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  • 1.1. Laboratory mice were bred in groups of 20, 60 and 100 mice per cage. Male to female ratio was 1:1.
  • 2.2. The experiment was carried out in autumn-winter and winter-spring.
  • 3.3. Levels of ascorbic acid were determinated in homogenates of adrenal glands after 10 weeks of breeding.
  • 4.4. Three- and five-fold increase of number of mice in the same area caused the decrease of ascorbic acid level in adrenal glands of active males, non-pregnant and nursing females. In pregnant females this correlation was not observed.
  • 5.5. Decrease of ascorbic acid level due to increase of adrenal glands' weight was also observed.

New derivatives of 2-C-/(indolyl-3)methyl/-beta-L-threo-L-glycero-3-hexulofuranosono- 1,4-lactone, vis. 1'-ethylascorbigen, 1'-benzylascorbigen and 1',2'-dimethyl-5'-methoxyascorbigen were obtained. In aquous solutions at physiological temperature and pH values ascorbigens disintegrate rather rapidly to yield L-ascorbic acid, the rate of the latter's formation depending on the substituent in the indole nucleus and increasing with growth of pH and temperature. Intraperitoneal injection of 1'-methylascorbigen to mice leads to steady rise of L-ascorbic acid level in blood plasma.  相似文献   

Recently, attentions are being aroused as to the enzymatic network abnormalities lying behind congenital enzyme deficiency syndromes. We investigated abnormalities in activities of various hydrolytic enzymes in serum of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH, 21-hydroxylase deficiency). Several enzyme activities including trypsin-like enzyme, cathepsin C and esterase were significantly decreased in patients' serum. Especially the esterase activity in patients' serum was reduced to one third of controls and this may have some relations to the abnormal steroid metabolism of these patients. A multivariate analysis showed unexpectedly extensive abnormalities in enzyme interrelationships. These results suggest that wide variety of abnormal metabolism may be related to an apparent enzyme deficiency.  相似文献   

Studies were done to determine the effects of ACTH treatment on adrenal alpha-tocopherol (alpha-T) concentrations in female rats. Administration of dexamethasone (DEX) to inhibit endogenous ACTH secretion increased whole adrenal alpha-T levels as well as the fractional amount in adrenal cytosol. Adrenal ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations were unaffected by DEX. DEX treatment also had no effect on hepatic AA content but decreased alpha-T concentrations in the liver. The subcellular distribution of alpha-T in the liver was not altered by DEX. Administration of ACTH to DEX-treated animals decreased adrenal alpha-T content and restored the pattern of subcellular distribution to that seen in controls. ACTH had no effect on hepatic alpha-T concentrations or subcellular distribution. ACTH treatment also had no effect on AA concentrations in adrenals or livers. The results demonstrate that ACTH has a role in the regulation of adrenal alpha-T but the mechanism(s) involved remain to be determined. The data also indicate that glucocorticoids such as DEX directly influence hepatic alpha-T levels independent of their effects on ACTH secretion.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of rat adrenal protein components in response to adrenocorticotropin has been studied in adrenal quarters, isolated cells, and in vivo. In adrenal quarters, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-stimulated phosphorylation or dephosphorylation of proteins was not affected by the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors despite a total inhibition of steroidogenesis. (The term dephosphorylation refers to an apparent decrease in the labeling of a particular protein with 32P at various times after the addition of ACTH. This may be due to enzymatic removal of phosphate or protein degradation or complexation of this protein with another cellular component.) Studies with isolated cell preparations identified several proteins that are phosphorylated or dephosphorylated in response to hormone. These changes in phosphorylation were also observed in adrenal quarters and correlated well with ACTH-stimulated steroidogenesis as determined by temporal analysis and dose-response studies of corticosterone production. In vivo injection of male hypophysectomized rats with [32P]phosphate and ACTH demonstrated changes in the labeling of six adrenal proteins. Many of the proteins phosphorylated in vivo were also demonstrated to be phosphorylated in both in vitro systems. Finally, the injection of a physiological dose of ACTH appeared to selectively activate the type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase within the microsomal fraction as determined by the binding of a photoaffinity-labeled reagent. These results suggest that alterations in phosphorylation of adrenal proteins in response to ACTH is proximal to or independent of the obligatory role of protein synthesis in acute steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of ACTH treatment on steroid hydroxylase activities in the inner (zona reticularis) and outer (zona fasciculata plus zona glomerulosa) zones of the guinea pig adrenal cortex. Animals received 5 or 10 U of ACTH daily for 6 days and enzyme activities were then assessed in isolated microsomal or mitochondrial preparations. In control animals, microsomal cytochrome P-450 concentrations were greater in the inner than outer zone, but mitochondrial P-450 levels were similar in the two zones. Microsomal 17 alpha-hydroxylase and mitochondrial 11 beta-hydroxylase activities were greater in the outer than inner zone, but microsomal 21-hydroxylase activity was greater in the inner zone. ACTH treatment decreased cytochrome P-450 concentrations in inner but not outer zone microsomes; mitochondrial P-450 levels were unaffected in both zones. ACTH caused a dose-dependent increase in inner zone 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity and decrease in 21-hydroxylase activity without affecting the activity of either enzyme in outer zone microsomes. ACTH also decreased 11 beta-hydroxylase activity in outer but not inner zone mitochondrial preparations. The net effect of ACTH treatment was to diminish the differences in steroid metabolism between the two zones. The results indicate that the effects of ACTH on steroid hydroxylase activities are both zone- and enzyme-dependent, suggesting the existence of multiple and independent regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The ability of membrane preparations from different tissues to catalyse the phosphorylation of their endogenous protein (intrinsic protein kinase activity) was determined. It was found that membrane fragments prepared from a large variety of tissues contain this activity although the actual level varies quite widely. Preparations from vas deferens and brain have nearly ten times more activity than preparations from heart, kidney, or erythrocytes. Plasma membranes from skeletal muscle have no detectable activity. The intrinsic protein kinase activity of membrane fragments from most tissues is stimulated by cyclic AMP although the phosphorylation of proteins in preparations of kidney microsomes or heart plasma membranes, is not affected. cyclic GMP (10 micronM) has no effect on the intrinsic protein kinase activity of any membrane preparation examined. A specific inhibitor of soluble, cyclic AMP-stimulated, protein kinase has no effect on the intrinsic protein kinase activity of any of the membrane preparations examined. This suggests that the intrinsic protein kinase activity of membrane preparations may be due to the presence of a specific protein kinase. It is suggested that an examination of the distribution of membrane-bound intrinsic protein kinase activity among different tissues may be helpful in determining the function of the reaction.  相似文献   

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