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 The mean maximum dive depth from 49 foraging bouts by northern rockhopper penguins, measured using capillary-tube depth gauges, was 66±4 m (12–168 m). There were no differences in the maximum dive depths between male and female penguins. Northern rockhopper penguins dived deeper in early than in late creche stages (83±7 vs 57±4 m), and this was associated with probable dietary changes, squid dominating the diet by mass (44%) in November, and fish (64%) in December 1994 at Amsterdam Island. Received: 10 January 1996/Accepted: 31 March 1996  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall    P. A. Prince    A. Baird    P. Ward 《Journal of Zoology》1985,206(4):485-496
The diet of the Southern rockhopper penguin at Beauchene Island, Falkland Islands, was studied in the early chick-rearing period by quantitative analysis of adult stomach contents. Juvenile squid (Teuthowenia sp.) comprised on average 21% by numbers (c. 1000 per sample) and 53% by weight; crustaceans contributed 79% by numbers (c. 4000 per sample) but only 45% by weight, and fish 2% by weight. Of the crustaceans only the euphausids Euphausia lucens (66% by numbers), E. vallentini (19%) and Thysanoessa gregaria (15%) were present in significant quantities, and all are swarming species characteristic of the Patagonian shelf epipelagic zooplankton. Comparison is made with the limited dietary data available from other studies, and rockhopper penguins are suggested typically to feed opportunistically on swarming or shoaling zooplankton (particularly euphausids and young squid) and small fish. Whereas the average weight of the stomach contents was 220 g, the biomass of the individuals originally ingested was estimated to total 800 g; the c. 3000 kj this represents is consistent with the likely energy requirements of adults making daily foraging trips to rear small chicks.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chrysocome (Forster 1781), is contentious. Some authorities recognise three subspecies based on morphological differences and geographical separation of breeding populations while others suggest that morphological differences support classifying rockhopper penguins as two distinct species. The taxonomy of rockhopper penguins is of more than academic interest as breeding colonies worldwide have declined markedly in size since the 1930s and rockhopper penguins are currently listed as vulnerable by the IUCN. We compared the genetic distances between three mitochondrial gene regions from the three putative rockhopper penguin subspecies with the distances between various penguin sister species to clarify the taxonomy and systematics of rockhopper penguins. Genetic distances between the rockhopper penguin taxa, relative to other closely related penguin species, support reclassifying the three rockhopper penguin subspecies as species. Reclassification of rockhopper penguins as three species could result in their conservation status being upgraded from vulnerable to endangered.  相似文献   

During an investigation into the population decline of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) on Campbell Island, New Zealand, avian cholera (Pasteurella multocida) was found in dead adults and chicks. An RNA enveloped virus was isolated from Ixodes uriae, a tick which commonly parasitizes rockhopper penguins on the island. It is not known whether this virus is virulent for penguins. No evidence was obtained to suggest that avian cholera was the principal cause for the decline in the rockhopper penguin population.  相似文献   

Adult mass changes, egg morphometrics, chick growth rates, fledging masses, reproductive success and reasons for reproductive failure were examined in rockhopper penguins at Macquarie Island from 1993/1994 to 1995/1996. Mean arrival masses, growth rates of chicks and fledging masses exhibited inter-annual variability, while egg morphometrics, hatching success (68.0±6.0%) and reproductive success (47.3±8.3%) were constant between years. Reproductive failures occurred primarily during incubation, with the majority of eggs lost to great skuas. Logistic regressions revealed that no variable significantly explained hatching success, and only in 1994/1995 was fledging success significantly correlated with the position of nest in the colony (those in the centre were more successful than those on the periphery). Reproductive success during this study was relatively high, and therefore an assessment during poor years would be instructive, particularly in relation to aspects of the penguins’ foraging ecology.  相似文献   

The foraging patterns of ten male rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome from the Falkland Islands were recorded during the incubation period by using satellite telemetry. Irrespective of study site and year, two different foraging areas could be identified. Three foraging trips were directed towards the slope of the Patagonian Shelf c. 140 km to the northeast of the breeding colony and these trips had a duration of 11–15 days. The seven other rockhopper penguins travelled c. 400 km towards the edge of the Falkland Islands' waters; all these foraging trips followed an anti-clockwise direction and lasted 16–27 days. The calculated mean daily travelling speed, based on the time spent underwater and the distance covered between two positions, was significantly higher in birds travelling to the edge of the Falkland Islands' waters compared with those foraging at the shelf slope (4.4±1.6 km/h vs. 3.4±2.0 km/h, respectively). The consistent foraging patterns exhibited during the long trips may be linked to the Falklands current, allowing the penguins to reach remote areas while reducing their energy expenditure. Potential interactions between commercial fisheries and hydrocarbon exploration are discussed.  相似文献   

