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Spanish salt lakes: Their chemistry and biota   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  
F. A. Comin  M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1988,158(1):237-245
A large number of small saline lakes are distributed throughout Spain. Four main lake districts occur from sea level to 1000 m.a.s.l. Most lakes are temporary because of the arid conditions in the Spanish endorheic areas. Many lakes are situated in Tertiary depressions in NE. and S. Spain. Lake basins were formed in karstic areas by hydrologic and aeolian erosion. Saline lakes in NE. Spain occupy areas isolated between river basins. The major ions encountered in these lakes are usually sodium-chloride and magnesium-sulphate; sodium carbonate or sodium-sulphate rich waters also occur.The biota of Spanish salt lakes is related to that of a larger biogeographical region which includes the Mediterranean countries. The main types of salt lakes in Spain include: (1) temporarily mineralized but not highly saline lakes, salinity is less than 7 g l-1. Chara canescens, C. aspera, Zanichellia palustris, Daphnia atkinsoni, Mixodiaptomus incrassatus and Arctodiaptomus wierzejskii are the most characteristic organisms. (2) Temporary salt lakes, salinity fluctuates between 7 and 300 g l-1. Chara galioides, Lamprothamnion papulosum, Daphnia mediterranea, Arctodiaptomus salinus and Cletocamptus retrogressus are the most common species. (3) Permanent salt lakes, Ruppia maritima, Najas marina and Artemia salina are the characteristic organisms.  相似文献   

There are more than 100 closed, saline lakes in the semiarid, intermontane plateaus of British Columbia. They range from shallow perennial lakes to ephemeral playas. Most are groundwater-fed and lie within glaciofluvial deposits and till. Some have permanent salts. Where underlain by basalts, sodium carbonate brines predominate. Magnesium sulphate brines occur where catchments lie within Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, metasediments and basic volcanics. A few sodium sulphate brines are also present.A reconnaissance study of the sediments and mineralogy of 21 lake basins has shown that carbonates, including extensive magnesite and hydromagnesite deposits, and several occurrences of protodolomite, are widely precipitated in lake basins of each brine type. Analyses of stream, spring, ground and lake waters from the Cariboo Plateau region demonstrate that carbonate precipitation probably constitutes the major chemical divide responsible for producing the two dominant types of brine.  相似文献   

1. Knowledge of synchrony in trends is important to determining regional responses of lakes to disturbances such as atmospheric deposition and climate change. We explored the temporal coherence of physical and chemical characteristics of two series of mostly alpine lakes in nearby basins of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Using year‐to‐year variation over a 10‐year period, we asked whether lakes more similar in exposure to the atmosphere be‐haved more similarly than those with greater influence of catchment or in‐lake processes. 2. The Green Lakes Valley and Loch Vale Watershed are steeply incised basins with strong altitudinal gradients. There are glaciers at the heads of each catchment. The eight lakes studied are small, shallow and typically ice‐covered for more than half the year. Snowmelt is the dominant hydrological event each year, flushing about 70% of the annual discharge from each lake between April and mid‐July. The lakes do not thermally stratify during the period of open water. Data from these lakes included surface water temper‐ature, sulphate, nitrate, calcium, silica, bicarbonate alkalinity and conductivity. 3. Coherence was estimated by Pearson's correlation coefficient between lake pairs for each of the different variables. Despite close geographical proximity, there was not a strong direct signal from climatic or atmospheric conditions across all lakes in the study. Individual lake characteristics overwhelmed regional responses. Temporal coherence was higher for lakes within each basin than between basins and was highest for nearest neighbours. 4. Among the Green Lakes, conductivity, alkalinity and temperature were temporally coherent, suggesting that these lakes were sensitive to climate fluctuations. Water tem‐perature is indicative of air temperature, and conductivity and alkalinity concentrations are indicative of dilution from the amount of precipitation flushed through by snowmelt. 5. In Loch Vale, calcium, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate and alkalinity were temporally coherent, while silica and temperature were not. This suggests that external influences are attenuated by internal catchment and lake processes in Loch Vale lakes. Calcium and sulphate are primarily weathering products, but sulphate derives both from deposition and from mineral weathering. Different proportions of snowmelt versus groundwater in different years could influence summer lake concentrations. Nitrate is elevated in lake waters from atmospheric deposition, but the internal dynamics of nitrate and silica may be controlled by lake food webs. Temperature is attenuated by inconsistently different climates across altitude and glacial meltwaters. 6. It appears that, while the lakes in the two basins are topographically close, geologically and morphologically similar, and often connected by streams, only some attributes are temporally coherent. Catchment and in‐lake processes influenced temporal patterns, especially for temperature, alkalinity and silica. Montane lakes with high altitudinal gradients may be particularly prone to local controls compared to systems where coherence is more obvious.  相似文献   

