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We review current knowledge of demographic mechanisms and environmental factors implicated in the population decline of Song Thrushes Turdus philomelos in rural Britain since the mid-1970s, and present new analyses of regional variation in population changes. Increased mortality during the first year of life (from fledging to recruitment) is highlighted as a potential demographic mechanism having driven the population decline, while Song Thrushes in a rapidly declining farmland population were making too few nesting attempts to sustain local numbers. Breeding Song Thrushes are strongly associated with non-cropped habitats such as woodland edge, field boundaries, gardens and scrub; they make substantial use of grassland, but avoid cereals when foraging. Earthworms constitute a key component of Song Thrush diet and the availability of this prey is strongly influenced by moisture levels in surface soils. Several lines of evidence suggest that dry surface soils during summer are deleterious to the productivity and survival of Song Thrushes, and regional variation in the rates of population change in Britain during 1970–86 was negatively correlated with the extent of under-field drainage on farmland (the main function of which is to promote the drying of surface soils). Increasing dryness of agricultural soils and the loss of grassland from eastern arable counties have probably both contributed to the declines of rural Song Thrushes in Britain. Loss of hedgerows and scrub, and the degradation of woodland may also have contributed to population declines but the role of predators remains unclear. Recovery of rural Song Thrush populations requires challenging new policy initiatives that should aim to restore nesting cover (scrub and woodland understorey), grazed grassland in arable-dominated areas and damper soils in summer.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)是内蒙古阴山北部地区主要的农牧业害鼠。有关它的生态学及其危害已有过一些报道(夏武平等,1956; 赵肯堂,1960;夏武平等,1966;夏武平等,1982; 秦长育,1984)。对于农作区和草原区种群的适应性差异迄今未见研究。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current knowledge of the effects of non-inversion tillage (NIT) on farmland birds and their food resources. NIT is a method of establishing a crop without using a mouldboard plough and is becoming increasingly popular in the UK. NIT generally disturbs the soil to shallower depths than conventional tillage and is therefore expected to have beneficial effects on biodiversity on arable land as compared with mouldboard ploughing. The diets of farmland birds change throughout the year, and many species take invertebrates over the breeding season. Seeds are also important for many species of farmland birds throughout the year and especially over the winter months. The effects of NIT on these farmland bird food resources, in particular ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), spiders (Arachnida: Araneae), earthworms (Annelida) and seeds (arable weeds and cereal crops) are reviewed.  相似文献   

Laboratory populations of the mud snail, Ilyanassa (Nassarius) obsoleta (Say), were separately maintained ad libidum on three different diets: vegetable (spinach), meat (shrimp), and a mixed diet of both. In one experiment where populations of meat-fed and vegetable-fed snails were maintained for 13 months, survivorship was found to be much higher in the vegetable-fed population. No growth occurred in either of these populations.In another experiment in which snails in all three dietary regimes were separately maintained, survivorship for meat-fed snails was found to be only slightly greater than for a starvation control group. Survivorship was again higher for the vegetable-fed snails, and also for the snails fed the mixed diet. However, only snails fed the mixed diet exhibited growth during the experiment. These results indicate that I. obsoleta is an obligate omnivore, requiring both animal and plant food sources in its diet.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the diet, body condition and growth rates of Skylark chicks were assessed to examine their relationship to their agricultural environment during a critical period in the life cycle of this rapidly declining species. Rainfall explained the greatest amount of variation in body condition and growth rates and had a negative effect on both. Body condition indices were a good predictor of the likelihood of future partial brood loss to starvation. Low body condition in grass fields was related to a low diversity in the diet. Chicks fed insect larvae had higher body condition indices than those not fed larvae. Larger broods tended to have higher growth rates than smaller ones, whereas smaller broods tended to have higher body condition indices. Natural brood size reduction through the non-hatching of eggs resulted in higher body condition indices than were found in nests with the same number of chicks where all eggs hatched, this effect being independent of absolute brood size. There was no significant difference between crop types in the distance adult birds flew to forage for food for nestlings and foraging crop destination had no effect on chick development. Differences between crop types in chick diet could be related to the documented effects of pesticides on different prey species. We suggest that recent agricultural changes have affected diet and possibly body condition, but that these effects are unlikely to have been an important factor in recent population declines.  相似文献   

