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Accurate and effective positive marker excision is indispensable for the introduction of desired mutations into the plant genome via gene targeting (GT) using a positive/negative counter selection system. In mammals, the moth‐derived piggyBac transposon system has been exploited successfully to eliminate a selectable marker from a GT locus without leaving a footprint. Here, we present evidence that the piggyBac transposon also functions in plant cells. To demonstrate the use of the piggyBac transposon for effective marker excision in plants, we designed a transposition assay system that allows the piggyBac transposition to be visualized as emerald luciferase (Eluc) luminescence in rice cells. The Eluc signal derived from piggyBac excision was observed in hyperactive piggyBac transposase‐expressing rice calli. Polymerase chain reaction, Southern blot analyses and sequencing revealed the efficient and precise transposition of piggyBac in these calli. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the excision of a selection marker from a reporter locus in T0 plants without concomitant re‐integration of the transposon and at a high frequency (44.0% of excision events), even in the absence of negative selection.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the ipt-type Multi-Auto-Transformation (MAT) vector system to transform the extensively grown cassava cultivar “KU50” was evaluated. This system utilizes the isopentenyltransferase (ipt) gene as morphological marker for visual selection of transgenic lines. The extreme shooty phenotype (ESP) of transgenic lines is lost due to the removal of ipt gene mediated by the yeast Rint/RS system. As a result, phenotypically normal shoots, considered marker-free transgenic plants, could be obtained. When transforming KU50 cassava cultivar with two different ipt-type MAT vectors, transformation frequency at 19–21% was observed. Among the total number of ESP explants, 32–38% regained normal extended shoot phenotype and 88–96% of which were confirmed to represent the marker-free transgenic plants. This is the first demonstration of the efficacy of Rint/RS system in promoting excision of ipt marker gene in cassava specie, with the consequent rapid production of marker-free transgenic plants. The high efficiency of this system should facilitate pyramiding a number of transgenes by repeated transformation without having to undergo through laborious, expensive and time-consuming processes of sexual crossing and seed production. The generation of marker-free, thus environmentally safe, genetically modified cassava clones should also ease the public concerns regarding the use of transgenic cassava in both food and nonfood industries.  相似文献   

马三梅  王永飞 《广西植物》2004,24(3):270-274,247
得到转基因植物以后 ,标记基因就失去了筛选的作用。但它的存在引起公众对转基因植物的安全性以及环境效应的担心 ,所以在目的基因转入后 ,要去除标记基因。该文主要就利用共转化、转座子、同源重组、位点特异重组酶等去除标记基因的方法进行了总结 ,并对各种方法的优缺点进行了比较 ,对该技术未来的发展趋势也进行了展望。  相似文献   

Marker-gene-free transgenic soybean plants were produced by isolating a developmentally regulated embryo-specific gene promoter, app1, from Arabidopsis and developing a self-activating gene excision system using the P1 bacteriophage Cre/loxP recombination system. To accomplish this, the Cre recombinase gene was placed under control of the app1 promoter and, together with a selectable marker gene (hygromycin phosphotransferase), were cloned between two loxP recombination sites. This entire sequence was then placed between a constitutive promoter and a coding region for either β-glucuronidase (Gus) or glyphosate acetyltransferase (Gat). Gene excision would remove the entire sequence between the two loxP sites and bring the coding region to the constitutive promoter for expression. Using this system marker gene excision occurred in over 30% of the stable transgenic events as indicated by the activation of the gus reporter gene or the gat gene in separate experiments. Transgenic plants with 1 or 2 copies of a functional excision-activated gat transgene and without any marker gene were obtained in T0 or T1 generation. This demonstrates the feasibility of using developmentally controlled promoters to mediate marker excision in soybean.  相似文献   

