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Two species of Echinochloa are grown as cereals. Echinochloa crusgalli is native to temperate Eurasia and was domesticated in Japan some 4,000 yr ago. Echinochloa colona is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of the Old World. It was domesticated in India. Echinochloa colona is morphologically allied to E. crusgalli, but hybrids between them are sterile. Echinochloa colona differs consistently from E. crusgalli in having smaller spikelets with membran-aceous rather than chartaceous glumes. Hybrids between wild and cultivated taxa of E. colona and between those of E. crusgalli are fertile. Cultivated E. colona is variable. It is grown as a cereal across India, Kashmir and Sikkim. Four morphological races are recognized, although these do not have geographical, ecological or ethnological unity. Race laxa is confined to Sikkim where races robusta, intermedia and stolonifera are also grown. In India, races robusta, intermedia and stolonifera are often grown as mixtures, and Echinochloa is sometimes grown as a mixture with other cereals, particularly Setaria italica (foxtail millet) or Eleusine coracana (finger millet). The species is planted on poor soil, and some cultivars mature in less than 2 mo. They hold considerable promise as cereals for the semiarid tropics.  相似文献   

Japanese barnyard millet is an important food source in East Asian countries. However its crumbly texture limits desirability and consumption. Controlling amylose level in the endosperm is important to improve the eating quality of the millet. Because it is well known that the waxy gene determines the amylose level in the endosperm, we conducted a molecular analysis of the gene. Segregation analysis revealed that wild-type cultivars had three functional genes while low-amylose cultivars had one. We determined complete sequences of the three homoeologous waxy structural genes, EeWx1, EeWx2 and EeWx3, in a wild-type cultivar. These sequences showed high homology in the exon regions (97 %), and lower homology in the introns (82 %). Two spontaneous mutations were characterized in the low-amylose cultivars. In addition, one induced mutation was found in the fully waxy cultivar, Chojuromochi. Spontaneous mutations are deletions of whole and terminal regions in the EeWx2 and EeWx3 alleles, respectively. The induced mutation is a single-base deletion that led to a premature termination codon in EeWx1. These findings led us to develop useful markers for selecting low-amylose and waxy lines in millet.  相似文献   

From the annual weed barnyard grass Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv., two novel defensins Ec-AMP-D1 and Ec-AMP-D2 that differ by a single amino acid substitution were isolated by a combination of different chromatographic procedures. Both defensins were active against several phytopathogenic fungi and the oomycete Phytophthora infestans at micromolar concentrations. The Ec-AMP-D1 showed higher activity against the oomycete than Ec-AMP-D2. The comparison of the amino acid sequences of the antifungal E. crusgalli defensins with those of earlier characterized T. kiharae defensins [T.I. Odintsova, Ts.A. Egorov, A.Kh. Musolyamov, M.S. Odintsova, V.A. Pukhalsky, E.V. Grishin, Seed defensins from T. kiharae and related species: genome localization of defensin-encoding genes, Biochimie, 89 (2007) 605-612.] that were devoid of substantial antifungal activity point to the C-terminal region of the molecule as the main determinant of the antifungal activity of E. crusgalli defensins.  相似文献   

Abstract Although rice has long been recognized to be uniquely adapted for growth in low oxygen environments of flooded rice fields, rice weeds of the Echinochloa crus-galli complex appear to be at least as well specialized for germination and growth under such unusual biological conditions. Seeds of two varieties of E. crus-galli germinate and grow for prolonged periods in a totally oxygen-free environment. E. crus-galli germinates as well as rice (Oryza sativa) under a total nitrogen atmosphere and produces as large a seedling in spite of its much smaller seed size. Like rice, the seedlings of E. crus-galli are unpigmented, the primary leaves do not emerge from the coleoptile and no root growth occurs without oxygen. Of particular interest is the ultrastructure of mitochondria from anaerobically-grown seedlings. Mitochondrial profiles from the primary leaf of seedlings grown continuously in nitrogen are very similar to those grown aerobically. The size and shape of the mitochondria are similar and the cristae are numerous and normal in appearance. This is in sharp contrast to previous studies of other species which have reported that mitochondria were vesiculate and tended to lose their normal fine-structure after similar periods without oxygen. Finally, based on ultrastructure and 14C labeling studies, anaerobically-grown seedlings are highly active metabolically, which may explain, at least for E. crus-galli var. oryzicola, its ability to germinate and emerge from flooded rice fields.  相似文献   

