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Adams MA 《Biorheology》2006,43(3-4):537-545
There is a growing literature concerning chondrocyte responses to mechanical loading, but relatively little is known about the mechanical environment these cells experience in a living joint. Calculations indicate that high forces are applied to limb joints whenever the joints are flexed, because flexion can cause body weight to act on long lever arms compared to the joint centre, whereas the muscles which extend the joint act on much shorter lever arms. As a result, joint reaction forces (which compress the cartilage) can rise to 3-6 times body weight during activities such as stair climbing. Articular cartilage tends to spread this load evenly over the joint surface, but is too thin to do this well, and compressive stresses can rise to 10-20 MPa. Within cartilage, matrix stresses vary locally, possibly as a result of variation in composition or undulations in the subchondral bone, and further modifications of stress occur within each chondron. Articular cartilage is a fibrous solid and cells within it are deformed by mechanical loading rather than subjected to a hydrostatic pressure. The mechanical environment of chondrocytes can best be reproduced in vitro by direct compression of the articular surface of cartilage which is supported naturally by adjacent cartilage and subchondral bone.  相似文献   

Wu WT  Lyu SR  Hsieh WH 《Cryobiology》2005,51(3):330-338
In order to successfully cryopreserve articular cartilage chondrocytes, it is important to characterize their osmotic response during the cryopreservation process, as the ice forms and the solutes concentrate. In this study, experimental work was undertaken to determine the osmotic parameters of articular cartilage chondrocytes. The osmotically inactive volume of articular cartilage chondrocytes was determined to be 44% of the isotonic volume. The membrane hydraulic conductivity parameters for water were determined by fitting a theoretical water transport model to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data; the membrane hydraulic conductivity parameter L(Pg) was found to be 0.0633 microm/min/atm, and the activation energy E, 8.23 kcal/mol. The simulated cooling process, using the osmotic parameters obtained in this study, suggests a cooling rate of 80 degrees C/min for the cryopreservation of the articular cartilage chondrocytes of hogs. The data obtained in this study could serve as a starting point for those interested in cryopreservation of chondrocytes from articular cartilage in other species in which there is clinical interest and there are no parameters for prediction of responses.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin, a multifunctional adhesive glycoprotein originally identified in platelets, was isolated and identified from an extract of ovine articular cartilage. Immunoreactive material from a cartilage extract comigrated on gel electrophoresis with purified human platelet thrombospondin. When articular chondrocytes were cultured in the presence of 35S-methionine, metabolically labeled thrombospondin was immunoprecipitated from the culture medium and cell layer extract. These results demonstrate that thrombospondin is present in articular cartilage and is synthesized by articular chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Experimental studies suggest that the magnitude of chondrocyte deformation is much smaller than expected based on the material properties of extracellular matrix (ECM) and cells, and that this result could be explained by a structural unit, the chondron, that is thought to protect chondrocytes from large deformations in situ. We extended an existing numerical model of chondrocyte, ECM and pericellular matrix (PCM) to include depth-dependent structural information. Our results suggest that superficial zone chondrocytes, which lack a pericellular capsule (PC), are relatively stiff, and therefore are protected from excessive deformations, whereas middle and deep zone chondrocytes are softer but are protected by the PC that limits cell deformations in these regions. We conclude that cell deformations sensitively depend on the immediate structural environment of the PCM in a depth-dependent manner, and that the functional stiffness of chondrocytes in situ is much larger than experiments on isolated cells would suggest.  相似文献   

Guilak F 《Biorheology》2000,37(1-2):27-44
Chondrocytes in articular cartilage utilize mechanical signals in conjunction with other environmental factors to regulate their metabolic activity. However, the sequence of biomechanical and biochemical events involved in the process of mechanical signal transduction has not been fully deciphered. A fundamental step in determining the role of various factors in regulating chondrocyte activity is to characterize accurately the biophysical environment within the tissue under physiological conditions of mechanical loading. Microscopic imaging studies have revealed that chondrocytes as well as their nuclei undergo shape and volume changes in a coordinated manner with deformation of the tissue matrix. Through micromechanical experiments, it has been shown that the chondrocyte behaves as a viscoelastic solid material with a mechanical stiffness that is several orders of magnitude lower than that of the cartilage extracellular matrix. These properties seem to be due to the structure of the chondrocyte cytoskeleton, and in part, the viscoelastic properties of the cell nucleus. The mechanical properties of the pericellular matrix that immediately surrounds the chondrocyte significantly differ from those of the chondrocyte and the extracellular matrix, suggesting that the pericellular matrix plays an important role in defining the mechanical environment of the chondrocyte. These experimentally measured values for chondrocyte and cartilage mechanical properties have been used in combination with theoretical constitutive modeling of the chondrocyte within articular cartilage to predict the non-uniform and time-varying stress-strain and fluid flow environment of the cell. The ultimate goal of these studies has been to elucidate the sequence of biomechanical and biochemical events through which mechanical stress influences chondrocyte activity in both health and in disease.  相似文献   

