased the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials, but blockade of sensory information transfer occurred after 10–20 min of treatment.4. The monosynaptic connections between identified interneurons were inhibited by lead and mercury but not by zinc. Motoneurons were found to be less sensitive to heavy metal treatment than interneurons or sensory pathways.5. The treatment with Pb2+ and Hg2+ often elicited pacemaker and bursting-type firing in central neurons, accompanied by disconnection of synaptic pathways, manifested by insensitivity to sensory synaptic influences.6. Zn2+ treatment also sometimes induced pacemaker activity and burst firing but did not cause disconnection of the synaptic transmission between interneurons.7. A network analysis of heavy metal effects can be a useful tool in understanding the connection between their cellular and their behavioral modulatory influences.  相似文献   

The reflex connections made by Cuticular Stress Detector afferents (CSD1 and CSD2) with motorneurones of the four proximal muscle groups in the 5th walking legs of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Pacifastacus leniusculus) have been studied in an in vitro preparation. Reflex responses to mechanical stimulation of the CSDs were studied in single neurones by means of intracellular techniques. Within each motorneurone pool, both excitatory and inhibitory reflex responses occurred, although sometimes no reflex connections were found. When present, they could be classified into levation and depression reflexes, corresponding to negative and positive feedback effects respectively. Each motorneurone receives input from a number of different CSD afferents (mean values between 3.0 and 5.8). Using electrophysiological and pharmacological tests, it was demonstrated that at least 32% of all connections were monosynaptic. In preparations showing fictive locomotion, phasic CSD stimulation was shown to be able to entrain anterior levator and depressor motorneurone activity in 95% of cases. The results thus demonstrate the importance of sensory feedback from the CSDs in shaping the final motor output.Abbreviations CPG Central pattern generator - CSDs (CSD1 and CSD2) Cuticular stress detector organs  相似文献   

Thalamic relay cells transmit information from retina to cortex by firing either rapid bursts or tonic trains of spikes. Bursts occur when the membrane voltage is low, as during sleep, because they depend on channels that cannot respond to excitatory input unless they are primed by strong hyperpolarization. Cells fire tonically when depolarized, as during waking. Thus, mode of firing is usually associated with behavioral state. Growing evidence, however, suggests that sensory processing involves both burst and tonic spikes. To ask if visually evoked synaptic responses induce each type of firing, we recorded intracellular responses to natural movies from relay cells and developed methods to map the receptive fields of the excitation and inhibition that the images evoked. In addition to tonic spikes, the movies routinely elicited lasting inhibition from the center of the receptive field that permitted bursts to fire. Therefore, naturally evoked patterns of synaptic input engage dual modes of firing.  相似文献   

Using intra- and extracellular recording techniques we examined the spontaneous discharge and membrane properties of respiratory-related neurons in isolated brainstem preparations of the frogs Rana catesbeiana and Rana pipiens that display spontaneous respiratory related activity in vitro. We observed neurons that depolarize during the fictive lung ventilation cycle as well as neurons that depolarize during the non-lung ventilation phase. Respiratory-related neurons demonstrated significant decreases in membrane input resistance during the fictive lung ventilation cycle but showed no evidence of voltage-dependent membrane conductances activated near resting membrane potential. Furthermore, respiratory neurons showed little spike frequency adaptation, their oscillatory activity was not dissociated from the global respiratory motor output following imposed changes in membrane potential, and spontaneous fluctuations in membrane potential were not observed following reversible interruption of respiratory burst activity by application of solutions low in calcium and high in magnesium. Taken together these results suggest that bulbar respiratory neurons in the isolated frog brainstem sampled in our study do not display endogenous bursting characteristics. Rather, they are strongly influenced by synaptic input. Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

Local nonspiking interneurons in the thoracic ganglia of insects are important premotor elements in posture control and locomotion. It was investigated whether these interneurons are involved in the central neuronal circuits generating the oscillatory motor output of the leg muscle system during rhythmic motor activity. Intracellular recordings from premotor nonspiking interneurons were made in the isolated and completely deafferented mesothoracic ganglion of the stick insect in preparations exhibiting rhythmic motor activity induced by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. All interneurons investigated provided synaptic drive to one or more motoneuron pools supplying the three proximal leg joints, that is, the thoraco-coxal joint, the coxa-trochanteral joint and the femur-tibia joint. During rhythmicity in 83% (n=67) of the recorded interneurons, three different kinds of synaptic oscillations in membrane potential were observed: (1) Oscillations were closely correlated with the activity of motoneuron pools affected; (2) membrane potential oscillations reflected only certain aspects of motoneuronal rhythmicity; and (3) membrane potential oscillations were correlated mainly with the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent patterns (SRP) of activity in the motoneuron pools. In individual interneurons membrane potential oscillations were associated with phase-dependent changes in the neuron's membrane conductance. Artificial changes in the interneurons' membrane potential strongly influenced motor activity. Injecting current pulses into individual interneurons caused a reset of rhythmicity in motoneurons. Furthermore, current injection into interneurons influenced shape and probability of occurrence for SRPs. Among others, identified nonspiking interneurons that are involved in posture control of leg joints were found to exhibit the above properties. From these results, the following conclusions on the role of nonspiking interneurons in the generation of rhythmic motor activity, and thus potentially also during locomotion, emerge: (1) During rhythmic motor activity most nonspiking interneurons receive strong synaptic drive from central rhythm-generating networks; and (2) individual nonspiking interneurons some of which underlie sensory-motor pathways in posture control, are elements of central neuronal networks that generate alternating activity in antagonistic leg motoneuron pools. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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