An isolate of Exserohilum longirostratum obtained from Rottboelia cochinchinensis in Malaysia was highly pathogenic to barnyardgrass (Echinocloa crus-galli,) a serious weed in rice fields in Malaysia. In glasshouse trials, high levels of barnyardgrass control were achieved when E. longirostratum was applied as a conidial concentration at 105 conidia/mL. This conidial concentration may not be sufficient for field use; therefore, a mini plot trial was carried out to assess the bioherbicidal potential of the fungus and the efficacy of different inoculum types under field conditions. Excellent barnyard grass disease as indicated by Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) was achieved with mycelium (AUDPC = 583.8 unit2); mycelium + pretichlaclor (AUDPC = 610.4 unit2) and conidia alone (AUDPC = 468.3 unit2) compared to conidia + pretichlaclor (AUDPC = 395.8 unit2). Although conidia caused lower disease severity on barnyard grass compared to mycelium, this inoculum equally reduced the competition from barnyard grass as indicated by lower mean dry weight and fewer barnyard grass tiller numbers. Positive correlations between AUDPC of rice and its tiller number and AUDPC of rice and its dry weight were recorded while negative correlations were observed for the AUDPC of barnyard grass and its tiller number and AUDPC of barnyard grass and its dry weight. These findings confirmed that E. longirostratum applied either in the form of conidia or mycelium was effective against barnyard grass under field conditions.  相似文献   

Five isolates of a species of Colletotrichum were collected from Japanese barnyard millet (Echinochloa utilis) in Japan. Although the fungus had once been identi-fied as C. graminicola sensu lato, it was clearly different from C. graminicola isolated from maize (Zea mays) in its falcate and short conidia, 18.0–22.2 μm in length, cultural characteristics, and specific pathogenicity to E. utilis. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analyses using sequences of rDNA-ITS, HMG, and SOD2 indicated a monophyly of the isolates. A new species, Colletotrichum echinochloae, is then proposed based on the morphological, pathological, and molecular characteristics.  相似文献   

Paniceae demonstrate unique variability of photosynthetic physiology and anatomy, including both non-Kranz and Kranz species and all subtypes of the latter. This variability suggests hypotheses of independent origin or reversals (e.g., from C(4) to C(3)). These hypotheses can be tested by phylogenetic analysis of independent molecular characters. The molecular phylogeny of 57 species of Paniceae was explored using sequences from the grass-specific insert found in the plastid locus rpoC2. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed some long-recognized alliances in Paniceae, some recent molecular phylogenetic results, and suggested new relationships. Broadly, Paniceae were found to be paraphyletic with Andropogoneae, Panicum was found to be polyphyletic, and Oplismenus hirtellus was resolved as the sister group to the remaining ingroup species. A particularly well-supported clade in the rpoC2 tree included four genera with non-Kranz species and three with distinctively keeled paleas. As previously suggested, the PCK (phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase) C(4) subtype arose once within Paniceae. All clades with non-Kranz species had Kranz ancestors or sister taxa suggesting repeated loss of the Kranz syndrome.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of key enzymes in glycolysis and theoxidative pentose phosphate pathway were studied in Echinochloacrus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. oryzicola seeds during germinationin air or nitrogen. In addition, the metabolism of specificallylabelled [I4C]glucose was followed to evaluate the activityof both pathways during anaerobic germination. During the 7 d time period studied there was no difference betweenair and nitrogen in phosphofructokinase activity. Under anaerobicconditions, fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate aldolase increased morethan two-fold in 7 d; whereas in air, it decreased. The activityof the pentose phosphate pathway enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase, increased under N2 until day three, when it levelledoff, whilst it continued to increase up to day seven in air. Incubation of Echinochloa seedlings with specifically labelledglucose also resulted in differences between anaerobic- andair-grown seedlings. Labelling of phosphorylated sugars andlipids predominated under N2; whereas in air, malate and fumaratewere the most heavily labelled compounds. In both air and N2,there was a greater percentage of label in CO2 from [l-14C]glucose,while [6-14C] resulted in a greater percentage label in ethanol.These differences were more pronounced under N2, especiallyduring the first 24 h of imbibition, suggesting increased activityof the pentose phosphate pathway. Key words: Echinochloa, Anaerobic metabolism, Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway  相似文献   

