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Given a family of related sequences, one can first determinealignments between various pairs of those sequences, then constructa simultaneous alignment of all the sequences that is determinedin a natural manner by the set of pairwise alignments. Thisapproach is sometimes effective for exposing the existence andlocations of conserved regions, which can then be aligned bymore sensitive multiple-alignment methods. This paper presentsan efficient algorithm for constructing a multiple alignmentfrom a set of pairwise alignments.  相似文献   

Constructing multiple homologous alignments for protein-coding DNA sequences is crucial for a variety of bioinformatic analyses but remains computationally challenging. With the growing amount of sequence data available and the ongoing efforts largely dependent on protein-coding DNA alignments, there is an increasing demand for a tool that can process a large number of homologous groups and generate multiple protein-coding DNA alignments. Here we present a parallel tool - ParaAT that is capable of parallelly constructing multiple protein-coding DNA alignments for a large number of homologs. As testified on empirical datasets, ParaAT is well suited for large-scale data analysis in the high-throughput era, providing good scalability and exhibiting high parallel efficiency for computationally demanding tasks. ParaAT is freely available for academic use only at http://cbb.big.ac.cn/software.  相似文献   



The quality of progressive sequence alignments strongly depends on the accuracy of the individual pairwise alignment steps since gaps that are introduced at one step cannot be removed at later aggregation steps. Adjacent insertions and deletions necessarily appear in arbitrary order in pairwise alignments and hence form an unavoidable source of errors.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The power of multi-sequence comparison for biological discovery is well established. The need for new capabilities to visualize and compare cross-species alignment data is intensified by the growing number of genomic sequence datasets being generated for an ever-increasing number of organisms. To be efficient these visualization algorithms must support the ability to accommodate consistently a wide range of evolutionary distances in a comparison framework based upon phylogenetic relationships. RESULTS: We have developed Phylo-VISTA, an interactive tool for analyzing multiple alignments by visualizing a similarity measure for multiple DNA sequences. The complexity of visual presentation is effectively organized using a framework based upon interspecies phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic organization supports rapid, user-guided interspecies comparison. To aid in navigation through large sequence datasets, Phylo-VISTA leverages concepts from VISTA that provide a user with the ability to select and view data at varying resolutions. The combination of multiresolution data visualization and analysis, combined with the phylogenetic framework for interspecies comparison, produces a highly flexible and powerful tool for visual data analysis of multiple sequence alignments. AVAILABILITY: Phylo-VISTA is available at http://www-gsd.lbl.gov/phylovista. It requires an Internet browser with Java Plug-in 1.4.2 and it is integrated into the global alignment program LAGAN at http://lagan.stanford.edu  相似文献   

The selective pressure on a protein-coding gene can be measured by comparing silent (synonymous) and replacement (nonsynonymous) substitution rates. Higher replacement than silent rates provide unequivocal evidence for adaptive evolution driven by Darwinian selection. Previous employment of this criterion involved pairwise sequence comparison, averaging rates over time and sequences, resulting in virtually no power. Recent methods apply the criterion to particular lineages on a phylogeny or to individual sites in the gene and are much more powerful. Their application has led to detection of adaptive Darwinian selection in a number of genes and organisms.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: TOPALi is a new Java graphical analysis application that allows the user to identify recombinant sequences within a DNA multiple alignment (either automatically or via manual investigation). TOPALi allows a choice of three statistical methods to predict the positions of breakpoints due to past recombination. The breakpoint predictions are then used to identify putative recombinant sequences and their relationships to other sequences. In addition to its sophisticated interface, TOPALi can import many sequence formats, estimate and display phylogenetic trees and allow interactive analysis and/or automatic HTML report generation. AVAILABILITY: TOPALi is freely available from http://www.bioss.ac.uk/software.html  相似文献   

Most phylogenetic tree estimation methods assume that there is a single set of hierarchical relationships among sequences in a data set for all sites along an alignment. Mosaic sequences produced by past recombination events will violate this assumption and may lead to misleading results from a phylogenetic analysis due to the imposition of a single tree along the entire alignment. Therefore, the detection of past recombination is an important first step in an analysis. A Bayesian model for the changes in topology caused by recombination events is described here. This model relaxes the assumption of one topology for all sites in an alignment and uses the theory of Hidden Markov models to facilitate calculations, the hidden states being the underlying topologies at each site in the data set. Changes in topology along the multiple sequence alignment are estimated by means of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate. The performance of the MAP estimate is assessed by application of the model to data sets of four sequences, both simulated and real.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping strategy for highly degraded DNA, using a two-stage multiplex whereby multiple fragments are first amplified in a single exponential reaction and the products of this PCR are added to a linear single-base-extension reaction. It utilizes the analytical power of a capillary electrophoresis system to simultaneously type all the target sites. The protocol is specifically written for use with severely fragmented templates, typical of ancient DNA, and can be adapted to widely used detection platforms. The addition of the single-phase genotyping step avoids the need for the re-amplification and cloning of PCR products, while providing its own controls for the detection of contamination and allelic drop-out. This protocol can facilitate the routine analysis of up to 52 SNP markers (haploid or diploid) in 96 samples in a single day, and is recommended for the authentication of data in all areas of DNA research (population and medical genetics, forensics, ancient DNA).  相似文献   

