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Nonhost resistance (NHR) refers to the immunity of most tested genotypes of a plant species to most tested variants of a pathogen species. Thus, NHR is broad spectrum and durable in nature and constitutes a major safety barrier against invasion of a myriad of potentially pathogenic microbes in any plants including domesticated crops. Genetic study of NHR is generally more difficult compared to host resistance mainly because NHR is genetically more complicated and often lacks intraspecific polymorphisms. Nevertheless, substantial progress has been made towards the understanding of the molecular basis of NHR in the past two decades using various approaches. Not surprisingly, molecular mechanisms of NHR revealed so far encompasses pathogen-associated molecular pattern-triggered immunity and effector-triggered immunity. In this review, we briefly discuss the inherent difficulty in genetic studies of NHR and summarize the main approaches that have been taken to identify genes contributing to NHR. We also discuss new enabling strategies for dissecting multilayered NHR in model plants with a focus on NHR against filamentous pathogens, especially biotrophic pathogens such as powdery mildew and rust fungi.  相似文献   

Caspase-independent cell deaths have been observed in many species including the human. However, the molecular mechanisms which govern them are largely unknown. Our present work makes use of a model organism, the protist Dictyostelium discoideum, which displays a caspase-independent cell death during its development. In rich medium, Dictyostelium multiplies vegetatively as a unicellular organism, but in starvation conditions, Dictyostelium cells aggregate, differentiate and morphogenize into a multicellular structure, called sorocarp, containing a mass of spores supported by a stalk. Cells in the stalk are considered dead on the basis of non-regrowth in a rich medium and are vacuolized. This programmed cell death is therefore developmental and vacuolar, and in addition, caspase-independent since the Dictyostelium genome does not contain caspases genes. In order to study in detail this cell death without induction of development, an in vitro experimental protocol has been adopted, which enabled us to describe the cascade of morphological events during this cell death. An insertional mutagenesis approach, followed by appropriate selection or screening of mutants potentially resistant to death, attempted at establishing the cascade of molecular events leading to vacuolar death of Dictyostelium cells. A better understanding of alternative death pathways may allow to control different types of cell deaths in the cases of cancers or neurodegenerative diseases. In this short review, we will discuss briefly some generalities about the development of Dictyostelium in starvation conditions, and we will focus on the course of programmed cell death in Dictyostelium and on the genetic tools used to elucidate the corresponding molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is the final step of mitosis when a mother cell is separated into two daughter cells. Major cytoskeletal changes are essential for cytokinesis; it is, however, not well understood how the microtubules and actomyosin cytoskeleton are exactly regulated in time and space. In this paper, we show that during the early stages of cytokinesis, in rounded-up Dictyostelium discoideum cells, the small G-protein Rap1 is activated uniformly at the cell cortex. When cells begin to elongate, active Rap1 becomes restricted from the furrow region, where the myosin contractile ring is subsequently formed. In the final stages of cytokinesis, active Rap1 is only present at the cell poles. Mutant cells with decreased Rap1 activation at the poles showed strongly decreased growth rates. Hyperactivation of Rap1 results in severe growth delays and defective spindle formation in adherent cells and cell death in suspension. Furthermore, Rap mutants show aberrant regulation of the actomyosin cytoskeleton, resulting in extended furrow ingression times and asymmetrical cell division. We propose that Rap1 drives cytokinesis progression by coordinating the three major cytoskeletal components: microtubules, actin, and myosin II. Importantly, mutated forms of Rap also affect cytokinesis in other organisms, suggesting a conserved role for Rap in cell division.  相似文献   

Genetic approaches to understanding sugar-response pathways   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Plants as photoautotrophic organisms are able to produce the carbohydrates they require and have developed mechanisms to co-ordinate carbohydrate production and its metabolism. Carbohydrate-derived signals regulate the expression of genes involved in both photosynthesis and metabolism, and control carbohydrate partitioning. A number of genetic approaches have been initiated to understand sugar-response pathways in plants and identify the components involved. Screening strategies to date have been based on the effects of high sugar media on early seedling development or on changes in the enzyme activity or expression of sugar-responsive genes. These screens have established roles for plant hormones in sugar-response pathways, in particular for abscisic acid. The present emphasis on the role of plant hormones in sugar responses is due to the fact that mutants could be readily identified as belonging to these established pathways, but also results from the nature of the mutant screens in use. Progress is being made on the identification of mutants and genes that may be specific to sugar-signalling pathways. It is also expected that the modification of existing screens may target sugar-signalling pathways more directly. Genetic approaches may be especially useful in identifying components of novel signalling pathways unique to plants, and their combination with genomic and molecular approaches will guide future research.  相似文献   

