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Most hemoglobins serve for the transport or storage of O(2). Although hemoglobins are widespread in "entomostracan" Crustacea, malacostracans harbor the copper-containing hemocyanin in their hemolymph. Usually, only one type of respiratory protein occurs within a single species. Here, we report the identification of a hemoglobin of the shore crab Carcinus maenas (Malacostraca, Brachyura). In contrast to the dodecameric hemocyanin of this species, C. maenas hemoglobin does not reside in the hemolymph but is restricted to the gills. Immunofluorescence studies and cell fractioning showed that C. maenas hemoglobin resides in the membrane of the chief cells of the gill. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a membrane-bound hemoglobin has been identified in eukaryotes. Bioinformatic evaluation suggests that C. maenas hemoglobin is anchored in the membrane by N-myristoylation. Recombinant C. maenas hemoglobin has a hexacoordinate binding scheme at the Fe(2+) and an oxygen affinity of P(50) = 0.5 Torr. A rapid autoxidation rate precludes a function as oxygen carrier. We rather speculate that, analogous to prokaryotic membrane-globins, C. maenas hemoglobin carries out enzymatic functions to protect the lipids in cell membrane from reactive oxygen species. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic studies suggested that the ancestral arthropod hemoglobin was most likely an N-myristoylated protein that did not have an O(2) supply function. True respiratory hemoglobins of arthropods, however, evolved independently in chironomid midges and branchiopod crustaceans.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the sex-specific differences to feeding responses of the shore crab Carcinus maenas throughout the year. Results demonstrate that female shore crabs exhibit stronger feeding responses than males throughout the year with a significantly reduced feeding response in males during the summer months' reproductive season. We also studied the possible function(s) of the moulting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (Crustecdysone) that has been described as a potential female-produced sex pheromone to initiate male reproductive behaviour in a number of crustaceans. We recently presented evidence that for shore crabs this is not the case and now show that the steroid is instead functioning as a sex-specific feeding deterrent protecting the moulting 'soft' female crabs. Whilst male shore crabs were deterred from prey (Mytilus edulis) and synthetic feeding stimulants glycine and taurine when these feeding stimulants were spiked with crustecdysone, intermoult female crabs were significantly less affected and rarely deterred from feeding. This sex specificity of the moulting hormone, in combination with the female sex pheromone, which has no anti-feeding properties, ensures that male crabs mate with soft-shelled, moulted females rather than engage in cannibalism, such as found frequently in cases when soft-shelled females are exposed to intermoult females.  相似文献   

Individuals of the shore crab Carcinus maenas were exposed to artificial cycles, applied in tidal antiphase, of pairs of the three major environmental variables that entrain circatidal rhythmicity in this species: salinity, temperature, and hydrostatic pressure. During entrainment, the observed locomotor activity patterns were dominated by exogenous responses to high pressure, low temperature, or low salinity. In subsequent constant conditions, many of the crabs showed bimodal circatidal rhythms, with peaks phased to the times of expected high-tide characteristics of high pressure, low temperature, or high salinity. Similar bimodal rhythms were induced by exposing freshly captured crabs, with free-running circatidal rhythms, to tidal antiphase cycles of each of the three environmental variables applied individually. The hypothesis that circatidal rhythmicity in this species is controlled by at least two separate circatidal oscillators, with differential sensitivities to specific cyclical environmental variables, is discussed.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific expression and differential function of the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH) in Carcinus maenas indicate an interesting evolutionary history. Previous studies have shown that CHH from the sinus gland X-organ (XO-type) has hyperglycemic activity, whereas the CHH from the pericardial organ (PO-type) neither shows hyperglycemic activity nor it inhibits Y-organ ecdysteroid synthesis. Here we examined the types of selective pressures operating on the variants of CHH in Carcinus maenas. Maximum likelihood-based codon substitution analyses revealed that the variants of this neuropeptide in C. maenas have been subjected to positive Darwinian selection indicating adaptive evolution and functional divergence among the CHH variants leading to two unique groups (PO and XO-type). Although the average ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution (omega) for the entire coding region is 0.5096, few codon sites showed significantly higher omega (10.95). Comparison of models that incorporate positive selection (omega > 1) with models not incorporating positive selection (omega <1) at certain codon sites failed to reject (p=0) evidence of positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   

