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Although the immune system, inflammation, and cellular metabolism are linked to diseases associated with dyslipidemias, the mechanism(s) remain unclear. To determine whether there is a mechanistic link between lipid availability and inflammation/immune activation, we evaluated macrophage cell lines incubated under conditions of altered exogenous and endogenous lipid availability. Limiting exogenous lipids results in decreased lysosomal acidity and decreased lysosomal enzymatic activity. Both lysosomal parameters are restored with the addition of oleoyl-CoA, suggesting that fatty acids play a role in the regulation of lysosomal function. Cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded molecules is also decreased in the absence of exogenous lipids. Additionally, we observe decreased gamma-interferon stimulation of cell surface MHC class II. Using cerulenin to limit the endogenous synthesis of fatty acids results in decreased cell surface expression of MHC class II but does not appear to alter lysosomal acidity, suggesting that lysosomal acidity is dependent on exogenous, but not endogenous, fatty acid availability. Testing these conclusions in an in vivo mouse model, we observed statistically significant, diet-dependent differences in lysosomal acidity and MHC class II cell surface expression. Collectively, these data demonstrate a mechanistic link between lipid availability and early events in the immune response.  相似文献   

Many species engage in polyandry, resulting in the potential for sexual selection to continue post-copulation through sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice. The relative importance of pre- vs. post-copulatory processes remains unknown for most species despite this information being fundamental for understanding the evolutionary consequences of sexual selection. The Australian fruit fly Drosophila serrata has become a prominent model system for studying precopulatory sexual selection, such as mating preferences and their influence on the evolution of sexually selected traits. Here, we investigated polyandry and the potential for post-copulatory sexual selection in this species using indirect paternity analysis. We genotyped 21 wild-caught and 19 laboratory-reared mothers and their offspring (a total of 787 flies) at six microsatellite loci and found extensive polyandry, with all broods surveyed having at least two sires. Female remating rates were higher than in other Drosophila surveyed to date and no significant differences were found between laboratory and field populations. Additionally, we found evidence for biased sperm usage in several broods of D. serrata . Paternity skew occurred more frequently in broods from the field population than the laboratory one, suggesting differences between the two environments in the level of post-copulatory sexual selection. Our data suggest that D. serrata represents a promising system for studying the interaction between pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in driving the evolution of sexually selected phenotypes.  相似文献   

In many species, sperm velocity affects variation in the outcome of male competitive fertilization success. In fishes, ovarian fluid (OF) released with the eggs can increase male sperm velocity and potentially facilitate cryptic female choice for males of specific phenotypes and/or genotypes. Therefore, to investigate the effect of OF on fertilization success, we measured sperm velocity and conducted in vitro competitive fertilizations with paired Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) males representing two alternative reproductive tactics, jacks (small sneaker males) and hooknoses (large guarding males), in the presence of river water alone and OF mixed with river water. To determine the effect of genetic differences on fertilization success, we genotyped fish at neutral (microsatellites) and functional [major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II ß1] markers. We found that when sperm were competed in river water, jacks sired significantly more offspring than hooknoses; however, in OF, there was no difference in paternity between the tactics. Sperm velocity was significantly correlated with paternity success in river water, but not in ovarian fluid. Paternity success in OF, but not in river water alone, was correlated with genetic relatedness between male and female, where males that were less related to the female attained greater paternity. We found no relationship between MHC II ß1 divergence between mates and paternity success in water or OF. Our results indicate that OF can influence the outcome of sperm competition in Chinook salmon, where OF provides both male tactics with fertilization opportunities, which may in part explain what maintains both tactics in nature.  相似文献   