Interphase amoeba of Entamoeba invadens are attracted to the furrowing region of a neighboring dividing cell to assist with the division. A seemingly similar behavior has been observed in Dictyostelium discoideum, but in this case, it has not been shown whether the movements were truly directed toward the furrowing region or whether they have any relevance. We thus used myosin II-null cells, which spend more time than wild type cells in cytokinesis, and successfully demonstrated that nearly half of the division events involve the attraction of a neighbor cell to the furrowing region. Cells lacking the beta subunit of the trimeric G protein (Gbeta), which are incapable of chemotaxis, did not show such midwifery. Culturing wild type cells flattened under agarose sheets also slowed the cytokinesis process, and this allowed us to demonstrate that phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate was enriched in the anterior region of midwifing cells, consistent with the view that midwifery in D. discoideum is also chemotaxis. On substrates, while only 3.6% of wild type cells were multinucleate, 8.1% of Gbeta-null cells were multinucleate, and this was reduced to 3.4% when they were surrounded by wild type cells. Conversely, multinucleated wild type cells increased to 6.8% when they were surrounded by Gbeta-null cells. Thus, Gbeta-null cells frequently fail to divide because they cannot assist each other's division and midwifery ensures successful cytokinesis in Dictyostelium discoideum.  相似文献   

Dissection of signal transduction pathways leading to actin polymerization has been performed in cytosolic extracts. In such assays, the implication of an effector molecule is demonstrated by the loss of actin polymerization upon its depletion and the restoration of actin polymerization upon its add-back. Two major limitations in the wide use of this approach have been the availability of immunodepleting antibodies and the functional redundancy for many classes of effector molecules encoded by vertebrate genomes. To circumvent these limitations, we developed extracts derived from S2 Drosophila cells, which are competent for actin polymerization. In this system, depleted extracts are simply obtained from cells cultured with long double stranded RNAs in the medium. We validated the method by showing that beads coated with the C-terminal domain of Wave2 were no longer able to trigger actin polymerization in an extract depleted of the Arp2/3 complex. We also examined the complete set of Drosophila small GTPases of the Rho family for their ability to polymerize actin in such extracts, and found that only dCdc42 was able to induce actin polymerization. Using RNAi depleted extract, we confirmed that dCdc42 triggers actin polymerization in a Wasp dependent manner.  相似文献   

Dissection of signal transduction pathways leading to actin polymerization has been performed in cytosolic extracts. In such assays, the implication of an effector molecule is demonstrated by the loss of actin polymerization upon its depletion and the restoration of actin polymerization upon its add-back. Two major limitations in the wide use of this approach have been the availability of immunodepleting antibodies and the functional redundancy for many classes of effector molecules encoded by vertebrate genomes. To circumvent these limitations, we developed extracts derived from S2 Drosophila cells, which are competent for actin polymerization. In this system, depleted extracts are simply obtained from cells cultured with long double stranded RNAs in the medium. We validated the method by showing that beads coated with the C-terminal domain of Wave2 were no longer able to trigger actin polymerization in an extract depleted of the Arp2/3 complex. We also examined the complete set of Drosophila small GTPases of the Rho family for their ability to polymerize actin in such extracts, and found that only dCdc42 was able to induce actin polymerization. Using RNAi depleted extract, we confirmed that dCdc42 triggers actin polymerization in a Wasp dependent manner.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell differentiation into capillary structures is a complex process that requires the concerted effects of several extracellular matrix proteases, including plasminogen activators. Here, the role of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) was evaluated in an in vitro model of endothelial morphogenesis involving organization of human umbilical vein endothelial cells into tubular structures when they are cultured on the basement membrane preparation, Matrigel. Both uPA and tPA were detected in HUVEC cultures on Matrigel, and inhibitors of plasminogen activators or of serine proteases decreased the extent of the tube network formed by the cells. The decrease resulting from serine protease inhibitors was additive to that from matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors which have previously been shown to decrease tube formation in this model, suggesting that the two classes of proteases modulate tube formation by distinct mechanisms. Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAl)-1 decreased tube formation by 50% when added up to 4.5 h after the initiation of an 18 h assay and caused 25% inhibition when added 9.5 h after culture initiation, indicating that the effects of plasminogen activators are not limited to an early event in the differentiation process. Steady-state expression of mRNA for uPA increased during the first several hours of culture on Matrigel, further supporting a role for PA activity throughout the process of tube formation. These findings suggested that PAs may affect multiple events during tube-forming activity. A fucosylated peptide comprising the amino-terminal domain of uPA that binds to the uPA receptor (uPAR) but lacking proteolytic activity enhanced tube formation. In contrast, a defucosylated form of the same peptide had no effect. Since fucosylation of this fragment has been shown to be essential in other models of cell stimulation by uPA-uPAR interaction, these data support the hypothesis that uPA enhances endothelial morphogenesis both through proteolytic activity and via uPAR occupancy. Plasminogen activators could facilitate angiogenesis in vivo. © 1995 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Ran GTPase plays important roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase and in both spindle formation and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly during mitosis. The latter functions rely on the presence of high local concentrations of GTP-bound Ran near mitotic chromatin. RanGTP localization has been proposed to result from the association of Ran's GDP/GTP exchange factor, RCC1, with chromatin, but Ran is shown here to bind directly to chromatin in two modes, either dependent or independent of RCC1, and, where bound, to increase the affinity of chromatin for NE membranes. We propose that the Ran binding capacity of chromatin contributes to localized spindle and NE assembly.  相似文献   