Selectable marker genes are indispensable for efficient production of transgenic events, but are no longer needed after the selection process and may cause public concern and technological problems. Although several gene excision systems exist, few have been optimized for vegetatively propagated crops. Using a Cre-loxP auto-excision strategy, we obtained transgenic banana plants cv. Grande Naine (Musa AAA) devoid of the marker gene used for selection. We used T-DNA vectors with the cre recombinase gene under control of a heat shock promoter and selectable marker gene cassettes placed between two loxP sites in direct orientation, and a gene of interest inserted outside of the loxP sites. Heat shock promoters pGmHSP17.6-L and pHSP18.2, from soybean and Arabidopsis respectively, were tested. A transient heat shock treatment of primary transgenic embryos was sufficient for inducing cre and excising cre and the marker genes. Excision efficiency, as determined by PCR and Southern hybridization was 59.7 and 40.0% for the GmHSP17.6-L and HSP18.2 promoters, respectively. Spontaneous excision was not observed in 50 plants derived from untreated transgenic embryos. To our knowledge this is the first report describing an efficient marker gene removal system for banana. The method described is simple and might be generally applicable for the production of marker-free transgenic plants of many crop species.  相似文献   

Plastid marker gene excision by the phiC31 phage site-specific recombinase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Marker genes are essential for selective amplification of rare transformed plastid genome copies to obtain genetically stable transplastomic plants. However, the marker gene becomes dispensable when homoplastomic plants are obtained. Here we report excision of plastid marker genes by the phiC31 phage site-specific integrase (Int) that mediates recombination between bacterial (attB) and phage (attP) attachment sites. We tested marker gene excision in a two-step process. First we transformed the tobacco plastid genome with the pCK2 vector in which the spectinomycin resistance (aadA) marker gene is flanked with suitably oriented attB and attP sites. The transformed plastid genomes were stable in the absence of Int. We then transformed the nucleus with a gene encoding a plastid-targeted Int that led to efficient marker gene excision. The aadA marker free Nt-pCK2-Int plants were resistant to phosphinothricin herbicides since the pCK2 plastid vector also carried a bar herbicide resistance gene that, due to the choice of its promoter, causes a yellowish-golden (aurea) phenotype. Int-mediated marker excision reported here is an alternative to the currently used CRE/loxP plastid marker excision system and expands the repertoire of the tools available for the manipulation of the plastid genome.  相似文献   

Towards the ideal GMP: homologous recombination and marker gene excision   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A mayor aim of biotechnology is the establishment of techniques for the precise manipulation of plant genomes. Two major efforts have been undertaken over the last dozen years, one to set up techniques for site-specific alteration of the plant genome via homologous recombination ("gene targeting") and the other for the removal of selectable marker genes from transgenic plants. Unfortunately, despite multiple promising approaches that will be shortly described in this review no feasible gene targeting technique has been developed till now for crop plants. In contrast, several alternative procedures have been established successfully to remove selectable markers from plant genomes. Intriguingly besides techniques relying on transposons and site-specific recombinases, recent results indicate that homologous recombination might be a valuable alternative for the excision of marker genes.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the efficacy of a heat-inducible cre gene for conditional removal of the marker gene from a rice genome via Cre-lox recombination. A cre gene controlled by the soybean heat-shock promoter was introduced into the rice genome along with the recombination target (lox) construct. Cre-mediated recombination was expected to remove the marker gene and activate the promoter-less GUS gene. Six transgenic lines displayed well-regulated heat-inducible Cre activity in the callus. However, only one line that contained a single copy of the cre gene maintained this property in the regenerated plants and their progeny. Marker-free progeny were obtained from the plant that was heat-treated at the seedling stage, indicating the inheritance of the recombination ‘footprint’. The presence of the ‘footprint’ was verified by polymerase chain reaction and Southern analysis. Therefore, the cre gene controlled by the soybean heat-shock promoter is an effective tool for conditional removal of the marker gene in rice.  相似文献   

The maize anthocyanin regulatory gone Lc gives rise to greatly enhanced anthocyanin accumulation when introduced into tomato. Under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus promoter Lc was seen to mediate enhanced pigmentation in all vegetative tissues, including roots, under high light (or sunlight) conditions. This paper demonstrates that the gone can be used as a powerful non-destructive cell autonomous visual excision marker which will provide a valuable tool for transposon mutagenesis, the study of transposon biology and for studying cell lineages at the whole-plant level.  相似文献   