This study presents purification, activity characterization, and (1)H NMR study of the novel antifungal peptide EcAMP1 from kernels of barnyard grass Echinochloa crus-galli. The peptide adopts a disulfide-stabilized α-helical hairpin structure in aqueous solution and thus represents a novel fold among naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides. Micromolar concentrations of EcAMP1 were shown to inhibit growth of several fungal phytopathogens. Confocal microscopy revealed intensive EcAMP1 binding to the surface of fungal conidia followed by internalization and accumulation in the cytoplasm without disturbance of membrane integrity. Close spatial structure similarity between EcAMP1, the trypsin inhibitor VhTI from seeds of Veronica hederifolia, and some scorpion and cone snail toxins suggests natural elaboration of different functions on a common fold.  相似文献   

浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)空间分布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过西北-东南和东北-西南方向两条宽5m×长3km的样带和一块4m×4m的样方调查,研究了浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦、植被、土壤水分及土壤盐分的空间变异特点及其相互关系。结果表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度、土壤水分和土壤盐分的空间变化格局相似,然而,在不同的空间方向上,它们具有不同的空间变化;样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和土壤盐分具有相似的空间变化格局,但却不同于植被地上部总生物量和土壤水分的空间变化格局。相关分析表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度与土壤水分和土壤盐分之间均具有显著的正相关关系。土壤水分和土壤盐分也具有显著的正相关。样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数及植被地上部总生物量与土壤水分均具有显著的正相关关系,但与土壤盐分没有显著的相关关系。无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和植被地上部总生物量三者之间,以及土壤水分和土壤盐分之间也均具有显著的正相关关系。研究结果表明了植被与土壤之间的相互关系依赖于空间尺度。  相似文献   

The introgression of transgenes into wild relatives or weeds through pollen-mediated gene flow is a major concern in environmental risk assessment of transgenic crops. A large-scale (1.3–1.8 ha) rice gene flow study was conducted using transgenic rice containing the bar gene as a pollen donor and Oryza rufipogon as a recipient. There was a high frequency of transgene flow (11%−18%) at 0–1 m, with a steep decline with increasing distance to a detection limit of 0.01% by 250 m. To our knowledge, this is the highest frequency and longest distance of gene flow from transgenic rice to O. rufipogon reported so far. On the basis of these data, an adequate isolation distance from both conventional and transgenic rice should be taken for in situ conservation of common wild rice. Meanwhile, there is no evidence of transgene introgression into barnyard grass, even when it has coexisted with transgenic rice containing the bar gene for five successive years. Thus, the environmental risk of gene flow to this weedy species is of little concern.  相似文献   