A hallmark of neurogenesis in the vertebrate brain is the apical-basal nuclear oscillation in polarized neural progenitor cells. Known as interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), these movements are synchronized with the cell cycle such that nuclei move basally during G1-phase and apically during G2-phase. However, it is unknown how the direction of movement and the cell cycle are tightly coupled. Here, we show that INM proceeds through the cell cycle-dependent linkage of cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. During S to G2 progression, the microtubule-associated protein Tpx2 redistributes from the nucleus to the apical process, and promotes nuclear migration during G2-phase by altering microtubule organization. Thus, Tpx2 links cell-cycle progression and autonomous apical nuclear migration. In contrast, in vivo observations of implanted microbeads, acute S-phase arrest of surrounding cells and computational modelling suggest that the basal migration of G1-phase nuclei depends on a displacement effect by G2-phase nuclei migrating apically. Our model for INM explains how the dynamics of neural progenitors harmonize their extensive proliferation with the epithelial architecture in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The use of genetics to dissect plant secondary pathways   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Coronin is an actin-binding protein in Dictyostelium discoideum that is enriched at the leading edge of the cells and in projections of the cell surface called crowns. The polypeptide sequence of coronin is distinguished by its similarities to the beta-subunits of trimeric G proteins (E. L. de Hostos, B. Bradtke, F. Lottspeich, R. Guggenheim, and G. Gerisch, 1991. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 10:4097-4104). To elucidate the in vivo function of coronin, null mutants have been generated by gene replacement. The mutant cells lacking coronin grow and migrate more slowly than wild-type cells. When these cor- cells grow in liquid medium they become multinucleate, indicating a role of coronin in cytokinesis. To explore this role, coronin has been localized in mitotic wild-type cells by immunofluorescence labeling. During separation of the daughter cells, coronin is strongly accumulated at their distal portions including the leading edges. This contrasts with the localization of myosin II in the cleavage furrow and suggests that coronin functions independently of the conventional myosin in facilitating cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Ceramide accumulation in the cell can occur from either hydrolysis of sphingomyelin or by de novo synthesis. In this study, we found that blocking de novo ceramide synthesis significantly inhibits ceramide accumulation and subsequent cell death in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha. When cells were pre-treated with glutathione, a proposed cellular regulator of neutral sphingomyelinase, inhibition of ceramide accumulation at early time points was achieved with attenuation of cell death. Inhibition of both pathways achieved near-complete inhibition of ceramide accumulation and cell death indicating that both pathways of ceramide generation are stimulated. This illustrates the complexity of ceramide generation in cytokine action.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium is one of the model systems of choice for studying the cytokinesis of animal-type cells. Two types of cytokinesis mutants have been used to identify proteins involved in the cytokinesis of Dictyostelium: (1) type I, the mutant cells grow on substrates to produce giant multinucleate cells; (2) type II, the mutant cells divide nearly normally on substrates, but are unable to divide at all and get highly multinucleate in suspension culture. These two mutant types might correspond to the myosin II-independent and myosin II-including cytokinesis mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of a common antigenic determinant on the Dictyostelium discoideum acid phosphatase isozyme 1 (ap 1), and the absence of this determinant on the isozyme ap2 enables separation of the two isozymes. This separation is accomplished by removal of ap1 from samples with a common antigen monoclonal antibody followed by immunoprecipitation of ap2 with an acid phosphatase monoclonal antibody. Application of this separation scheme on cells pulse-labeled early (2 h) and late (18 h) in the developmental cycle reveal that ap1 protein synthesis occurs only early in development and that the protein remains stable throughout development, whereas ap2 protein synthesis occurs only late in development. Furthermore, pulse-chase experiments during both early and late development reveal that both isozymes of acid phosphatase are initially synthesized as precursor molecules (Mr = 60,000) which are then processed to mature forms (Mr = 58,000). The processing event(s) for acid phosphatase begin in less than 5 min compared to 25-30 min for Dictyostelium alpha-mannosidase and 10-15 min for Dictyostelium beta-glucosidase. Endoglycosidase H and Endoglycosidase F treatment of both isozymes reveals identical cleavage patterns for ap1 and ap2, indicating that the amount of carbohydrate on both molecules is equivalent. Preliminary studies to identify modification differences reveal that fucose is not present on either isozyme; however, sulfate is present on the ap1 isozyme and absent on the ap2 isozyme. These results suggest that differences in the modification of newly synthesized acid phosphatase at different times during the Dictyostelium life cycle result in the appearance of two distinct acid phosphatase isozymes.  相似文献   