The material properties of articular cartilage in the rabbit tibial plateau were determined using biphasic indentation creep tests. Cartilage specimens from matched-pair hind limbs of rabbits approximately 4 months of age and greater than 12 months of age were tested on two locations within each compartment using a custom built materials testing apparatus. A three-way ANOVA was used to determine the effect of leg, compartment, and test location on the material properties (aggregate modulus, permeability, and Poisson's ratio) and thickness of the cartilage for each set of specimens. While no differences were observed in cartilage properties between the left and right legs, differences between compartments were found in each set of specimens. For cartilage from the adolescent group, values for aggregate modulus were 40% less in the medial compartment compared to the lateral compartment, while values for permeability and thickness were greater in the medial compartment compared to the lateral compartment (57% and 30%, respectively). Values for Poisson's ratio were 19% less in the medial compartment compared to the lateral compartment. There was also a strong trend for thickness to differ between test locations. Similar findings were observed for cartilage from the mature group with values for permeability and thickness being greater in the medial compartment compared to the lateral compartment (66% and 34%, respectively). Values for Poisson's ratio were 22% less in the medial compartment compared to the lateral compartment.  相似文献   

F L Bellino 《Steroids》1992,57(10):507-510
Because serum estrogen levels are associated with the presence of osteoarthritis, and cartilage tissue is known to contain estrogen receptors, it is of interest to determine the extent to which estrogen is biosynthesized and/or metabolized in cartilage tissue or isolated chondrocytes. In this preliminary study, using a sensitive assay method, estrogen synthetase (aromatase) was undetectable in articular cartilage or isolated chondrocytes in culture from immature female rabbits. However, estrogen metabolism, specifically estrogen 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, was detected in homogenized cartilage tissue, and at substantially higher specific activities in freshly isolated chondrocytes. These fresh chondrocytes, assayed in culture without any exogenous cofactor, demonstrated a significantly higher activity for converting the weak estrogen, estrone, to the more potent estrogen, estradiol. Chondrocytes grown to confluence in culture had very low estrogen 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase specific activity. Homogenized cartilage tissue, tested only with added NADPH as cofactor, also showed a preference for estradiol as the principal product, but this may have been primarily due to the use of reduced cofactor. If subsequent experiments confirm the presence of estrogen 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, and its preference for converting estrone into estradiol, in human cartilage tissue and chondrocytes, this could have substantial implications in the estrogen dependency of osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial uptake of rhodamine 123 by rabbit articular chondrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rhodamine 123 was used to stain and analyze by flow cytometry the mitochondria of rabbit articular chondrocytes. Stationary primary cultures and exponentially growing subcultures were compared to enzymatically released chondrocytes from cartilage. The increase in mitochondrial fluorescence, when chondrocytes are transferred from cartilage to culture environment, is suggestive of some change in chondrocyte adaptation and/or differentiation in these conditions.  相似文献   

Six glycosyltransferases (mannosyl-, glucosyl-, N-acetyl-glucosaminyl-, galactosyl-, sialyl- and fucosyltransferases) are studied and characterized for their optimal conditions and their relations with interfering reactions (glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases and proteinases) in chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and normal human articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis induces increased activities for five glycosyl-transferases. The observed modifications are not explained by alterations in physico-chemical parameters of the enzymes or by intervention of glycosyl-nucleotide pyrophosphatases, glycosidases or proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