The influence of egg size and composition on the size, quality and survival of lapwing chicks was examined on two farmland study sites in the Midland Valley of Scotland. Eggs comprised 33.1% yolk, 61.3% albumen and 5.6% shell. Whereas the yolk and shell proportions decreased with increasing egg size, the albumen proportion increased. Most variation in egg size was attributable to differences between females but was also influenced by clutch number (eggs in replacement clutches on the rough grazing, but not the arable, site were smaller), clutch size (eggs were smaller in smaller clutches), maternal body condition (females in good condition produced larger eggs) and habitat (since females on the arable site fed more successfully, they were in better condition and laid larger eggs). Chick size, weight and survival were all influenced by egg size. The incubation period varied between 21 and 28 days (mean = 25.2) and was shorter in clutches laid later in the season.  相似文献   

Direct benefits accrued from securing a territory of sufficient quality are important determinants of individual fitness and population persistence. Food supply is one of the main factors of animal territory quality, with spatial and temporal variation in prey availability largely dictating reproductive output and thus population dynamics. In a Swiss hoopoe population, molecrickets Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, the most profitable prey locally, can constitute most of the food biomass delivered to chicks by parents. We first investigated the impact of molecricket prey on hoopoes' fitness‐related traits by quantifying the spatial variation in the food allocation pattern of both male and female parents to chicks across the whole population range; and second, analysed the impact of this prey on current reproduction and, using a 11 yr dataset, on the temporal occupancy rate of each territory. We found considerable but spatially repeatable variation, over the years, of molecricket biomass in the diet provisioned to chicks. This spatial heterogeneity in chicks' diet composition was mirrored both in the history of territory occupancy (2002–2012) and in current reproductive success (2012). Territories with a greater biomass of molecrickets in chicks' diet produced more fledglings in better body condition. Yet, these effects on current reproduction were exclusively demonstrated for male parents, corroborating that paternal provisioning patterns play a predominant role in hoopoe reproductive success. This study demonstrates how a single, very profitable prey species might affect spatial variation in territory settlement and individual reproductive success in a regionally endangered bird species, with potential consequences for its population dynamics and persistence.  相似文献   

The populations of farmland birds such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) are declining sharply. These populations suffer from frequent cultivation measures and degraded habitat quality on arable land. An effective conservation measure is the lapwing plot, an agriculturally unused section within an arable field. We address German lapwing population development and dispersal if different shares of the population are safeguarded by the use of lapwing plots. We adapted a matrix projection model and extended it by projecting population development in three different habitat types (arable land, grassland and optimal habitat) and in varying scenarios. We introduced a cellular automaton and developed a new algorithm to simulate dispersal dynamics. The results show that without further conservation measures, the population could decline from 70 000 breeding pairs in 2006 to 12 000 or 23 000 pairs in 2055, depending on the underlying assumptions. Our model can be used to set environmental goals and then simulate the necessary implementation levels of conservation measures, such as the lapwing plot, and estimate the corresponding costs. For the goal of at least stabilising the population, 60% of the pairs in the normal agricultural landscape need to be safeguarded. For the population on arable land the corresponding costs range between 1.6 and 2.8 million € per year.  相似文献   

Dietary changes linked to the availability of anthropogenic food resources can have complex implications for species and ecosystems, especially when species are in decline. Here, we use recently developed primers targeting the ITS2 region of plants to characterize diet from faecal samples of four UK columbids, with particular focus on the European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur), a rapidly declining obligate granivore. We examine dietary overlap between species (potential competition), associations with body condition in turtle doves and spatiotemporal variation in diet. We identified 143 taxonomic units, of which we classified 55% to species, another 34% to genus and the remaining 11% to family. We found significant dietary overlap between all columbid species, with the highest between turtle doves and stock doves (Columba oenas), then between turtle doves and woodpigeons (Columba palumbus). The lowest overlap was between woodpigeons and collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto). We show considerable change in columbid diets compared to previous studies, probably reflecting opportunistic foraging behaviour by columbids within a highly anthropogenically modified landscape, although our data for nonturtle doves should be considered preliminary. Nestling turtle doves in better condition had a higher dietary proportion of taxonomic units from natural arable plant species and a lower proportion of taxonomic units from anthropogenic food resources such as garden bird seed mixes and brassicas. This suggests that breeding ground conservation strategies for turtle doves should include provision of anthropogenic seeds for adults early in the breeding season, coupled with habitat rich in accessible seeds from arable plants once chicks have hatched.  相似文献   