Data on population size, breeding success and diet composition of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua), magellanic (Spheniscus magellanicus) and rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins, collected as part of the Falkland Island Seabird Monitoring Programme from 1986/1987 to 1998/1999, were analysed with regard to spatial and temporal variation, as well as potential interaction with local commercial fisheries. No significant population trends were detectable, mainly because of the short time-series and large spatial and inter-annual variation in the number of breeding pairs in the colonies monitored. However, the breeding success of all three penguin species has improved slightly over the last few years, indicating a potential for increasing populations in the near future. During the breeding season, all three penguin species preyed opportunistically on a mixture of fish, squid and crustaceans. Diet composition too showed a high degree of spatial and temporal variation. However, in all three penguin species studied, squid gradually disappeared from the diet over successive years, to be replaced by fish. Coincidentally, the commercial catches of the squid species Loligo gahi in Falkland Islands waters decreased and the by-catch of nototheniid fish increased. All three penguin species compete directly with the commercial fishing fleet for L. gahi; however, there may also be competition for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), hake (Merluccius sp.) and southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), because juveniles of these species were found regularly in penguin diets.  相似文献   

As seabirds are central place foragers during breeding, their provisioning behaviour and their ability to face variable energy demand from the chicks is expected to vary with environmental conditions. The provisioning behaviour of female rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi was recorded over the chick‐rearing period at Kerguelen (KER) and Crozet (CRO) archipelagoes (two very distinct marine environments), using time‐depth recorders, or VHF transmitters coupled with an automatic recording station. No influences of the method have been found on the average foraging trip durations. Some previously undescribed short and multiple trips within a day were recorded using the automatic recording system. These multiple trips (6.8 h) were mostly performed with <5 days old chicks, a period during which feeding rates were the highest (1.1 meals per day), at both sites. During the brooding period, both KER and CRO females mainly performed daily trips of increasing duration (2 h longer at CRO) and at decreasing frequency. During the crèche compared to the brooding period, females from KER performed slightly fewer daily trips (0.6 per day) and more (<3 days) overnight trips, while females from CRO performed very few daily trips (0.1 per day) and more overnight trips, some of them being long trips lasting 5 to 29 days, mostly initiated during the transition between the brooding and the crèche periods. The result fit the hypothesis that long trips permit females to restore and/or maintain their body condition at more distant foraging places. It seemed that chick developement during the brooding period and environmental factors during the crèche period conditioned trip duration of females. Due to more long trips at CRO, the female feeding frequency was twice as high at KER than at CRO during the crèche period, while males participated in the feeding duties. Based on differences in female behaviour, we hypothesize that the male's contribution is likely to differ strongly from one site to another, and may buffer the possible decrease in female feeding frequency by feeding the chicks if food is less abundant.  相似文献   

Parent-offspring recognition systems are used in bird colonies to avoid misdirected parental care. In penguins, where the risk of confusion is particularly high, recognition is achieved by acoustic signals that constitute highly efficient vocal signatures. Comparisons between species from the Pygoscelis and Aptenodytes genera have revealed interspecific differences on the encoding of information within the signatures which correlate with the presence/absence of nests in the colonies. However a recent study of individual recognition in macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus revealed diversity within nest-building species. This paper investigates whether the original and intermediate signature system found in macaroni penguins is shared by another species of Eudyptes , the rockhopper penguin E. chrysocome . Vocal signatures of rockhopper penguins were analysed and compared to macaroni penguins'. We used a methodology derived from the theory of information to determine which parameters of the call were likely to encode individual identity. Playbacks of modified calls in the field complemented the analyses, and parent-chick reunions were compared between the two species. Our results reveal a similar double signature system within the Eudyptes genus, which integrates information simultaneously from the temporal and spectral domains. This double encoding is made through the tempo given by the successive syllables of the call and the harmonic content of the call. While it confirms the hypothesis that signatures are simpler in nest-building species, this result reveals differences in the efficacies of signatures within this category. This suggests that other parameters such as the mean distance recognition should be considered to account for the differences in the encoding of the vocal signatures and in their resulting efficacies.  相似文献   

