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The type material of Eoconularia loculata (Wiman, 1895), a conulariid with high, bifurcated septa, was originally found in an erratic boulder, hence the source-rock is as yet unidentified. Recently, a rich material of the species has been discovered at eleven localities in the Silurian Hemse Beds of Gotland Another two localities in the Slite Beds (Wenlockan, Sheinwoodian) revealed what is assumed to be the ancestor of E loculata. This ancestral form probably constitutes a separate taxon distinguished from E. loculata in having simple, unbranched septa. E. loculata is re-described, and four ontogenetic stages in septal development are recognized. During stage 1, the most juvenile stage, the septa are simple. The septa in stages 3 and 4, the adult stages, are coarse and bifurcated. The affinities of conulariids are discussed, with the conclusion that the group shares a number of similarities with modem scyphomans. The microstructures of the exoskeleton show several similarities with coronatids, and the septa are interpreted to be homologous with the internal structures of stauromedusids. The stratigraphical distribution of all currently known septate conulariids suggests that septa were a primitive morphologic feature ranging from early? Ordovician to late Silurian. The simplest type, however, persisted at least into the early Permian. Five of the eleven described septa types have been found only among the conulariids from Gotland. □Conulariida, EOCONULARIA LOCULATA, bifurcated septa, taxonomy, ecology, morphology, Scyphozoa, Sweden, Gotland, Silurian.  相似文献   

Monospecific conulariid clusters have been interpreted as products of gregarious behavior or as clonal colonies, with members of a colony originally inclined at a high angle to the substrate and connected to each other at their apices. However. individuals in all previously documented clusters are preserved parallel, or nearly parallel, to bedding, and their apices are not preserved. We describe a cluster of three Paraconularia crustula (White) (Pennsylvanian of Missouri, USA) in which the individual specimens exhibit an original steeply inclined orientation. The individuals in this cluster converge adapically on an extremely thin. crumpled sheet of apatitic material that is similar to conulariid test material. The conulariids and associated sheet bear a striking resemblance to regenerated, clonal colonies of polypoid coronatid scyphozoans. Such colonies arise from a thin, periderm-covered sheet of non-differentiated soft tissue, produced following severance of a single parent polyp. We suggest that the conulariid cluster originated through a similar process. Should this interpretation be corroborated by the discovery of better preserved conulariid clusters, it would provide strong additional evidence for the hypothesis of a scyphoroan affinity for conulariids  相似文献   

Abstract:  Vendoconularia triradiata Ivantsov and Fedonkin, recently described from Vendian (latest Proterozoic) strata of Russia, has been interpreted as a six-sided conulariid cnidarian. However, comparison of published illustrations of V .  triradiata with Palaeozoic conulariids suggests that certain key features of the anatomy of V .  triradiata should be reinterpreted. Specifically, features previously homologized with the corners of conulariid thecae may actually be homologous to the conulariid midlines. Under this new interpretation, the corners of the Vendoconularia theca were sulcate, and the midline of each face was non-sulcate and flanked by a pair of low internal carinae. This alternative set of hypotheses of homology makes the argument for a conulariid affinity for Vendoconularia stronger.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nineteen partial specimens of Conularia sp., together with an articulated agelacrinitid edrioasteroid and several discinid brachiopods, occur in close association with a probable biological substrate on a small slab of silty Hunsrück Slate (Lower Devonian, Emsian) from Bundenbach, Germany. Most of the conulariids occur in V‐like pairs or in a single cluster of 12 specimens arranged in a fan‐like radial pattern. Together with the edrioasteroid and (possibly) brachiopods, the conulariids probably were attached to the substrate in life and then were buried and possibly killed by a single influx of silty mud. The apertural end of many of the conulariids is partially covered by inwardly folded short lappets, which may have closed in response to rapid (but gentle) burial. Rock matrix in the apertural region of the peridermal cavity of nearly all of the conulariids exhibits irregular, variably dense concentrations of pyrite. The concentrations occur almost exclusively within the conulariids, where they probably formed as a result of the decay of retracted conulariid soft parts. Although the concentrations lack clearly defined anatomical features that can be unambiguously homologized with particular anatomical structures of any extant taxon, their form and distribution within the conulariids are consistent with the hypothesis that conulariids were polypoid scyphozoans.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Hexaconularia , a Lower Cambrian small shelly fossil (SSF) that has been allied with conulariids and scyphozoan cnidarians, is redescribed and refigured. A salient feature of this monospecific genus is the presence of distinct apical and abapical regions. The apical region probably represents an embryonic shell that apparently lacked a basal attachment structure. Comparisons of this feature with the apical end of the smallest known conulariids and with conulariids terminating in an apical wall (schott) reveal substantial differences in structure and ornamentation. Differences in apical anatomy between conulariids and Arthrochites , possibly the nearest SSF relative of Hexaconularia , are also apparent. Comparisons of Hexaconularia with Punctatus , an SSF taxon showing distinct apical and abapical regions in both posthatching specimens and prehatching embryos, suggest that the early development of Hexaconularia was direct. These results have important implications for hypotheses of a conulariid/scyphozoan affinity for Hexaconularia and its possible SSF relatives, and they suggest that Hexaconularia -bearing strata may yield prehatching embryos of this genus.  相似文献   