Summary The phyllobranchiate gills of the green shore crab Carcinus maenas have been examined histologically and ultrastructurally. Each gill lamella is bounded by a chitinous cuticle. The apical surface of the branchial epithelium contacts this cuticle, and a basal lamina segregates the epithelium from an intralamellar hemocoel. In animals acclimated to normal sea water, five epithelial cell types can be identified in the lamellae of the posterior gills: chief cells, striated cells, pillar cells, nephrocytes, and glycocytes. Chief cells are the predominant cells in the branchial epithelium. They are squamous or low cuboidal and likely play a role in respiration. Striated cells, which are probably involved in ionoregulation, are also squamous or low cuboidal. Basal folds of the striated cells contain mitochondria and interdigitate with the bodies and processes of adjacent cells. Pillar cells span the hemocoel to link the proximal and distal sides of a lamella. Nephrocytes are large, spherical cells with voluminous vacuoles. They are rimmed by foot processes or pedicels and frequently associate with the pillar cells. Glycocytes are pleomorphic cells packed with glycogen granules and multigranular rosettes. The glycocytes often mingle with the nephrocytes. Inclusion of the nephrocytes and glycocytes as members of the branchial epithelium is justified by their participation in intercellular junctions and their position internal to the epithelial basal lamina.  相似文献   

Juvenile shore crabs Carcinus maenas (L.) were observed feeding on rock barnacles Semibalanus balanoides (L.) on a Bay of Fundy rocky shore. This previously unreported predatory behaviour was further investigated in the laboratory. When given a choice of three common and abundant gastropods, Nucella lapillus (L.), Littorina littorea (L.), and Littorina obtusata (L.), and the rock barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, juvenile shore crabs of both sexes ate mainly barnacles and consumed proportionately more barnacles than gastropods compared with adults, which ate mainly gastropods. The rock barnacle is an abundant and readily available food source which may be important in sustaining the juvenile crab through periods of moults and rapid growth. As the shore crab attains a certain age (size), it must forage lower on the shore as gastropods become more important in its diet.  相似文献   

Formation of a circular hole 8–10 mm in diameter in the calcified layers of the carapace from crabs in stage C4 of the molt cycle stimulates the tissue under and adjacent to the injury to deposit a unique calcified cuticular material below the intact membranous layer. Deposition was followed for 69 days using light microscopic histology, histochemistry, and scanning electron microscopy. Quantitative analyses of CaCO3 were conducted using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Gran titration. Spatial distribution of CaCO3 was determined with X-radiography. A scab is formed by day two under the injury. At four days the epithelium changes from squamous to columnar and deposits a PAS-positive layer with an irregular lamellar fine structure, followed by highly organized lamellae structurally similar to normal exocuticle. Histochemically, however, these lamellae resemble normal endocuticle. CaCO3 is evident external to the outermost lamellae by day eleven as a fused mass of aragonite granules. The lamellar region calcifies proximally from the outer surface and is amorphous CaCO3. Repair cuticle is approximately 20%CaCO3 by weight.  相似文献   

A number of criteria have been suggested for testing if pain occurs in animals, and these include an analgesic effect of opiates (Bateson, 1991). Morphine reduces responses to noxious stimuli in crustaceans but also reduces responsiveness in a non-pain context. Here we use a paradigm in which shore crabs receive a shock in a preferred dark shelter but not if they remain in an unpreferred light area. Analgesia should thus enhance movement to the preferred dark area because they should not experience ‘pain’. However, morphine inhibits rather than enhances this movement even when no shock is given. Morphine produces a general effect of non-responsiveness rather than a specific analgesic effect and this could also explain previous studies claiming analgesia. However, we question the utility of this criterion of pain and suggest instead that behavioural criteria be employed.  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - The reproduction of many brachyuran crustaceans involves the formation of mating pairs often around the time of the female moult with attraction of a sexual partner and mating...  相似文献   

