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The ability of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles to retain calcium following ATP-supported calcium uptake in the presence of the calcium-precipitating anions oxalate and phosphate depends on Cao (calcium ion concentration outside the vesicles) and Cai (calcium ion concentration within the vesicles). Calcium efflux rates at any level of Cai are accelerated when Cao is increased. Higher Cao at the time that calcium uptake reactions reach steady state is associated with a spontaneous calcium release that reflects this effect of increased Cao. Increasing Cai at any level of Cao causes little or no acceleration of calcium efflux rate so that calcium permeability coefficients, estimated by dividing calcium efflux rates by Cai, the "driving force", are inversely proportional to Cai. Calcium permability coefficients thus correlate, as a first approximation, with the ratio Cai/Cao, decreasing 1000-fold as this ratio increases over a 3000-fold range (Cao = 0.1 to 3.3 muM, Cai =4 to 750 muM). Oscillations in both the calcium content of the vesicles and Cao are seen as calcium uptake reactions approach steady state, suggesting that calcium permeability undergoes time-dependent variations. Sudden reduction of Cao to levels that markedly inhibit calcium influx via the calcium pump unmasks a calcium efflux that decreases slowly over 60 to 90 s.The maximal calcium permeability observed in the present study would allow the calcium efflux rate from the sarcoplasmic reticulum at a Cai of 100 muM to be approximately 10(-10) mol/cm2/s, which is about 1 order of magnitude less than that estimated for the sarcoplasmic reticulum of activated skeletal muscle in vivo. The release of most of the stored calcium in some experiments indicates that the observed permeability changes can occur over a large portion of the surface of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Calcium efflux from sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles that have been equilibrated with 1-100 mM CaCl2 in the absence of ATP has two apparently first order components. The initial calcium content of each component increases with the total Ca content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which reaches 5, 24, and 80 nmol/mg of protein after equilibration with 1, 10, and 100 mM CaCl2, respectively. Initial rates of Ca efflux into a medium containing 10 mM EGTA increase in proportion to Ca in the loading medium up to 20 mM. Above 20 mM, efflux from the slow component clearly saturates, whereas efflux from the fast component continues to increase. The rate constant for the smaller, faster component to efflux (k congruent to 0.5 min-1) is not affected by changing the concentration of Ca either inside or outside the vesicles. The rate constant of the larger, slower component (k congruent to 0.05 min-1) is also unaffected by changes in internal Ca concentration. However, external [Ca2+] diminishes the rate constant of the slow component 6-10-fold. Inhibition by external [Ca2+] is characterized by cooperative interaction between two sites with an apparent Kd of 5.3 X 10(-6) M. The two components may represent two populations of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles that differ 10-fold in passive permeability to Ca when external [Ca2+] is less than 10(-6) M, and 60-100-fold when external [Ca2+] is greater than 10(-5) M. The passive permeability in one of these populations seems to be regulated by external, high affinity Ca binding sites.  相似文献   

The effect of intravesicular and extravesicular calcium concentration on the passive efflux from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles isolated from cardiac and skeletal muscle was determined by measuring net efflux of calcium after stopping pump-mediated fluxes. The apparent permeability, calculated as the passive efflux divided by the total intravesicular calcium, depended on calcium load. This dependence of the apparent permeability on calcium load could be explained by the presence of intravesicular calcium-binding sites with a dissociation constant less than 10(-3) M. When the intravesicular bound calcium was taken into account, passive calcium efflux was found to be linearly related to the difference in calcium concentration across the SR membrane. Thus the permeability of the SR membrane is independent of intravesicular and extravesicular calcium concentration in the ranges investigated. The average first order rate constant for passive calcium efflux for six preparations was 0.8 +/- 0.2 min-1 for skeletal and 0.7 +/- 0.1 min-1 for cardiac SR. The amount of intravesicular bound calcium for the same preparations was 33 +/- 6 nmol mg-1 for skeletal and 13 +/- 2 nmol mg-1 for cardiac SR. The first order rate constants were unaffected by Mg concentration between 0.1 +/- 15.1 mM and by the presence of an ATP-regenerating system. The results suggest that some minimal calcium load may be required in order to observe a substantial passive calcium efflux, the passive calcium efflux is not carrier mediated, and passive calcium efflux is not a likely route of calcium release during excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Ionomycin, a recently discovered calcium ionophore, inhibits the ATP-dependent active Ca2+ transport of rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles at concentrations as low as 10(-8) to 10(-6) M. The effect is due to an increase in the Ca2+ permeability of the membrane which is also observed on liposomes. The inhibition of Ca2+ uptake is accompanied by an increase in the Ca2+-sensitive ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles.  相似文献   