原端齿鲨在中国的发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原端齿鲨 (Protacrodus) 以往只见于德国和美国的上泥盆统中,这次从苏北油田钻孔岩样中发现的一枚牙齿具有该属之主要形态特征,经比较,确定其为—新种——Protacrodus orientalis sp. nov. 此新种在齿冠各齿头的嵴突数、齿冠的高宽比以及齿根表面血管神经通孔的排列形式等方面均有别于欧美的已定种.  相似文献   

重新描述了湖南中泥盆世的锥石Changshaconus carinata Zhu,1985。通过比较,笔者认为Changshaconus与产自南非泥盆系和南、北美洲下泥盆统中的Reticulaconularia Babcock et Feldmann,1986非常相似。Changshaconus和Reticulaconularia两属由于锥管表面横肋间具有纵向脊状构造,与横肋构造一起构成了网状的表  相似文献   

Abstract: Exceptionally abundant specimens of Conularia aff. desiderata Hall occur in multiple marine obrution deposits, in a single sixth‐order parasequence composed of argillaceous and silty very fine sandstone, in the Otsego Member of the Mount Marion Formation (Middle Devonian, Givetian) in eastern New York State, USA. Associated fossils consist mostly of rhynchonelliform brachiopods but also include bivalve molluscs, orthoconic nautiloids, linguliform brachiopods and gastropods. Many of the brachiopods, bivalve molluscs and conulariids have been buried in situ. Conulariids buried in situ are oriented with their aperture facing obliquely upward and with their long axis inclined at up to 87 degree to bedding. Most specimens are solitary, but some occur in V‐like pairs or in radial clusters consisting of three specimens, with the component specimens being about equally long or (less frequently) substantially different in length. The compacted apical end of Conularia buried in situ generally rests upon argillaceous sandstone. With one possible exception, none of the examined specimens terminates in a schott (apical wall), and internal schotts appear to be absent. The apical ends of specimens in V‐like pairs and radial clusters show no direct evidence of interconnection of their periderms. The apical, middle or apertural region of some inclined specimens abuts or is in close lateral proximity to a recumbent conulariid or to one or more spiriferid brachiopods, some of which have been buried in their original life orientation. The azimuthal bearings of Conularia and nautiloid long axes and the directions in which conulariids open are nonrandom, with conulariids being preferentially aligned between 350 and 50 degree and with their apertural end facing north‐east, and nautiloids being preferentially aligned between 30 and 70 degree. Otsego Member Conularia were erect or semi‐erect, epifaunal or partially infaunal animals, the apical end of which rested upon very fine bottom sediment. The origin of V‐like pairs and radial clusters remains enigmatic, but it is probable that production of schotts was not a regular feature of this animal’s life history. Finally, conulariids and associated fauna were occasionally smothered by distal storm deposits, under the influence of relatively weak bottom currents.  相似文献   

