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Studies of sexual selection show that both female choice and male-male competition can influence the evolution and expression of male phenotypes. In this regard, it is important to determine the functional basis through which male traits influence variation in male reproductive success. In this study, we estimate the strength and type of sexual selection acting on adult males in a population of wild lemur, Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi). The data used in this study were collected at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. We conducted paternity analyses on 70 males in order to estimate the distribution of reproductive success in this population. Paternity data were combined with morphometric data in order to determine which morphological traits covary with male fitness. Five morphological traits were defined in this analysis: body size, canine size, torso shape, arm shape, and leg shape. We utilized phenotypic selection models in order to determine the strength and type of selection acting directly on each trait. Our results show that directional selection acts on leg shape (a trait that is functionally related to locomotor performance), stabilizing selection acts on body mass and torso shape, and negative correlational selection acts on body mass and leg shape. We draw from biomechanical and kinematic studies of sifaka locomotion to provide a functional context for how these traits influence male mating competition within an arboreal environment. Verreaux's sifaka and many other gregarious lemurs are sexually monomorphic in body mass and canine size, despite a high frequency and intensity of male-male aggressive competition. Our results provide some insight into this paradox: in our population, there is no directional selection acting on body mass or canine size in males. The total pattern of selection implicates that behaviors relating to locomotor performance are more important than behaviors relating to fighting ability during intrasexual contests.  相似文献   

The degree to which historical human activities negatively impacted past and present lemur species is a long-standing question in primatology. At present, most evidence addressing this issue comes from archaeology, paleontology, and behavioral studies. Genetic data provide another source of evidence. In this study, six microsatellite loci, genotyped on more than 360 wild Verreaux's sifaka, are used in order to test the hypothesis that this population experienced a population bottleneck in the last 2000 years. Excess heterozygosity is compared with the heterozygosity expected under mutation-drift equilibrium in order to test for the genetic signature of a rapid population contraction in the past. The results indicate that the sifaka population did not experience a population bottleneck. Various methodological and conceptual implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

Relationships between neighboring groups feature prominently in socioecological theory, but few empirical studies have focused on the effects of neighbors on the behavior of primates. Interactions between neighboring groups are most conspicuous during intergroup encounters, but the likelihood of encounters with neighbors can also affect ranging and activity patterns indirectly, and, as a result, behavioral patterns in areas of exclusive use may differ from those in overlap areas of adjacent home ranges. The aim of this study was to examine intergroup relations and spatial variation in home range use in Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) during the annual mating season. Based on 230 hr of focal animal data collected from ten members of five adjacent groups, we found that behavioral patterns and patterns of resource utilization were not markedly different between areas of exclusive use and overlap areas of adjacent home ranges. Group cohesion tended to be higher in overlap than in core areas, but the proportion of time spent resting and foraging did not differ between these two areas. However, dominant males exhibited a higher scent-marking rate in overlap areas. Observations during intergroup encounters revealed that chases between males occurred frequently, whereas fights involving physical contact were not observed. We also found that the intergroup dominance hierarchy depended on the relative group size or the number of males in each group, with groups of lower dominance rank exhibiting a tendency to sleep proportionally more often in their core areas. The results of this study suggest that in primate species with a moderate level of intergroup aggression, such as Verreaux's sifaka, the possibility of encountering neighbors in areas of home range overlap does not exert strong influence on their behavior and resource utilization.  相似文献   

The Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) is one of the species of Propithecus, living in the dry forest of southwest Madagascar. This species is endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, a consequence of deforestation. Thirteen novel nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in three populations of Verreaux's sifaka. The marker suite proved informative with an average of 8.9 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity across the three populations of 0.675.  相似文献   