Recognition of bacteria by metazoans is mediated by receptors that recognize different types of microorganisms and elicit specific cellular responses. The soil amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum feeds upon a variable mixture of environmental bacteria, and it is expected to recognize and adapt to various food sources. To date, however, no bacteria‐sensing mechanisms have been described. In this study, we isolated a Dictyostelium mutant (fspA KO) unable to grow in the presence of non‐capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria, but growing as efficiently as wild‐type cells in the presence of other bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis. fspA KO cells were also unable to respond to K. pneumoniae and more specifically to bacterially secreted folate in a chemokinetic assay, while they responded readily to B. subtilis. Remarkably, both WT and fspA KO cells were able to grow in the presence of capsulated LM21 K. pneumoniae, and responded to purified capsule, indicating that capsule recognition may represent an alternative, FspA‐independent mechanism for K. pneumoniae sensing. When LM21 capsule synthesis genes were deleted, growth and chemokinetic response were lost for fspA KO cells, but not for WT cells. Altogether, these results indicate that Dictyostelium amoebae use specific recognition mechanisms to respond to different K. pneumoniae elements.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic approaches to the cytoskeleton in Dictyostelium.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent advances in molecular genetic techniques are being applied in Dictyostelium to test and expand prevailing views on the functioning of the actin-based cytoskeleton. Current research involves the disruption, by homologous recombination, of genes encoding cytoskeletal elements. We suggest combining classical and molecular genetic approaches to supplement these investigations.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis completion in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae is driven by tightly regulated pathways, leading to actomyosin ring contraction coupled to plasma membrane constriction and to centripetal growth of the primary septum, respectively. These pathways can partially substitute for each other, but their concomitant inactivation leads to cytokinesis block and cell death. Here we show that both the lack of the functionally redundant FHA-RING ubiquitin ligases Dma1 and Dma2 and moderate Dma2 overproduction affect actomyosin ring contraction as well as primary septum deposition, although they do not apparently alter cell cycle progression of otherwise wild-type cells. In addition, overproduction of Dma2 impairs the interaction between Tem1 and Iqg1, which is thought to be required for AMR contraction, and causes asymmetric primary septum deposition as well as mislocalization of the Cyk3-positive regulator of this process. In agreement with these multiple inhibitory effects, a Dma2 excess that does not cause any apparent defect in wild-type cells leads to lethal cytokinesis block in cells lacking the Hof1 protein, which is essential for primary septum formation in the absence of Cyk3. Altogether, these findings suggest that the Dma proteins act as negative regulators of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

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