The influence of food abundance on red fox feeding habits was studied in the Swiss Jura Mountains between November 1990 and February 1992, during a low density period in the water vole population cycle. Six food categories–water voles, small mammals, domestic stock, earthworms, wild fruits and exploitable scraps–were censused during the present research and their seasonal abundances were estimated in fixed plots. Fox scats were collected and analysed at regular monthly intervals.
The diet of foxes was found to be correlated with seasonal food supply. A positive significant correlation between seasonal abundances and relative proportions in the diet was found for food categories showing a clear seasonality (earthworms, wild fruits and exploitable scraps), whereas no correlation was recorded for the other food resources. Diet composition observed in the present study was compared with that recorded in the same study area between 1988 and 1990 by Weber & Aubry (1993), when water voles were very common and accounted for more than 50% of the diet. A significant change was recorded in red fox feeding habits: the most important aspects of this modification of the diet was the decrease in water vole importance accompanied by the increase in the frequency of occurrence of other food categories, such as wild fruits and scavengeable items.  相似文献   

A study of the Japanese badger Meles meles anakuma was undertaken in Hinode, a suburb of Tokyo, between 1992 and 1998. Faecal analysis, based on 82 samples, revealed that during spring and summer, earthworms ( Megaseolocidae spp.) occurred at high frequency in the diet, with berries ( Rubus spp.), beetles and persimmon Dymopyrus kaki also eaten during summer months. Scavenged food was eaten in early spring when earthworm availability was low, and badgers switched from worms when persimmon became abundant in autumn. Twenty-one Japanese badgers (14 males and seven females) were radio-tracked. Adult badger home ranges were stable, and those of males [40±19 ( sd ) ha, n =7] were larger than those of females [11±6 ( sd ) ha, n =4]. Badger resting sites in each home range were located within 630 m of each other and categorized as setts or couches. Setts were sited within core areas (30% adaptive kernel method) of home ranges. Most setts were on a sub-ridge and avoided west-facing slopes. Couches, mainly in deciduous forest and forest edge, were generally sited towards the periphery of home ranges. Most badger foods were distributed along ecotones between forestry plantations and farmland; earthworms, their main food from late spring to summer, and berry thickets were both concentrated at the edge of conifer plantations. Persimmon trees, the main food source for badgers in autumn, were also found in agricultural land bordering forest edge. Badger home range size was related to forest edge density.  相似文献   

Agricultural change is often cited as a causal factor in the decline of the UK's farmland birds because bird declines have mirrored changes in agricultural practices. Although much is known about the mechanisms driving population declines on arable systems, mechanisms in grassland systems are relatively poorly studied, despite receiving a similar degree of intensification. Agricultural intensification may affect bird declines by reducing food abundance or accessibility, forager mobility or predation risk. Here we examine experimentally the effects of sward height on the foraging behaviour of adult Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris , and the effects of sward height and drainage on the behaviour of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus chicks. Both species are declining across the UK and both forage in farmed grassland habitats, but they differ in their foraging methods because Starlings probe for soil invertebrates whereas Lapwing chicks glean prey from surfaces. Overall, after controlling for prey abundance, short swards were found to be more productive for both species. Prey capture rate within foraging bouts did not differ with sward height for Starlings, but Starlings spent more time foraging on short swards and captured 33.2% more prey. Starlings walked more steps on short swards. Lapwing chick foraging rates declined as sward height increased. Soil moisture was not found to be a predictor of Lapwing chick foraging rates within the observed range. Our results suggest that short swards are a more profitable foraging habitat for soil and surface invertebrate feeders. Short swards may facilitate surface prey detection, improve forager mobility and increase foraging time by altering vigilance patterns. Provision of short swards in areas where these are lacking could be simple method of improving foraging habitats for grassland birds.  相似文献   

H. GALBRAITH 《Ibis》1989,131(3):377-388
The arrival on the breeding grounds and habitat use in relation to agricultural land use by Lapwings Vanellus vanellus was compared in rough grazing and arable study areas in the Midland Valley of Scotland. First arrivals took place in early February. Males preceded females and territory occupation by the males began soon after first arrival. During the pre-breeding period birds remained in flocks and day time habitat use and activity was strongly influenced by the lunar cycle. Birds fed mainly in those habitats in which prey (leatherjackets and earthworms) were most plentiful, and in which their feeding success was high. The choice of nesting habitat was not influenced by food availability in the immediate vicinity of the nest site but by the crypticity of the clutch and incubating adults. On rough grazing birds preferred unimproved land while on arable land spring cereal was the preferred habitat. The choice of actual nesting field on the arable land was influenced by the risk of predation and the proximity of suitable feeding fields for the adults and chicks.  相似文献   