Gene targeting is widely used for the precise manipulation of genes. However, in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans non-transposon mediated gene targeting remains laborious, and as a result has not been widely used. One obstacle to the wider use of this approach is the difficulty of identifying homologous recombination events amongst non-specific events. To improve gene targeting in C. elegans, we used a counter-selection approach to reduce the number of false positives; this involved using unc-119 as a positive-selection marker and GFP as a counter-selection marker which is lost during homologous recombination. This method of gene targeting allows straightforward screening for homologous events using a dissecting microscope equipped for fluorescence. In addition, to improve the final engineered product, we utilised Flp recombinase to remove the unc-119 selection marker, in somatic cells, producing clean knockouts in these cells. Using this strategy we have produced a knockout of the plc-4 gene, which encodes phospholipase C-δ in C. elegans, and demonstrated that conditional gene knockout is feasible in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Marker-free, genetically-modified rice was created by the tissue-specifically regulated Cre/loxP system, in which the Cre recombinase gene and hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt) were flanked by two directly oriented loxP sites. Cre expression was activated by the tissue-specific promoter OsMADS45 in flower or napin in seed, resulting in simultaneous excision of the recombinase and marker genes. Segregation of T1 progeny was performed to select recombined plants. The excision was confirmed by PCR, Southern blot and sequence analyses indicating that efficiency varied from 10 to 53 % for OsMADS45 and from 12 to 36 % for napin. The expression of cry1Ac and vip3A was detected by RT-PCR analysis in marker-free transgenic rice. These results suggested that our tissue-specifically regulated Cre/loxP system could auto-excise marker genes from transgenic rice and alleviate public concerns about the security of GM crops.  相似文献   

Summary The removal of pyrimidine dimers from deoxyribonucleic acid of ultraviolet irradiated cultures of Neisseria gonorrhoeae can not be readily ascertained by using radioactively labeled thymidine percursors. However, by adapting the alkaline agarose gel technique of Achey et al. (Photochem Photobiol 29, 305–310, 1979), it was possible to demonstrate that this human pathogen does possess an active excision repair system that functions on pyrimidine dimers.This work was performed as partial fulfillment for a Doctoral Thesis by L.A. Campbell.  相似文献   

The excision of specific DNA sequences from integrated transgenes in insects permits the dissection in situ of structural elements that may be important in controlling gene expression. Furthermore, manipulation of potential control elements in the context of a single integration site mitigates against insertion site influences of the surrounding genome. The cre-loxP site-specific recombination system has been used successfully to remove a marker gene from transgenic yellow fever mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti. A total of 33.3% of all fertile families resulting from excision protocols showed evidence of cre-loxP-mediated site-specific excision. Excision frequencies were as high as 99.4% within individual families. The cre recombinase was shown to precisely recognize loxP sites in the mosquito genome and catalyze excision. Similar experiments with the FLP/FRT site-specific recombination system failed to demonstrate excision of the marker gene from the mosquito chromosomes.  相似文献   

Precise genome engineering via homologous recombination (HR)‐mediated gene targeting (GT) has become an essential tool in molecular breeding as well as in basic plant science. As HR‐mediated GT is an extremely rare event, positive–negative selection has been used extensively in flowering plants to isolate cells in which GT has occurred. In order to utilize GT as a methodology for precision mutagenesis, the positive selectable marker gene should be completely eliminated from the GT locus. Here, we introduce targeted point mutations conferring resistance to herbicide into the rice acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene via GT with subsequent marker excision by piggyBac transposition. Almost all regenerated plants expressing piggyBac transposase contained exclusively targeted point mutations without concomitant re‐integration of the transposon, resulting in these progeny showing a herbicide bispyribac sodium (BS)‐tolerant phenotype. This approach was also applied successfully to the editing of a microRNA targeting site in the rice cleistogamy 1 gene. Therefore, our approach provides a general strategy for the targeted modification of endogenous genes in plants.  相似文献   

