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In June 2013, a record‐breaking female Isurus oxyrinchus (total length 373 cm, mass 600 kg) was captured by rod and reel off Huntington Beach, California, where it was subsequently donated to research and provided a rare opportunity to collect the first data for a female I. oxyrinchus of this size. Counts of vertebral band pairs estimate the shark to have been c. 22 years old, depending upon assumptions of band‐pair deposition rates, and the distended uteri and spent ovaries indicated that this shark had recently given birth. The stomach contained a c. 4 year‐old female California sea lion Zalophus californianus that confirmed the high trophic position of this large I. oxyrinchus, which was corroborated with the high levels of measured contaminants and tissue isotope analyses.  相似文献   

Population and community dynamics of naidid oligochaetes were studied from June 1982–December 1983 in a sluggish, alkaline bog stream situated within Cedarburg Bog, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, USA. Temporal differences in periods of peak abundance were observed for five species studied in detail: Chaetogaster diaphanus (mid-August and September), Chaetogaster diastrophus (mid-May), Dero digitata (mid-September), Dero nivea (mid-October), and Pristina leidyi (mid-October). Several correlations of abiotic and biotic parameters to density and percentage of naidids reproducing asexually were calculated. Mean doubling times (days) for field populations were 12.1, 22.7, 62.4, 19.6, 27.7 for C. diaphanus, C. diastrophus, D. digitata, D. nivea, and P. leidyi, respectively. Asexual reproduction by paratomy was the principal method of population increase. Sexual specimens were observed for Stylaria lacustris during June and October–December, D. digitata in September, C. diastrophus and Nais simplex during October, and C. diaphanus in October–November. Generally, a high proportion of the respective population was sexually mature when this type of reproduction occurred. Naididae community diversity index values using the Shannon-Weaver index ranged from 0.19–3.86.  相似文献   

Although typically life history and morphology are studied separately, they may evolve most often in concert. Therefore, a full understanding of the evolution of fish life-history patterns may require exploration of the evolutionary interplay between components of life history and other aspects of phenotype. One of the most promising approaches to understanding phenotypic integration is population comparison. This approach is particularly effective when ancestralderived relationships are understood and when multiple populations can be inferred to have evolved derived character states independently. Here we provide an example of this approach using five allopatric populations of freshwater three-spined stickleback ( Gasterosteus aculcatus L.) that have diverged in response to differences in selection regimes among the lakes they inhabit. We demonstrate a relationship between one aspect of reproductive life history, clutch volume and relative body shape. The differences are consistent with those predicted on the basis of differences in trophic habit and overall body form. Finally, we discuss the value of particular groups of fish for use in comparative studies and explore the kinds of evolutionary issues that can be addressed through population comparison.  相似文献   

Fish play an important role in the culture of Japan, supplying the primary source of food protein. Research on fish ecology in Japan began developing about 1955, and paralleled that in North America and Europe, but has a number of unique differences. Two main research foci, stream fish ecology and ecology of Lake Biwa, were founded by H. Kawanabe and his colleagues while graduate students in D. Miyadi's laboratory at Kyoto University in the 1950s. The focus on studies of individual differences in ecology, life history, and behavior by direct observation that were developed in this laboratory had a pervasive influence on research that has continued to the present. In the 1980s, Kawanabe, who had succeeded Miyadi as laboratory head, also co-organized a major research project on the complex communities of cichlid fishes in Lake Tanganyika, which has involved nearly every major Japanese investigator in fish ecology since. A review of research conducted by Japanese investigators in stream fish ecology, ecology of fishes in lakes Biwa and Tanganyika, and marine reef fish ecology revealed a wealth of literature of which most English-speaking fish ecologists are unaware. The most striking difference between Western and Japanese research is the focus on detailed observations and experiments in natural habitats of individual differences in behavior, life history, and ecology, and how these ultimately affect processes at the population and community level, as amply demonstrated by Kawanabe's early work on ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis. This approach predated by 20–30 years the current interest in individual differences and individual-based models in North America and Europe.  相似文献   