Lakes Baikal, Malawi and Tanganyika are the world's three largest rift valley lakes and are the classic modern examples of lacustrine rift basins. All the rift lakes are segmented into half-graben basins, and seismic reflection datasets reveal how this segmentation controls the filling of the rift basins through time. In the early stages of rifting, basins are fed primarily by flexural margin and axial margin drainage systems. At the climax of syn-rift sedimentation, however, when the basins are deeply subsided, almost all the margins are walled off by rift shoulder uplifts, and sediment flux into the basins is concentrated at accommodation zone and axial margin river deltas. Flexural margin unconformities are commonplace in the tropical lakes but less so in high-latitude Lake Baikal. Lake levels are extremely dynamic in the tropical lakes and in low-latitude systems in general because of the predominance of evaporation in the hydrologic cycle in those systems. Evaporation is minimized in relation to inflow in the high-latitude Lake Baikal and in most high-latitude systems, and consequently, major sequence boundaries tend to be tectonically controlled in that type of system. The acoustic stratigraphies of the tropical lakes are dominated by high-frequency and high-amplitude lake level shifts, whereas in high-latitude Lake Baikal, stratigraphic cycles are dominated by tectonism and sediment-supply variations.  相似文献   

崔宁  于恩逸  李爽  唐明方  吴钢 《生态学报》2021,41(3):949-958
内蒙古高原湖泊流域是我国北方地区重要的涵养水源区域,发挥着防汛抗旱、气候调节、生物多样性维持等多种生态系统功能。近几十年来,全球气候变化加之人类活动加剧,导致内蒙古高原湖泊的数量和面积大幅减少,流域生态系统的损害日益明显,严重威胁到了周边地区的生态安全,保护与治理内蒙古高原湖泊流域已逐渐成为社会各界关注及迫切需要解决的问题。面向内蒙古高原湖泊流域保护和管理需求,以改善和提升流域生态环境质量和生态系统功能为目的,以内蒙古高原湖泊达里湖流域为研究对象,基于流域生态特性和主要生态环境问题,选取水土流失、土壤侵蚀及土地沙化敏感性3个指标评价了流域生态系统敏感性,从水源涵养、土壤保持和生境质量重要性3个方面评价了流域生态系统功能重要性,并在此基础上,通过GIS空间分析技术将流域分为极重要敏感区,一般重要敏感区和低重要敏感区。结合流域内达里诺尔国家级自然保护区的生态重要性与3个区域评价结果,从生态保护角度将流域分为禁止开发区、重点保护区、质量提升区与潜在威胁区4个区域,同时提出针对每个区域特点的保护与管理对策。研究结果对提高高原地区湖泊流域生态环境质量以及对流域实施科学有效的管理提供了科学依据,同时在促进区域乃至全球生态建设和可持续发展方面具有重要的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

Lakes Sorell and Crescent are closely adjacent shallow lakes on the Tasmanian Central Plateau. They have similar morphometry and similar climate, geology, soils and vegetation in their catchments. They are polymictic, oxygen-saturated and colourless but turbid. They have soft water with major ions Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO3 present in almost equi-ionic quantities, and a slightly alkaline reaction. Chemically they are alike, the major difference being a 20% higher salinity in Crescent from 1967–69. During 1969–71 heavy rains reduced this difference. Water frequently flows from Sorell to Crescent in any year. Despite these similarities their phytoplankton populations differ markedly in every respect—species composition, population structure, population stability and total biomass. Lake Crescent has a standing crop 10 X that of Sorell. The former is eutrophic, the latter mesotrophic. Well marked seasonal cycles do not occur but sporadic fluctuations of biomass are brought about by hydrologic or other events. The pronounced differences in every aspect of plankton populations in two so similar and connected lakes cannot yet be explained. They remain a limnological paradox.  相似文献   