The occurrence of proctolin (Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr) in crab neurohemal pericardial organs (POs) has been demonstrated by isolation of the pentapeptide by HPLC and manual microsequencing according to the DABITC-PITC double coupling technique. From one pair of POs approximately 5.4 pmol were obtained (= 45 pmol/mg protein). Immunocytochemically, an extensive system of positive structures was found in both whole mount preparations and semithin sections, consisting of numerous varicose fibres of varying diameter and many knoblike neurosecretory terminals abutting upon the epineurium of the PO trunks. The relatively high concentration in the POs as well as the pattern of proctolin-positive fibres and terminals clearly suggest a neurohormonal role of the pentapeptide in decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

The rate of oxygen uptake (MO(2)) of shore crabs following a period of fasting varied directly with acclimation temperature, with a Q(10) of 2.96 between 7 degrees and 15 degrees C and a Q(10) of 2.11 between 15 degrees and 22 degrees C. The factorial rise in MO(2) following a meal (specific dynamic action [SDA]) ranged between 1.9 and 3.1 and varied with temperature, being highest at 15 degrees C and significantly lower at both 7 degrees and 22 degrees C, despite similar ration sizes in all groups. At 7 degrees C, the SDA coefficient and magnitude were significantly lower than at 15 degrees C, possibly due in part to the inhibition of protein synthesis. Both the time to peak and the duration of the SDA response were inversely related to temperature. SDA coefficients were inversely related to the amount of food consumed. The critical oxygen tension of inspired water (P(I)O(2)), which evoked the emersion response in fasted animals, increased with temperature and further increased at each temperature when the animals were fed. Thus, the threshold P(I)O(2) evoking the emersion response is directly related to relative metabolic oxygen demand in Carcinus.  相似文献   

1. We have identified a class of nonspiking interneurons which can control the frequency of ventilation in a graded manner. These frequency modulating interneurons (FMis) also receive synaptic inputs in-phase with the ventilatory motor output providing a functional positive feedback loop in the ventilatory system. The class of FMis is composed of three morphologically and physiologically distinct interneurons, FMi1, FMi2 and FMi3. 2. Depolarization of FMi1 increases the rate of ventilation, while hyperpolarization decreases the rate (Fig. 1). This control is restricted to a single ventilatory central pattern generator (CPG), (Fig. 2), although FMi1 sends processes into the neuropils of both hemiganglionic CPGs (Fig. 3). 3. Hyperpolarization of FMi2 increases the rate of both ventilatory CPGs while depolarization of this cell slows and eventually arrests the rhythm (Figs. 5 and 6). FMi2 receives a synaptic input correlated with the motor output of each of the ventilatory CPGs (Fig. 4). During periods of reversed ventilation, this cell is abruptly hyperpolarized and continues to be driven in-phase with the ventilatory motor output (Fig. 7). 4. Hyperpolarization of FMi3 increases the rate of ventilation and depolarization decreases the rate of ventilation produced by both CPGs (Fig. 10). This control of the ventilatory rate by FMi3 is graded (Fig. 11). There is no apparent change in the membrane potential of FMi3 during reversed ventilation and it is morphologically distinct from FMi2. 5. FMi2 and FMi3 may be involved in the switch in ventilatory motor pattern from forward to reversed ventilation. Hyperpolarization of FMi2 and depolarization of FMi3 can elicit bouts of reversed ventilation from both CPGs (Fig. 13). 6. These results suggest that the FM interneurons act in parallel to control the frequency of ventilation and may act as integrating elements between spiking 'command' fibers in the circumesophageal connectives and the nonspiking interneurons of the ventilatory CPG.  相似文献   

D. G. Reid    P. Abello    C. G. Warman    E. Naylor 《Journal of Zoology》1994,232(3):397-407
The relationship between the size of a given mating male Carcinus maenas (L.) (Brachyura, Portunidae) and the size of the female with which it was paired was studied for 1248 pairs of crabs collected from the shore In 764 of these pairs the female was in pre-moult and so the pair were in pre-copula. In the remaining 484 pairs the female had already moulted and the pairs were in copula. There were significant correlations between the sizes of the males and females in both pre-copula and copula pairs. It was found that male Carcinus collected in mating pairs and tested in the laboratory were unable to distinguish between females in terms of their size or stage of pre-moult. The positive correlation between the sizes of males and females in mating pairs on the shore is proposed to be, in part, a function of a mechanical constraint of the size of female that a given male can hold, defend and copulate with. In addition, encounters between solitary males and males carrying females, resulting in the formation of new pairs, appear to enhance the size-related mating pattern observed.  相似文献   