Living specimens of Terebratulina retusa from the Firth of Lorn, Scotland, were surgically damaged by drilling 2 mm diameter holes or narrow slits one cm long in the anterior portion of one valve, by bevelling the anterior margin of both valves, or by amputation of the anterior third of one valve. These injuries to the shell and mantle simulated the type of repaired shell damage seen in Paleozoic species, i.e., scalloped, divoted, cleft, and embayed valves. Less than ten percent of the 200 damaged specimens survived until the 25th week after surgery. Specimens of T. retusa showed the ability to repair drill holes, slits, and bevelled anterior shell regions, but not the most severe damage, i.e., amputations of the anterior third of one valve. Shell‐repair was initiated in the fourth week after surgery by the development of a membrane across the wound. The development of caeca in the new shell layer secreted to plug the drill holes became apparent by the eighth week. The punctate pattern was complete in the new, translucent shell material of bevelled and drilled specimens by the 25th week following surgery. Failure of any specimens to survive amputation of the anterior portion of a valve for more than seven weeks after surgery, and the absence of initiation of the repair process, suggests that terebratulids do not have the tolerance for, nor the ability to repair, the severe injuries (embayed valves) which were sustained and mended by extinct strophomenids.  相似文献   

Previous morphological studies suggest that predation on stalked crinoids increased in the Devonian. However, there was no concomitant decline in the occurrence of dense, shallow-water stalked crinoid assemblages in North America from the Ordovician and Silurian to the Mississippian. The evolution of crinoid defensive adaptations may have kept pace with rising durophagy, forestalling the expected decline of crinoid communities. It is also possible that the demise of reefs after the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction indirectly decreased predation pressure on crinoids by removing shelter for predatory fish. A third possibility is that stalked crinoid abundance was affected neither by new predators nor by the decline of reefs. □ Crinoidea, dense crinoid assemblages, Echinodermata, North America, Paleozoic, predation.  相似文献   

McKinney, F.K, Delvolve, 7.-J. & Sobieraj, J. 1995 11 30: Conularia sp. from the Pyrénées: further support for scyphozoan affinities of the Conularida.
Several specimens of Conularia from the mid-Carboniferous Culm Formation of the Pyrénées occur as clusters with a large central specimen and several smaller divergent individuals that may be buds from the larger central specimen. Other individual and clustered specimens exhibit complex polygonal cross-sections that are inferred to have resulted from longitudinal fission of a precursor pyramid into two or more descendant individuals. Apparent budding and transverse fission (strobilation) of conulariids have been reported previously, but we have found no earlier record of longitudinal fission. The existence of this additional mode of asexual increase in conulariids further supports their affinities with the scyphozoan Cnidaria. Conularida, Scypho-zoa, fission, Carboniferous, Pyrénées .  相似文献   

On the basis of new extensive collections, made by the present authors, a group of unsegmented three-dimensional fossil remains from the Late Precambrian of Namibia and the southeastern White Sea area, including such genera as Protechiurus, Vendoglossa, and Vendoconularia, were restudied. It is established that the fossils belong to two morphologically close genera (Protechiurus and Vendoconularia), composing the new family Protechiuridae. It is possible that they represent the same genus or even species, but the incompleteness of the preservation of the Namibian member of the group prevents their integration. The fossils initially represented conical hollow elastic objects, hexagonal in the cross-section, which were open at the wide end and closed at the pointed end. The sculpture of their surface consisted of longitudinal ridges, both single and double, bounding the rows of the short transverse ridges, scalloped along one margin. Vendoconularia had wide plates which were attached to the cone outwardly along the longitudinal unpaired ridges. In general morphology and several details the fossils resemble the thecae of conulariids and anabaritids, known from Late Precambrian and Paleozoic and classified as the scyphozoan cnidarians. The main difference lays in the theca mineralization, which consists of phosphate in conulariids, carbonate in anabaritids, and is absent in the case of protechiurids. It is proposed that the protechiurids, which appeared in the fossil record first, may belong to the basal group of ancient scyphozoans, ancestral to the conulariids on the one hand, and to the anabaritids on the other.  相似文献   