The responses of plural breeding mammals to environmental stressors are little understood in free-ranging populations, but recent studies of singular breeders suggest that ecological factors and social milieu influence the variable physiological stress responses observed among individuals. Our previous studies examining faecal glucocorticoid (fGC)–behaviour interactions in plural breeding male sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) show that fGC elevations coincide with specific dispersal events, particularly the eviction of subordinates by resident alpha males. This study examined the utility of fGC assays for assessing the stress responses of male sifaka to demographic changes in the population during the birth season. Analyses were based on 889 faecal samples collected over five birth seasons from 124 adult males residing in 55 different groups at Beza Mahafaly, Madagascar. Results show that fGC levels in males are unrelated to age, residence, group stability or rank, but are significantly and positively correlated with the presence of infants, annual elevations in weekly mean fGC concentrations in males paralleling increasing numbers of infants born annually in the population. These data are the first to show that in seasonal plural breeding species such as sifaka, elevated fGC in males reflects specific events related to reproduction rather than states or social context during the birth season.  相似文献   

Solid phase extraction, high performance liquid chromatography, and radioimmunoassay were used to test the validity of fecal steroid analysis for assessing ovarian function in sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi). Daily fecal samples were collected over a 4 month period from two cycling female sifaka, and single samples were collected from females during normal gestation and males while housed at the Duke University Primate Center. Tests of radioimmunoassay validity indicated that solid phase extraction and microradioimmunoassay techniques were reliable and accurate methods for quantifying ovarian steroids in sifaka feces. The progesterone (P4) antibody specifically quantitated only P4, while several estrogen metabolites made small contributions to immunoreactive measures of estradiol (E2). A 1:10 dilution reduced these contributions to 3–15% of the estimated E2 concentration. Although the spectral data suggested that E2 was not the major metabolite present, it accounted for the majority of the immunoreactivity at normal assay dilutions. Fecal profiles of immunoreactive E2 and P4 in the conceptive female resembled serum profiles of other strepsirhines. E2 and P4 were elevated at the end of the conceptive cycle and were more markedly increased in late pregnancy in the two pregnant females. Mating behavior and indices of sexual interest were observed in conjunction with E2 peaks, although not all peaks were accompanied by observations of sexual behavior. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Optimal group size and composition are determined by both the costs and benefits of group living for the group's members. Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi), a diurnal lemur, form multimale multifemale groups with the tendency toward even adult sex ratios despite a small average number of females per group. The unexpected presence of multiple adult males may be explained by tolerance of other group members if subordinate males provide benefits to the group that outweigh the costs associated with their presence. Results based on both demographic data collected over a 13‐year period and behavioral observations suggest that subordinate males provide no benefits in terms of infant survival and defense against group takeover by outside males. Although groups with more males are more likely to win intergroup encounters, subordinate males do not participate in these encounters more often than expected. Subordinate males are not costly to other group members in terms of direct intragroup feeding competition, but aggression rates between dominant and immigrated subordinate males increase in the mating season. Even though subordinate males provide very few benefits to the group, they are not very costly either and thus may be tolerated by resident females and dominant males. This tolerance may help to partially explain the tendency towards their unusual adult sex ratio. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The production of vocalizations in nonhuman primates is predominantly innate, whereas learning influences the usage and comprehension of vocalizations. In this study, I examined the development of alarm call recognition in free-ranging infant Verreaux's sifakas. Specifically, I investigated their ability to recognize conspecific alarm calls as well as those of sympatric redfronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus) in Kirindy forest, western Madagascar. Both species have functionally referential alarm calls for aerial predators and give general alarm calls for both aerial and general predators and also other kinds of threats, such as intergroup encounters with conspecifics. I conducted playback experiments with members of two birth cohorts (nine and ten individuals) to determine the age at which infant Verreaux's sifakas discriminate between conspecific alarm calls, heterospecific alarm calls, and non-alarm vocalizations (parrot song). Most 3-4 months old infants fled toward adults after hearing any playback stimuli, whereas 4-5-month-old infants did so only after presentation of alarm calls. Moreover, all infants of these age classes showed a longer latency to flee after the parrot song indicating their emerging ability to discriminate between alarm calls and non-alarm stimuli. At an age of about 6 months, infants switched from fleeing toward adults to performing adult-like escape responses after presentation of conspecific and heterospecific alarm calls. Thus, the ability to discriminate between alarm from non-alarm stimuli precedes the appearance of adult-like responses. The transition to adult-like escape behavior was coincident with the physical independence of infants from their mothers.  相似文献   