Preserving peripheral populations is a key conservation issue because of the adaptive potential to environmental change they provide for the species as a whole. Yet, peripheral populations are often small and isolated, i.e. more vulnerable to stochastic events and prone to extinction. We studied a peripheral population of Hoopoe (Upupa epops), a rare insectivorous farmland bird, in the Swiss Alps. We first investigated the effect of weather variation on food provisioning to chicks by Hoopoe parents. Second, while accounting for density-dependence, we tested the extent to which breeding success is governed by weather circumstances and assessed the possible consequences of climate variation on population growth. Provisioning rate and provisioned prey biomass were negatively affected by adverse weather (cool, rainy days), were higher in males and also increased with brood size. Much smaller proportions of molecrickets (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa; the most profitable prey locally, constituting 93% of chicks’ food biomass) were provisioned on days with adverse weather, irrespective of brood size. Rainfall prior to hatching and during the first days of chick life had a negative impact on their survival, and there was a positive effect of temperature on chick survival just before fledging. Reproductive output was negatively affected by precipitation during the hatching period, but was enhanced by warm temperature just before hatching and in the last days before fledging. Our model showed that the variable reproductive output has a strong impact on the population growth: a succession of adverse, rainy springs would cause a rapid decline of the population. This case study confirms that conservation efforts may be obliterated if risks linked to increasing climate variability are not properly accounted for in the management of small peripheral populations.  相似文献   


Gizzards were examined from 334 adult and 62 nestling starlings collected in mixed farmland during 1971–72. The birds ate insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, millipedes, centipedes, seeds, and fruits. Starlings ate fewer subterranean animals (7%) than those usually living partially hidden (45%), on the ground (31%), or on vegetation (18%). About half the invertebrates eaten were 2–5 mm long and about a quarter 6–10 mm long. Nestlings tend to be fed significantly larger items than were eaten by adults. The commonest items in adult starlings were Coleoptera adults, Lepidoptera larvae, Hemiptera, and fruits; in nestlings, Coleoptera adults and Diptera adults and larvae were important. Earthworms were found in all the nestlings. More than 50% of adult gizzards contained earthworm chaetae in wetter months, but fewer in drier months. The diet of starlings, despite considerable overlap with the foods eaten by mynas, rooks, and magpies, included somewhat different components and proportions of the food supply. Fruits were found in adults only; most were probably eaten after harvest. Although predation on two major pasture pests—Costelytra zealandica and Wiseana cervinata larvae—was insubstantial, nearly 40% of the total invertebrates eaten by adult starlings were insect pest species.  相似文献   

Invertebrates are an essential food source for most farmland birds yet their relative abundance and biomass in the most commonly grown arable crops are poorly understood. Dvac suction sampling was used to determine the abundance, biomass and community composition of those invertebrate groups considered important in the diet of farmland birds for the commonest arable crops. Approximately 40 fields were sampled at the edge and mid‐field over 2 years in three different locations in England. In cereals, the fauna was primarily comprised of Araneae (10%), Coleoptera (30%) and Hemiptera (58%), whereas the oilseed rape fauna was dominated by Coleoptera (65%) and peas and potatoes by Hemiptera (89%). Beans contained a high proportion of Coleoptera (39%) and Hemiptera (49%). Aphididae were the most abundant family (20–86% of total), although in oilseed rape and beans, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae and Nitidulidae formed ca 20% of the fauna. Aphids only formed a small proportion (7%) of the total biomass, except in peas (32%). Instead, Araneae, Carabidae, Heteroptera, Homoptera and Tipulidae formed much larger and more equal proportions. The highest abundance and biomass of invertebrates were recorded in cereals and least in potatoes. The Grey Partridge chick‐food index in all crops was only a half or less of the level required to ensure that chick survival is sufficient to maintain numbers of this red‐listed species. The total number of invertebrates, their biomass, diversity and the Grey Partridge chick‐food index were higher at the crop edge compared to mid‐field. Conservation measures are needed to help reverse the long‐term declines of invertebrates on farmland, which should include developing further invertebrate‐rich, agri‐environment scheme options and management techniques to encourage invertebrates considered important as bird food within arable crops.  相似文献   