Using the non‐native sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus as a model, the relationship between ontogeny and ecology was studied with a view to identifying specific morphological and physiological processes involved in influencing ecological niche shifts. Following a predefined saltatory model for the early ontogeny of sunbleak, field studies examined the temporal use of microhabitat, diet and morphological changes throughout early development. Following a dramatic shift in both morphology and ecology between the free embryo phase and the larval period, habitat use and diet showed little change during the larval period, with habitat use confined to marginal, vegetated areas and prey items associated with these habitats well represented in the diet. During the final larval step (L5), transition to the juvenile period resulted in the stabilization of relative growth, acquisition of the adult morphotype and was associated with a clear shift in diet and habitat use. During this period, sunbleak moved for the first time into open, deeper water, away from the banks, and utilized a similar range of food items to the adults. Specific relationships between form and function are further discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial symbiosis has played a fundamental role in the evolution of eukaryotes. However, we still know little about how cooperative relationships with bacteria originate, and why they form in some host species but not others. Facultative symbionts that are beneficial, but not essential, provide unique insights into these processes. We use data from over a hundred aphid species to test if host life history is associated with the presence of facultative symbionts. We find that aphid species that have mutualistic associations with ants that protect them from natural enemies are less likely to carry symbionts that provide similar benefits. We also find one symbiont species occurs more frequently in unrelated aphid species that specialise on certain plant genera. In addition, aphid species that attack multiple plants often carry different symbiont complements. Our findings provide evidence of the ecological conditions that facilitate stable, mutually beneficial relationships between microbes and eukaryotic hosts.  相似文献   

Nonconvergence in the evolution of primate life history and socio-ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The goal of this study was to investigate the extent of convergence in four basic life history and socio-ecological traits among the primates of Africa, Asia, South America and Madagascar. The convergence hypothesis predicts that similar abiotic conditions should result in similar adaptations in independent taxa. Because primates offer a unique opportunity among mammals to examine adaptations of independent groups to tropical environments, we collected information on body mass, activity pattern, diet and group size from all genera for quantitative tests of this hypothesis. We revealed a number of qualitative and quantitative differences among the four primate groups, indicating a lack of convergence in these basic aspects of life history and socio-ecology. Our analyses demonstrated that New World primates are on average significantly smaller than primates in other regions and characterized by a lack of species larger than about 10 kg. Madagascar harbours significantly more nocturnal species than the other regions and is home to all but one of the primates with irregular bursts of activity. Asia is the only region with strictly faunivorous primates, but lacks primarily gummivorous ones. The Neotropics are characterized by the absence of primarily folivorous primates. Solitary species are not represented in the New World, whereas solitary and pair-living species make up the majority of Malagasy primates. Lemurs live in significantly smaller groups than other primates, even after controlling for differences in body size. The lack of convergence among the major primate groups is neither primarily due to phylogenetic constraints as a result of founder effects, nor can it be sufficiently explained as a passive consequence of body size differences. However, because the role of adaptive forces, such as interspecific competition, predation or phenology in shaping the observed differences is largely unexplored, we conclude that it is premature to discard the convergence hypothesis without further tests.  相似文献   

Development is typically a constructive process, in which phenotypes incrementally adapt to local ecologies. Here, we present a novel model in which natural selection shapes developmental systems based on the evolutionary ecology, and these systems adaptively guide phenotypic development. We assume that phenotypic construction is incremental and trades off with sampling cues to the environmental state. We computed the optimal developmental programmes across a range of evolutionary ecological conditions. Using these programmes, we simulated distributions of mature phenotypes. Our results show that organisms sample the environment most extensively when cues are moderately, not highly, informative. When the developmental programme relies heavily on sampling, individuals transition from sampling to specialization at different times in ontogeny, depending on the consistency of their sampled cue set; this finding suggests that stochastic sampling may result in individual differences in plasticity itself. In addition, we find that different selection pressures may favour similar developmental mechanisms, and that organisms may incorrectly calibrate development despite stable ontogenetic environments. We hope our model will stimulate adaptationist research on the constructive processes guiding development.  相似文献   