More than 10,000 non-marine microconchid tubeworms (order Tentaculita) from the Lower Carboniferous (Mauch Chunk Group) of West Virginian, USA, have been inspected with respect to the occurrence of specimens having repaired injuries. The inspection showed that only nine specimens bear distinct regenerations of their tubes which constitute only 0.08% of the total specimens. This value, although much lower than that obtained from other encrusting tentaculitoid tubeworms, is very similar to that calculated before for the thousands of Early Devonian planktonic tentaculitids. This clearly indicates that sample size (specimen number) is critical for obtaining the reliable data about the proportion of regenerated vs. unaffected specimens. The sublethal injuries present in these few individuals probably resulted from failed predation, most probably by grazing fishes. However, the repaired injuries only indicate that some individuals survived but do not provide any information about the predation intensity on the group in the given paleoenvironment. Microconchids encrusted a given substrate in large quantities, so grazing fishes may have easily removed the majority of individuals, leaving no trace of predation activity in the Early Carboniferous, non-marine paleoenvironments of what is now West Virginia.  相似文献   

Serially arranged sets of eight septa‐like structures occur in the basal part of phosphatic tubes of Sphenothallus from the early Ordovician (early Floian) Fenxiang Formation in Hubei Province of China. They are similar in shape, location and number, to cusps in chitinous tubes of extant coronate scyphozoan polyps, which supports the widely accepted cnidarian affinity of this problematic fossil. However, unlike the recent Medusozoa, the tubes of Sphenothallus are flattened at later stages of development, showing biradial symmetry. Moreover, the septa (cusps) in Sphenothallus are obliquely arranged, which introduces a bilateral component to the tube symmetry. This makes Sphenothallus similar to the Early Cambrian Paiutitubulites, having similar septa but with even more apparent bilateral disposition. Biradial symmetry also characterizes the Early Cambrian tubular fossil Hexaconularia, showing a similarity to the conulariids. However, instead of being strictly tetraradial like conulariids, Hexaconularia shows hexaradial symmetry superimposed on the biradial one. A conulariid with a smooth test showing signs of the ‘origami’ plicated closure of the aperture found in the Fenxiang Formation supports the idea that tetraradial symmetry of conulariids resulted from geometrical constrains connected with this kind of closure. Its minute basal attachment surface makes it likely that the holdfasts characterizing Sphenothallus and advanced conulariids are secondary features. This concurs with the lack of any such holdfast in the earliest Cambrian Torellella, as well as in the possibly related Olivooides and Quadrapyrgites. Bilaterally arranged internal structures in polyps representing probably the oldest medusozoans support the suggestions based on developmental evidence that the ancestor of cnidarians also was a bilaterally symmetrical animal. This is one more example of fossil data that strictly fit the molecular phylogenetic evidence but not necessarily morphology‐based zoological interpretations.  相似文献   

皖北志留纪盔甲鱼类的新发现   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文记述了盔甲鱼类的一新属种——珍奇秀甲鱼(Geraspis rara gen. et sp. nov.),它代表—新科(Geraspididae fam. nov)。头甲及其后覆盖鳞片部分呈正常连接。主要特征为:间带短,角呈狭长的三角形,伸向后方。侧背沟靠近头甲中背线。鳞为小而密集的菱形。  相似文献   

Stubbe D  Nuytinck J  Verbeken A 《Fungal biology》2010,114(2-3):271-283
This paper investigates species delimitation within the Lactarius gerardii species complex and explores its taxonomic and geographical extent. A combined molecular phylogeny based on ITS, LSU and rpb2 gene sequences is constructed and morphological characters are evaluated. While L. gerardii was originally described from North America, it has later been reported from all over Asia. Therefore a worldwide sampling range was aimed at, including species exhibiting morphological affinities with L. gerardii. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that intercontinental conspecificity in L. gerardii is absent. Thirty strongly supported clades are retrieved of which 18 are morphologically identifiable species. The group is elevated to Lactarius subg. Gerardii stat. nov. It includes, apart from L. gerardii s.l., L. atrovelutinus, L. bicolor, L. ochrogalactus, L. petersenii, L. reticulatovenosus, L. sepiaceus, L. subgerardii and L. wirrabara, as well as the pleurotoid L. uyedae. The paraphyletic nature of the genus Lactarius is confirmed. Lactarius subg. Gerardii appears not affiliated with L.?subg. Plinthogalus and this can be substantiated morphologically. No representatives are known from Europe, Africa or South America. The high frequency of intercontinental sister relationships observed between America, Asia and the Australian region, suggests multiple migration and speciation events have occurred across continents.  相似文献   