云南抚仙湖、洱海、滇池水生植被的生态特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戴全裕 《生态学报》1985,5(4):324-335
抚仙湖、洱海和滇池是云南高原上较大的三个断层构造湖泊。作者于1981—1983年对这三个湖泊的水生植物种类、分布、产量、植被类型以及演替作了调查。其结果是:(1)抚仙湖、洱海和滇池的湖盐形态、湖水的理、化性质以及生物生态条件是很不相同的:抚仙湖是我国第二深水湖泊,洱海是半深水湖,而滇池却是一个浅水湖泊。因此,水生植物的生态特征也是各不相同的;(2)随着湖泊的逐渐发育和演化水生植物的种类由少到多,而植被类型及其演替则由简单到复杂(即抚仙湖→洱海→滇池);(3)制约水生植物生长、分布的主要环境因素是水深、风浪、透明度以及沉积物的组成等;(4)水生植物的生态特征指示了滇池和洱海已经进入老年化阶段,其沼泽化程度是:滇池>洱海>抚仙湖;(5)滇池自受到工业废水污染以后,水生植被遭受到破坏,湖泊生态系统失去自然平衡,许多水生植物受到危害或者濒于绝灭(如海菜花、微齿眼子菜等),但是,漂浮植物却得到了发展(如凤眼莲)。  相似文献   

Variation at eight microsatellite loci was studied in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus complex from five Transbaikalian mountain lakes. Samples from three lakes included two sympatric charr forms (dwarf and small) differing in trophic specialization, morphology and life cycle parameters. Sympatric forms were genetically closer to each other than to charr from other lakes which evidences their independent origin in each of these lakes as the result of sympatric speciation. In each lake, gene pools of sympatric forms were segregated to a different degree (estimates of F ST varying from 0.030–0.184 and those of ρ ST varying from 0.119–0.359). Hierarchical analysis of allelic frequencies variance (AMOVA) in Arctic charr from Lake Baikal, the Vitim, and the Olekma basins showed that variation among and within these basins accounted for 19.5% of the interpopulational variance each. In the AMOVA design, investigating differences among sympatric forms in three lakes these differences accounted for 7.1% of the total variance.  相似文献   

In much of the northern Great Plains, saline and hypersaline lacustrine brines are the only surface waters present. As a group, the lakes of this region are unique: there is no other area in the world that can match the concentration and diversity of saline lake environments exhibited in the prairie region of Canada and northern United States. The immense number of individual salt lakes and saline wetlands in this region of North America is staggering. Estimates vary from about one million to greater than 10 million, with densities in some areas being as high as 120 lakes/km2. Despite over a century of scientific investigation of these salt lakes, we have only in the last twenty years advanced far enough to appreciate the wide spectrum of lake types, water chemistries, and limnological processes that are operating in the modern settings. Hydrochemical data are available for about 800 of the lake brines in the region. Composition, textural, and geochemical information on the modern bottom sediments has been collected for just over 150 of these lakes. Characterization of the biological and ecological features of these lakes is based on even fewer investigations, and the stratigraphic records of only twenty basins have been examined. The lake waters show a considerable range in ionic composition and concentration. Early investigators, concentrating on the most saline brines, emphasized a strong predominance of Na+ and SO4 -2 in the lakes. It is now realized, however, that not only is there a complete spectrum of salinities from less than 1 ppt TDS to nearly 400 ppt, but also virtually every water chemistry type is represented in lakes of the region. With such a vast array of compositions, it is difficult to generalize. Nonetheless, the paucity of Cl-rich lakes makes the northern Great Plains basins somewhat unusual compared with salt lakes in many other areas of the world (e.g., Australia, western United States). Compilations of the lake water chemistries show distinct spatial trends and regional variations controlled by groundwater input, climate, and geomorphology. Short-term temporal variations in the brine composition, which can have significant effects on the composition of the modern sediments, have also been well documented in several individual basins. From a sedimentological and mineralogical perspective, the wide range of water chemistries exhibited by the lakes leads to an unusually large diversity of modern sediment composition. Over 40 species of endogenic precipitates and authigenic minerals have been identified in the lacustrine sediments. The most common non-detrital components of the modern sediments include: calcium and calcium-magnesium carbonates (magnesian calcite, aragonite, dolomite), and sodium, magnesium, and sodium-magnesium sulfates (mirabilite, thenardite, bloedite, epsomite). Many of the basins whose brines have very high Mg/Ca ratios also have hydromagnesite, magnesite, and nesquehonite. Unlike salt lakes in many other areas of the world, halite, gypsum, and calcite are relatively rare endogenic precipitates in the Great Plains lakes. The detrital fraction of the lacustrine sediments is normally dominated by clay minerals, carbonate minerals, quartz, and feldspars. Sediment accumulation in these salt lakes is controlled and modified by a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Although the details of these modern sedimentary processes can be exceedingly complex and difficult to discuss in isolation, in broad terms, the processes operating in the salt lakes of the Great Plains are ultimately controlled by three basic factors or conditions of the basin: (a) basin morphology; (b) basin hydrology; and (c) water salinity and composition. Combinations of these parameters interact to control nearly all aspects of modern sedimentation in these salt lakes and give rise to four 'end member' types of modern saline lacustrine settings in the Great Plains: (a) clastics-dominated playas; (b) salt-dominated playas; (c) deep water, non-stratified lakes; and (d) deep water, "permanently" stratified lakes.  相似文献   