SUMMARY: SOAP is a stand-alone, multi-platform program to test the stability of a multiple alignment of molecular sequences.  相似文献   

Association studies in populations relate genomic variation among individuals with medical condition. Key to these studies is the development of efficient and affordable genotyping techniques. Generic genotyping assays are independent of the target SNPs and offer great flexibility in the genotyping process. Efficient use of such assays calls for identifying sets of SNPs that can be interrogated in parallel under constraints imposed by the genotyping technology. In this paper, we study problems arising in the design of genotyping experiments using generic assays. Our problem formulation deals with two main factors that affect the genotyping cost: the number of assays used and the number of PCR reactions required for sample preparation. We prove that the resulting computational problems are hard, but provide approximate and heuristic solutions to these problems. Our algorithmic approach is based on recasting the multiplexing problems as partitioning and packing problems on a bipartite graph. We tested our algorithmic approaches on an extensive collection of synthetic data and on data that was simulated using real SNP sequences. Our results show that the algorithms achieve near-optimal designs in many cases and demonstrate the applicability of generic assays to SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) is a well-known database of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) which merges information of protein sequences and their three-dimensional structures. It is available for all proteins whose structure is deposited in the PDB. It is also used by STING and (Java)Protein Dossier to calculate and present relative entropy as a measure of the degree of conservation for each residue of proteins whose structure has been solved and deposited in the PDB. However, if the STING and (Java)Protein Dossier are to provide support for analysis of protein structures modeled in computers or being experimentally solved but not yet deposited in the PDB, then we need a new method for building alignments having a flavor of HSSP alignments (myMSAr). The present study describes a new method and its corresponding databank (SH2QS--database of sequences homologue to the query [structure-having] sequence). Our main interest in making myMSAr was to measure the degree of residue conservation for a given query sequence, regardless of whether it has a corresponding structure deposited in the PDB. In this study, we compare the measurement of residue conservation provided by corresponding alignments produced by HSSP and SH2QS. As a case study, we also present two biologically relevant examples, the first one highlighting the equivalence of analysis of the degree of residue conservation by using HSSP or SH2QS alignments, and the second one presenting the degree of residue conservation for a structure modeled in a computer, which , as a consequence, does not have an alignment reported by HSSP.  相似文献   

Conventional phylogenetic tree estimation methods assume that all sites in a DNA multiple alignment have the same evolutionary history. This assumption is violated in data sets from certain bacteria and viruses due to recombination, a process that leads to the creation of mosaic sequences from different strains and, if undetected, causes systematic errors in phylogenetic tree estimation. In the current work, a hidden Markov model (HMM) is employed to detect recombination events in multiple alignments of DNA sequences. The emission probabilities in a given state are determined by the branching order (topology) and the branch lengths of the respective phylogenetic tree, while the transition probabilities depend on the global recombination probability. The present study improves on an earlier heuristic parameter optimization scheme and shows how the branch lengths and the recombination probability can be optimized in a maximum likelihood sense by applying the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. The novel algorithm is tested on a synthetic benchmark problem and is found to clearly outperform the earlier heuristic approach. The paper concludes with an application of this scheme to a DNA sequence alignment of the argF gene from four Neisseria strains, where a likely recombination event is clearly detected.  相似文献   