Ca++-uptake and Mg++-Ca++-dependent ATPase activity of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reciprocally affected by increasing the oxalate concentration from 0 to 4 mM. At 0-0.1 mM oxalate approximately 17% of the calcium was removed by the vesicles from the medium while the ATPase activity was maximal (approximately 0.66 mumoles Pi mg-1 protein min-1). Between 0.1 to 0.2 mM oxalate the ATPase activity was reduced to one-fifth but the uptake rose sharply and 100% of the 45Ca++ was removed from the medium. The uptake was maintained at this level at oxalate concentrations greater than 0.4 mM but the ATPase activity remained inhibited. The kinetics of Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity were also differentially affected by oxalate. In the presence of oxalate, ruthenium red had only a very slight inhibitory effect on the calcium uptake. Addition of 0.1 mM EGTA removed 80% of the Ca++ from preloaded vesicles within 10 min. The formation of insoluble Ca-oxalate salt on the surface of the vesicle is suggested by these results. Calculations based on the Ksp of the calcium oxalate salt are presented to show its formation and the possible speciation of a Ca-oxalate complex which may affect the Ca++-uptake and ATPase activity.  相似文献   

In the absence of cyclic nucleotides heart microsomes have two classes of calcium binding sites with binding constants of 0.69 and 0.071 micron-1 and capacities of 2.2 and 9.7 nmol/mg protein, respectively. Neither cyclic AMP nor monobutyryl cyclic AMP affect binding but cyclic GMP and monobutyryl cyclic GMP cause the complete loss of the high affinity calcium binding sites, Cyclic GMP (but not monobutyryl cyclic GMP) also causes a decrease in the binding constant of the low affinity binding sites. AMP, GMP and Tris-butyrate do not affect calcium binding. The effects of the cyclic nucleotides are direct and are not mediated by protein phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of microsomal proteins increases the binding constant but not the capacity of the high affinity calcium binding sites. The capacity and also, perhaps, binding constant of the low affinity sites is also increased by phosphorylation. In additon to their effects on calcium binding the cyclic nucleotides also affect the movements of calcium into and out of the microsomes. The effects are again direct and not mediated by protein phosphorylation. Cyclic GMP decreases the rate of Ca2+ efflux from preloaded cardiac microsomes and also appears to decrease the rate of uptake of Ca2+ by cardiac microsomes though this effect is less clear cut than the action on efflux. The cyclic nucleotide has a half maximal effect at a concentration of 100 microns. By contrast cyclic AMP increases the rate of influx of Ca2+ into heart microsomes and the rate of efflux of Ca2+ from preloaded preparations. The effect is, however, rather slight. It is suggested that the most obvious interpretation of these results is that cyclic GMP decreases the Ca2+ permeability of the cardiac microsomal membrane while cyclic AMP increases the permeability. In contrast to the results found with membrane preparations from certain other tissues phosphorylation of cardiac microsomal proteins does not appear to alter Ca2+ efflux or influx out of, or into, cardiac microsomal preparations. It is thus concluded that phosphorylation of cardiac microsomal proteins does not affect the Ca2+ permeability of the microsomal membrane.  相似文献   

Permeation of neutral molecules as well as Ca2+ through the Ca2+ channel in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles has been studied by the tracer and/or by the light scattering methods. In the absence of KCl, the Ca2+ channel was found not to be able to pass neutral molecules such as glucose, xylose, and glycine under the condition that the channel was open, although the channel could pass Ca2+. On the other hand, submolar concentrations of KCl made the channel become permeable to neutral molecules as well as Ca2+. Since the effect of KCl could be replaced by NaCl and KNO3, but not by sucrose and glucose, this effect of KCl is considered to be due to ionic strength and not to osmotic pressure. These results suggest that low ionic strength transforms the Ca2+ channel protein in such a manner as to block the permeation of neutral molecules without modifying the gating mechanism of the channel.  相似文献   

During the excitation of muscle the estimated rate of Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum may increase 10(3)- to 10(4)-fold compared with relaxed muscle or isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum in vitro, implying a major change in the calcium permeability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. As a first step in the assessment of the role of various membrane constituents in the regulation of calcium fluxes, the contribution of phospholipids to the definition of calcium permeability was studied in model systems. The rate of calcium release from vesicles prepared from pure phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositides, cardiolipin, and extracted microsomal lipids is in the range of 10(-15) to 10(18) mol of calcium/cm2/s. This rate is several orders of magnitude lower than the passive calcium outflux from isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. The permeability to Ca2+ is influenced by fatty acid composition and net charge and it is markedly increased with increasing temperature or after the addition of local anesthetics.  相似文献   