Saline playa lakes represent major geomorphic and hydrologic components of internal drainage basins in the arid to semiarid interior of Australia. These lakes mark the outcrop areas of regional shallow groundwater; thus, they are effective hydro-chemical sinks for elemental concentration and authigenic formation of carbonate, evaporite, and silica/silicate minerals.Field observations and petrochemical characterization of playa sediments from drainage basins in Western and Central Australia indicate that localized discharge of groundwater, from shallow aquifers in calcrete deposits, plays a fundamental role in geochemical evolution of playa-lake marginal facies. The available data indicates also that although evaporative concentration and salt recycling are major controls on geochemistry of the playas, yet a simple evaporative concentration model does not provide a complete explanation for brine evolution and particularly the geochemical process-product relationships observed in the individual playa lakes. The distribution of the chemical facies in the playas, in relation to geomorphic setting of the internal drainage basins, reflects a significant impact of variation in groundwater discharge pattern on the geochemical evolution of the playa lakes. Accordingly, the development of chemical facies in individual playas have progressed through repeated episodes of evaporative concentration, groundwater-level fluctuations and ion-exchange processes.  相似文献   

Morphological and genetic characteristics are used for the analysis of the origin of charrs from the lakes of the Kolyma basin (Chuk, Gek, Gulyaevskoe-4, Gulyaevskoe-6, and Lenkovoe) and the Sea of Okhotsk basin (Lake Chistoe). In addition to these samples, the fragments of the control region of mitochondrial DNA (CR mtDNA, 550-bp) and exon 2 of recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1, 899-bp) are sequenced in the charrs from lakes Dzhul’etta and Cherechen’ (Kolyma basin) and lakes Elikchanskie, Bol’shoi Mak-Mak, Ueginskoe (Sea of Okhotsk basin), Ulakhan-Silyan-Kyuel’ (Yana River basin) as well as in northern Dolly Varden from the Kamchatka River. The charr from Lake Chistoe is represented by northern Dolly Varden. In the charrs from lakes Chuk, Gek, Gulyaevskoe-4, Gulyaevskoe-6, Lenkovoe, Cherechen’, Elikchanskie, Bol’shoi Mak-Mak, and Ueginskoe, the haplotypes of mtDNA of the Bering group (a haplogroup of northern Dolly Varden) are revealed. Based on the morphological and RAG1 data, populations of charrs from these lakes belong to the Salvelinus alpinus complex. A transfer of mtDNA of northern Dolly Varden to the charrs from the Kolyma and Sea of Okhotsk basins occurred during the last postglacial expansion and subsequent hybridization. Based on the results of morphological and genetic analysis, the charrs from the Kolyma and Sea of Okhotsk basins cannot be unambiguously referred to the phylogenetic groups of Eurasian Arctic charr or Taranets charr. The presence of mtDNA haplotypes of the Arctic group (a haplogroup of Taranets charr) in the populations of lakes Dzhul’etta, Maksi, and Ueginskoe shows a possibility of their belonging to the group of Taranets charr.  相似文献   