Gene flow within and between social groups is contingent on behaviourally mediated patterns of mating and dispersal. To understand how these patterns affect the genetic structure of primate populations, long-term data are required. In this study, we analyse 10 years of demographic and genetic data from a wild lemur population (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, southwest Madagascar. Our goal is to specify how patterns of mating and dispersal determine kinship and genetic diversity among animals in the population. Specifically, we use microsatellite, parentage, and census data to obtain estimates of genetic subdivision (FST), within group homozygosity (FIS), and relatedness (r) within and among social groups in the population. We analyse different classes of individuals (i.e. adults, offspring, males, females) separately in order to discern which classes most strongly influence aspects of population structure. Microsatellite data reveal that, across years, offspring are consistently more heterozygous than expected within social groups (FIS mean = -0.068) while adults show both positive and negative deviations from expected genotypic frequencies within groups (FIS mean = 0.003). Offspring cohorts are more genetically subdivided than adults (FST mean = 0.108 vs. 0.052) and adult females are more genetically subdivided than adult males (FST mean = 0.098 vs. 0.046). As the proportion of females in social groups increases, the proportion of offspring sired by resident males decreases. Offspring are characterized by a heterozygote excess as resident males (vs. nonresident males) sire the majority of offspring within groups. We link these genetic data to patterns of female philopatry, male dispersal, exogamy, and offspring sex-ratio. Overall, these data reveal how mating and dispersal tactics influence the genetic population structure in this species.  相似文献   

Sixteen dinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from the genome of Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi. All loci were polymorphic when genotyped on a minimum of 16 animals. The number of alleles across these loci ranges from two to 11. Additionally, seven of these loci were genotyped across a minimum of 200 animals in order to estimate heterozygosity and their potential for parentage assignment in this population. Using these seven loci, the mean heterozygosity in this population is 0.705, and the combined probability of these seven loci to exclude a random individual from parentage, when one parent is known, is 0.996. These data suggest that these loci will be useful for estimating a variety of population genetic and genealogical parameters in P. v. verreauxi populations.  相似文献   

Jaw-muscle electromyographic (EMG) patterns indicate that compared with thick-tailed galagos and ring-tailed lemurs, anthropoids recruit more relative EMG from their balancing-side deep masseter, and that this muscle peaks late in the power stroke. These recruitment and firing patterns in anthropoids are thought to cause the mandibular symphysis to wishbone (lateral transverse bending), resulting in relatively high symphyseal stresses. We test the hypothesis that living strepsirrhines with robust, partially fused symphyses have muscle recruitment and firing patterns more similar to anthropoids, unlike those strepsirrhines with highly mobile unfused symphyses. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the superficial and deep masseter, anterior and posterior temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles were recorded in four dentally adult Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). As predicted, we find that sifaka motor patterns are more similar to anthropoids. For example, among sifakas, recruitment levels of the balancing-side (b-s) deep masseter are high, and the b-s deep masseter fires late during the power stroke. As adult sifakas often exhibit nearly complete symphyseal fusion, these data support the hypothesis that the evolution of symphyseal fusion in primates is functionally linked to wishboning. Furthermore, these data provide compelling evidence for the convergent evolution of the wishboning motor patterns in anthropoids and sifakas.  相似文献   