通过西北-东南和东北-西南方向两条宽5m×长3 km的样带和一块4m×4m的样方调查,研究了浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦、植被、土壤水分及土壤盐分的空间变异特点及其相互关系。结果表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度、土壤水分和土壤盐分的空间变化格局相似,然而,在不同的空间方向上,它们具有不同的空间变化;样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和土壤盐分具有相似的空间变化格局,但却不同于植被地上部总生物量和土壤水分的空间变化格局。相关分析表明,样带内植被盖度、无芒雀麦盖度与土壤水分和土壤盐分之间均具有显著的正相关关系。土壤水分和土壤盐分也具有显著的正相关。样方内无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数及植被地上部总生物量与土壤水分均具有显著的正相关关系,但与土壤盐分没有显著的相关关系。无芒雀麦地上部生物量、分株数和植被地上部总生物量三者之间,以及土壤水分和土壤盐分之间也均具有显著的正相关关系。研究结果表明了植被与土壤之间的相互关系依赖于空间尺度。  相似文献   

Social object play (SOP), i.e., social play using portable object(s), among young Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata; 0-4 years old) in the Arashiyama E troop was studied using a modified sequence sampling method from July to October 2000. SOP was a relatively common activity for most of the young macaques and often continued for long periods. Participants used many kinds of object, including edible natural objects and artificial objects, such as plastic bottles, but they never used provisioned food or wild fruit in SOP bouts. An analysis of long bouts (>/=0.5 min) revealed the following interactive SOP features: (1) at any given time, participants used only one object, and only one participant held the object; (2) during SOP play-chasing, the object holder was likely to be chased by others; (3) during long bouts, the object changed hands frequently; and (4) agonistic competition for an object among young macaques was rare. Combinations of sexes, ages, relative ranks, or matrilines of the object holder and non-holder did not affect the tendency that the holder was chased by non-holder(s) during play-chasing. Even when there was a change in object holders, the repetitiveness of this interactive pattern, i.e., that the holder would be chased during SOP bouts, distinguished the SOP structure from that of other types of social play without object(s). General proximate social play mechanisms, such as self-handicapping or role taking, were associated with SOP. Other mechanisms that affected SOP included the following: (1) young macaques treated an object as a target in play competition, and (2) 'being the holder of a target object' was associated with the 'role of the chasee.'  相似文献   

We quantitatively examined the relationships between Sorghum landrace diversity at the field level and environmental factors and farmers’ selection practices in north Shewa and south Welo regions of Ethiopia. Surveys were conducted on 260 randomly selected farmers’ fields. The altitude and size of each field were recorded. Sorghum plants at 5 m intervals along transect lines spaced 10 m apart over each field were identified by the farmers and the owner of each field was asked why she/he decided to grow each plant. Soil samples were collected from all of the fields and analyzed for pH, organic content, and sand, silt and clay content. Simple and polynomial regressions and multiple regression analyses showed that Sorghum landrace diversity at the field level had significant relationships with the number of selection criteria used by the farmers, field altitude, field size, pH and clay content. As the number of selection criteria increased, landrace diversity in the fields increased. This relationship was not a result of the correlation between selection criteria and the environmental factors, because it was significant after statistically correcting for the effects of the environmental variables. This study quantitatively confirms the role of traditional farmers in the maintenance of sorghum landrace diversity in north Shewa and south Welo regions of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Structural differentiation of Kranz anatomy has been investigated in leaf cross sections of two C-4 Poaceae:Digitaria sanguinalis andSetaria viridis. The study mainly focused on cellular and interfacial features of bundle sheath (BS) and mesophyll (MS) cells of the C-4 structure. Prominent BS, spaced by only two MS cells apart, were surrounded concentrically by a layer of MS cells. BS cells ofS. viridis had centrifugally arranged relatively large chloroplasts containing much starch, but the chloroplasts had agrana to rudimentary grana. Structural and size dimorphisms, when starch was present, were detected between BS and MS chloroplasts. Loosely arranged MS cells had peripherally displaced smaller chloroplasts containing little to none starch. BS chloroplasts ofD. sanguinalis were similar to those ofS. viridis, but had very little starch and well-developed long agranal stroma lamella. Features of MS cells were similar in both species, but well-defined peripheral reticulum (PR) was easily recognized in MS chloroplasts ofS. viridis. Virtually no PR was developed in BS chloroplasts examined. BS cells contained more mitochondria and microbodies, but no structural dimorphism was noticed. The electron-dense suberized lamella were often observed between BS and MS cells, especially in the primary wall of BS cells. It was most frequently found at the BS and MS cell interfaces and terminated in radial walls of the adjacent BS cells. Prominent pits with plasmodesmata (pd) were seen in the walls of both cells. There also were numerous pd in outer tangential walls of the BS cells. The number of pd ranged from 20 to 60. The pd trasversed a segment of cell wall much thinner than the adjacent wall. The current cellular data have been compared to the ultrastructural features known in leaves of other C-4 plants, especially NADP-ME species.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight cultures of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor, Poaceae) at dead-ripe stage showed that the cultures IS 6962, IS 9889, PR 4579, and IS 707 contained higher amounts of total sugars per 100 ml of extractable juice. But total sugar yield was found to be high (>200 kg/ha) in IS 715, IS 724, IS 6962, and IS 9901. Though upper internodes contained comparatively higher sugar content than the bottom internodes, the seventh internode had the maximum. A highly positive correlation (+0.9828) was found to exist between total sugars and sucrose in the internodes. Fermentation of juice from IS 6962 yielded 240 litre of alcohol/ha. Roasted chickpea candies prepared from syrup of 73o brix resembled that from jaggery in taste and flavour.  相似文献   