Natural foci of opistorchiasis were studied in southern West Siberia. It has been shown that the foci are of two biocenotic groups: floodplain-river and lake-interfluve. The main difference between them is that in the former intermediate hosts of opistorchides are commercial Cyprinidae fish and final hosts are humans and domestic carnivores, whereas in the latter, intermediate hosts are noncommercial Cyprinidae fish, wild carnivores, and muskrat. Floodplain-river foci are associated with river basins in the north of Baraba, big and small tributaries of the Ob and Irtysh rivers, as well as euthrophic lakes within floodplains of the rivers. Lake-interfluve foci are associated with euthrophic and dystrophic lakes in the river floodplains which do not communicate with the Ob-Irtysh water system. They are located in North Kulunda and in the south of Baraba lowland.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors acting over different spatial and temporal scales, resulting in toxic algal blooms, reduced water quality and hypoxia. However, while catchment characteristics act as a ‘filter’ modifying lake response to disturbance, little is known of the relative importance of different drivers and possible differentiation in the response of upland remote lakes in comparison to lowland, impacted lakes. Moreover, many studies have focussed on single lakes rather than looking at responses across a set of individual, yet connected lake basins. Here we used sedimentary algal pigments as an index of changes in primary producer assemblages over the last ~200 years in a northern temperate watershed consisting of 11 upland and lowland lakes within the Lake District, United Kingdom, to test our hypotheses about landscape drivers. Specifically, we expected that the magnitude of change in phototrophic assemblages would be greatest in lowland rather than upland lakes due to more intensive human activities in the watersheds of the former (agriculture, urbanization). Regional parameters, such as climate dynamics, would be the predominant factors regulating lake primary producers in remote upland lakes and thus, synchronize the dynamic of primary producer assemblages in these basins. We found broad support for the hypotheses pertaining to lowland sites as wastewater treatment was the main predictor of changes to primary producer assemblages in lowland lakes. In contrast, upland headwaters responded weakly to variation in atmospheric temperature, and dynamics in primary producers across upland lakes were asynchronous. Collectively, these findings show that nutrient inputs from point sources overwhelm climatic controls of algae and nuisance cyanobacteria, but highlights that large‐scale stressors do not always initiate coherent regional lake response. Furthermore, a lake's position in its landscape, its connectivity and proximity to point nutrients are important determinants of changes in production and composition of phototrophic assemblages.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of the major Sahel river basins Nile, Shari (Chad), Niger, and Senegal, is different from that found in the Sahara and in Equatorial Africa. Similarities and differences between the individual basins are numerous as well. Many species are shared by the Nile and Lake Chad, by Lake Chad and the Niger (plus Senegal), or occur in all four basins, or are restricted (endemic) to only one basin.These patterns are identical to patterns found in fish, molluscs, and macrophytes and show that crustacean zooplankton obeys the same laws of dispersal as these groups, in spite of its apparent preadaptation to passive dispersal.The patterns can be explained by the climatic fluctuations of the Upper Pleistocene and,Holocene. Following a general dry period over Africa between 20 000 and 13 000 BP, high river and lake levels prevailed between 12 500 and 8 400 BP. This was the period of maximum faunal interchange between all basins, and even with the Zaire basin. After a regression (8 000–7 000 BP), wetter conditions returned around 6 000 BP, but the Sahel itself remained dry, although its rivers and lakes, fed by waters of southern origin, showed higher levels than today. They flooded large areas of the southern Sahara, permitting aquatic animals and plants to reach the Adrar of Mauretania, the Tibesti, and the Ennedi mountains.Since 3 000 BP, present day conditions developed. This last period is characterized by species extinctions, as exemplified by the droughts in Lake Chad in historical times, and in spite of the tremendous diversity still extant here today. Between 6 000 BP and the present, however, very little speciation took place, and faunal exchange between basins was very limited.  相似文献   