Compère P 《Tissue & cell》1995,27(5):525-538
Three basic sublayers are identified in the epicuticle of the mineralised sclerites of the Atlantic shore crab Carcinus maenas (Crustacea, Decapoda): the surface coat, the cuticulin layer, and the inner epicuticle. Their morphogenesis and subsequent changes are described throughout the moulting cycle in the normal cuticle and the cuticular structures, namely the sensory bristles and epicuticular spines. At first, the cuticulin layer begins to form just after apolysis. This layer is built directly over the plasma membrane and immediately appears as a membrane-like structure 40 nm thick, composed of five symmetrically arranged laminae: two inner electron-lucent leaflets sandwiched between two thick electron-dense leaflets and separated by a thin dense median stratum. Elaboration of the inner epicuticle below the cuticulin layer is thought to occur via an intussusceptive process involving the pore canal cell extensions as transport routes. The inner epicuticle is made of vertically oriented microfibres embedded in an electron-dense matrix material. During the second half of the premoult period, the surface coat is deposited on the upper side of the cuticulin layer.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones are demonstrated in premoult and recently‐moulted female Carcinus maenas (L.) and Macropipus holsatus (Fabr.) (Crustacea Decapoda, Portunidae). Male conspecifics respond with searching activity. Dilute solutions of urine aspirated from the antennal glands of females of each species release characteristic responses in conspecific males, but males of other species respond differently, if at all. Aspects of responses of test animals in bioassays are discussed.  相似文献   

A protozoan parasite with some features of haplosporidians is described from the European shore crab Carcinus maenas. The parasite establishes a systemic infection through the haemal sinuses and connective tissues. Intracellular stages of the parasite were found within reserve inclusion, connective tissue, and muscle cells, while free forms were present in all haemal spaces. A uninucleate stage appeared to develop to a multinucleate plasmodial stage following multiple mitotic divisions of the nucleus. Histopathology also indicated that nuclear division may occur to form multinucleate plasmodia, in connective tissue, reserve inclusion and muscle cells, the multinucleate plasmodium being enclosed in the host-cell plasma membrane. It appears that the multinucleate plasmodium may then undergo internal cleavages which result in plasmodial fragmentation to form many uninucleate stages. Both stages, but particularly the uninucleate stage, contained cytoplasmic, large, ovoid, dense vesicles (DVs), some of which contained an internal membrane separating the medulla from the cortex, as in haplosporosomes. Golgi-like cisternae, closely associated with the nuclear membrane, formed DVs and haplosporosome-like bodies (HLBs), superficially resembling viruses. Infrequently, HLBs may condense to form haplosporosomes. The DVs, as in spores of some Haplosporidium spp. and paramyxeans, may give rise to, and are homologous with, haplosporosomes. Other features, such as the presence of an intranuclear mitotic spindle, lipid droplets, and attachment of DVs and haplosporosomes to the nuclear membrane, indicate that the C. maenas parasite is a haplosporidian. A similar organism reported from the haemolymph of spot prawns Pandalus spp., and haplosporidians reported from prawns Penaeus vannamei and crabs Callinectes sapidus may belong to this group. It is concluded that the well-characterised haplosporidians of molluscs and some other invertebrates may not be characteristic of the whole phylum, and that morphologically and developmentally similar organisms may also be haplosporidians, whether they have haplosporosomes or not.  相似文献   

The effects of lethal mercury concentrations on regulation of hemolymph electrolytes in the shore crab Carcinus maenas were investigated. In most experiments mercury exposure reduced hemolymph osmolality and Na+, Cl- and K+ levels to 55-90% of controls in 48 hr. Mercury exposure augmented calcium levels to 120-300% of controls. The effect of mercury on all of the electrolytes varied during the year, especially on magnesium levels which showed significant increases or decreases, or remained unaffected in different experiments.  相似文献   

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