Wakibara  J. V.  Huffman  M. A.  Wink  M.  Reich  S.  Aufreiter  S.  Hancock  R. G. V.  Sodhi  R.  Mahaney  W. C.  Russel  S. 《International journal of primatology》2001,22(3):495-520
We gathered data on the amount, composition, and rate of ingestion of foods and soils by the provisioned Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata) at Arashiyama, Japan. Behavioral observations spanned one year on 8 adult females, using focal animal sampling. We analyzed a subsample of their foods for nutritional and toxic secondary compound content. We also analyzed soils eaten by the macaques for several physical-chemical properties and tested their adsorption affinity to tannins and alkaloids. Geophagy occurred at a high rate of 2.97 g/indiv./day with an elevated frequency in the afternoon. About two-thirds of their foods (by fresh weight) were provisioned items, which are extremely rich in proteins and soluble carbohydrates. The soils that they ingested were generally poor in mineral elements, the bio-availability of which was low. The soils had a high adsorption capacity for plant alkaloids but were poorly absorptive for tannins. They were rich in clay minerals of proven buffering capacity. Geophagy at Arashiyama may improve the health of macaques via buffering gastric upset. We discuss the results from the viewpoint of several hypotheses on geophagy.  相似文献   

Clones of Spartina patens were collected from 19 locations throughout Gulf coast marshes of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Following three vegetative generations of de-acclimation from field conditions, genotypes were subjected to a salinity screening protocol in which salinity was increased in weekly increments of 5‰ (gram salt/kilogram solution). Plants were harvested when there was 50% death of aboveground tissue, which we defined as the lethal salinity level. The genotypes displayed highly significant intraspecific variation in lethal salinity level, which ranged from 63‰ to 93‰. Significant intraspecific variation was also observed in all plant morphological variables, as well as leaf rolling, leaf expansion rates at 2‰ and 20‰ salinity, aboveground, belowground, and total biomass, and belowground-to-aboveground biomass ratio. An ANOVA of principal component scores from a PCA of lethal salinity level and covariable-adjusted total plant dry mass further illustrated intraspecific variation within this species in these two traits expressed as one principal component. Correlation analysis revealed that intraspecific variation in salt tolerance was not strongly associated with intraspecific variation in plant morphological traits, leaf rolling, or leaf expansion rates.  相似文献   

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