Factors affecting nest predation on forest songbirds in North America   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
FRANK R. THOMPSON  III 《Ibis》2007,149(S2):98-109
Nest predation is an important factor in the ecology of passerines and can be a large source of mortality for birds. I provide an overview of factors affecting nest predation of passerines in North America with the goal that it may provide some insight into the ecology and management of woodland birds in the United Kingdom. Although several factors influence productivity, nest success is perhaps the most widely measured demographic characteristic of open-cup-nesting birds, and nest predation is usually the largest cause of nest failure. The identity of predator species, and how their importance varies with habitat and landscape factors, must be known for managers and scientists to design effective conservation plans and place research on nest predation in the appropriate context. Recent studies using video surveillance have made significant contributions to our understanding of the relative importance of different predator taxa in North America. Spatial and temporal variation in nest predation can be better understood when landscapes are placed in a biogeographical context and local habitat and nest-site effects are placed in a landscape context. Low productivity resulting from high nest predation is one of several potential causes of bird population declines in North America and the UK. Although the 'forest fragmentation paradigm' from the eastern US may not apply directly to the UK, thinking about avian demographics from a multiscale perspective, and consideration of factors affecting nest predation with knowledge of the dominant predator species, may provide insight into population declines.  相似文献   

Mass extinctions have altered the trajectory of evolution a number of times over the Phanerozoic. During these periods of biotic upheaval a different selective regime appears to operate, although it is still unclear whether consistent survivorship rules apply across different extinction events. We compare variations in diversity and disparity across the evolutionary history of a major Paleozoic arthropod group, the Eurypterida. Using these data, we explore the group's transition from a successful, dynamic clade to a stagnant persistent lineage, pinpointing the Devonian as the period during which this evolutionary regime shift occurred. The late Devonian biotic crisis is potentially unique among the “Big Five” mass extinctions in exhibiting a drop in speciation rates rather than an increase in extinction. Our study reveals eurypterids show depressed speciation rates throughout the Devonian but no abnormal peaks in extinction. Loss of morphospace occupation is random across all Paleozoic extinction events; however, differential origination during the Devonian results in a migration and subsequent stagnation of occupied morphospace. This shift appears linked to an ecological transition from euryhaline taxa to freshwater species with low morphological diversity alongside a decrease in endemism. These results demonstrate the importance of the Devonian biotic crisis in reshaping Paleozoic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The idea that ground-nesting birds have a high risk of predation is widely accepted This paper analyzes the nest predation patterns of ground-nesting passerines on the Iberian Peninsula The nest predation rates are higher m open land species x= 71%) than m countryside farmland (10%) or forest birds (29%) The latter species have no differences in daily survival between ground and above-ground nests The higher nest predation in ground-nesting open land species was similar m peninsular Spain and North America We conclude that it is incorrect to generalize that all ground nesters have high nest predation rates, and we discuss the possible link of the high nest predation rates of open land birds to the decline observed in their population trends in Spain  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted to investigate the teratological susceptibility of the Pika (Ochotona rufescens rufescens) to selected teratogenic chemicals: cyclophosphamide, 6-mercaptopurine, 5-fluorouracil, 6-aminonicotinamide, actinomycin D, ethylurethan, ampicillin, tetracycline, thalidomide, diphenylhydantoin, hypervitaminosis A, aspirin, dexamethasone, betamethasone and bredinin. Some of the chemicals were shown to be teratogenic in the Pika, but this animal was generally more resistant to their teratogenicity than the rabbit and rodents. In the Pika, thalidomide did not induce any typical limb defects, which have been produced in the rabbit. Pikas reproduce well and appear to have no substantial disadvantages as an animal species for teratological studies. Thus, the Pika may be useful as a new non-rodent species for teratological testings.  相似文献   

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