The amount of sequence data available today highly facilitates the access to genes from many gene families. Primers amplifying the desired genes over a range of species are readily obtained by aligning conserved gene regions, and laborious gene isolation procedures can often be replaced by quicker PCR‐based approaches. However, in the case of multigene families, PCR‐based approaches bear the often ignored risk of incomplete isolation of family members. This problem is most prominent in gene families with highly variable and thus unpredictable number of gene copies among species, such as in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In this study, we (i) report new primers for the isolation of the MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) gene family in birds and (ii) share our experience with isolating MHCIIB genes from an unprecedented number of avian species from all over the avian phylogeny. We report important and usually underappreciated problems encountered during PCR‐based multigene family isolation and provide a collection of measures to help significantly improving the chance of successfully isolating complete multigene families using PCR‐based approaches.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict how paternal effort should vary depending on confidence of paternity and on the trade-offs between present and future reproduction. In this study we examine patterns of sperm precedence in Phyllomorpha laciniata and how confidence of paternity influences the willingness of males to carry eggs. Female golden egg bugs show a flexible pattern of oviposition behavior, which results in some eggs being carried by adults (mainly males) and some being laid on plants, where mortality rates are very high. Adults are more vulnerable to predators when carrying eggs; thus, it has been suggested that males should only accept eggs if there are chances that at least some of the eggs will be their true genetic offspring. We determined the confidence of paternity for naturally occurring individuals and its variation with the time. Paternity of eggs fertilized by the last males to mate with females previously mated in the field has been determined using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The exclusion probability was 98%, showing that AFLP markers are suitable for paternity assignment. Sperm mixing seems the most likely mechanism of sperm competition, because the last male to copulate with field females sires an average of 43% of the eggs laid during the next five days. More importantly, the proportion of eggs sired does not change significantly during that period. We argue that intermediate levels of paternity can select for paternal care in this system because: (1) benefits of care in terms of offspring survival are very high; (2) males have nothing to gain from decreasing their parental effort in a given reproductive event because sperm mixing makes it difficult for males to reach high paternity levels and males are left with no cues to assess paternity; (3) males cannot chose to care for their offspring exclusively because they can neither discriminate their own eggs, nor can they predict when their own eggs will be produced; and (4) males suffer no loss of further matings with other females when they carry eggs. Thus, our findings do not support the traditional view that paternal investment is expected to arise only in species where confidence of paternity is high. The results suggest that females maximize the chances that several males will accept eggs at different times by promoting a mechanism of sperm mixing that ensures that all males that have copulated with a female have some chance of fathering offspring, that this probability remains constant with time, and that males have no cues as to when their own offspring will be produced.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are considered a paradigm of adaptive evolution at the molecular level and as such are frequently investigated by evolutionary biologists and ecologists. Accurate genotyping is essential for understanding of the role that MHC variation plays in natural populations, but may be extremely challenging. Here, I discuss the DNA-based methods currently used for genotyping MHC in non-model vertebrates, as well as techniques likely to find widespread use in the future. I also highlight the aspects of MHC structure that are relevant for genotyping, and detail the challenges posed by the complex genomic organization and high sequence variation of MHC loci. Special emphasis is placed on designing appropriate PCR primers, accounting for artefacts and the problem of genotyping alleles from multiple, co-amplifying loci, a strategy which is frequently necessary due to the structure of the MHC. The suitability of typing techniques is compared in various research situations, strategies for efficient genotyping are discussed and areas of likely progress in future are identified. This review addresses the well established typing methods such as the Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP), Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), Reference Strand Conformational Analysis (RSCA) and cloning of PCR products. In addition, it includes the intriguing possibility of direct amplicon sequencing followed by the computational inference of alleles and also next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies; the latter technique may, in the future, find widespread use in typing complex multilocus MHC systems.  相似文献   

Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

We use microsatellite loci to detail the multiple paternity patterns in broods from 10 wild populations of the guppy ( Poecilia reticulata ) found in Northern Trinidad. The populations span two major drainages comprising the Caroni and the Oropouche, and include sites that are characterized by either high or low predation. Across the populations the frequency of multiple paternity is high with 95% (range: 70%–100%) of broods having multiple sires. Broods have an average of 3.5 sires (range: 1–9) and a mixed-model analysis suggests that broods from high predation sites have marginally more sires than do those from low predation sites, but this is true only in the Oropouche drainage. There is no difference in sire number between predation sites in the Caroni drainage. Brood size, but not female body length, is correlated with the number of sires and the correlation cannot be attributed solely to the stochastic process associated with sperm competition and a 'fair raffle'. Within broods there is significant skew in reproductive success among males, which may reflect variation in sperm competitiveness or female choice. There is, however, no difference in the skew among populations from different predation regimes or drainages. Finally, high predation populations were characterized by increased genetic variability at the microsatellite loci, suggesting a larger effective population size. We discuss explanations for the high degree of multiple paternity but the general lack of any major differences among broods from ecologically different populations.  相似文献   

Genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) encode proteins involved in innate and adaptive immune responses. Genetic variation in this region can influence the immune response of an individual animal to challenges from a variety of pathogens; however, a complete documentation of genetic variation in the MHC is lacking for most domestic animals, including horses. To provide additional genetic markers for study of the horse MHC, or ELA (equine lymphocyte antigen), we identified 37 polymorphic microsatellite repeats in ELA and used these variations separately and together with published SNPs to investigate linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype structure in a sample of Thoroughbred horses. ELA SNPs alone detected little LD, but microsatellites, either separately or combined with SNPs, revealed substantially more LD. A subset of markers in very high LD across the breadth of ELA may be predictive of structural polymorphisms or linked epistases that are important drivers of haplotype structure in Thoroughbreds.  相似文献   

Recent attention has focused on the role that sperm competitionmay play in the evolution of sperm morphology. Theoretical analysespredict increased sperm size, decreased sperm size, and no changein sperm size in response to sperm competition, depending onthe assumptions made concerning the life history and functionof sperm. However, although there is good evidence that spermmorphology varies widely within and between species, the adaptivesignificance of this variation has not been examined. Here wedocument significant intraspecific variation in sperm lengthin the field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Sperm length didnot influence the rate of migration of sperm from the spermatophoreto the female's spermatheca. We performed sperm competitiontrials in which we varied the numbers of sperm transferred byeach of two males that differed in the length of sperm theyproduced. Neither sperm length nor the number of sperm transferredinfluenced paternity. The same results were obtained using twodifferent methods for assigning paternity. The distributionof paternity across a female's mates was highly variable, withfrequently one, or more in the case of females mated to fourmales, principal sire. There were no mating order effects onpaternity. These data show that sperm do not mix randomly inthe female's spermatheca. We discuss several alternative explanationsfor the patterns of paternity observed.  相似文献   

Females that mate multiply have the possibility to exert postcopulatory choice and select more compatible sperm to fertilize eggs. Prior work suggests that dissimilarity in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays an important role in determining genetic compatibility between partners. Favouring a partner with dissimilar MHC alleles would result in offspring with high MHC diversity and therefore with enhanced survival thanks to increased resistance to pathogens and parasites. The high variability of MHC genes may further allow discrimination against the sperm from related males, reducing offspring homozygosity and inbreeding risk. Despite the large body of work conducted at precopulatory level, the role of MHC similarity between partners at postcopulatory level has been rarely investigated. We used an internal fertilizing fish with high level of multiple matings (Poecilia reticulata) to study whether MHC similarity plays a role in determining the outcome of fertilization when sperm from two males compete for the same set of eggs. We also controlled for genomewide similarity by determining similarity at 10 microsatellite loci. Contrary to prediction, we found that the more MHC‐similar male sired more offspring while similarity at the microsatellite loci did not predict the outcome of sperm competition. Our results suggest that MHC discrimination may be involved in avoidance of hybridization or outbreeding rather than inbreeding avoidance. This, coupled with similar findings in salmon, suggests that the preference for MHC‐dissimilar mates is far from being unanimous and that pre‐ and postcopulatory episodes of sexual selection can indeed act in opposite directions.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been studied in a multitude of mammals by now, but much less is known about its organisation and variation in other vertebrate species. The mammalian MHC is organised as a single gene cluster, but recent studies on birds suggest that this paradigm of MHC organisation has to be supplemented. The domestic chicken thus possesses two separate gene clusters which both contain MHC class I and class II B genes, and we have shown that the ring‐necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus also has two unlinked clusters of class II B genes. We are studying the effect of the MHC on mate choice, survival and reproductive success in natural populations of birds and reptiles. For this reason, we are developing DNA techniques to determine the animals' MHC genotype. The amplification of the hypervariable exon 3 of the class I gene from songbirds and reptiles has provided us with species specific probes that can be used in Southern blot analysis. The first results indicate very extensive variation in all studied species, that is starlings Sturnus vulgaris, great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus and water pythons Liasis fuscus. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis also suggests that the number of MHC genes is significantly larger in these species than in pheasants and domestic chickens. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Johnson SL  Yund PO 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(15):3253-3262
For free-spawning marine invertebrates, fertilization processes control the genetic diversity of offspring. Each egg can potentially be fertilized by a sperm from a different male, and hence genetic diversity within a brood varies with levels of multiple paternity. Yet, few studies have characterized the frequency of multiple paternity in natural spawns. We analysed patterns of multiple paternity in two populations of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri using microsatellites. Because previous studies have shown that at moderate to high population densities, competition among male-phase B. schlosseri colonies results in the nearest male dominating the paternity of a brood, we specifically tested the effect of population density on patterns of paternity. Paternity was estimated using three multilocus indices: minimum number of fathers, counts of sperm haplotypes, and effective paternity (K(E)). Multiple paternity was evident in more than 92% of the broods analysed, but highly variable, with a few broods displaying unequal contributions of different males. We found no effect of population density on multiple paternity, suggesting that other factors may control paternity levels. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods are a possible explanation for the high level of multiple paternity in this species.  相似文献   