The diving behaviour of female southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) was studied at Noir Island (54°30′S–73°00′W), Chile, in the southeast Pacific Ocean. This isolated island is located at the edge of the continental shelf in an area where the Humboldt Current originates, and holds a population of more than 150,000 breeding pairs. On 13 December 2005, four TDRs were successfully attached to females at the end of the brooding period and recorded diving activity at intervals of 2 s over the next 4 weeks. In total, 40 complete foraging trips were recorded. Trip duration was on average 42.4 ± 40.1 h and the proportion of overnight trips (60%) was the highest value found so far for this species. Mean dive depth and dive duration was 20.6 ± 19.4 m and 63.7 ± 36.4 s, respectively. The diving effort was higher than that of brooding females from the Indian Ocean and comparable with that of conspecifics from colonies in the southwest Atlantic in terms of diving rate (38 ± 14.2 dives h−1), but slightly lower as regards the proportion of time spent underwater (61 ± 10.5%). This study confirms that the diving behaviour of rockhopper penguins varies as a function of the physical and biological characteristics of the foraging areas and of the particular stage of the breeding season.  相似文献   

Inter-annual variation in the diet of female southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at Staten Island was studied during the early chick-rearing period to investigate the components of the diet and highlight some points of the possible food web in the study area. Gregarious crustaceans, small juveniles of squid and octopus, fish larvae and juvenile fish dominated the diet. There was a high degree of variability in the relative contribution of the different prey taxa during the three seasons studied. Overall, crustaceans were by far the most abundant in terms of number. Cephalopods contributed less to numbers, while fish was the least represented of the prey item in 2 years. Inter-annual variation in the proportion of prey items consumed was apparent only for some prey species: Thysanoessa gregaria, Gonatus antarcticus, Themisto gaudichaudii, Harpagifer bispinis and Salilota australis. These data suggest variability in the prey resources at sea during the study period and a subsequent opportunism of this penguin species to exploit what is differentially available. In terms of the food web in the area, we suggest an apparent relationship in the availability between T. gaudichaudii and G. antarcticus, and between T. gaudichaudii and H bispinnis. These relationships emphasise the importance of understanding food web interactions, especially those involving multiple trophic levels, when determining the role of upper-trophic level predators in marine systems.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well as how variability in these factors affects reproductive output. To examine some of the most important aspects of parental investment, we studied the provisioning behaviour and patterns of adult Southern Rockhopper Penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome breeding at Staten Island, Argentina. We investigated foraging trip duration, provisioning rates and chick survival using adult foraging patterns. Our results show that Rockhopper Penguins had clear sex-specific differences in their provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout chick rearing. By contrast, males provision chicks only during the crèche stage and at a slightly lower rate than females during this period. Foraging trips increased in length as the breeding season progressed. Rockhopper Penguins from Staten Island performed longer trips throughout the breeding season than do other species of Eudyptes at several other locations. Our results also show differences in parental investment between years that were related to differences in chick survival. We suggest that this was most likely to be related to female rather than male foraging behaviour as only females showed inter-annual differences in their provisioning rates.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus , was studied over four years, 1976 and 1986–88, at Bird Island, South Georgia. Birds were migratory, being absent during winter (May to September). Arrival at the colony was highly synchronous between years: 14–23 October, over a 7-year period. The pre-breeding, incubation and chick-brooding period was characterized by long fasts ashore, for 36 and 39 days in males and 41 days in females, alternating with long periods at sea. Within years egg-laying was highly synchronous: 95% of clutches initiated within 4–6 days. Arrival date and mean egg-laying date were later (by 3 days), and breeding population size lower (by 20%) in 1987, compared to other years. The incubation period was 35 days and comprised three long shifts, the first shared by the male and female, the second by the female and the third by the male. In 1986 and 1988 these were of 12, 12 and 9 days' duration, but in 1987 the first shift was significantly shorter: 9 days. Chicks creched at 23–25 days of age and fledged at 60 days of age. Neither chick age nor weight at creching or fledging varied between the years 1986–88. The breeding biology of macaroni penguins at Bird Island is compared with that of other Eudyptes penguins, and with the sympatric gentoo penguin, Pygoscelispupuu. There is little variation in breeding biology within the genus Eudyptes , except in the length of time spent at sea prior to the annual moult. This is much shorter at Bird Island, probably reflecting a greater food availability compared to other localities. Inter-annual variation in certain breeding parameters, e.g. laying date, breeding population size, is much greater in the gentoo penguin than in the macaroni penguin. The shorter breeding season, rearing of only one chick and proportionately lower chick fledging weight in macaroni penguins, may be linked to this species' migratory strategy.  相似文献   

The rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) is a conspicuous apex marine predator that has experienced marked population declines throughout most of its circumpolar breeding distribution. The cause(s) for the declines remain elusive, but the relatively large spatio‐temporal scale over which population decreases have occurred implies that ecosystem‐scale, at‐sea factors are likely to be involved. We employ stable isotope analyses of carbon (13C/12C, expressed as δ13C) and nitrogen (15N/14N, δ15N) in time‐series of rockhopper penguin feather samples, dating back to 1861, in order to reconstruct the species' ecological history. Specifically, we examine whether rockhopper penguin population decline has been associated with a shift towards lower primary productivity in the ecosystem in which they feed, or with a shift to a diet of lower trophic status and lower quality, and we use long‐term temperature records to evaluate whether shifts in isotope ratios are associated with annual variations in sea surface temperature. Having controlled temporally for the Suess Effect and for increases in CO2 concentrations in seawater, we found that overall, δ13C signatures decreased significantly over time in rockhopper penguins from seven breeding sites, supporting the hypothesis that decreases in primary productivity, and hence, carrying capacity, for which δ13C signature is a proxy, have been associated with the decline of penguin populations. There was some evidence of a long‐term decline in δ15N at some sites, and strong evidence that δ15N signatures were negatively related to sea surface temperatures across sites, indicative of a shift in diet to prey of lower trophic status over time and in warm years. However, a site‐by‐site analysis revealed divergent isotopic trends among sites: five of seven sites exhibited significant temporal or temperature‐related trends in isotope signatures. This study highlights the utility of stable isotope analyses when applied over relatively long timescales to apex predators.  相似文献   

Summary Water and sodium turnovers of 6–7 week old gentoo penguin chicks and breeding adults were measured using isotopically labelled water and sodium. Influx rates for chicks averaged 188 ml·kg-1·day-1 and 13.9 mmol·kg-1·day-1 for water and sodium, respectively. Chicks consumed an estimated 228 g·kg-1·day-1 fresh food or 886 kJ kg-1 day. These values correspond to 761 g·day-1 or 2945 kJ·day-1 for a gentoo chick mid-way through the growth period. Flux rates for adults attending chicks ranged from 199 to 428 ml·kg-1·day-1 for water and from 15 to 36 mmol·kg-1·ay-1 for sodium.  相似文献   

The Falkland Islands currently supports one of the largest Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) populations. Archipelago-wide censuses conducted in 2000 and 2005 revealed that the number of breeding pairs had declined by 30 % during this period. To establish whether the breeding population continued to decline, an archipelago-wide census was conducted in 2010. We report a conservative estimate of 319,163 ±SD 24,820 pairs breeding at the Falkland Islands in 2010. This represents a 51 % increase when compared with the number counted in 2005. A simple stochastic population model was developed to investigate the extent to which changes in demographic parameters between 2005 and 2010 could account for the increase in breeding pairs. The population model predicted a 38 % increase in the number of breeding pairs over a 5-year period (289,431 ±SD 24,615). The increase in the number of breeding pairs was therefore probably attributed to improved vital rates in the period between the 2005 and 2010 archipelago-wide censuses in combination with other factors such as a reduction in the proportion of adult birds that abstained from breeding. Based on the 2010 Falkland Islands estimate, the global population of the subspecies E. c. chrysocome is now closer to 870,000 breeding pairs of which the Falkland Islands accounts for approximately 36 %, the second largest proportion after Chile. We conclude that despite fluctuations, the number of Southern Rockhopper Penguins breeding at the Falkland Islands has increased over the last 15 years and suggest that the ‘Vulnerable’ conservation status of the species be re-assessed.  相似文献   

We compared the heart morphology of the small, deep-diving northern rockhopper penguin to the hearts of small, shallow-diving and large, deep-diving penguin species. The rockhopper penguin had a heart larger than expected for its body mass, and its heart weight/body weight was significantly greater than in the larger Adélie penguin. We found the rockhopper's right ventricle weight/heart weight to be significantly greater than this relationship in both the larger chinstrap and Adélie penguins. The relationship of the right to left ventricular weights in the rockhopper heart is not different to that of the large, deepest-diving emperor penguin. A larger heart in the rockhopper penguin might be related to its diving behavior and ecology if it contributes to diving efficiency during foraging by increasing lung perfusion during surface recovery. This would lead to decreased surface time. Accepted: 20 May 2000  相似文献   

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