DNA probes for the studies of damaged strand excision during the nucleotide excision repair (NER) have been designed using the novel non-nucleosidic phosphoramidite reagents that contain N-[6-(9-antracenylcarbamoyl)hexanoyl]-3-amino-1,2-propandiol (nAnt) and N-[6-(5(6)-fluoresceinylcarbamoyl)hexanoyl]-3-amino-1,2-propandiol (nFlu) moieties. New lesion-imitating adducts being inserted into DNA show good substrate properties in NER process. Modified extended linear nFlu– and nAntr–DNA are suitable for estimation of specific excision activity catalysed with mammalian whole-cell extracts. The following substrate activity range was revealed for the model 137-bp linear double-stranded DNA: nAnt–DNA ≈ nFlu–DNA > Chol–DNA (Chol–DNA—legitimate NER substrate that contains non-nucleoside fragment bearing cholesterol residue). In vitro assay shows that modified DNA can be a useful tool to study NER activity in whole-cell extracts. The developed approach should be of general use for the incorporation of NER-sensitive distortions into model DNAs. The new synthetic extended linear DNA containing bulky non-nucleoside modifications will be useful for NER mechanism study and for applications.  相似文献   

Mismatch-provoked excision directed by a strand break located 3' or 5' to the mispair has been reconstituted using purified human proteins. While MutSalpha, EXOI, and RPA are sufficient to support hydrolysis directed by a 5' strand break, 3' directed excision also requires MutLalpha, PCNA, and RFC. EXOI interacts with PCNA. RFC and PCNA suppress EXOI-mediated 5' to 3' hydrolysis when the nick that directs excision is located 3' to the mispair and activate 3' to 5' excision, which is dependent on loaded PCNA and apparently mediated by a cryptic EXOI 3' to 5' hydrolytic function. By contrast, RFC and PCNA have only a limited effect on 5' to 3' excision directed by a 5' strand break.  相似文献   

The dominant selectable Kanr marker, which confers geneticin resistance in yeast, is extensively used for PCR based disruption of genes in functional analysis studies in laboratory strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have developed a gene disruption cassette, which incorporates the Kanr marker, and direct repeat sequences designed from the target gene to enable the deletion of the gene without the introduction of added DNA sequences. We report on the disruption of the HO gene as a test case, using the hodr-Kanr-hodr cassette. The cassette was shown to integrate at the HO locus and the Kanr marker excised by recombination between the two direct repeat sequences. The disruption/excision event resulted in the removal of one direct repeat and the coding sequence of the gene, and hence in this case loss of HO function, with the introduction of no foreign or additional sequences, including the Kanr marker. Having been derived from the target site, the remaining direct repeat sequence is native sequence in its native location. This design template has the potential to be adapted to other genes, and as such will be of advantage in instances such as the optimization of strains by recombinant DNA technology where the retention of minimal or no foreign sequences is desired.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance genes can act as either cell autonomous or non-cell autonomous genetic markers with which to monitor the excision of plant transposons. To convert spectinomycin resistance from a noncell autonomous resistance to cell autonomous resistance, a transit peptide for chloroplast localization from a petunia ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcS) gene was fused in-frame to the aadA gene, which confers spectinomycin and streptomycin resistance. Constructs were generated in which the expression of this chimeric gene was prevented by the presence, in the 5 untranslated leader, of the maize transposons Activator (Ac) or Dissociation (Ds). When progeny of tobacco or tomato plants transformed with these constructs were germinated on spectinomycin-containing medium, germinally revertant and somatically variegated individuals could be distinguished.  相似文献   

The restriction-modification systems use epigenetic modification to distinguish between self and nonself DNA. A modification enzyme transfers a methyl group to a base in a specific DNA sequence while its cognate restriction enzyme introduces breaks in DNA lacking this methyl group. So far, all the restriction enzymes hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds linking the monomer units of DNA. We recently reported that a restriction enzyme (R.PabI) of the PabI superfamily with half-pipe fold has DNA glycosylase activity that excises an adenine base in the recognition sequence (5′-GTAC). We now found a second activity in this enzyme: at the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) (abasic) site (5′-GT#C, # = AP), its AP lyase activity generates an atypical strand break. Although the lyase activity is weak and lacks sequence specificity, its covalent DNA–R.PabI reaction intermediates can be trapped by NaBH4 reduction. The base excision is not coupled with the strand breakage and yet causes restriction because the restriction enzyme action can impair transformation ability of unmethylated DNA even in the absence of strand breaks in vitro. The base excision of R.PabI is inhibited by methylation of the target adenine base. These findings expand our understanding of genetic and epigenetic processes linking those in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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