We describe a new strategy for utilizing multiple sequence alignment information to detect distant relationships in searches of sequence databases. A single sequence representing a protein family is enriched by replacing conserved regions with position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) or consensus residues derived from multiple alignments of family members. In comprehensive tests of these and other family representations, PSSM-embedded queries produced the best results overall when used with a special version of the Smith-Waterman searching algorithm. Moreover, embedding consensus residues instead of PSSMs improved performance with readily available single sequence query searching programs, such as BLAST and FASTA. Embedding PSSMs or consensus residues into a representative sequence improves searching performance by extracting multiple alignment information from motif regions while retaining single sequence information where alignment is uncertain.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: BLAST statistics have been shown to be extremely useful for searching for significant similarity hits, for amino acid and nucleotide sequences. Although these statistics are well understood for pairwise comparisons, there has been little success developing statistical scores for multiple alignments. In particular, there is no score for multiple alignment that is well founded and treated as a standard. We extend the BLAST theory to multiple alignments. Following some simple assumptions, we present and justify a significance score for multiple segments of a local multiple alignment. We demonstrate its usefulness in distinguishing high and moderate quality multiple alignments from low quality ones, with supporting experiments on orthologous vertebrate promoter sequences.  相似文献   



In a computed protein multiple sequence alignment, the coreness of a column is the fraction of its substitutions that are in so-called core columns of the gold-standard reference alignment of its proteins. In benchmark suites of protein reference alignments, the core columns of the reference alignment are those that can be confidently labeled as correct, usually due to all residues in the column being sufficiently close in the spatial superposition of the known three-dimensional structures of the proteins. Typically the accuracy of a protein multiple sequence alignment that has been computed for a benchmark is only measured with respect to the core columns of the reference alignment. When computing an alignment in practice, however, a reference alignment is not known, so the coreness of its columns can only be predicted.


We develop for the first time a predictor of column coreness for protein multiple sequence alignments. This allows us to predict which columns of a computed alignment are core, and hence better estimate the alignment’s accuracy. Our approach to predicting coreness is similar to nearest-neighbor classification from machine learning, except we transform nearest-neighbor distances into a coreness prediction via a regression function, and we learn an appropriate distance function through a new optimization formulation that solves a large-scale linear programming problem. We apply our coreness predictor to parameter advising, the task of choosing parameter values for an aligner’s scoring function to obtain a more accurate alignment of a specific set of sequences. We show that for this task, our predictor strongly outperforms other column-confidence estimators from the literature, and affords a substantial boost in alignment accuracy.

The use of some multiple-sequence alignments in phylogenetic analysis, particularly those that are not very well conserved, requires the elimination of poorly aligned positions and divergent regions, since they may not be homologous or may have been saturated by multiple substitutions. A computerized method that eliminates such positions and at the same time tries to minimize the loss of informative sites is presented here. The method is based on the selection of blocks of positions that fulfill a simple set of requirements with respect to the number of contiguous conserved positions, lack of gaps, and high conservation of flanking positions, making the final alignment more suitable for phylogenetic analysis. To illustrate the efficiency of this method, alignments of 10 mitochondrial proteins from several completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes belonging to diverse eukaryotes were used as examples. The percentages of removed positions were higher in the most divergent alignments. After removing divergent segments, the amino acid composition of the different sequences was more uniform, and pairwise distances became much smaller. Phylogenetic trees show that topologies can be different after removing conserved blocks, particularly when there are several poorly resolved nodes. Strong support was found for the grouping of animals and fungi but not for the position of more basal eukaryotes. The use of a computerized method such as the one presented here reduces to a certain extent the necessity of manually editing multiple alignments, makes the automation of phylogenetic analysis of large data sets feasible, and facilitates the reproduction of the final alignment by other researchers.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Molecular biologists frequently can obtain interesting insight by aligning a set of related DNA, RNA or protein sequences. Such alignments can be used to determine either evolutionary or functional relationships. Our interest is in identifying functional relationships. Unless the sequences are very similar, it is necessary to have a specific strategy for measuring-or scoring-the relatedness of the aligned sequences. If the alignment is not known, one can be determined by finding an alignment that optimizes the scoring scheme. RESULTS: We describe four components to our approach for determining alignments of multiple sequences. First, we review a log-likelihood scoring scheme we call information content. Second, we describe two methods for estimating the P value of an individual information content score: (i) a method that combines a technique from large-deviation statistics with numerical calculations; (ii) a method that is exclusively numerical. Third, we describe how we count the number of possible alignments given the overall amount of sequence data. This count is multiplied by the P value to determine the expected frequency of an information content score and, thus, the statistical significance of the corresponding alignment. Statistical significance can be used to compare alignments having differing widths and containing differing numbers of sequences. Fourth, we describe a greedy algorithm for determining alignments of functionally related sequences. Finally, we test the accuracy of our P value calculations, and give an example of using our algorithm to identify binding sites for the Escherichia coli CRP protein. AVAILABILITY: Programs were developed under the UNIX operating system and are available by anonymous ftp from ftp://beagle.colorado.edu/pub/consensus.  相似文献   

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