The intestinal microbiota plays a major role in host development, metabolism, and health. To date, few longitudinal studies have investigated the causes and consequences of microbiota variation in wildlife, although such studies provide a comparative context for interpreting the adaptive significance of findings from studies on humans or captive animals. Here, we investigate the impact of seasonality, diet, group membership, sex, age, and reproductive state on gut microbiota composition in a wild population of group‐living, frugi‐folivorous primates, Verreaux's sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). We repeatedly sampled 32 individually recognizable animals from eight adjacent groups over the course of two different climatic seasons. We used high‐throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to determine the microbiota composition of 187 fecal samples. We demonstrate a clear pattern of seasonal variation in the intestinal microbiota, especially affecting the Firmicutes‐Bacteroidetes ratio, which may be driven by seasonal differences in diet. The relative abundances of certain polysaccharide‐fermenting taxa, for example, Lachnospiraceae, were correlated with fruit and fiber consumption. Additionally, group membership influenced microbiota composition independent of season, but further studies are needed to determine whether this pattern is driven by group divergences in diet, social contacts, or genetic factors. In accordance with findings in other wild mammals and primates with seasonally fluctuating food availability, we demonstrate seasonal variation in the microbiota of wild Verreaux's sifakas, which may be driven by food availability. This study adds to mounting evidence that variation in the intestinal microbiota may play an important role in the ability of primates to cope with seasonal variation in food availability.  相似文献   

By using selection differentials, gradients and structural equation modelling (SEM), I have quantified the phenotypic selection acting on Lobularia maritima (Cruciferae) flower size, display, colour and density, using data on lifetime female fitness. Furthermore, by analysing the resulting F1 generation in field and greenhouse conditions, I estimated the actual intergenerational change in the value of these traits. Both pollinators preferred plants with many and large flowers. Strong directional selection for increased flower display was found in all years of the study, regardless of the technique used. Indirect selection due to a high significant correlation with flower display occurred on flower colour and size. SEM showed that pollinators played only a minor role in this observed phenotypic selection. The analysis of the phenotypes of F1 plants showed that flower display actually increased across generations. In addition, white flowers were significantly more frequent in the offspring population than in the parental one, mostly due to the association between flower display and white coloured flowers. This suggests that both direct and indirect selection can play a role in the evolution of correlated traits in this crucifer.  相似文献   

The silky sifaka, Propithecus candidus, considered one of the rarest and most endangered primates in the world, exists in only a few fragmented forests in northeastern Madagascar. This species faces increasing pressures as a direct result from loss of habitat in the form of tavy (slash and burn agriculture), illegal logging and mining along with hunting for subsistence, even within protected areas. We report a marker suite of 21 loci developed from genomic DNA from a silky sifaka collected in 2003 from Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve. Polymorphism of each locus evaluated in 18 individuals pooled from Marojejy National Park and Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve. The number of observed alleles per locus ranges from 2 to 7. The observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.389–0.889 and 0.322–0.789, respectively. The information revealed in this study will provide useful tools for further study of the social structure and population dynamics of the silky sifaka to facilitate conservation management in the imminent future.  相似文献   

Using focal animal samples, the social organization of sifakas was studied in two forests for 2500 hr spread over 18 months. Data were also obtained on the size and composition of groups at two other sites. The size and adult sex ratio of groups varied widely within populations, although population-wide sex ratios approached unity. During the brief annual mating season, some males mated with females belonging to other groups. The response of both male and female group members to the approach of a nongroup male appeared to depend on his identity. It is argued that while group size may be constrained by the availability of resources, group composition reflects the effects of small-sample demographic variations rather than the outcome of reproductive competition among or between males and females. Spatial boundaries of groups do not coincide with social or reproductive boundaries even within a single breeding season; further study is needed of the processes whereby relationships are established and maintained between individuals from different groups.  相似文献   

The Coquerel's sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) is one of the species of Propithecus, living in the dry forest of northwest Madagascar. This species is endangered due to the loss and fragmentation of its natural habitat, consequential of deforestation. Twenty nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from genomic DNA derived from a free ranging Coquerel's sifaka from the Mariarano Classified Forest, Madagascar. Population genetic parameters were estimated as baseline values from samples collected in that forest.  相似文献   

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