Coarse woody habitat (CWH) may be a critical feature of lakes that influences fish distributions, movement patterns, and feeding habits. We used radio telemetry to examine the role of CWH in determining the movements of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides Lacepede) in the context of two whole-lake experiments that provided a gradient of four lake basins varying in natural and manipulated CWH. We also conducted diet studies on largemouth bass in these lakes to test for correlates among consumption rate and prey selectivity with bass behavior. Our results indicated that largemouth bass in basins with lower CWH abundances had larger home ranges, spent more time in deep water, were more selective predators, and showed lower consumption rates. Largemouth bass in basins with higher CWH abundances showed the opposite patterns. Low CWH abundances were correlated with a shift in largemouth bass foraging behavior from sit-and-wait to actively searching. This increased activity, coupled with the potential decline of prey fish species in the absence of CWH, may decrease largemouth bass growth potential regardless of the prey type consumed. Our results suggest that lakeshore residential development and associated removals of CWH from lakes may influence fish behavior, while CWH augmentation may reverse some of those changes. Handling editor: Steven Declerck  相似文献   

There are many lake basins in the Soviet Union, both in the humid and the arid regions, including lowland and alpine, and shallow and deep-water lakes. Lithological, geochemical, radiological and paleobiological methods have been utilized in studying the history of these lakes. Lake Zaisan in Kazakhstan is described as an example of lake development in the arid zone, whilst the lake systems of the Pribaltica, where human influence on the environment is clearly recorded, exemplifies the humid zone.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary limnology of the Rift and Afar lakes is compared from two viewpoints: their record of lake-level fluctuations, and the evolution of their sedimentary facies and biocoenoses. The similarities and divergences are examined in the light of the volcano-tectonic and hydrological setting of the lake basins. All the lakes lie on an altitudinal gradient of precipitation and evaporation leading from the Ziway-Shala Basin, near the highest part of the Main Ethiopian Rift floor, to the desert basins of Afrera and Asal. The contribution of surface runoff relative to groundwater inflow decreases in the same. direction.Clear parallels exist between the main stages in the evolution of all the lakes. At least two distinct lacustral phases during the late Pleistocene were followed by a very arid period during which the lakes contracted to their present extent or less. An important early to mid-Holocene period of high lake levels, beginning ca. 10,000 B.P. in both regions, was followed by a clearly defined regression between 6,000 and 4,000 B.P.  相似文献   

Artificial lagoons (ALs) are unique wetland treatment areas for lakes. They use enclosed river mouth areas to retain pollutants, and they mimic the small natural lagoons rimming large lakes, functioning as habitats and limiting the entry of diffuse (non-point-source) pollutants from the river basins. Four ALs have been installed in Lake Kasumigaura (~60 km northeast of Tokyo) since 1998. We evaluated the performance of these ALs as treatment facilities. Rates of removal ranged from 8.2% to 44% for chemical oxygen demand (CODMn), from 0.9% to 8.7% for TN, and from 9% to 55% for TP. The long-term rate of pollutant removal was proportional to the average hydraulic retention time and declined exponentially with increasing hydraulic loading rate (annual discharge/area) and loading rate (annual load/area). The ratio of AL surface area to watershed area was also correlated with AL performance, as occurs in stormwater treatment wetlands, although the ratios were much smaller than those in stormwater treatment wetlands. Our results can be used as preliminary design tools for ALs, on the understanding that the data were obtained only from Lake Kasumigaura and should therefore be applied carefully.  相似文献   

There are sevenlagoons onthe east coast of Korea,including Kyeongpo Lake,Hyang Lake,Mae Lake,Chung-cho Lake,Yeoungrang Lake,Songji Lake and HwajinpoLake.They are all originally natural and brackish waterlakes.Therefore,these lakes are not only historically veryimportant but also have high values for geological,andecological sciences.Natural lakes like lagoons are different from man-made lakes.That is,water level in natural lakes is almostconstant,cline by waterside is not much,and wet la…  相似文献   

Levee breaks from the Great Flood of 1993 opened up hundreds of new scour basins in the floodplain of the Missouri River. Subsequent floods, with sediment erosion and deposition, cause these lakes to be temporary features of the landscape. Within two years of the 1993 flood, the majority of zooplankton species from the region had colonized these sites. A positive correlation between species richness and connectivity indicates that sites having higher exchange with the river tended to have more species present, a result which is consistent with higher colonization rates to these sites. Hatching experiments from the sediments revealed that remnant oxbows have a highly diverse egg bank, whereas the young scour sites have limited species and numbers present. The depauperate egg bank implies that long-term population dynamics of the scours may be more dependent upon repeated colonizations than are lakes with regular emergence from the egg bank.  相似文献   

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