At high concentrations of ATP, ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ transport by the (Ca2+ + MG2+)-ATPase of intact sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles exhibit a secondary activation that varies with the extent of back-inhibition by Ca2+ accumulated within the vesicles. When the internal ionized Ca2+ is clamped at low and intermediate levels by the use of Ca-precipitating anions, the apparent Km values for activation by ATP are lower than in fully back-inhibited vesicles (high internal Ca2+). In leaky vesicles unable to accumulate Ca2+, raising Ca2+ in the assay medium from 20-30 microM to 5 mM abolishes the activation of hydrolysis by high concentrations of ATP. The level of [32P]phosphoenzyme formed during ATP hydrolysis from [32P]phosphate added to the medium also varies with the extent of back-inhibition; it is highest when Ca2+ is raised to a level that saturates the internal, low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites. In intact vesicles, increasing the ATP concentration from 10 to 400 microM competitively inhibits the reaction of inorganic phosphate with the enzyme but does not change the rate of hydrolysis. In a previous report (De Meis, L., Gomez-Puyou, M.T. and Gomez-Puyou, A. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 171, 343-349), it has been shown that the hydrophobic molecules trifluoperazine and iron bathophenanthroline compete for the catalytic site of the Pi-reactive form of the enzyme. Here it is shown that inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by these compounds is reduced or abolished when Ca2+ binds to the low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites of the enzyme. Since inhibition by these agents is indifferent to activation of hydrolysis by high concentrations of ATP, it is suggested that the second Km for ATP and the inhibition by hydrophobic molecules involve two different Ca-free forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles can catalyze the synthesis of ATP coupled to the efflux of calcium. The rate of this reaction is much faster when the vesicles are loaded in a medium containing phosphate than when oxalate is the precipitating agent. Two components of ATP synthesis can be observed when vesicles loaded with calcium phosphate are used. In the millisecond range and when the loaded vesicles are phosphorylated by Pi, the addition of ADP leads to an initial burst of ATP synthesis and after 50 ms approximately 3.0 nmol of ATP/mg protein are synthesized. This burst is not inhibited by ATP and is enhanced by physiological concentrations of KCl. The slow component of ATP synthesis is inhibited by both ATP and 100 mM KCl. In the physiological pH range, betaine, a trimethylamine present in different tissues, increases the level of phosphoenzyme formed by Pi and enhances the amount of ATP synthesized during the first turn of the reversal of the calcium pump.  相似文献   

Quinacrine is a fluorescence probe useful for studying the effect of local anesthetics. The interaction of quinacrine and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes measured by fluorescence spectroscopy indicates the presence of a saturable binding site. Typical local anesthetics are able to displace quinacrine bound to heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. The effectiveness of that displacement decreases in the order dibucaine greater than tetracaine greater than benzocaine greater than lidocaine greater than procaine greater than procainamide, indicating that the size and hydrophobicity of quinacrine are major determinants in the binding process. The use of radioactive tracer and a rapid filtration technique reveals that quinacrine interacts, at lower concentrations, with sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes by blocking the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Higher quinacrine concentrations also affect the Ca2+-pump activity.  相似文献   

The ionophore A23187 is a potent inhibitor of oxalate supported calcium uptake if added before uptake is initiated by ATP and is a much weaker inhibitor of uptake once uptake has been initiated. This observation is shown to be due to a failure of oxalate to capture the transported calcium at the beginning of uptake because the rate of calcium oxalate crystallization is initially slow, thereby allowing the ionophore to release the accumulated calcium. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that calcium oxalate crystallization shows a lag phase which is absent when calcium oxalate seeds are in the reaction system. Once calcium uptake has progressed, calcium oxalate seeds are present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and calcium oxalate crystallization proceeds sufficiently rapidly that the ionophore cannot compete successfully for calcium. That A23187 and oxalate compete for intravesicular ionic calcium is shown by the stimulation which each produces in ATPase activity and by the dependence of ionophore activity on oxalate concentration.The failure of calcium oxalate crystallization to reach equilibrium during the early phase of calcium uptake caused us to examine whether at any time during calcium uptake, crystallization reaches equilibrium. Skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum accumulated calcium at such a high rate that oxalate, in concentrations up to 20mM, was unable to clamp intravesicular calcium at equilibrium values. The lower rate of calcium accumulation by cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or perhaps its greater permeability to oxalate apparently allows intravesicular calcium to be clamped by oxalate.  相似文献   

Isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles from rabbit white muscle were separated into a light (15--20% of total microsomes) and a heavy (80--85%) fraction by density gradient centifugation. The ultrastructure, chemical composition, enzymic activities and localization of membrane components in the vesicles of both fractions were investigated. From the following results it was concluded that both fractions are derived from the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum system of the muscle: (i) The protein pattern of both fractions is essentially the same, except for different ratios of acidic, Ca2+-binding proteins. (ii) The 105000 dalton protein of the light fraction cross-reacts immunologically with the Ca2+-dependent ATPase of the heavy fraction. (iii) Ca2+-dependent ATPase, although of different specific activity, is found in both fractions. After rendering the vesicles leaky, specific activities in both fractions reach the same value. The light fraction was found to consist of "inside-out" vesicles by the following criteria: (i) No Ca2+ accumulation can be measured and the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity is low and variable. (ii) The rate of trypsin digestion is lower and, compared to the heavy microsomes, a different ratio of degradation products is obtained. (iii) The sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane has a highly asymmetrical lipid distribution. This distribution of aminophospholipids is opposite to that in vesicles of heavy fraction. The light sarcoplasmic reticulum fraction has a higher phospholipid to protein ratio than the heavy one. This is consistent with the possibility that the two fractions derive from different parts of the sarcoplasmic reticulum system.  相似文献   

The effect of supernatants from cultures of mitogen-stimulated human mononuclear cells on calcium transport by sarcoplasmic reticulum was examined. Calcium transport was assayed by measuring the time course of calcium accumulation by sarcoplasmic reticulum incubated with supernatants from stimulated mononuclear cells was 20% less than that by vesicles exposed to control supernatants (P less than 0.001). In contrast, no difference in calcium-dependent ATPase activity was noted between vesicles incubated with either active or control supernatants. The results suggest that mononuclear cell factors disturb calcium transport in sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

F Kamp  P Donoso    C Hidalgo 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(1):290-296
Fast (milliseconds) Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum is an essential step in muscle contraction. To electrically compensate the charge deficit generated by calcium release, concomitant fluxes of other ions are required. In this study we investigated the possible participation of protons as counterions during calcium release. Triad-enriched sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, isolated from rabbit fast skeletal muscle, were passively loaded with 1 mM CaCl2 and release was induced at pCa = 5.0 and pH = 7.0 in a stopped-flow fluorimeter. Accompanying changes in vesicular lumen pH were measured with a trapped fluorescent pH indicator (pyranin). Significant acidification (approximately 0.2 pH units) of the lumen occurred within the same time scale (t(1/2) = 0.75 s) as calcium release. Enhancing calcium release with ATP or the ATP analog 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) produced >20-fold faster acidification rates. In contrast, when calcium release induced with calcium with or without AMPPNP was blocked by Mg2+, no acidification of the lumen was observed. In all cases, rate constants of luminal acidification corresponded with reported values of calcium release rate constants. We conclude that proton fluxes account for part (5-10%) of the necessary charge compensation during calcium release. The possible relevance of these findings to the physiology of muscle cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Fast Ca(2+) release kinetics were measured in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles actively loaded with Ca(2+). Release was induced in solutions containing 1.2 mM free ATP and variable free [Ca(2+)] and [Mg(2+)]. Release rate constants (k) were 10-fold higher at pCa 6 than at pCa 5 whereas Ryanodine binding was highest at pCa < or =5. These results suggest that channels respond differently when exposed to sudden [Ca(2+)] changes than when exposed to Ca(2+) for longer periods. Vesicles with severalfold different luminal calcium contents exhibited double exponential release kinetics at pCa 6, suggesting that channels undergo time-dependent activity changes. Addition of Mg(2+) produced a marked inhibition of release kinetics at pCa 6 (K(0.5) = 63 microM) but not at pCa 5. Coexistence of calcium activation and inhibition sites with equally fast binding kinetics is proposed to explain this behavior. Thimerosal activated release kinetics at pCa 5 at all [Mg(2+)] tested and increased at pCa 6 the K(0.5) for Mg(2+) inhibition, from 63 microM to 136 microM. We discuss the possible relevance of these results, which suggest release through RyR2 channels is subject to fast regulation by Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) followed by time-dependent regulation, to the physiological mechanisms of cardiac channel opening and closing.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress hypothesis of aging suggests that accumulation of oxidative damage is a key factor of the alterations in physiological function during aging. We studied age-related sensitivity to oxidative modifications of proteins and lipids of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) isolated from 6-, 15- and 26-month-old rats. Oxidative stress was generated in vitro by exposing SR vesicles to 0.1 mmol/l FeSO4/EDTA + 1 mmol/l H2O2 at 37 degrees C for 60 min. In all groups, oxidative stress was associated with decreased membrane surface hydrophobicity, as detected by 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate as a probe. Structural changes in SR membranes were accompanied by degradation of tryptophan and significant accumulation of protein dityrosines, protein conjugates with lipid peroxidation products, conjugated dienes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. The sensitivity to oxidative damage was most pronounced in SR of 26-month-old rat. Our results indicate that aging and oxidative stress are associated with accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins and lipids and these changes could contribute to cardiovascular injury.  相似文献   

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