Although theory generally predicts that males should reduce paternal care in response to cues that predict increased sperm competition and decreased paternity, empirical patterns are equivocal. Some studies have found the predicted decrease in male care with increased sperm competition, while even more studies report no effect of paternity or sperm competition on male care. Here, we report the first example, to our knowledge, of paternal care increasing with the risk and intensity of sperm competition, in the ocellated wrasse (Symphodus ocellatus). Theory also predicts that if paternal care varies and is important to female fitness, female choice among males and male indicators traits of expected paternal care should evolve. Despite a non-random distribution of mating success among nests, we found no evidence for female choice among parental males. Finally, we document the highest published levels of extra-pair paternity for a species with exclusive and obligate male care: genetic paternity analyses revealed cuckoldry at 100 per cent of nests and 28 per cent of all offspring were not sired by the male caring for them. While not predicted by any existing theory, these unexpected reproductive patterns become understandable if we consider how male and female mating and parental care interact simultaneously in this and probably many other species.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity in reptiles: patterns and processes   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Uller T  Olsson M 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(11):2566-2580
The evolution of female promiscuity poses an intriguing problem as benefits of mating with multiple males often have to arise via indirect, genetic, effects. Studies on birds have documented that multiple paternity is common in natural populations but strong evidence for selection via female benefits is lacking. In an attempt to evaluate the evidence more broadly, we review studies of multiple paternity in natural populations of all major groups of nonavian reptiles. Multiple paternity has been documented in all species investigated so far and commonly exists in over 50% of clutches, with particularly high levels in snakes and lizards. Marine turtles and lizards with prolonged pair-bonding have relatively low levels of multiple paternity but levels are nevertheless higher than in many vertebrates with parental care. There is no evidence that high levels of polyandry are driven by direct benefits to females and the evidence that multiple paternity arises from indirect genetic benefits is weak. Instead, we argue that the most parsimonious explanation for patterns of multiple paternity is that it represents the combined effect of mate-encounter frequency and conflict over mating rates between males and females driven by large male benefits and relatively small female costs, with only weak selection via indirect benefits. A crucial step for researchers is to move from correlative approaches to experimental tests of assumptions and predictions of theory under natural settings, using a combination of molecular techniques and behavioural observations.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) form a vital part of the vertebrate immune system and play a major role in pathogen resistance. The extremely high levels of polymorphism observed at the MHC are hypothesised to be driven by pathogen‐mediated selection. Although the exact nature of selection remains unclear, three main hypotheses have been put forward; heterozygote advantage, negative frequency‐dependence and fluctuating selection. Here, we report the effects of MHC genotype on survival in a cohort of semi‐natural red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) that suffered severe mortality as a result of an outbreak of the disease coccidiosis. The cohort was followed from hatching until 250 days of age, approximately the age of sexual maturity in this species, during which time over 80% of the birds died. We show that on average birds with MHC heterozygote genotypes survived infection longer than homozygotes and that this effect was independent of genome‐wide heterozygosity, estimated across microsatellite loci. This MHC effect appeared to be caused by a single susceptible haplotype (CD_c) the effect of which was masked in all heterozygote genotypes by other dominant haplotypes. The CD_c homozygous genotype had lower survival than all other genotypes, but CD_c heterozygous genotypes had survival probabilities equal to the most resistant homozygote genotype. Importantly, no heterozygotes conferred greater resistance than the most resistant homozygote genotype, indicating that the observed survival advantage of MHC heterozygotes was the product of dominant, rather than overdominant processes. This pattern and effect of MHC diversity in our population could reflect the processes ongoing in similarly small, fragmented natural populations.  相似文献   

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