(1) Pharmacological concentrations (greater than 10(-5) M) of 17 beta-oestradiol inhibited 35S-labelled proteoglycan synthesis in bovine articular cartilage explant cultures. They also inhibited 35S-labelled proteoglycan synthesis and 3H-labelled protein synthesis in cell cultures of chondrocytes from bovine articular cartilage and Swarm rat chondrosarcoma. Maximal inhibition was about 30-50%. Physiological concentrations (10(-9)-10(-8) M) of oestradiol had no effect on the synthesis of either protein or proteoglycan. (2) The inhibitory action of high concentrations of oestradiol on these biosynthetic pathways is not common to all steroids since 10(-4) M cortisol had no effect on articular chondrocyte cell cultures. 10(-4) M testosterone had a similar action to oestradiol. (3) Neither physiological nor pharmacological concentrations of 17 beta-oestradiol had any effect on 35S-labelled proteoglycan turnover in the cartilage explant system. (4) 10(-5) M oestradiol inhibited cell division in cultures of articular chondrocytes which had entered the log growth phase. 10(-7) M oestradiol had no effect on articular chondrocyte growth. (5) In male rats implanted with silastic capsules releasing 17 beta-oestradiol, increase in body weight was retarded by about 25% over a period of 6 weeks, compared to control rats. Rat chondrosarcoma grew to the same size in oestrogen-treated rats as it did in controls. (6) Oestrogen receptors could not be detected in freshly isolated bovine articular chondrocytes or in rat chondrosarcoma. (7) In conclusion, neither the mitotic rate of articular chondrocytes nor their proteoglycan metabolism is under the direct physiological control of oestradiol. Growth and biosynthetic activity of the rat chondrosarcoma chondrocytes are independent of either direct control by the hormone or control effected by oestradiol regulation of a second hormone or growth factor.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of articular cartilage chondrocytes has been achieved with cells isolated from the cartilage matrix but has found only limited success when the tissue is left intact. Previous work with ovine cartilage has shown that cryopreservation of the chondrocytes of the superficial and deep zones is possible, but the cells of the intermediate zone have not been successfully cryopreserved. This finding led to the suggestion that there might be biological differences between chondrocytes of the different morphological zones that were responsible for this differential recovery. This study investigates the hypothesis that the cells of the intermediate zone are more sensitive to cryoinjury by introducing cuts in the cartilage so that cells of the intermediate zone have the same proximity to the outer surface of the tissue as the cells of the superficial zone. When this was done, it was found that cells of the intermediate zone could survive cryopreservation as well as the cells of the superficial zone when they were near a surface, but not when they were embedded deep within the tissue. Thus the hypothesis of a biological difference between the cells of the two zones being responsible for the differential recovery is disproved. It is further hypothesized that physical proximity to a surface leads to higher recovery as a result of planar ice growth into the cartilage.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis in vivo of the two reducible aldimine crosslinks of immature rabbit articular collagen, hydroxylysinohydroxynorleucine and hydroxylysinonorleucine, is demonstrated. The peak amount of crosslink was detected 1–2 weeks following labeling of the cartilage with [14C]lysine. The subsequent diminution which occurred was due primarily to a decrease in the amount of hydroxylysinohydroxynorleucine. Natural reduction of the aldimine crosslinks in vivo did not occur. Glucosylgalactosyl hydroxylysine and galactosylhydroxylysine, in a 1.451.00 ratio, were synthesized. Seventy-three percent of the hydroxylysine residues were glycosylated. [3H]NaBH4 reduction of non-14C-labeled cartilage showed diminished amounts of reducible crosslink with time and the presence of hexosyl lysines and hexosyl hydroxylysines in mature articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Recent works have shown that mechanical loading can alter the metabolic activity of chondrocytes cultured in 3D scaffolds. In this study we determined whether the stage of development of engineered cartilaginous constructs (expanded adult human articular chondrocytes/Polyactive foams) regulates the effect of dynamic compression on glycosaminoglycan (GAG) metabolism. Construct maturation depended on the culture time (3-14 days) and the donor (4 individuals). When dynamic compression was subsequently applied for 3 days, changes in GAG synthesized, accumulated, and released were significantly positively correlated to the GAG content of the constructs prior to loading, and resulted in stimulation of GAG formation only in the most developed tissues. Conversely, none of these changes were correlated with the expression of collagen type II mRNA, indicating that the response of chondrocytes to dynamic compression does not depend directly upon the stage of cell differentiation, but rather on the extracellular matrix surrounding the cells.  相似文献   

目的:研究携载质粒的不同分子量的壳聚糖纳米微球的包裹率和保护DNA的能力,镜下观察其大小和形态,观察其对原代兔关节软骨细胞的转染效率。方法:利用酶消化法消化3周龄新西兰大白兔的关节软骨,贴壁培养原代兔关节软骨细胞。购买相对分子量在5K和800K之间的八种壳聚糖,利用表达增强型绿色荧光蛋白的质粒(pEGFP)作报告基因,通过复合凝聚法制备壳聚糖-质粒纳米微球。琼脂糖凝胶电泳、紫外分光光度计分析不同N/P比值对不同分子量壳聚糖和质粒的结合能力及包封率的影响;纳米粒度仪、透射电子显微镜和环境扫描电子显微镜考察纳米微球的粒径分布和形态;荧光显微镜观察壳聚糖纳米微球介导pEGFP在体外培养的兔关节软骨细胞中的表达情况;流失细胞仪计算具体转染效率。结果:①N/P值为4及4以上时,各分子量的壳聚糖可完全包裹质粒成球;N/P值为2时,分子量为5K、50K、85K仅部分包裹质粒,其余可完全包裹;N/P值为1时,各壳聚糖均与质粒部分包裹;N/P值为0.25时,各壳聚糖均与质粒完全分离。②纳米粒度仪分析得出:N/P值为4时,各分子量的壳聚糖纳米微球的平均粒径均在1微米以下,③透射电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜均可观察到球形或不规则形的大小不同的微球。荧光显微镜可大致观察到绿色荧光蛋白在软骨细胞内表达的表达情况。④流式细胞仪得出具体转染效率,分子量为170K、250K和800K的壳聚糖纳米微球的转染效率均高于5K、50K和85K的壳聚糖纳米微球,其中800K的壳聚糖纳米微球与脂质体相当(差异有统计学意义,P〈0.05)。结论:与脂质体相比,N/P比值为4时,相对分子量为800k的壳聚糖纳米微球可高效转染原代培养的兔软骨细胞,可以作为今后进一步体外、体内实验的首选转染载体。  相似文献   

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