Individual humans, and members of diverse other species, show consistent differences in aggressiveness, shyness, sociability and activity. Such intraspecific differences in behaviour have been widely assumed to be non‐adaptive variation surrounding (possibly) adaptive population‐average behaviour. Nevertheless, in keeping with recent calls to apply Darwinian reasoning to ever‐finer scales of biological variation, we sketch the fundamentals of an adaptive theory of consistent individual differences in behaviour. Our thesis is based on the notion that such ‘personality differences’ can be selected for if fitness payoffs are dependent on both the frequencies with which competing strategies are played and an individual's behavioural history. To this end, we review existing models that illustrate this and propose a game theoretic approach to analyzing personality differences that is both dynamic and state‐dependent. Our motivation is to provide insights into the evolution and maintenance of an apparently common animal trait: personality, which has far reaching ecological and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

  1. Human impacts on aquatic ecosystems are causing shifts in the composition and distribution of species, leading to subsequent changes in community structure. However, these changes may not be fully realised because of inadequate baseline information. In Texas, such baseline information is generally lacking for cryptic aquatic species such as unionid mussels, which will be likely to impede identification of impacted populations, potential causal factors, and the setting or achieving of management goals.
  2. The Navasota River, located in central Texas, is an exception, having been comprehensively surveyed more than 40 years ago, prior to large-scale impoundment of this system. Hierarchical cluster analysis, nonmetric multidimensional scaling, and fuzzy set ordination were performed to compare assemblage structure from the 1975 survey to that of a recent survey in 2016 at similar sampling locations.
  3. Comparing sites based on the presence–absence of mussel species, we found no significant differences between the number of taxa and species present; however, we did find significant filtering of mussel life history strategies. Specifically, prior to impoundment, we found that mussel assemblages were filtered based on longitudinal patterns in life history strategy from taxa that are adapted to disturbed habitats to those favoured in more stable habitats with low environmental variation.
  4. However, following large-scale impoundment after 1975, we saw a shift in the hydrologic regime towards consistent, homogenised flows and a shift in assemblage structure towards equilibrium species. This shift appears to represent a discontinuity, wherein river impoundment alters physical parameters of the hydrologic regime and these changes in turn modify biotic patterns and processes.
  5. Our results provide another example of how large dams can restructure mussel assemblages, highlight the importance of incorporating reference or baseline conditions wherever possible when evaluating the conservation status of aquatic biota, and provide further evidence for the use of life history theory and the serial discontinuity concept in predicting the consequences of flow alteration and river impoundment.

Mammalian DNA is littered with the signatures of past retroviral infections. For example, at least 8% of the human genome can be attributed to endogenous retroviruses (ERVs). We take a single-locus approach to develop a simple susceptible–infected–recovered model to investigate the circumstances under which a disease-causing retrovirus can become incorporated into the host genome and spread through the host population if it were to confer an immunological advantage. In the absence of any fitness benefit provided by the long terminal repeat (LTR), we conclude that signatures of ERVs are likely to go to fixation within a population when the probability of evolving cellular/humoral immunity to a related exogenous version of the virus is extremely small. We extend this model to examine whether changing the speed of the host life history influences the likelihood that an exogenous retrovirus will incorporate and spread to fixation. Our results reveal the parameter space under which incorporation of exogenous retroviruses into a host genome may be beneficial to the host. In our final model, we find that the likelihood of an LTR reaching fixation in a host population is not strongly affected by host life history.  相似文献   

There is little extant empirical literature examining the associations between life history strategies and symptoms of psychopathology. The current study (N = 138) investigated the associations between life history strategies, symptoms of psychopathology, aggression, incidence of self-harm behaviour, and attachment (perceived parental support) in sample drawn from the general population and community mental health service providers. The results from the study indicate those with a faster life strategy report greater levels of aggression and symptoms of psychopathology. Further, perceptions of poorer parental support were associated with a faster life history strategy. Implications for life history theory, conceptualising psychopathology, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