ÅKE BERG 《Ibis》1992,134(1):44-51
Nest-site choice and reproductive success of Curlews Numenius arquata in different habitats were studied at a mixed farmland site (grasslands and flooded tilled fields relatively common) and at an arable farmland site (dry tilled fields more dominant than at the mixed site) in central Sweden. At both sites Curlews preferred to nest on grassland and fallow fields, where hatching success was higher than on tillage fields. Nests were also situated further away from forest edges than random sites, but hatching success did not vary with distance to the forest edge. Only 35.6% of the pairs were estimated to hatch young. The main cause of nest loss was predation and the second most important factor was destruction by farming practices, which was an important factor in tillage early in season. Surprisingly, nest survival was higher at the arable than at the mixed farmland site, probably being an effect of the increased proportion of fallowing during recent years. Mortality of chicks was 79.7% before fledgling age (both sites combined) and, surprisingly, chick survival was lower on meadows than on arable fields and leys. The mean production of young was only 0.25 fledglings per pair, which is lower than in areas less affected by farming practice. The low production of young is probably an important factor in the decline of Curlew populations on Swedish farmland. On bogs 1.4 fledglings per pair were produced, indicating that reproductive success of Curlews is higher in more natural habitats.  相似文献   

The potential of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) to spread the parasite Cryptosporidium parvum was investigated by examining parasite prevalence in relation to the structure and movements of three permanent rat populations living on farmland in Warwickshire (UK) from October 1994 to March 1997. One population lived among a group of farm buildings housing cattle, while the other two had no contact with livestock, one living around a pond and its outflowing stream and the other on a rubbish tip. Overall, parasite occurrence was 24% (n = 438), but it varied according to body weight (age) with 40% of juveniles (< or =100 g) infected decreasing to 12% for adults >400 g, suggesting that actively breeding populations are potentially more likely to spread the parasite than non-breeding populations. There was no difference in prevalence between the three populations. The parasite was detected in more males (29%) than females (19%). Seasonally, on the livestock farm, prevalence was significantly lower in autumn (10%), but varied little (31-36%) from winter to summer. In contrast, on the arable farm, prevalence peaked in summer (50%) with a trough in winter (6%). Infection in rats appeared to last <67 days. Rats living on the livestock farm had home ranges largely confined to the cattle sheds, thereby maintaining a potential source of infection for livestock if rodent control was not part of a decontamination program. Equally, rats living around the pond on the arable farm provided a source of oocysts to contaminate the pond water, as well as being able to carry the parasite to nearby farm buildings or even to neighboring farms.  相似文献   

Habitat use by seed-eating birds: a scale-dependent approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seedbank in arable farmland represents an important foraging resource for birds, particularly in grassland landscapes where alternative foraging opportunities may be scarce. We used a stepwise approach to examine the importance of seed food resources for farmland birds in winter. First, results from a large-scale experiment in which seed resources were manipulated to test the notion that birds aggregate at food resources, subject to a minimum threshold level. Secondly, a multiscale approach was used to characterize habitat use at a landscape scale and how this may inform agri-environment implementation. Overall seed resources declined sharply over the winter and were relatively low in most arable fields. Large-scale declines in the arable seedbank mean that much habitat may not be of sufficient quality to support foraging bird populations through a winter. At a landscape scale, extensive analyses of breeding season abundance show that bird abundance is most influenced by arable (i.e. seed-rich) habitat in grassland landscapes. The scale at which birds respond to habitat differs between species, and is related to the extent of between-season movements. Implementation of agri-environment schemes will need to consider both the quality of habitat and the context in which it is provided if recent declines in farmland bird populations are to be reversed.  相似文献   

The food of adult Sargochromis codringtonii in Lake Kariba was dominated by prosobranch snails with pulmonate snails forming an insignificant dietary component. S. codringtonii does not show particular preference for any snail species, feeding on those species that are readily available. Morphometrical analysis of the feeding structures of S. codringtonii showed that the fish is well adapted to handling a molluscivorous diet. The pharyngeal jaws with their flat crowned teeth are well adapted to crushing molluscs. The daily food consumption rate of S. codringtonii was estimated over different seasons. Estimates of food consumption indicate that the fish consumed 13.96% of their dry body weight per day in summer falling to 4.46% in winter. The low consumption of pulmonate snails suggests that S. codringtonii can not be a successful biological control agent against the vectors of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

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