新陈代谢是生物的基本生理过程。生态学代谢理论(metabolic theory of ecology)基于生物个体大小和环境温度对个体新陈代谢过程的影响, 使用尺度推移(scaling)的方法来解释多种生态学格局和过程。James Borwn等将这一理论用于解释物种多样性的大尺度格局, 并从机制上解释了物种多样性与环境温度的关系。这一理论提出了两个明确的预测: (1)物种多样性的对数与绝对温度的倒数之间呈线性关系; (2) 这一线性关系的斜率为–0.6至–0.7。这一理论自提出以来, 饱受争议, 经过了正反两方面经验数据的检验, 目前仍未形成一致的结论。虽然这一理论仍面临着一些有待解决的问题, 但它以崭新的思路和方法有别于以往的基于统计学方法的研究。人们过去对该理论的实证检验忽略了两个重要的约束条件, 即除温度以外的环境条件处于理想状态和群落处于平衡状态, 而这两个约束条件是理解该理论的基础。本文对生态学代谢理论的理论框架、预测和含义, 以及以往的检验结果进行阐述, 在此基础上提出了作者对该理论的若干认识和未来研究中应考虑的若干问题。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We tested the effect of ultraviolet-B (UVB)-irradiated phytoplankton on life history characteristics of Daphnia magna . Two phytoplankton species were used, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera . The phytoplankton species were cultured under photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) conditions, and under PAR supplemented with ultraviolet-A and ultraviolet-B radiation, and fed to Daphnia .
2. Life history traits of Daphnia were negatively affected when fed on UVB-irradiated Cryptomonas . Size at maturity was depressed and fewer juveniles with lower fitness were produced in the UVB treatments. In the Chlamydomonas experiment, no significant effects were found.
3. The cause of the observed UVB effects is likely to be constraints in food quality. Ultraviolet-B radiation thus has the potential of inhibiting energy transfer from the first to the second trophic level.  相似文献   

Klaus Henle 《Oecologia》1989,78(4):521-532
Summary The life history and population ecology of the skink Morethia boulengeri were studied from September 1985 to May 1987 in populations in a riverine woodland habitat and at an abandoned homestead in Kinchega National Park. The population dynamics and life histories of the two populations were remarkably similar. Yearly mortality (including emigration) ranged from 0.84–0.89. The yearly emigration rate was 0.01–0.03. Size-and body-condition-dependent mortality could be demonstrated for the population in riverine woodland. Average spring time densities were similar in both study sites but varied between years and ranged from 421-1823 individuals/ha. M. boulengeri females laid on average 2.8 eggs per clutch and usually produced three clutches per year. Egg mass was significantly correlated with female snout-vent-length, but relative clutch mass and egg size were not. All surviving juveniles reproduced for the first time in their first year. Some activity occurred throughout the year. Preferred body temperatures decreased in the cooler months. The data fit demographic models of life history evolution.  相似文献   

1. A simple two-stage population model was applied to data from a previously published life-table response experiment (LTRE), which examined the toxicity of 4- n -nonylphenol to life-history traits of the polychaete Capitella sp. I. Population growth rates ( λ ) and the relative sensitivities (= elasticities) of λ to changes in each of the individual life-history traits were calculated.
2. In the present study, the life-history parameters measured in laboratory-reared individuals were manipulated to simulate potential effects of competition and predation on fecundity, time to reproductive maturity and juvenile survival to explore how such factors might influence the sensitivity of population growth rate to toxicant-caused changes in individual life-history traits.
3. Dramatic changes in elasticity patterns among simulations indicate that population growth rates may respond very differently to toxicant exposure depending on the extent to which other demographically limiting factors (e.g. competitors and/or predators) are operating on the population.
4. Effectively predicting the population-level consequences arising from toxicant effects measured on individuals can be improved by exploring the elasticity pattern of λ for the population over a range of realistic ecological situations.  相似文献   

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